945 resultados para Advantages and disadvantages
This master thesis aims to assess the influence of the design decisions on the energy building performance of hotels. The research is based on the integration of field study and computer simulation. Firstly, a detailed field study is carried out to identify the characteristics of hotels in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The items assessed are occupancies, light and equipment densities, types of air conditioning, total and monthly energy consumption, among others. A second and more comprehensive field study is carried out to identify the range of occurrence of architectural variables, with a larger number of buildings. A base case is modelled in VisualDOE, based on the first field study. Then, a first set of simulations are run to explore the sensitivity of the variables on the energy consumption. The results analyses were the base of a second set of simulations, which combined the most influential variables. The results of 384 models were assessed, and the impacts of design decisions were quantified. The study discusses tendencies and recommendations, as well as the methods advantages and disadvantages
El presente artículo intentará dar un alcance hacia los impactos que se visualizan en la aplicación de normas internacionales de contabilidad en el tratamiento de los aportes sociales de las cooperativas, para Bogotá. En nuestro sistema cooperativo, en función de proteger al socio, incluso frente al riesgo de amenazar la estabilidad de la cooperativa, se ha reconocido un derecho al reembolso de los aportes sociales, que la cooperativa tiene que atender aunque esto signifique reducir el capital estatutario o incluso la disolución de la organización. El artículo muestra la importancia de analizar el impacto de nuevos estándares contables para revelar la situación financiera de la empresa y la forma en que estos afectaran no solo el patrimonio que es el capital de la empresa sino la figura de este tipo de organizaciones. De igual manera hace un análisis de las ventajas y desventajas de esta aplicación y finalmente una comparación de los estados financieros de una cooperativa antes y después de la implementación. Palabras Clave Cooperativa, capital social, Instrumentos financieros, Normas internacionales de contabilidad y patrimonio.
Increasing in resolution of numerical weather prediction models has allowed more and more realistic forecasts of atmospheric parameters. Due to the growing variability into predicted fields the traditional verification methods are not always able to describe the model ability because they are based on a grid-point-by-grid-point matching between observation and prediction. Recently, new spatial verification methods have been developed with the aim of show the benefit associated to the high resolution forecast. Nested in among of the MesoVICT international project, the initially aim of this work is to compare the newly tecniques remarking advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the MesoVICT basic examples, represented by synthetic precipitation fields, have been examined. Giving an error evaluation in terms of structure, amplitude and localization of the precipitation fields, the SAL method has been studied more thoroughly respect to the others approaches with its implementation in the core cases of the project. The verification procedure has concerned precipitation fields over central Europe: comparisons between the forecasts performed by the 00z COSMO-2 model and the VERA (Vienna Enhanced Resolution Analysis) have been done. The study of these cases has shown some weaknesses of the methodology examined; in particular has been highlighted the presence of a correlation between the optimal domain size and the extention of the precipitation systems. In order to increase ability of SAL, a subdivision of the original domain in three subdomains has been done and the method has been applied again. Some limits have been found in cases in which at least one of the two domains does not show precipitation. The overall results for the subdomains have been summarized on scatter plots. With the aim to identify systematic errors of the model the variability of the three parameters has been studied for each subdomain.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré- Escolar e 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
A estética dentária tem recebido bastante enfoque nos últimos anos, particularmente devido à importância a que a população atribui à aparência estética do sorriso. É, assim, desejado um sorriso o mais branco possível e que de preferência seja fácil de obter, eficaz, rápido, económico e que seja o menos invasivo possível. No entanto, muitos pacientes apresentam frequentemente dentes com cor alterada, comprometendo desta forma a estética do sorriso. O branqueamento dentário é uma técnica não invasiva, conservadora que não altera a forma natural do dente, e que permite alterações estéticas consideráveis. A procura de uma melhoria estética a todos os níveis, leva a que o Branqueamento dentário se apresente hoje como método de eleição para a remoção da pigmentação dentária. Recorre-se assim a substâncias oxidantes, que na maioria dos casos têm origem no Peróxido de Hidrogénio (H2O2). Um dos efeitos secundários ao Branqueamento, prende-se com a sensibilidade dentária, sendo que esta pode originar algum desconforto ou mesmo ser condicionante para a não realização ou término do tratamento. Para se atingir sucesso num tratamento branqueador é da maior importância o diagnóstico preciso da etiologia da alteração de cor, por isso uma anamnese detalhada e um exame clínico e dentário são da maior importância para se poder aconselhar o paciente pelo melhor tratamento a adotar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a informação científica disponível sobre as técnicas disponíveis para realizar branqueamento dentário, vantagens e desvantagens de cada técnica, agentes branqueadores utilizados, mecanismos de ação e os seus efeitos adversos. Para tal foi efetuada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados PubMed e B-On de artigos publicados entre 2006-2016 com as seguintes palavras-chave: dental bleaching, teeth whitening, peroxides, branqueamento dentário, clareamento dentário. O branqueamento dentário, apresenta algumas limitações e contra-indicações, assim como vários efeitos adversos, que devem ser do conhecimento do Médico para este poder intervir devidamente. Foi percetível que um tratamento branqueador depende de inúmeros fatores e que a forma de atuação do profissional é tão importante para o sucesso do tratamento como o tipo de agente branqueador utilizado.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a técnica da Expansão Rápida da Maxila, comparando os tipos de aparelhos recomendados consoante as diferentes propriedades, vantagens e desvantagens associadas. Quando pensamos em um padrão normal para a oclusão temos em mente uma correta relação entre as bases apicais em que a arcada maxilar deverá englobar a arcada mandibular permitindo o equilíbrio entre ambas. Quando ocorre uma redução das dimensões transversais da maxila nos vemos diante de atresias, entre elas uma anomalia de má oclusão bastante frequente na nossa clínica, a mordida cruzada posterior. Quando isto acontece o profissional precisa buscar uma correção da conformação do arco através da expansão rápida da maxila abrindo a sutura palatina mediana por meio de aparelhos expansores fixos tais como o de Haas (dento-muco-suportado) ou os classificados como dento-suportados como o Hyrax ou o disjuntor de McNamara, na dentição decídua, mista ou permanente e até mesmo em pacientes adultos com protocolos diferenciados para cada faixa etária. Caso o indivíduo apresente uma calcificação óssea avançada da sutura mediana deve ser encaminhado para a expansão rápida da maxila cirurgicamente assistida.
A key component of Iowa’s transportation system is the public roadway system owned and maintained by the state, cities and counties. In order to regularly evaluate the conditions of Iowa’s public roadway infrastructure and assess the ability of existing revenues to meet the needs of the system, the Iowa Department of Transportation’s 2006 Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) report to the legislature included a recommendation that a study be conducted every five years. That recommendation was included in legislation adopted in 2007 and signed into law. The law specifically requires the following (2016 Iowa Code Section 307.31): “The department shall periodically review the current revenue levels of the road use tax fund and the sufficiency of those revenues for the projected construction and maintenance needs of city, county, and state governments in the future. The department shall submit a written report to the general assembly regarding its findings by December 31 every five years, beginning in 2011. The report may include recommendations concerning funding levels needed to support the future mobility and accessibility for users of Iowa's public road system.” “The department shall evaluate alternative funding sources for road maintenance and construction and report to the general assembly at least every five years on the advantages and disadvantages and the viability of alternative funding mechanisms.” To comply with this requirement, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) prepared a 2011 RUTF Study (www.iowadot.gov/pdf_files/RUTFStudy2011.pdf). This study relied heavily on the work of the Governor’s Transportation 2020 Citizen Advisory Commission (CAC), established by Governor Terry E. Branstad to assist the Iowa DOT as it assessed the condition of Iowa’s roadway system and evaluated current and future funding available to best address system needs. The 2011 RUTF Study ultimately led to the passage of Senate File 257 in the 2015 legislative session that was signed into law on February 25, 2015. The major component of this bill was the increase of the state fuel tax rate on March 1, 2015, in order to meet the critical need funding shortfall identified in the study. With the recent increase in the state fuel tax rate, jurisdictions across Iowa are now putting those additional funds into road and bridge construction projects. With one full construction season complete following the increase in funding, it is difficult to accurately assess the long-term impact on construction needs. Therefore, this 2016 RUTF Study focuses on the actions taken since the 2011 RUTF Study and on alternative funding mechanisms.
Esta tesis pretende demostrar y describir las diferentes características de los montacargas que existen en el mercado, teniendo en cuenta sus ventajas y desventajas, logrando como objetivo analizar la viabilidad de la implementación de los montacargas eléctricos en la industria colombiana a partir de la información brindada sobre las características esenciales de los montacargas eléctricos que hay en el mercado. Así mismo, se quiere mostrar que los montacargas eléctricos generan un ahorro sustancial en comparación con los montacargas convencionales que hay hoy en día en el mercado, logrando así que la industria colombiana reduzca sus gastos en un porcentaje mediante la implementación de las nuevas referencias de montacargas eléctricos los cuales serian una alternativa para las compañías colombianas. Mediante una detallada revisión conceptual, se mostrara la viabilidad de los montacargas eléctricos frente a los otros tipos de montacargas, teniendo como premisa el conocimiento de lo que hoy en día requieren las industrias colombianas, y cumpliendo así con una detallada comparación en donde se enfatice la diferenciación de los montacargas eléctricos con otros tipos que existen y se logre brindar una clara percepción de estos junto con las ventajas de estos vehículos para lograr así brindar mayor información a la industria colombiana sobre las ventajas de la implementación de los montacargas eléctricos en la industria colombiana.
En el presente trabajo se realiza una investigación acerca de la tecnología de liofilización, que comprende un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. Esto con la finalidad de conocer la posibilidad de exportar frutas liofilizadas a países pertenecientes de la Unión Europea y la EFTA. La investigación inicia con la recolección de información como la historia de la tecnología de liofilización, su proceso, ventajas y desventajas de aplicación, equipos y funciones necesarias para su realización y se ejemplifican dos empresas colombianas que en la actualidad utilizan esta tecnología. Adicionalmente, se evidencia la diferencia que existe entre este proceso y la deshidratación con calor. Posteriormente, se realiza una matriz de selección de países en la que se tienen en cuenta variables políticas, económicas, culturales y legales de los 32 países pertenecientes a la Unión Europea y la EFTA. Con base en esto se eligieron los dos países cuyo resultado presentaba mayor favorabilidad para la actividad a realizar, estos fueron Suiza y Suecia, para los cuales se hizo un estudio de mercado, teniendo en cuenta seis etapas: contactos, potencial de ventas del mercado, análisis competitivo, condiciones de entrada al país, condiciones financieras y de entrada al mercado y selección del país objetivo. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones que la información recolectada permitió obtener.
O presente relatório de conclusão do curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora é baseado no estágio curricular realizado no hospital de equinos “Pferdeklinik in Kirchheim” na Alemanha e em clínica ambulatória com a Dra. Rita Rocha Pires na zona da Grande Lisboa e no concurso de saltos de obstáculos internacional de Vilamoura. O presente relatório é dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte apresenta a casuística nos dois locais do estágio e descreve alguns dos casos clínicos e cirúrgicos acompanhados nas diferentes áreas da clínica de equinos. A segunda parte aborda uma monografia sobre as vantagens e desvantagens de diferentes tipos de tratamento de fraturas completas do terceiro osso do metacarpo/tarso e apresenta um caso clinico de fratura cominutiva do terceiro osso do metatarso, o qual foi acompanhado durante o estágio na Alemanha; EQUINE CLINICS AND SURGERY ABSTRACT: The present report is based on the curricular internship, integrated on the Master´s degree in veterinary medicine at the University of Évora, which took place at the equine hospital “Pferdeklinik in Kirchheim” in Germany and at outpatient clinic with Dr. Rita Rocha Pires in the Greater Lisbon area and at the international show jumping competition in Vilamoura. This report is divided into two sections. The first section presents the casuistry at the two internship sites and describes some of the clinical and surgical cases followed in different areas of equine clinics. The second section develops a monograph on the advantages and disadvantages of different types of treatment for complete third metacarpal/tarsal bone fractures and presents a clinical case of a comminuted third metatarsal bone fracture, which was accompanied during the internship in Germany.
Anaerobic digestion (AD) of wastewater is a very interesting option for waste valorization, energy production and environment protection. It is a complex, naturally occurring process that can take place inside bioreactors. The capability of predicting the operation of such bioreactors is important to optimize the design and the operation conditions of the reactors, which, in part, justifies the numerous AD models presently available. The existing AD models are not universal, have to be inferred from prior knowledge and rely on existing experimental data. Among the tasks involved in the process of developing a dynamical model for AD, the estimation of parameters is one of the most challenging. This paper presents the identifiability analysis of a nonlinear dynamical model for a batch reactor. Particular attention is given to the structural identifiability of the model, which considers the uniqueness of the estimated parameters. To perform this analysis, the GenSSI toolbox was used. The estimation of the model parameters is achieved with genetic algorithms (GA) which have already been used in the context of AD modelling, although not commonly. The paper discusses its advantages and disadvantages.
El presente artículo muestra la aplicación de un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) con una interfase con manejador de base de datos. El SIG utilizado es de modelo raster sin la capacidad de desarrollar una base de datos descriptiva. La aplicación desarrollada es conocida como Sistema de Información Geográfica para Gobiernos Locales (SIGGLO)y el área donde se implementó fue en el cantón de santo Domingo de la provincia de Heredia. En el apartado Los Planes de ordenamiento Territorial se discute sobre la utilidad que posee este tipo de instrumentos, que regulan el ordenamiento a nivel local y en forma paralela los autores presentan sus inquietudes del porqué los planes reguladores no han tenido el éxito deseado. Posteriormente, se presenta la visión de los autores sobre Los Planes de ordenamiento Manuales vs. Automatizados, el cual permite presentar las ventajas y desventajas que poseen los SiGs para implementar un Plan de Ordenamiento a través de esta tecnología. Seguidamente se presenta en detalle la experiencia obtenida con el SIGGLO, donde se explica la utilización del SIG y de un paquete de digitalización para combinar luego ambos con un manejador de bases de datos. Por último, se presentan una serie de restricciones que tiene el SIGGLO, también las recomendaciones que se deberían considerar al implementar un nuevo proyecto bajo la metodología del SIGGLO. ABSTRACTThe present article presents an application of a data base management system interfacing with a Geographical Information System (GIS). The utilized GIS for the project is a raster based system without the ability to develop a descriptive data base. This system is called Geographical Information System for Local Governments (SIGGLO) and was implemented in the canton of Santo Domingo, Costa Rica. It is mentioned in Territorial Organization Plans the utility that GIS systems have in regulating organization on a local level. In parallel form, the authors present their doubts of why these regulatory plans have not had the desired success. Afterwards, the authors present their vision of an Organization Plan for Manual and Automated functions which permit the presentation of the advantages and disadvantages that contain GIS in order to implement a Organization Plan with these technologies. Following this is a detailed presentation of the experience obtained with SIGGLO and where it is explained the utility of the GIS and of a digitizing software package which was later combined in the data base management system. Finally, a series of restrictions is presented that SIGGLO has which also contains details of recommendations that should be considered upon implementing a new project under the SIGGLO methodology.
In this project an optimal pose selection method for the calibration of an overconstrained Cable-Driven Parallel robot is presented. This manipulator belongs to a subcategory of parallel robots, where the classic rigid "legs" are replaced by cables. Cables are flexible elements that bring advantages and disadvantages to the robot modeling. For this reason, there are many open research issues, and the calibration of geometric parameters is one of them. The identification of the geometry of a robot, in particular, is usually called Kinematic Calibration. Many methods have been proposed in the past years for the solution of the latter problem. Although these methods are based on calibration using different kinematic models, when the robot’s geometry becomes more complex, their robustness and reliability decrease. This fact makes the selection of the calibration poses more complicated. The position and the orientation of the endeffector in the workspace become important in terms of selection. Thus, in general, it is necessary to evaluate the robustness of the chosen calibration method, by means, for example, of a parameter such as the observability index. In fact, it is known from the theory, that the maximization of the above mentioned index identifies the best choice of calibration poses, and consequently, using this pose set may improve the calibration process. The objective of this thesis is to analyze optimization algorithms which aim to calculate an optimal choice of poses both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Quantitatively, because it is of fundamental importance to understand how many poses are needed. Not necessarily a greater number of poses leads to a better result. Qualitatively, because it is useful to understand if the selected combination of poses actually gives additional information in the process of the identification of the parameters.
In the last few years there has been a great development of techniques like quantum computers and quantum communication systems, due to their huge potentialities and the growing number of applications. However, physical qubits experience a lot of nonidealities, like measurement errors and decoherence, that generate failures in the quantum computation. This work shows how it is possible to exploit concepts from classical information in order to realize quantum error-correcting codes, adding some redundancy qubits. In particular, the threshold theorem states that it is possible to lower the percentage of failures in the decoding at will, if the physical error rate is below a given accuracy threshold. The focus will be on codes belonging to the family of the topological codes, like toric, planar and XZZX surface codes. Firstly, they will be compared from a theoretical point of view, in order to show their advantages and disadvantages. The algorithms behind the minimum perfect matching decoder, the most popular for such codes, will be presented. The last section will be dedicated to the analysis of the performances of these topological codes with different error channel models, showing interesting results. In particular, while the error correction capability of surface codes decreases in presence of biased errors, XZZX codes own some intrinsic symmetries that allow them to improve their performances if one kind of error occurs more frequently than the others.
The participation in the Language Toolkit program—a joint initiative of the Department of Interpretation and Translation of Forlì (University of Bologna) and the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna—led to the creation of this dissertation. This program aims to support the internationalization of SMEs while also introducing near-graduates to a real professional context. The author collaborated on this project with Leonori, a company that produces and sells high jewelry products online and through retailers. The purpose of this collaboration is to translate and localize a part of the company website from Italian into Chinese, so as to facilitate their internationalization process to Chinese-speaking countries. This dissertation is organized according to the usual stages a translator goes through when carrying out a translation task. First and foremost, however, it was necessary to provide a theoretical background pertaining to the topics of the project. Specifically, the first chapter introduces the Language Toolkit program, the concept of internationalization and the company itself. The second chapter is dedicated to the topic of inverse translation, including the advantages and disadvantages of this practice. The third chapter highlights the main features of localization, with a particular emphasis on web localization. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of the source text, according to the looping model developed by Nord (1991). The fifth chapter describes in detail the methods implemented for the creation of the language resources i.e., two comparable monolingual corpora and a termbase, which were built ad hoc for this specific project. In the sixth chapter all the translation strategies that were implemented are outlined, providing some examples from the source text. The final chapter describes the revision process, which occurred both during and after the translation phase.