990 resultados para 13201-002
A mathematical model is developed to simulate the co-transport of viruses and colloids in unsaturated porous media under steady-state flow conditions. The virus attachment to the mobile and immobile colloids is described using a linear reversible kinetic model. Colloid transport is assumed to be decoupled from virus transport; that is, we assume that colloids are not affected by the presence of attached viruses on their surface. The governing equations,are solved numerically using an alternating three-step operator splitting approach. The model is verified by fitting three sets of experimental data published in the literature: (1) Syngouna and Chrysikopoulos (2013) and (2) Walshe et al. (2010), both on the co-transport of viruses and clay colloids under saturated conditions, and (3) Syngouna and Cluysikopoulos (2015) for the co-transport of viruses and clay colloids under unsaturated conditions. We found a good agreement between observed and fitted breakthrough curves (BTCs) under both saturated and unsaturated conditions. Then, the developed model was used to simulate the co-transport of viruses and colloids in porous media under unsaturated conditions, with the aim of understanding the relative importance of various processes on the co-transport of viruses and colloids in unsaturated porous media. The virus retention in porous media in the presence of colloids is greater during unsaturated conditions as compared to the saturated conditions due to: (1) virus attachment to the air-water interface (AWI), and (2) co-deposition of colloids with attached viruses on its surface to the AWL A sensitivity analysis of the model to various parameters showed that the virus attachment to AWI is the most sensitive parameter affecting the BTCs of both free viruses and total mobile viruses and has a significant effect on all parts of the BTC. The free and the total mobile viruses BTCs are mainly influenced by parameters describing virus attachment to the AIM, virus interaction with mobile and immobile colloids, virus attachment to solid-water interface (SWI), and colloid interaction with SWI and AWL The virus BTC is relatively insensitive to parameters describing the maximum adsorption capacity of the AWI for colloids, inlet colloid concentration, virus detachment rate coefficient from the SW!, maximum adsorption capacity of the AWI for viruses and inlet virus concentration. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We have estimated a metallicity map of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using the Magellanic Cloud Photometric Survey (MCPS) and Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE III) photometric data. This is a first of its kind map of metallicity up to a radius of 4 degrees-5 degrees, derived using photometric data and calibrated using spectroscopic data of Red Giant Branch (RGB) stars. We identify the RGB in the V, (V - I) colour-magnitude diagrams of small subregions of varying sizes in both data sets. We use the slope of the RGB as an indicator of the average metallicity of a subregion, and calibrate the RGB slope to metallicity using spectroscopic data for field and cluster red giants in selected subregions. The average metallicity of the LMC is found to be Fe/H] = -0.37 dex (sigmaFe/H] = 0.12) from MCPS data, and Fe/H] = -0.39 dex (sigmaFe/H] = 0.10) from OGLE III data. The bar is found to be the most metal-rich region of the LMC. Both the data sets suggest a shallow radial metallicity gradient up to a radius of 4 kpc (-0.049 +/- 0.002 dex kpc(-1) to -0.066 +/- 0.006 dex kpc(-1)). Subregions in which the mean metallicity differs from the surrounding areas do not appear to correlate with previously known features; spectroscopic studies are required in order to assess their physical significance.
This paper investigates the effect of particle size of sand and the surface asperities of reinforcing material on their interlocking mechanism and its influence on the interfacial shear strength under direct sliding condition. Three sands of different sizes with similar morphological characteristics and four different types of reinforcing materials with different surface features were used in this study. Interface direct shear tests on these materials were performed in a specially developed symmetric loading interface direct shear test setup. Morphological characteristics of sand particles were determined from digital image analysis and the surface roughness of the reinforcing materials was measured using an analytical expression developed for this purpose. Interface direct shear tests at three different normal stresses were carried out by shearing the sand on the reinforcing material fixed to a smooth surface. Test results revealed that the peak interfacial friction and dilation angles are hugely dependent upon the interlocking between the sand particles and the asperities of reinforcing material, which in turn depends on the relative size of sand particles and asperities. Asperity ratio (AS/D-50) of interlocking materials, which is defined as the ratio of asperity spacing of the reinforcing material and the mean particle size of sand was found to govern the interfacial shear strength with highest interfacial strength measured when the asperity ratio was equal to one, which represents the closest fitting of sand particles into the asperities. It was also understood that the surface roughness of the reinforcing material influences the shear strength to an extent, the influence being more pronounced in coarser particles. Shear bands in the interface shear tests were analysed through image segmentation technique and it was observed that the ratio of shear band thickness (t) to the median particle size (D-50) was maximum when the AS/D-50 was equal to one. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Significant research has been pursued to develop solar selective metallic coatings using a variety of coating deposition techniques, with limited attempts to assess the properties of bulk metallic materials for solar energy applications. In developing bulk solar reflectors with good reflectance in the entire solar range, we report a new class of reflector materials based on Cu-Sn intermetallics with tailored substitution of aluminium or zinc. Our experimental results suggest that the arc melted-suction cast Cu (78.8 at%)-Al (21.2 at%) alloy with nanoscale surface roughness can exhibit a combination of 89% bulk specular reflectance and 83% bulk solar reflectance, together with a hardness of 2 GPa. We show that the present alloy design approach paves the way for further opportunities of tuning the spectral properties of this new class of solar reflector material. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It is known that all the vector bundles of the title can be obtained by holomorphic induction from representations of a certain parabolic group on finite-dimensional inner product spaces. The representations, and the induced bundles, have composition series with irreducible factors. We write down an equivariant constant coefficient differential operator that intertwines the bundle with the direct sum of its irreducible factors. As an application, we show that in the case of the closed unit ball in C-n all homogeneous n-tuples of Cowen-Douglas operators are similar to direct sums of certain basic n-tuples. (c) 2015 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Present paper is the first one in the series devoted to the dynamics of traveling waves emerging in the uncompressed, tri-atomic granular crystals. This work is primarily concerned with the dynamics of one-dimensional periodic granular trimer (tri-atomic) chains in the state of acoustic vacuum. Each unit cell consists of three spherical particles of different masses subject to periodic boundary conditions. Hertzian interaction law governs the mutual interaction of these particles. Under the assumption of zero pre-compression, this interaction is modeled as purely nonlinear, which means the absence of linear force component. The dynamics of such chains is governed by the two system parameters that scale the mass ratios between the particles of the unit cell. Such a system supports two different classes of periodic solutions namely the traveling and standing waves. The primary objective of the present study is the numerical analysis of the bifurcation structure of these solutions with emphasis on the dynamics of traveling waves. In fact, understanding of the bifurcation structure of the traveling wave solutions emerging in the unit-cell granular trimer is rather important and can shed light on the more complex nonlinear wave phenomena emerging in semi-infinite trimer chains. (c) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Resumen: Existen evidencias que señalan zonas en la pampa húmeda con deficiencias de micronutrientes como el cinc, el boro y el cobre para el cultivo de maíz. Se cree que la fertilización foliar puede ser la técnica apropiada para cubrir estas deficiencias originando incrementos en los rendimientos. Por otra parte, mediante esta técnica es posible agregar pequeñas cantidades de macro-nutrientes que pueden incrementar el rendimiento. Sin embargo esta no es una práctica generalizada en la Argentina y probablemente se deba a su respuesta de baja magnitud y muchas veces errática en ensayos. En consecuencia se realizó un trabajo con el objetivo de encontrar la respuesta promedio en rendimiento del maíz que esta técnica posee. Por un lado se llevaron a cabo cuatro ensayos en la campaña 2009/2010 para encontrar esta respuesta y por el otro se realizó un meta-análisis estadístico, que resumió 31 ensayos, totalizando 108 tratamientos sin contabilizar testigos. El meta-análisis estadístico es una herramienta estadística ampliamente utilizada en otros países y otros campos de estudio como la medicina, pero es en la Argentina algo novedoso. Se incluyeron en este meta-análisis ensayos de Satus Ager S.A., empresa sin interés comercial en la venta de fertilizantes y del INTA como organismo técnico independiente. En las publicaciones de estos ensayos, de los 108 tratamientos evaluados solamente un 6,4% eran señalados como significativamente distintos a sus testigos, demostrando la escasa potencia de los ensayos pequeños para detectar incrementos en el rendimiento. Al realizar el meta-análisis se detectó heterogeneidad y falta de normalidad en los datos, la que fue solucionada subdividiendo a los ensayos en líneas endocriadas e híbridos. Los fertilizantes foliares aumentaron el rendimiento en 3,8% y 5,7% para las líneas endocriadas y los híbridos respectivamente. Ambas respuestas fueron estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,0001). Para los híbridos se encontró, además, que a mayor rendimiento del testigo, mayor respuesta del fertilizante, no solo en kg sino también en % (p = 0,002).
Con aproximadamente un tercio de la población viviendo con ingresos inferiores a la línea de pobreza, la preocupación por mejorar la distribución del ingreso en nuestro país es legítima. En este marco, resulta muy pertinente evaluar estrategias que tiendan a fortalecer el salario mínimo y asegurar su funcionalidad, especialmente en un contexto de informalidad masiva como el que prevalece en Argentina. La propuesta que se analiza en este número es que el salario mínimo sea no imponible para la determinación de las cargas sociales en pequeñas empresas. Esto incentivaría un proceso de “blanqueo” en las relaciones laborales y fortalecería la “cultura del trabajo”
Chavarria, E; Hernández, J. 2,006. Biomasa y nutrientes de árboles de sombra temporal y permanente en sistemas agroforestales con Coffea arabiga L de 5 años en el pacífico de Nicaragua. La presente investigación se realizó en sistemas agroforestales con café (Coffea arábiga L.) en el Municipio de Masatepe, Nicaragua, determinando el aporte de biomasa y los contenidos de N, P, K, Ca y Mg. de la sombra temporal y permanente. Se evaluaron dos factores de estudio en un diseño de bloques completamente al azar con arreglo de parcelas subdivididas: A) Tipo de sombra: temporal estableciéndose de forma homogénea y mixtas, especies de leguminosas más no leguminosas para sombra de café como Cajanus cajan y Ricinus communis y en sombra permanente, especies de árboles leguminosas y/o maderables (Inga laurina, Simarouba glauca, Samanea saman, Tabebuia rosea) y una parcela de café a pleno sol, distribuidas en parcelas grandes; B) Los niveles de insumos: Convencional Intensivo (CI) y Convencional Extensivo (CE), Orgánico Intensivo (OI) y Orgánico Extensivo (OE); relativos a aportes de nutrientes, manejo de enfermedades, malezas e insectos dañinos. La biomasa de sombra temporal se cuantificó en 2,002 por podas y 2,003 por eliminación de la misma. También se cuantificó la biomasa en la sombra permanente por podas en 2,004 y de raleo 2,005. La biomasa total por especie y tratamientos en sombra temporal y permanente, se obtuvieron a partir de los componentes hojas, tallos menores a 2 cm, tallos mayores de 2 cm de diámetro y tronco. Se tomó una muestra de biomasa fresca por tratamiento, se secó al horno a temperaturas de 65 ºC, para obtener el contenido de materia seca. A este mismo material, se procedió a la determinación de las concentraciones de los elementos minerales anteriormente mencionados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la especie de sombra temporal no leguminosa Higuera (Ricinus communis) presentó el mayor aporte de materia seca con 4,356 kg ha-1 en dos años (2,002 + 2,003), representando también los mayores contenidos de N, P, K, Ca y Mg con 82, 28, 165, 68 y 57 kg ha-1 respectivamente. Respecto a las especies de sombra permanente, sometidas al manejo de poda el nivel de sombra Il+Sg produce los mayores aportes de MS con 5,695.66 kg ha-1 a-1 de los cuales el 39 % se recicla en el sistema, este mismo tipo de sombra aporta al sistema los mayores contenidos de N, P, K, Ca y Mg con 64, 55, 55, 66 y 36 % respectivamente. En el manejo de raleo el tipo de sombra que produjo mayor cantidad de MS es Sg+Tr con 9,096.89 kg ha-1 a-1 aportando al sistema el 45 %, este mismo tipo de sombra aporta al sistema las mayores cantidades de N, P, K, Ca y Mg con 67, 54, 70, 80 y 44 % respectivamente. Los porcentaje restante de materia seca y nutrientes tanto en poda y raleo correspondiente a tallos mayores de 2 cm de diámetro, es extraído del sistema como leña y postes respectivamente.
ZnO piezoelectric thin films were prepared on crystal substrate Si(111) by sol-gel technology, then characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The ZnO films characterized by X-ray diffraction are highly oriented in (002) direction with the growing of the film thickness. The morphologies, roughness and grain size of ZnO film investigated by AFM show that roughness and grain size of ZnO piezoelectric films decrease with the increase of the film thickness. The roughness dimension is 2.188-0.914 nm. The piezoelectric coefficient d(33) was investigated with a piezo-response force microscope (PFM). The results show that the piezoelectric coefficient increases with the increase of thickness and (002) orientation. When the force reference is close to surface roughness of the films, the piezoelectric coefficient measured is inaccurate and fluctuates in a large range, but when the force reference is big, the piezoelectric coefficient d(33) changes little and ultimately keeps constant at a low frequency.
El presente trabajo se realizó en los registros de un Hato Cebú en la empresa Genética Jorge Camargo, ubicada a11 ½ kilómetros de la Ciudad de Rivas, a una latitud 11 26.N y una longitud de 85 50’w y una elevación de msnm, con temperatura promedio anual, humedad relativa y precipitación promedio anual en los últimos catorce años de 26.22C, 80.23% y 1.150mm respectivamente. Las variables en estudio fueron PNC, EDC, PMDC, PDC205D, GMDD con promedio de 31.004+2.67kg, 6.039-+ 0.937 mes, 409.84+ 36.98 kg, 181.5+ 28.99 kg, 0741+_ 0.159 kg respectivamente. En el ANDEVA las variables PNC, EDC, PDC205D, GMDD resultaron significativas para el año de parto (AP) para PNC, EDC, PMDC, PDC205D, GMDD resultaros significativas el mes de parto (MP) y para EDC resulto significativo la EMP no así para PNC, GMDD. Las correlaciones lineales EDC con PNC resulto ser significativa y con un valor de -0.06 de la misma manera la EDC, GMDD, EMP, EMDC con PDC205D resultaron ser significativa con valor de -0.637 y -0.20 respectivamente. La dependencia y valor de -0.637 y -0.20 respectivamente. La dependencia lineal de PNC con SC es significativa con un valor -1.01 kg/kg, asimismo el PDC205D con GMDD, PNC y EMDC resultan significativos y con valor de 1.0 kg/kg, 1.0 Kg/kg y -.025 kg/mes respectivamente, así como también la GMDD con PNC resulto ser significativa, así como también la GMDD con PNC resultó ser significativa y con valor de -0.002 kg/kg.
v. 1. Assembléia Geral Constituinte e Legislativa (1823) -- v. 2. Câmara dos Deputados(1826-1829) -- v. 3. Câmara dos Deputados (1830-1842) -- v. 4. Câmara dos Deputados (1843-1862) -- v. 5. Câmara dos Deputados (1861-1889) : índice de pessoas, índice de assuntos. No v. 5 inclui dicionário biobibliográfico dos eclesiásticos que participaram, com ao menos uma intervenção, dos debates parlamentares.
Analisa o Projeto de Lei nº 6.002/1990 e apensos, que pretendem disciplinar o processo e julgamento do mandado de injunção individual e coletivo. A abordagem e o desenvolvimento da pesquisa serão realizados no contexto da judicialização da política ou do ativismo judicial, questionando-se qual será a efetividade dos limites/parâmetros impostos ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, acaso o Projeto de Lei nº 6.002/1990 e apensos, se transformem em norma jurídica. Tem-se como hipótese compreender se o pretenso disciplinamento limitará o ativismo judicial que retira o protagonismo do Poder Legislativo e o seu papel preponderante de poder legiferante. Os objetivos específicos da pesquisa são examinar a extensão e os efeitos das decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento de alguns mandados de injunção; avaliar se a conduta omissiva do Poder Legislativo causa prejuízos à sua própria imagem e se essa omissão inviabiliza o exercício de direitos, liberdades e prerrogativas constitucionais. A metodologia do trabalho será balizada na análise sistemática dos Mandados de Injunção números 107/1989-DF, 631/2000-MS, 670/2002-ES, 708/2004-DF, 712/2004-PA, 721/2005- DF, 758/2007-DF, 786/2007-DF e 795/2007-DF; na análise do Projeto de Lei nº 6.002/1990 e apensos; na Constituição Federal. O trabalho terá como principais referenciais teóricos e conceituais fontes e bibliografia apropriadas, a exemplo dos doutrinadores Alexandre de Moraes, Cândido Rangel Dinamarco, José Afonso da Silva, José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho,Luís Roberto Barroso e Manoel Gonçalves Ferreira Filho.
Apresenta a urna eletrônica como agente essencial para a manutenção da democracia. São apresentadas as origens do voto no Brasil, indo até a proposta e execução do ambicioso projeto de eleições gerais com base em urnas eletrônicas. Descreve como se deu o desenvolvimento do equipamento. Os requisitos de segurança da informação são apresentados no contexto da votação eletrônica tendo como parâmetro a norma ISO 27.002. Observa que há melhorias que devem ser continuamente realizadas a fim de garantir a efetiva realização de um processo eleitoral seguro e confiável.
Fisheries management actions taken to protect one species can have unintended, and sometimes positive, consequences on other species. For example, regulatory measures to reduce fishing effort in the winter gillnet fishery for spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) off North Carolina (NC) also led to decreases in the number of bycaught bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). This study found that a marked decrease in fishing effort for spiny dogfish in NC also corresponded with a marked decrease in winter stranding rates of bottlenose dolphins with entanglement lesions (P= 0.002). Furthermore, from 1997 through 2002, there was a significant positive correlation (r2 = 0.79; P= 0.0003) between seasonal bycatch estimates of bottlenose dolphins in gill nets and rates of stranded dolphins with entanglement lesions. With this information, stranding thresholds were developed that would enable the detection of those increases in bycatch in near real-time. This approach is valuable because updated bycatch estimates from observer data usually have a time-lag of two or more years. Threshold values could be used to detect increases in stranding rates, triggering managers immediately to direct observer effort to areas of potentially high bycatch or to institute mitigation measures. Thus, observer coverage and stranding investigations can be used in concert for more effective fishery management.