754 resultados para digital cultural heritage
O presente trabalho pretende demonstrar o valor patrimonial das praças de toiros, enquanto manifestações arquitetónicas representativas de uma manifestação cultural e patrimonial herdada - a Tauromaquia. Assim sendo, é nossa intenção criar mecanismos que despertem interesse pelo referido património e que lhe seja reconhecido valor arquitetónico e cultural, sendo que aliada à materialidade do edificado identificámos também aspetos imateriais: costumes, tradições e rituais que, aliados à prática tauromáquica contribuem para a nossa identificação enquanto povo. Através da inventariação do património tauromáquico imóvel existente dentro das balizas cronológicas apontadas procuramos sensibilizar a sociedade para o papel que estes edifícios assumem na história e na cultura das populações, contribuindo simultaneamente para a sua preservação e valorização. O presente trabalho teve como base um vasto leque de leituras alusivas ao tema da tauromaquia que permitiu traçar um percurso de molde a evidenciar a evolução dos preceitos da arte tauromáquica, onde se insere o aparecimento e desenvolvimento das praças de toiros portuguesas. Julgamos que um dos aspetos mais importantes deste trabalho seja o facto da identificação dos espaços e o registo das suas características nos ter permitido conhecer e dar a conhecer a existência de uma tipologia patrimonial que se encontra como que oculta, que para muitos chega mesmo a ser desconhecida ou ignorada, mas que faz parte do nosso património, transcendendo uma dimensão puramente material. ABSTRACT: This paper aims to demonstrate the heritage value of bullrings as architectural manifestations, representing a cultural heritage and legacy - Bullfighting. First of all, the construction of these buildings requires a “will of manifestation" and the recognition of values with which part of the Portuguese people identifies itself. lt is therefore our intention to create mechanisms to awaken interest in this heritage, so that its architectonic and cultural value is recognized. Along with the materiality of the buildings, we have also identified intangible aspects, such as: customs, traditions and rituals, that when allied to bullfighting contribute to our identity as a people. With the inventorying of the bullfighting assets existing within the established timelines, we seek to enlighten society about the role that these buildings assume both in history and culture, as well as contributing to its preservation and enhancement. This research was based on a vast range of readings related to bullfighting which allowed us to outline the path of the evolution of the bullfighting art, which includes the appearing and development of Portuguese bullrings. We believe that one of the most important aspects in this paper is the fact that the identification of the places and the registration of their features has allowed us not only to acknowledge but also to display the existence of a heritage that has been hidden. For many people this is unknown or even ignored, but it's part of our heritage, transcending a purely material dimension.
El estudio describe las principales características tipológicas del miskito, mediante algunas comparaciones con otras lenguas de la familia misumalpa. Hecha una reseña de su situación histórica, geográfica y sociolingüística, se exponen los aspectos centrales del trabajo, referidos a la fonología, la morfología y la sintaxis de la lengua. El estudio concluye señalando la importancia de proteger el patrimonio lingüístico y cultural de las poblaciones indígenas centroamericanas.This study addresses the main typological characteristics of Miskito, by comparing it with other languages of the Misumalpan family. Beginning with a summary of its historical, geographical and sociolinguistic situation, a description is provided of the main aspects of the analysis, concerning the phonology, morphology and syntax of the language. The study concludes by emphasizing the importance of protecting the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Central American indigenous populations.
Esta dissertação pretende contribuir no âmbito da gestão e valorização do Património Histórico-Cultural, para o estabelecimento de uma estratégia de valorização e enriquecimento dos currículos escolares portugueses do Ensino Básico, como forma de divulgar, preservar e educar para o Património de um país. Neste contexto emergiu um design de investigação que se afigura pertinente e centrado na prática docente ao fazer um estudo de caso, baseado na opinião recolhida junto dos alunos do 1º ciclo do ensino básico de um agrupamento de escolas sobre a noção que os mesmos têm de Património. A compreensão e valorização da Educação Patrimonial num processo contínuo de descoberta e aprendizagem são tarefas que só a "Escola" pode fazer, formando os indivíduos tomando-os competentes nesta área do conhecimento. Os objectos patrimoniais, monumentos, sítios e centros históricos, ou o património imaterial e natural, são recursos educacionais importantes, permitem a aquisição de competências motivacionais, para qualquer área do currículo ou aproximam áreas aparentemente distantes no processo de ensino e cidadania. ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to contribute in the management and enhancement of Cultural - Heritage for the establishment of a strategy for recovery and enrichment of school curricula elementary Portuguese as a means to educate, preserve and disclose to the heritage of a country. ln this context emerged a research design that seem relevant and focused on teaching to make a case study, based on the feedback gathered from pupils of 1 primary school, a grouping of schools on the notion that their balance sheets. Understanding and appreciation of Heritage Education in a continuous process of discovery and learning are tasks that only the “School” can do, forming the individuals making them competent in this field of knowledge. Heritage objects, monuments, sites and historical centres, or intangible and natural heritage, are important educational resources, enable the motivational skills acquisition, to any area of the curriculum or assemble seemingly distant areas in education and citizenship.
La Educación Patrimonial tiene como objetivo que nuestros alumnos aprendan a legitimar o poner en valor el patrimonio cultural. Las “películas de romanos”, más concretamente la puesta en escena de estos films son un recurso didáctico consolidado; pero la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales no cuenta con una metodología que permita dar criterio de certeza al valor histórico-documental así como al valor histórico-artístico de la puesta en escena de las películas de romanos. Proponemos una metodología para la verificación del valor histórico-documental e histórico-artístico de los escenarios de las “películas de romanos”. Heritage Education has as objective that our students learn to qualify or value cultural heritage. The "films about ancient Rome", specifically the scenography of these films are an educational resource consolidated, but Didactics of Social Science doesn't have a didactic methodology which allows for validating to the historical-documentary value as the historical-artistic value of the scenography of "films about ancient Rome". We propose a methodology for the verification of the historical-documentary and historical-artistic value for the scene of these films.
La Universidad de Málaga lleva excavando en un proyecto internacional desde 2008 en el Complejo Arqueológico de Perdigões. La incorporación de las tecnologías 3D a la arqueología es hoy en día un hecho y en este proyecto no ha sido menos. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los trabajos realizados en el Complejo Arqueológico de Perdigoes en lo que se refiere al uso de técnologías 3D.
This research aims to enrich the understanding of the constitution of a sense of belonging to an aboriginal community in Montreal. It has been demonstrated that there is indeed a social cohesion in Montreal based on the collective aboriginal ethnic identity, or aboriginality. This cohesion is supported by aboriginal organizations and associations, whise approaches and engagements have a direct impact on their inclusion into the community. These institutions are considered as the source of communitarian social bond in the city. By the empowerment of a shared aboriginal identity, the representation of community interests, the integration in the urban life, the service delivery to members of the middle class and the creation of secured spaces dedicated to their cultural heritage, aboriginal associations are creating social ties to the community. On the other hand, some problems like the lack of communication between organizations, their hermetic nature, their excessive bureaucratic methods, the way women in the community monopolize the institutions, the presence of non-aboriginal people as well as the gang phenomenon are all experienced in the organizations. These problems produce harmful consequences on the member’s relations to the communitarian system and reduce their participation and attendance. Also, the social bond within the native community is weakened by various factors outside the grasp of the institutions. Some internal discriminations and stereotypes, sometimes tied to the use of administrative indicators of the Canadian Aboriginal Law, the lack of a native district in Montreal, and the different socio-economic members’ situations create divisions and affect the community spirit. This thesis focuses on the native community construction in an urban area through its institutional sphere, which differs from other studies on urban Natives. The objective is to understand the urban realities and the way the urban native communities are developing themselves.
This research aims to enrich the understanding of the constitution of a sense of belonging to an aboriginal community in Montreal. It has been demonstrated that there is indeed a social cohesion in Montreal based on the collective aboriginal ethnic identity, or aboriginality. This cohesion is supported by aboriginal organizations and associations, whise approaches and engagements have a direct impact on their inclusion into the community. These institutions are considered as the source of communitarian social bond in the city. By the empowerment of a shared aboriginal identity, the representation of community interests, the integration in the urban life, the service delivery to members of the middle class and the creation of secured spaces dedicated to their cultural heritage, aboriginal associations are creating social ties to the community. On the other hand, some problems like the lack of communication between organizations, their hermetic nature, their excessive bureaucratic methods, the way women in the community monopolize the institutions, the presence of non-aboriginal people as well as the gang phenomenon are all experienced in the organizations. These problems produce harmful consequences on the member’s relations to the communitarian system and reduce their participation and attendance. Also, the social bond within the native community is weakened by various factors outside the grasp of the institutions. Some internal discriminations and stereotypes, sometimes tied to the use of administrative indicators of the Canadian Aboriginal Law, the lack of a native district in Montreal, and the different socio-economic members’ situations create divisions and affect the community spirit. This thesis focuses on the native community construction in an urban area through its institutional sphere, which differs from other studies on urban Natives. The objective is to understand the urban realities and the way the urban native communities are developing themselves.
De tradição oral e de origem remota, os provérbios circunscrevem a realidade cultural dos seus criadores e utilizadores. A sua riqueza reside, por um lado, na mensagem sintética e por isso, também, pragmática, ao ser utilizada como âncora em contextos específicos; reside, por outro lado, na construção de metáforas conceptuais, tradutoras de verdades e generalizações sedimentadas na observação empírica. É nestas que a língua portuguesa (LP) germina a dimensão cultural e permite a exploração de mundividências partilhadas, transparentes, translúcidas ou opacas. O trabalho que propomos apresentar descreve um conjunto de atividades realizadas com alunos do 5.o ao 8.o ano de escolaridade, no âmbito de um programa desenvolvido por um agrupamento de escolas da região de Viseu e uma instituição de ensino superior durante o ano letivo de 2013-2014. As atividades que propusemos implicaram considerar a LP a partir de diferentes prismas, perspetivando-a não só como código verbal, como herança cultural, mas também como espaço de criação e criatividade. Assim, a sedimentação de significados que foram construindo a LP é apresentada aos alunos como enigma a desvelar. Neste sentido, propomos a) analisar a representação gráfica de provérbios feita por alunos do ensino básico; b) refletir sobre a influência da LP na formação de provérbios em países de expressão portuguesa. A sua interpretação é padronizada, mas permeável a ambiguidades. Neste caso, e a partir da comparação de um exercício de equivalência entre provérbios representados pela variedade do português, revelamos a seleção dos alunos.
Abstract: After developing many sensor networks using custom protocols to save energy and minimise code complexity - we have now experimented with standards-based designs. These use IPv6 (6LowPAN), RPL routing, Coap for interfaces and data access and protocol buffers for data encapsulation. Deployments in the Cairngorm mountains have shown the capabilities and limitations of the implementations. This seminar will outline the hardware and software we used and discuss the advantages of the more standards-based approach. At the same time we have been progressing with high quality imaging of cultural heritage using the RTIdomes - so some results and designs will be shown as well. So this seminar will cover peat-bogs to museums, binary-HTTP-like REST to 3500 year old documents written on clay.
Esta investigação procura mostrar/problematizar programas que questionem a reutilização de lugares, através de uma proposta de projeto provisório de arquitetura, no panorama do Património Industrial, num processo de revitalização. O intuito é procurar modelos/ações que possam responder às transformações, partindo do problema do abandono, dos espaços pós-industriais. O objetivo principal consiste em criar um processo de aproximação à problemática da reutilização cujo processo de elaboração de projeto encontra nas suas formas de produção e operação um discurso que faz a síntese entre prática artística, posição curatorial e arquitetura, na elaboração de um programa para um lugar revitalizando-o. O objeto deste estudo faz parte de uma investigação de pesquisa por projeto e encontra lugar no conjunto arquitetónico da Fábrica Robinson, em Portalegre, cuja apropriação inicial de parte do Convento de S. Francisco dá hoje lugar ao Espaço Robinson. O reconhecimento deste conjunto, como lugar de encontro entre um passado recente e um futuro pendente, marcou a proposta projetual. Proposta de projeto temporário cujo conceito estabelece a viabilidade de apropriação como forma de atuação provisória, subjacente ao ato de reutilizar, criando novos programas de ocupação, promovendo novas ideias e definições de património e assim devolvendo o significado às estruturas industriais vazias. O que preservar e como conservar pode demarcar a importância de salvaguarda deste património e a previsão da sua transmissão para o futuro, fixada pela ideia de preservação. A Fábrica Robinson e a revitalização urbana deste espaço configura, hoje, uma nova oportunidade para estes conjuntos arquitetónicos, e a importância da sua salvaguarda, na valorização do Património Industrial. O trabalho pretende demonstrar a ordem de relação entre programa e lugar no debate interdisciplinar e a hipótese de concretização projetual que preencha um vazio temporalmente suspenso; ABSTRACT: Rethinking = Reuse: The abandonment as opportunity Robinson Factory: The instant in the construction of a provisory time This research aims to show architectural programs that question the reuse of places in the context of industrial heritage, through an architectural design, in a revitalization process. The aim is to look to models / actions that, starting with the abandonment problem, may answer to the post-industrial spaces transformations. The main goal is to create an approximation process to the problem of reuse, whose project design process finds in its production and operations forms a symbiosis between artistic practice, curatioral approach and architecture, in the development of a program to revitalize a place. The object of this study is part of a research project / research by design concerning the architectural complex Fábrica Robinson located in Portalegre, whose original appropriation of part of Convento de S. Francisco is today occupied by Espaço Robinson. The acknowledgment of this complex as a space placed in-between a recent past and a pending future marked the design proposed. A temporary design proposal whose concept establishes the validity of the temporary action, underlying to the act of reuse, creating new occupation programs, promoting new ideas and heritage definitions and thus given back meaning to the empry industrial structures. What to preserve and how to save may mark the importance of safeguarding this heritage and the prediction of its transmission to the future, set by the idea of preservation. The Fábrica Robinson and the urban regeneration of this area sets itself as a new opportunity to safeguard these architectural ensembles and enhance the value of the industrial heritage. This study intend to show the relationship between the program and a vacant place, through a temporary proposal, supported by the interdisciplinary debate and the hypothesis of design implementation that completes a void temporarily suspended.
The development of simple and rapid new approaches for analysing microbial communities colonising Cultural Heritage materials is pivotal for its safeguard. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation technique using ribosomal RNA directed probes (RNA-FISH) has demonstrated a great potential for this purpose. A protocol for analysing filamentous fungi in mortars has been already developed in previous studies. In this work this protocol has been adapted for detecting bacteria and yeasts. Good results have been obtained for the analysis of suspensions of isolates. In this way, the optimized protocol was applied in microsamples from synthetic mortar artificially inoculated with yeast and bacterial isolates. Promising results have been obtained for the ex situ analysis of yeast and bacteria thriving in mortar microsamples.
The biodeterioration/biodegradation process is an important issue for the conservation of cultural heritage that needs urgent answers to their rehabilitation. In this way, the role of microorganisms in surfaces alteration was exploited. This work revealed a strong relationship between the microbiological proliferation and the damaged areas, evidencing the important role of the microorganisms in mural paintings alteration process. The oxidation of lead-based pigments noticeably contributes to the pigments alteration, and seems to be correlated with the presence of biodeteriorative microorganisms. The study of the mechanisms underlying the microbiological attack of mural paintings has been explored to understand as much as possible the proliferative ability and biodeteriorative capacity of the microorganisms, related to darkening on lead-based pigments
The science and technology interact with the art in several ways. Biotechnological coupled with analytical approaches can play an important role in protecting and preserving cultural heritage for future generations. Many microorganisms influenced by environmental conditions are the main responsible for biological contamination in built heritage. Biocides based on chemical compounds have been used to mitigate this problem. Thus, it is vitally important to develop proper remediation actions based on environmentally innocuous alternative. Bacillus specie is emerging as an optimistic alternative for built heritage treatment due to their capacity to produce secondary metabolites with antagonistic activities against many fungal pathogens. Therefore, the intent of this work was to access a rapid evaluation of antifungal potential of bioactive metabolites produced by Bacillus strains and simultaneously their characterization using spectroscopic (NMR) and chromatographic techniques (LCESI- MS). The high antifungal activity obtained for Bacillus sp. active compounds produced in this study confirms the great potential to suppress biodeteriogenic fungi growth on historical artworks. Additionally, the proposed methodology allowed to access bioactive metabolites produced without need of the laborious total previous isolation and could be used as a viable alternative to be employed for screening and production of new green biocides.
Microorganisms are involved in the deterioration of Cultural Heritage. Thus, there is a need to enhance the techniques used for their detection and identification. RNA Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (RNA-FISH) has been successfully applied for phylogenetic identification of the viable components of the microbial communities colonizing artworks both in situ and ex situ. Until recently, it was time-consuming, taking not less than 6 h for the analysis. We have developed an RNA-FISH in suspension protocol that allowed ex situ analysis of microorganisms involved in artworks’ biodeterioration in 5 h. In this work, three modified protocols, involving microwave heating, were evaluated for further shortening two of the four main critical steps in RNA-FISH: hybridization and washing. The original and modified protocols were applied in cellular suspensions of bacteria and yeast isolates. The results obtained were evaluated and compared in terms of detectability and specificity of the signals detected by epifluorescence microscopy. One of the methods tested showed good and specific FISH signals for all the microorganisms selected and did not produce signals evidencing non-specific or fixation-induced fluorescence. This 3 h protocol allows a remarkable reduction of the time usually required for performing RNA-FISH analysis in Cultural Heritage samples. Thus, a rapid alternative for analyzing yeast and bacteria cells colonizing artworks’ surfaces by RNA-FISH is presented in this work.
A Casa Grande de Romarigães terá sido erguida em 1700 em Romarigães, no concelho de Paredes de Coura, em torno da construção da capela de Nossa Senhora do Amparo, conformando a Quinta do Amparo. Terá servido de cenário literário a uma das mais simbólicas obras do escritor Aquilino Ribeiro – A Casa Grande de Romarigães, escrita entre 1950 e 1957, ano da sua publicação. A estrutura arquitectónica foi classificada como Imóvel de Interesse Público em 1986, atribuição que, apesar de demonstrar a preocupação de proteger e conservar este legado histórico e arquitectónico, ainda não derivou em nenhum estudo rigoroso sobre a sua evolução morfológica – instrumento fundamental para a coerência de futuras intervenções neste lugar. Com base nas constantes descrições na obra de Aquilino Ribeiro, e do seu confronto com a documentação histórica entretanto encontrada (escrita e gráfica, em grande parte inédita), este trabalho de investigação propõe o desenho da evolução morfológica da casa ao longo dos tempos, bem como a enunciação da influência deste solar para a organização social, cultural e económica da aldeia de Romarigães. Procura, enfim, e num sentido mais lato, indagar sobre a utilidade de um documento literário para o lançamento de hipóteses no contexto de uma investigação arquitectónica, consubstanciadas pela posterior comprovação através de fontes primárias; ABSTRACT: A Casa Grande de Romarigães (The Great House of Romarigães) was erected in early XVIII century, in Romarigães, Paredes de Coura, nearby the chapel of Nossa Senhora do Amparo, the chosen name for the villa – Quinta do Amparo. This house and villa has been the literary scene of one of the most remarkable works of the writer Aquilino Ribeiro (1885C1963) – A Casa Grande Romarigães, written between 1950 and 1957, the year of its publication. In 1986, the architectural structure is classified as cultural heritage by the Portuguese state but, despite the meaningful idea of preservation and protection of the historical legacy and architecture, there has not been an initiative to study its morphological evolution and architectural relevance – key tool for future and consistent interventions in such rich and particular scenario. Based on descriptions that can be found in the work of Aquilino Ribeiro, and supported with historical documentation research (both written and graphic, mostly unpublished), this work suggests the design of the morphological evolution of the house over the years, together with the construction of its influence on social, cultural and economic organization of the village of Romarigães. In a broader sense, this work intends to inquire about the usefulness of a literary document for launching assumptions in the context of an architectural research, substantiated by further evidence through primary sources.