976 resultados para cool-chain


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This paper presents a research protocol for a randomised controlled efficacy trial of the ‘Dead Cool’ smoking prevention programme. Dead Cool is a three to four-hour programme designed to be used by teachers with Year 9 students in Northern Ireland. The main outcome of the programme is to prevent students from starting to smoke. The protocol reports a research design intended to test the efficacy of the programme in 20 post-primary school settings. Selected schools included those from secondary /grammar/integrated/single sex/coeducational, rural and urban schools from both the maintained and controlled state sector and independent sector schools. Outcome measures include self-reported behaviours, monitoring of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaled breath and focus groups designed to assess implementation fidelity and opinions on efficacy in intervention schools and explore the ‘counterfactual’ potential treatments in control schools.


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One-dimensional monatomic chains are promising candidates for technical applications in the field of nanoelectronics due to their unique mechanical, electrical and optical properties. In particular, we investigate the mechanical properties including Young's modulus, ultimate strength and ultimate strain, which are necessities for the stability of the materials by the Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics in this work. The comparative studies for the alternating carbon-nitrogen (C3N2) chain and carbon chains (carbyne) of different lengths show that the carbon-nitrogen (C-N) chain is obviously stronger and stiffer than carbynes. Thus the C-N chain, which has been found in decomposition products of the nitromethane explosive simulations, could be a superior nano-mechanical material than the carbyne chain. Furthermore, it is found that the bond order of weakest bond in monatomic chains is positively correlated with Young's modulus and ultimate strength of materials.


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PTF11iqb was initially classified as a TypeIIn event caught very early after explosion. It showed narrow Wolf-Rayet (WR) spectral features on day 2, but the narrow emission weakened quickly and the spectrum morphed to resemble those of Types II-L and II-P. At late times, Halpha emission exhibited a complex, multipeaked profile reminiscent of SN1998S. In terms of spectroscopic evolution, we find that PTF11iqb was a near twin of SN~1998S, although with weaker interaction with circumstellar material (CSM) at early times, and stronger CSM interaction at late times. We interpret the spectral changes as caused by early interaction with asymmetric CSM that is quickly (by day 20) enveloped by the expanding SN ejecta photosphere, but then revealed again after the end of the plateau when the photosphere recedes. The light curve can be matched with a simple model for weak CSM interaction added to the light curve of a normal SN~II-P. This plateau requires that the progenitor had an extended H envelope like a red supergiant, consistent with the slow progenitor wind speed indicated by narrow emission. The cool supergiant progenitor is significant because PTF11iqb showed WR features in its early spectrum --- meaning that the presence of such WR features in an early SN spectrum does not necessarily indicate a WR-like progenitor. [abridged] Overall, PTF11iqb bridges SNe~IIn with weaker pre-SN mass loss seen in SNe II-L and II-P, implying a continuum between these types.


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Increasing consumer demand for seafood, combined with concern over the health of our oceans, has led to many initiatives aimed at tackling destructive fishing practices and promoting the sustainability of fisheries. An important global threat to sustainable fisheries is Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, and there is now an increased emphasis on the use of trade measures to prevent IUU-sourced fish and fish products from entering the international market. Initiatives encompass new legislation in the European Union requiring the inclusion of species names on catch labels throughout the distribution chain. Such certification measures do not, however, guarantee accuracy of species designation. Using two DNA-based methods to compare species descriptions with molecular ID, we examined 386 samples of white fish, or products labelled as primarily containing white fish, from major UK supermarket chains. Species specific real-time PCR probes were used for cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to provide a highly sensitive and species-specific test for the major species of white fish sold in the UK. Additionally, fish-specific primers were used to sequence the forensically validated barcoding gene, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI). Overall levels of congruence between product label and genetic species identification were high, with 94.34% of samples correctly labelled, though a significant proportion in terms of potential volume, were mislabelled. Substitution was usually for a cheaper alternative and, in one case, extended to a tropical species. To our knowledge, this is the first published study encompassing a large-scale assessment of UK retailers, and if representative, indicates a potentially significant incidence of incorrect product designation.


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Ultrasound absorption spectra of four 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide were determined as a function of the alkyl chain length on the cation from 1-propyl- to 1-hexyl- from 293.15 to 323.15 K at ambient pressure. Herein, the ultrasound absorption measurements were carried out using a standard pulse technique within a frequency range from 10 to 300 MHz. Additionally the speed of sound, density and viscosity have been measured. The presence of strong dissipative processes during the ultrasound wave propagation was found experimentally, i.e. relaxation processes in the megahertz range were observed for all compounds over the whole temperature range. The relaxation spectra (both relaxation amplitude and relaxation frequency) were shown to be dependent on the alkyl side chain length of the 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium ring. In most cases, a single Debye model described the absorption spectra very well. However, a comparison of the determined spectra with the spectra of a few other imidazolium-based ionic liquids reported in the literature (in part recalculated in this work) shows that the complexity of the spectra increases rapidly with the elongation of the alkyl chain length on the cation. This complexity indicates that both the volume viscosity and the shear viscosity are involved in relaxation processes even in relatively low frequency ranges. As a consequence, the sound velocity dispersion is present at relatively low megahertz frequencies.


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There have been many attempts to find suitable replacements for fluorinated surfactants due to problems related to their bioaccumulation and resistance to biodegradation. Meeting the exceptional performances of these compounds, however, remains largely an unaccomplished challenge. Currently, a solution might be found through the synthesis of new classes of fluorinated compounds that possess reduced environmental impact by following the recommended strategies for their greener and safer design. In this article we report a novel approach by designing a family of catanionic fluorinated surfactants that shows potential for improved degradation, good water solubility, and low Krafft points. Furthermore, these surfactants exhibit excellent fluorine efficiency and effectiveness of surface tension reduction.


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The need for companies to consider the environmental impact of their operations and supply chains has been highlighted in the literature. However, few studies appear to consider how companies’ progress from proactive environmental strategies implemented at the internal, operations level to proactive environmental strategies implemented at the supply chain level. This study assesses the implementation process through the lens of the natural resource-based view and dynamic capabilities perspective. First, the link between the internal strategy ‘pollution prevention’ and the supply chain strategy ‘process stewardship’ is assessed. Second, the mediating influence of the internal support processes ‘integration’ and ‘learning’ on the implementation process is considered. Data collected from a sample of 1200 UK-based food manufacturing companies is analysed using multiple regression analysis. The findings suggest that the progression to environmental efforts at the supply chain level begins with internally-based environmental efforts and that the integration of these efforts and experience gained from them are important supporting factors in this progression.


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Recent atomic physics calculations for Si II are employed within the CLOUDY modelling code to analyse Hubble Space Telescope (HST) STIS ultraviolet spectra of three cool stars, β Geminorum, α Centauri A and B, as well as previously published HST/GHRS observations of α Tau, plus solar quiet Sun data from the High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph. Discrepancies found previously between theory and observation for line intensity ratios involving the 3s23p 2PJ-3s3p2 4PJ' intercombination multiplet of Si II at ~ 2335 Å are significantly reduced, as are those for ratios containing the 3s23p 2PJ-3s3p2 2DJ ~ transitions at ~1816 Å. This is primarily due to the effect of the new Si II transition probabilities. However, these atomic data are not only very different from previous calculations, but also show large disagreements with measurements, specifically those of Calamai et al. for the intercombination lines. New measurements of transition probabilities for Si II are hence urgently required to confirm (or otherwise) the accuracy of the recently calculated values. If the new calculations are confirmed, then a long-standing discrepancy between theory and observation will have finally been resolved. However, if the older measurements are found to be correct, then the agreement between theory and observation is simply a coincidence and the existing discrepancies remain.


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A presente tese investiga o processo de tomada de decisão na gestão de cadeias de abastecimento, utilizando um quadro de análise de opções reais. Especificamente, estudamos tópicos como o nível de inventário ideal para protecção contra a incerteza da procura, o momento para implementação de capacidade flexível em mercados onde existe complexidade no mix de produtos, o tempo para o reforço do factor trabalho visando requisitos de serviço ao mercado, e as decisões entre integração e outsourcing num ambiente de incerteza. Foram usadas metodologias de tempo discreto e contínuo para identificar o valor ideal e o calendário das opções a adoptar, quando a procura é estocástica. Além disso, foram considerados os efeitos dos requisitos dos mercados, como a complexidade na oferta de produtos e o nível de serviço. A procura é representada recorrendo a diferentes processos estocásticos, o impacto de saltos inesperados também é explorado, reforçando a generalização dos modelos a diferentes condições de negócio. A aplicabilidade dos modelos que apresentamos permite a diversificação e o enriquecimento da literatura sobre a abordagem de opções reais, no âmbito das cadeias de abastecimento. Níveis de inventário flexíveis e capacidades flexíveis são característicos das cadeias de abastecimento e podem ser usados como resposta à incerteza do mercado. Esta tese é constituída por ensaios que suportam a aplicação dos modelos, e consiste num capítulo introdutório (designado por ensaio I) e mais seis ensaios sobre factores que discutem o uso de medidas de flexibilidade nas cadeias de abastecimento, em ambientes de incerteza, e um último ensaio sobre a extensão do conceito de flexibilidade ao tratamento da avaliação de planos de negócio. O segundo ensaio que apresentamos é sobre o valor do inventário num único estádio, enquanto medida de flexibilidade, sujeita ao crescente condicionalismo dos custos com posse de activos. Introduzimos uma nova classificação de artigos para suportar o indicador designado por overstock. No terceiro e quarto ensaio ampliamos a exploração do conceito de overstock, promovendo a interacção e o balanceamento entre vários estádios de uma cadeia de abastecimento, como forma de melhorar o desempenho global. Para sustentar a aplicação prática das abordagens, adaptamos o ensaio número três à gestão do desempenho, para suportar o estabelecimento de metas coordenadas e alinhadas; e adaptamos o quarto ensaio à coordenação das cadeias de abastecimento, como auxiliar ao planeamento integrado e sequencial dos níveis de inventário. No ensaio cinco analisamos o factor de produção “tecnologia”, em relação directa com a oferta de produtos de uma empresa, explorando o conceito de investimento, como medida de flexibilidade nas componentes de volume da procura e gama de produtos. Dedicamos o ensaio número seis à análise do factor de produção “Mão-de-Obra”, explorando as condicionantes para aumento do número de turnos na perspectiva económica e determinando o ponto crítico para a tomada de decisão em ambientes de incerteza. No ensaio número sete exploramos o conceito de internalização de operações, demarcando a nossa análise das demais pela definição do momento crítico que suporta a tomada de decisão em ambientes dinâmicos. Complementamos a análise com a introdução de factores temporais de perturbação, nomeadamente, o estádio de preparação necessário e anterior a uma eventual alteração de estratégia. Finalmente, no último ensaio, estendemos a análise da flexibilidade em ambientes de incerteza ao conceito de planos de negócio. Em concreto, exploramos a influência do número de pontos de decisão na flexibilidade de um plano, como resposta à crescente incerteza dos mercados. A título de exemplo, usamos o mecanismo de gestão sequencial do orçamento para suportar o nosso modelo. A crescente incerteza da procura obrigou a um aumento da agilidade e da flexibilidade das cadeias de abastecimento, limitando o uso de muitas das técnicas tradicionais de suporte à gestão, pela incapacidade de incorporarem os efeitos da incerteza. A flexibilidade é claramente uma vantagem competitiva das empresas que deve, por isso, ser quantificada. Com os modelos apresentados e com base nos resultados analisados, pretendemos demonstrar a utilidade da consideração da incerteza nos instrumentos de gestão, usando exemplos numéricos para suportar a aplicação dos modelos, o que claramente promove a aproximação dos desenvolvimentos aqui apresentados às práticas de negócio.


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Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) have been produced and applied in a variety of products ranging from personal care products to food package containers, clothing and medicine utilities. The antimicrobial function of AgNP makes it very useful to be applied for such purposes. Silver (Ag) is a non-essential metal for organisms, and it has been historically present in the environment at low concentrations. Those concentrations of silver increased in the last century due to the use of Ag in the photographic industry and lately are expected to increase due to the use of AgNPs in consumer products. The presence of AgNP in the aquatic environment may pose a risk for aquatic species, and the effects can vary from lethal to sublethal effects. Moreover, the contact of aquatic organisms with AgNP may not cause immediately the death of individuals but it can be accumulated inside the animals and consequently transferred within the food chain. Considering this, the objective of this work was to study the transfer of silver nanoparticles in comparison to silver ions, which was used as silver nitrate, within an aquatic food chain model. To achieve this goal, this study was divided into four steps: the toxicity assessment of AgNP and AgNO3 to aquatic test-species, the bioaccumulation assessment of AgNP and AgNO3 by Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Daphnia magna under different exposure scenarios, and finally the evaluation of the trophic transfer of Ag through an experimental design that included the goldfish Carassius auratus in a model trophic chain in which all the species were exposed to the worse-case scenario. We observed that the bioconcentration of Ag by P. subcapitata is mainly driven by ionic silver, and that algae cannot internalize these AgNPs, but it does internalizes dissolved Ag. Daphnia magna was exposed to AgNP and AgNO3 through different exposure routes: water, food and both water and food. The worse-case scenario for Daphnia Ag bioaccumulation was by the joint exposure of contaminated water and food, showing that Ag body burdens were higher for AgNPs than for AgNO3. Finally, by exposing C. auratus for 10 days through contaminated water and food (supplied as D. magna), with another 7 days of depuration phase, it was concluded that the 10 days of exposure were not enough for fish to reach a plateau on Ag internal concentration, and neither the 7 days of elimination were sufficient to cause total depuration of the accumulated Ag. Moreover, a higher concentration of Ag was found in the intestine of fish when compared with other organs, and the elimination rate constant of AgNP in the intestine was very low. Although a potential for trophic transfer of AgNP cannot be suggested based in the data acquired in this study, there is still a potential environmental risk for aquatic species.


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Every can of tuna purchased by the consumer has taken a long journey before reaching the supermarket shelves. For each can bought there is a lengthy process from sea to shelf. A large proportion of the tuna cans purchased in the European Union come all the way from West Africa; a developing region with a high dependency on fisheries. Amidst an ever-increasing demand for tuna products the global tuna fisheries are set to continue expanding, apparently one of the last natural resource based industries fit to do so in West Africa. Tuna is the biggest fisheries export and dominates the fisheries sector in Ghana, a country situated in West Africa. This thesis aims to understand how this globally important industrial fisheries functions in terms of procedures, practices, Governance and finance. Socioeconomic influences, in the setting of a developing country, were also examined. For these purposes a Value Chain Analysis was employed. A Value Chain Analysis is a tool commonly used to understand how different companies and organizations participate in a domestic policy environment, which directs conclusion in the global economy. This analysis has the potential to allow researchers to fully understand a commodity chain and hence identify realistic opportunities for consequential improvements. Interviews and questionnaires were employed in-field Ghana along with secondary data collection techniques. It was found that the fisheries functions at the production level under influences from large multinational companies and tends to operate with a certain degree of lawlessness. Governance over the value chain is well defined, however implementation is poor or non-existent. The processors, whom are also dominated by multinationals, exert some control over the producers and their sales, however the high value links which are highlighted occur at the retail stage. Socioeconomic dynamics acting in the chain included the lack of communication between the public and private sector, power imbalances amongst players at production, the role of local businesswomen as actors in the chain and the general characteristics of the workers in the industry. Value addition and upgrading are needed the most in Governance over the chain, especially within Monitoring, Control and Surveillance. The results of the study provide a wealth of material about the components of a cost-heavy fishing industry in a developing country; an industry on which many eyes have recently turned due to illegal fishing activities. It highlights clearly where funding and future focus are needed. This value chain can be used as a guide for those that need to comprehend the financial complexities and real life dynamics of the Ghanaian tuna fishing industry today.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014