754 resultados para caustic burn
Purpose: To investigate the healing effect of Terminalia chebula Retz Extract (TCRE) on seconddegree burns in rats. Methods: Male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, weighing 200 – 220 g, were subjected to deep seconddegree skin burns by electrical scald instrument. The animals were divided into three groups as follows: (1) second-degree burns model (control) group, (2) burns model treated with 1 % silver sulfadiazine (SSD) group, and (3) burns model treated with 100 mg·mL-1 TCRE group. On days 3, 7 and 14 following the administration of the drug/extract, the wound area and histopathological changes in rat epidermis were evaluated for the various groups. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of TCRE on Staphyloccocus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli were also assessed separately. Results: On day 14, the mean wound area of TCRE treatment group (0.25 ± 0.06 cm2) was significantly smaller than that of the control rats (2.71 ± 0.20 cm2, p < 0.01). The histological results indicate that the inflammatory cells disappeared and were replaced by new granulation tissue in the group treated with 100 mg·mL-1 TCRE by day 14. Compared with SSD group rats, the inflammatory cells and fibroblast and granulation tissues of burnt rats treated with 100 mg·mL-1 TCRE were same as those of rats that had no burns. The antibacterial results revealed that the MIC of TCRE on Staphyloccocus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli was 3.13, 12.5 and 6.25 mg·mL-1, respectively. Conclusion: Terminalia chebula Retz. has potentials to be developed as an effective medicinal herb for the treatment of second-degree burns.
We show that a wide-angle converging wave may be transformed into a shape-preserving accelerating beam having a beam-width near the diffraction limit. For that purpose, we followed a strategy that is particularly conceived for the acceleration of nonparaxial laser beams, in contrast to the well-known method by Siviloglou et al (2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 213901). The concept of optical near-field shaping is applied to the design of non-flat ultra-narrow diffractive optical elements. The engineered curvilinear caustic can be set up by the beam emerging from a dynamic assembly of elementary gratings, the latter enabling to modify the effective refractive index of the metamaterial as it is arranged in controlled orientations. This light shaping process, besides being of theoretical interest, is expected to open up a wide range of broadband application possibilities.
Biomass is considered the largest renewable energy source that can be used in an environmentally sustainable. From the pyrolysis of biomass is possible to obtain products with higher energy density and better use properties. The liquid resultant of this process is traditionally called bio-oil. The use of infrared burners in industrial applications has many advantages in terms of technical-operational, for example, uniformity in the heat supply in the form of radiation and convection, with a greater control of emissions due to the passage of exhaust gases through a macroporous ceramic bed. This paper presents a commercial infrared burner adapted with an ejector proposed able to burn a hybrid configuration of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and bio-oil diluted. The dilution of bio-oil with absolute ethanol aimed to decrease the viscosity of the fluid, and improving the stability and atomization. It was introduced a temperature controller with thermocouple modulating two stages (low heat / high heat), and solenoid valves for fuels supply. The infrared burner has been tested, being the diluted bio-oil atomized, and evaluated its performance by conducting energy balance. The method of thermodynamic analysis to estimate the load was used an aluminum plate located at the exit of combustion gases and the distribution of temperatures measured by thermocouples. The dilution reduced the viscosity of the bio-oil in 75.4% and increased by 11% the lower heating value (LHV) of the same, providing a stable combustion to the burner through the atomizing with compressed air and burns combined with LPG. Injecting the hybrid fuel there was increase in the heat transfer from the plate to the environment in 21.6% and gain useful benefit of 26.7%, due to the improved in the efficiency of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics of infrared burner
The Spanish elm programme began in 1986 in response to the devastating impact of Dutch elm disease on natural elm stands and urban trees. Its main objectives were to conserve remaining genetic resources and select and breed tolerant native elm genotypes. After 27 years of work conducting susceptibility trials on thousands of elm genotypes, the first seven tolerant Ulmus minor trees are now being registered by the Spanish Environmental Administration. This paper presents the results of the susceptibility tests on these clones and their distinctive genetic, morphological and phenological features. In all susceptibility trials the commercial ?Sapporo Autumn Gold? clone, which is highly tolerant to O. novo-ulmi, was used as a control. The registered clones were named ?Ademuz?, ?Dehesa de la Villa?, ?Majadahonda?, ?Toledo?, ?Dehesa de Amaniel?, ?Retiro? and ?Fuente Umbría?. The most tolerant clone was ?Dehesa de Amaniel?, as its wilting values were below 5% during the two consecutive inoculation trials performed in Madrid. ?Fuente Umbría?, tested over four consecutive years in Guadalajara and Palencia, was the Spanish clone with the most reliable tolerance level to O. novo-ulmi. The ?Ademuz? and ?Majadahonda? clones had the highest ornamental scores and are promising trees for use in urban environments and tree breeding for ornamental quality. These two genotypes showed a later bud burst phenology than the other U. minor clones, demonstrating suitability to areas with late frost events. The Spanish programme aims to substantially increase the range of tolerant native elms through new selections and crossings to gain a better understanding of the genetic basis of resistance.
This study describes changes in skin protection attitudes and outdoor behaviors of adults in Queensland, Australia, using two cross-sectional telephone surveys conducted in 1988/89 (N = 1699) and 1991/92 (N = 2317). After adjustment for potential confounders, there were significant improvements in some skin protection attitudes, time spent outside, hat wearing, sunscreen use, overall skin protection (p < 0.01) and shade use (p < 0.05) between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM on the previous Sunday. The degree of attitudinal and behavioral change varied with age, gender, region, and reported skin type. However, recent sunburn experience remained unchanged. A similar study in Victoria, Australia, observed changes in skin protection attitudes, behaviors, and recent sunburn. We speculate on possible explanations for the lack of improvement in recent sunburn experience despite the improvement in skin protection attitudes, and behaviors, and suggest that part of the explanation may be environmental differences. This has implications for generalizability of such studies outside the geographical region in which they were conducted. Article in Cancer Detection and Prevention 20(6):566-75 · January 1996
The management of critically ill burn patients is challenging. These patients have to be managed in specialized centers, where the expertise of physicians and nursing personnel guarantees the best treatment. Mortality of burn patients has improved over the past decades due to a better understanding of burn shock pathophysiology, optimal surgical management, infection control and nutritional support. Indeed, a more aggressive resuscitation, early excision and grafting, the judicious use of topical antibiotics, and the provision of an adequate calorie and protein intake are key to attain best survival results. General advances in critical care have also to be implemented, including protective ventilation, glycemic control, selective decontamination of the digestive tract, and implementation of sedation protocols.
Changes in soil sulfur (S) fractions were assessed in oil palm and food garden land use systems developed on forest vegetation in humid tropical areas of Popondetta in northern Province. The study tested a hypothesis that S in food gardens are limiting nutrient factor and are significantly lower than in plantations and forests. Subsistence food gardens are under long-term slash and burn practice of cropping and such practice is expected to accelerate loss of biomass S from the ecosystem. From each land use, surface soil (0–15 cm) samples were characterised and further pseudocomplete fractionated for S. Conversion of forest to oil palm production decreased (p<0.001) soil pH and electrical conductivity values. The reserve S fraction in soil increased significantly (p<0.05) due to oil palm production ( 28 %) and food gardening activity (∼ 54 %). However, plant available SO42--S was below 15 mg kg^(−1) in the food garden soils and foliar samples of sweet potato crop indicating deficiency of plant available S. Soil organic carbon content (OC) was positively and significantly correlated to total S content (r=0.533; p<0.001) among the land use systems. Thus, crop management practices that affect OC status of the soils would potentially affect the S availability in soils. The possible changes in the chemical nature of mineralisable organic S compounds leading to enhanced mineralisation and leaching losses could be the reasons for the deficiency of S in the food garden soils. The results of this study conclude that long-term subsistence food gardening activity enriched top soils with reserve S or total S content at the expense of soluble S fraction. The subsistence cropping practices such as biomass burning in food gardens and reduced fallow periods are apparently threatening food security of oil palm households. Improved soil OC management strategies such as avoiding burning of fallow vegetation, improved fallows, mulching with fallow biomass, use of manures and S containing fertilisers must be promoted to sustain food security in smallholder oil palm system.
This sheet, printed in Spanish, shows what is legal and not legal to burn in South Carolina. Burning trash is illegal in South Carolina. State law requires that you notify the S.C. Forestry Commission before you burn certain vegetative materials. There are some clean, easy ways to get rid of garbage such as mulching or recycling.
El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el Síndrome de Burnout y la Calidad de Vida Laboral en el personal asistencial en una institución de salud de segundo nivel ubicada en Bogotá, y observar si existe relación entre estos constructos. Se aplicó el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach [MBI] y el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida Profesional [CVP-35] a 62 participantes, pertenecientes a distintos campos del área de la salud. Los resultados indicaron que el 38,7% de los participantes presentaron severidad alta y moderada del síndrome, no obstante, con un nivel de realización personal alto, que unido a la fuerte motivación intrínseca encontrada, constituye un factor protector ante la alta carga laboral y el escaso apoyo directivo. El cansancio emocional correlacionó directamente con la carga laboral e inversamente con la motivación intrínseca. Se resalta la importancia de una eficiente gestión en las organizaciones de salud y la necesidad de una dirección más centrada en las personas a fin de garantizar su bienestar, lo que redundará en su calidad de vida y en la atención ofrecida.
•Objetivos: Se tradujo, adaptó y evaluaron las propiedades clinimétricas de la escala POSAS en pacientes con cicatrices hipertróficas (CHT) y queloides (CQ) cómo secuelas de quemadura, que fueron manejados con Z plastias en la Fundación del Quemado en Bogotá (Colombia), entre Junio de 2015 a Abril de 2016. •Métodos: Estudio de evaluación de las propiedades clinimétricas de una escala. Se hizo una traducción y adaptación transcultural siguiendo el método de traducción-retrotraducción. Se aplicó el instrumento adaptado a cincuenta y dos pacientes (n=52) antes y después de la intervención quirúrgica. Se evaluó la validez, confiabilidad, sensibilidad al cambio y la utilidad de la escala. •Resultados: Se hallaron diferencias significativas en los puntajes obtenidos del Observador y del Paciente, antes y después de la intervención quirúrgica (p<0.000); a excepción de prurito. La escala POSAS demostró ser altamente confiable para la Escala del Observador y del Paciente (α = 0.912 y 0.765). Hubo alta correlación en las evaluaciones de dos observadores para las variables ordinales de la Escala del Observador (r>0.6). La concordancia entre las evaluaciones de dos observadores para las variables categóricas de la Escala del Paciente fue buena para la evaluación antes de la intervención para pigmentación y relieve (κ>0.61). Se demostró que el instrumento es capaz de detectar cambios clínicos en el tiempo (p<0.0000), a excepción de prurito (p= 0.271). •Conclusiones: La escala POSAS demostró ser un instrumento válido, confiable y útil para evaluar la calidad de la cicatriz en pacientes con CHT y CQ cómo secuelas de quemadura.
Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es una patología con alto impacto en la salud pública, debido a su prevalencia, incidencia, severidad, costo e impacto en la salud mental y física del individuo y la familia. Ensayos clínicos realizados en pacientes con antecedente de infarto al miocardio que consumían ácido acetil salicílico (asa), calcio con y sin vitamina D, mostraron asociación entre el consumo de estos medicamentos y disminución en la incidencia en cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos. Objetivo: Evaluar la literatura sobre el uso de asa, calcio con y sin vitamina D con relación a su impacto en la prevención del cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos. Métodos: Se realizó revisión sistemática buscando ensayos clínicos realizados en pacientes con factores de riesgo para cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos que usaron asa, calcio con y sin vitamina D fueron incluidos. Resultados: se escogieron 105 para la revisión sistemática. Conclusiones: Es necesario desarrollar más estudios que lleven a evaluar el efecto protector de la aspirina, calcio y vitamina D. En los artículos revisados la aspirina a dosis de 81 a 325 mg día se correlaciona con reducción de riesgo de aparición de CRC aunque la dosis ideal, el tiempo de inicio y la duración de la ingesta continua no son claros. Hacen falta estudios que comparen poblaciones con ingesta de asa a diferentes dosis.
El Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional (SAP), es común en los trabajadores de la salud, particularmente en los expuestos a altos niveles de estrés en el trabajo e incluye el agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y baja realización personal. Se considera que los médicos residentes presentan una mayor prevalencia del síndrome que los médicos debido a que se encuentran en entrenamiento, período en el cual están sometidos a alta carga laboral debido a las largas horas de trabajo, horarios irregulares, privación de sueño, intensas demandas emocionales, así como la presión de dominar un gran conocimiento clínico. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia del Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional o Burnout en la población de médicos residentes. Metodología. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos en la base de datos electrónica Pubmed, seleccionando aquellos publicados entre los años 2001 al 2016, tanto en idioma inglés como en español, a texto completo y enfocados en estudios en médicos residentes. Resultados. Los hallazgos sugieren que el Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional o Burnout es altamente prevalente, que varía de acuerdo a la residencia que se esté realizando, encontrando un promedio del 50% con un rango de 27% a 75% entre las diferentes especialidades de la población estudiada y, en consecuencia, puede constituir un problema de salud que amerita atención en cada Institución, esto a pesar de que la prevalencia pueda variar de un lugar a otro y en las diferentes especialidades. Conclusiones. El SAP o Burnout constituye un problema de salud entre la población de médicos residentes, lo que sugiere la conveniencia de diseñar medidas para su prevención como informar en la inducción al programa de residencia sobre el riesgo de la aparición del síndrome y sus síntomas, consultar tempranamente ante signos de alarma, adecuar el sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica para que incluya esta condición específica y ajustar o disminuir la carga laboral entre otras.
Introducción: El síndrome de agotamiento profesional o de burnout se define como una respuesta al estrés laboral crónico, afecta con frecuencia a los trabajadores del sector salud y ha sido descrito según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como un riesgo laboral. En su desarrollo intervienen distintos factores principalmente sociodemográficos y laborales. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de síndrome de agotamiento profesional y su relación con las condiciones de trabajo del personal de salud de la zona rural del Cauca. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en 4 hospitales rurales nivel I, con un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple, para un total de 212 trabajadores, de los cuales el 74.5% fueron asistenciales y el 25.5% administrativos, Se les aplicó el cuestionario Maslash Burnout Inventory (MBI) que consta de 22 ítems y mide los 3 aspectos del síndrome: cansancio emocional, despersonalización y falta de realización personal y el cuestionario nacional de condiciones de trabajo del instituto nacional de seguridad e higiene en el trabajo de España (INSHT). Se realizó un análisis de datos en STATA versión 12. Resultados: Se encontró una prevalencia general de síndrome de agotamiento profesional de 39.7% y según cada dimensión para cansancio emocional de 21.7%, para despersonalización de 15.1% y para realización personal de 13.7%. Se halló significancia estadística con relación a la edad y baja realización personal (p=0.037), con los factores de riesgo psicolaborales por sobrecarga y cansancio emocional (p=0.020), falta de autonomía y cansancio emocional (p=0.021) entre otros. En los factores de riesgo biomecánicos por falta de iluminación y cansancio emocional (p=0.000), falta de iluminación y despersonalización (p=0.017) y falta de iluminación y síndrome en general (p=0.000). Conclusión: La prevalencia de síndrome de agotamiento profesional en el personal de salud que trabaja en zona rural del Cauca fue de 39.7%, la dimensión más determinante fue cansancio emocional seguido de despersonalización y por ultimo realización personal. Se recomienda iniciar en la institución con un programa de vigilancia epidemiológica de prevención para el agotamiento laboral e intervenir en los factores biomecánicos y factores psicolaborales.
O tema deste trabalho é "Controlo e monitorização do efluente de uma indústria vitivinícola" e teve lugar na Adega Cooperativa de Reguengos de Monsaraz - CARMIM. O controlo e monitorização, bem como a caracterização físico-química do efluente deste tipo de indústrias, especialmente na CARMIM, pretendem representar um instrumento importante no sentido da necessidade de se construir uma estação de pré-tratamento de águas residuais, antes destas fazerem parte do sistema de águas residuais municipais. A monitorização do efluente ocorreu em duas épocas distintas, a Época Baixa e a Época de Campanha. Em cada uma das épocas foram monitorizadas operações distintas, como a lavagem dos filtros de terras de diatomáceas, a higienização do equipamento de filtração tangencial, a higienização das cubas de inox, lavagens de cubas de vinho tinto e lavagens de depósitos de vinho branco. Foi também monitorizado o efluente resultante do edifício de engarrafamento, da Adega Velha e da caixa colectora global. Acompanhou-se em cada operação e caixas colectoras, o pH, temperatura e caudal, sempre que possível. Para cada amostra foi efectuada uma caracterização físico-química, que inclui os seguintes parâmetros: carência química em oxigénio, azoto total, fósforo total, nitratos, sólidos suspensos totais e metais como ferro, cobre e manganês. ABSTRACT: "Winery wastewater control and monitoring" is the main theme of all this work. All this occurred in CARMIM - Cooperativa Agrícola de Reguengos de Monsaraz. The control and monitoring, as well as physical and chemistry features of this type of wastewater, particularly related with CARMIM, intend to represent an important instrument towards the necessity of building a pre-treatment wastewater station, before they are part of the municipal wastewater system. The wastewater monitoring took place in two different seasons, the non-vintage and vintage season. ln both seasons there were checked different operations such as, the washing of earth filtering equipment, red and white wine tanks and finally inox tank caustic washing. At the same time, there was also possible monitoring the final wastewater resulting from the bottling line facility, "Old “Cellar (Adega Velha) and global drain boxes. There was preformed a physical chemistry feature for each sample. These features comprehend several parameters: Chemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, nitrates, total suspended solids and metals such as iron, cupper and manganese.
The production of activated carbons (ACs) involves two main steps: the carbonization of the carbonaceous of raw materials at temperatures below 1073 K in the absence of oxygen and the activation had realized at the temperature up to 1173 but the most useful temperature at 1073 K. In our study we used the most common industrial and consumer solid waste, namely PET, alone or blended with other synthetic polymer PAN. By mixing the two polymers in different ratios, an improvement of the yield of the AC production was found and some textural properties were enhanced by comparison with the AC prepared using each polymer separately. When all the samples were exposed through the carbonization process with a pyrolysis the mixture of PAN-PET (1:1w/w) yield around 31.9%, between that obtained with PET (16.9%) or PAN (42.6%) separately. The combine activation, with CO2 at 1073 K, allow ACs with a lower burn-off degree isothermally, when compared with those attained with PET or PAN alone, but with similarly chemicals or textural properties. The resultant ACs are microporous in their nature, as the activation time increase, the PET-PAN mixture AC are characterized by a better developed porous structure, when associated with the AC prepared from PAN. The AC prepared from PET-PAN mixture are characterized by basic surface characteristics, with a pHpzc around 10.5, which is an important characteristic for future applications on acidic pollutants removals from liquid or gaseous phase. In this study we had used the FTIR methods to determine the main functional groups in the surface of the activated carbons. The adsorbents prepared from PAN fibres presents an IR spectrum with similar characteristics to those obtained with PET wastes, but with fewer peaks and bands with less intensity, in particular for the PAN-8240 sample. This can be reflected by the stretching and deformation modes of NH bond in the range 3100 – 3300 cm-1 and 1520 – 1650 cm-1, respectively. Also, stretching mode associated to C–N, C=N, can contributed to the profile of IR spectrum around 1170 cm-1, 1585 – 1770 cm-1. And the TGA methods was used to study the loses of the precursors mass according to the excessive of the temperature. The results showed that, there were different decreasing of the mass of each precursors. PAN degradation started at almost 573 K and at 1073 K, PAN preserve more than 40% of the initial mass. PET degradation started at 650 K, but at 1073 K, it has lost 80% of the initial mass. However, the mixture of PET-PAN (1:1w/w) showed a thermogravimetric profile between the two polymers tested individually, with a final mass slightly less than 30%. From a chemical point of view, the carbonisation of PET mainly occurs in one step between 650 and 775 K.