849 resultados para blended


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Esta investigación ha sido desarrollada para analizar la influencia de las características específicas de los nuevos cementos en el comportamiento expansivo originado durante cinco años por el ataque externo por sulfatos o agua de mar, y para estudiar la validez de diversos métodos de ensayo aplicables para evaluar la resistencia de los conglomerantes a los sulfatos o al agua de mar. Se han determinado las características químicas y mecánicas de los quince cementos seleccionados en el estudio (su contenido de yeso, tipo y cantidad de adiciones, contenidos de C3A y C4AF) para examinar la relación entre estos parámetros y su durabilidad frente al ataque por sulfatos. Se han llevado a cabo ensayos para evaluar la resistencia a sulfatos sobre probetas de mortero fabricadas con los quince cementos comunes seleccionados de muy distintos tipos, la mayoría de ellos resistentes a sulfatos conforme a la norma UNE-EN 197-1. Por cada tipo de cemento se fabricaron probetas de mortero para la realización de ensayos acelerados usando Na2SO4 como medio agresivo según la norma ASTM C 1012 manteniendo esas condiciones de exposición durante dos años. En paralelo se fabricaron otras series de probetas idénticas, que fueron conservadas en agua de mar y en agua saturada en cal (como patrón de un medio no agresivo) durante el mismo plazo. Adicionalmente estos cementos fueron evaluados conforme a los procedimientos de ensayo acelerado de la norma ASTM C 452 y del ensayo de Koch y Steinegger. También se fabricaron otras series de probetas de 40x40x160 mm (adoptando una relación a/c=0,5 y la composición arena:cemento definida en la norma UNE-EN 196-1). Durante cinco años de exposición en las tres condiciones de conservación establecidas (sulfatos, agua de mar y agua patrón) se han efectuado ensayos para determinar la resistencia a compresión y el deterioro superficial de las probetas de mortero. Ninguno de los conglomerantes fue mezclado inicialmente con yeso para acelerar el ataque ni se establecieron otras condiciones no realísticas en la fabricación de los morteros Se ha analizado el comportamiento durable de los cementos tanto frente al ataque por sulfatos como por agua de mar. Para la evaluación se han tomado en consideración las variaciones de contenido en C3A, los tipos y proporciones de los constituyentes (adiciones puzolánicas, escorias de horno alto, caliza …) con el mismo tipo de clínker en algunos casos. Se ha procedido a evaluar la validez de los límites de aceptación establecidos en cada uno de los ensayos acelerados para determinar la resistencia a sulfatos y valorar su idoneidad en los nuevos cementos, y se ha propuesto un método de ensayo acelerado recomendable para discriminar cementos resistentes y no resistentes a sulfatos. A la edad final de los tres tipos de exposición han sido correlacionados los parámetros relativos a la degradación superficial, pérdida de resistencia y expansión lineal de las probetas con las características de los cementos y los productos expansivos analizados mediante difracción de rayos X, con objeto de poder redefinir las características recomendables exigibles a los cementos resistentes a sulfatos o al agua de mar. Experimental research has been performed to relate specific cement characteristics to expansion due to sulfate or sea water attack during five years, and to study different test methods suitability for sulfate and marine resistance. Chemical and mechanical characteristics were studied to determine the variation in properties of selected cements (SO3 content, type and amount of additions, C3A, and C4AF content) and examine relationships between these characteristics and the results of sulfate resistance. Sulfate resistance testing have been performed on mortar specimens prepared from fifteen cement types of statistically diverse chemical composition, most of them with sulfate resistant properties according to European standard EN 197-1 Mortar specimens testing using Na2SO4 as the aggressive medium according to ASTM C 1012 was performed using each cement; identical specimens were also stored in sea water, and in lime saturated water (blank condition), up to two years age. Additionally these cements were tested conforming to ASTM C 452 and Koch and Steinegger test. Mortar specimens of 40x40x160 mm were also moulded (with w/c ratio and cement:sand composition of EN 196-1). Compressive strength of these mortar specimens have been tested during five years of immersion in a sulfate solution and also in seawater (and in lime saturated water, as a blank condition), and external damage and have been analyzed. None of the prepared mortars was blended with gypsum or any other nonrealistic condition. Durability behaviour in sulfate resistant common cements conforming to EN 197-1 exposed to sulfate attack was evaluated, and also the correlation between sulfate resistance and seawater resistance has been studied. Different C3A contents, variable types and proportioning of constituents (limestone, pozzolanic additions, blastfurnace slag ...) with or without the same clinker type were investigated. Recommended acceptance limits for sulfate resistance of cements concerning to each used test method were evaluated in order to explore their suitability. A new accelerated method has been recommended to provide a meaningful discrimination between sulfate resistant or non-sulfate resistant cements. Relationships between cement characteristics, degradation, expansive products obtained by X-ray diffraction techniques, strength loss and maximum expansion after applied storage treatments, were correlated at final age, to redefine cement characteristics for sulfate resistant and marine resistant Portland cement.


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Human sperm centrosome reconstitution and the parental contributions to the zygotic centrosome are examined in mammalian zygotes and after exposure of spermatozoa to Xenopus laevis cell-free extracts. The presence and inheritance of the conserved centrosomal constituents γ-tubulin, centrin, and MPM-2 (which detects phosphorylated epitopes) are traced, as is the sperm microtubule-nucleating capability on reconstituted centrosomes. γ-Tubulin is biparentally inherited in humans (maternal >> than paternal): Western blots detect the presence of paternal γ-tubulin. Recruitment of maternal γ-tubulin to the sperm centrosome occurs after sperm incorporation in vivo or exposure to cell-free extract, especially after sperm “priming” induced by disulfide bond reduction. Centrin is found in the proximal sperm centrosomal region, demonstrates expected calcium sensitivity, but appears absent from the zygotic centrosome after sperm incorporation or exposure to extracts. Sperm centrosome phosphorylation is detected after exposure of primed sperm to egg extracts as well as during the early stages of sperm incorporation after fertilization. Finally, centrosome reconstitution in cell-free extracts permits sperm aster microtubule assembly in vitro. Collectively, these results support a model of a blended zygotic centrosome composed of maternal constituents attracted to an introduced paternal template after insemination.


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O Japão de meados do século XX apresentava um contexto em que influências advindas do ocidente desde a abertura dos portos mesclavam-se à tradição japonesa. Nesse contexto viviam as irmãs Makioka, personagens centrais do romance de Junichiro Tanizaki e objeto principal da presente pesquisa. Por meio da figura de cada uma delas temos acesso ao modo como essas influências adentraram no dia a dia de parte da sociedade japonesa, mais especificamente da família Makioka, tradicional da região de Osaka, e seu círculo social. Para desenvolver esse estudo, faremos a contextualização do período vivido pelo autor e pelas personagens por ele criadas, bem como de que maneira os acontecimentos tiveram participação na formação das mesmas. Também será feita uma análise das personagens secundárias a fim de ampliar a visão acerca das principais. E, finalmente, de acordo com conceitos a respeito da construção de personagem, faremos um estudo das quatro irmãs, levando em consideração aquilo que estava mais na superfície, acessível num primeiro olhar, além dos elementos que compunham o modo de ser de cada uma delas, com as amálgamas e sobreposições resultantes do período.


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"Artist Laura Anne Fry blended the concepts of professional and amateur, and helped raise the merit of ceramics in the United States. Fry influenced American art pottery with her contributions to Rookwood Pottery of Cincinnati—changing the course of the company. Her successful experiments with decorating techniques helped Rookwood become a national leader in art pottery, and eventually led to over a decade of controversy between Fry and Rookwood"


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En este artículo se presentan datos experimentales de resistencia a flexión y a compresión de morteros de cemento Portland con adición y sustitución de breas de petróleo y de alquitrán de carbón, que son subproductos de la industria del carbón o del petróleo. Los materiales estudiados son breas de alquitrán de carbón A (BACA) y B (BACB), y dos breas de petróleo (BPP) y (BPT). Los datos demuestran la viabilidad del uso de estas breas en la fabricación de morteros con menores contenidos de cemento, permitiendo diseñar un nuevo material sostenible con el medio ambiente y que contribuya a reducir el impacto ambiental de los materiales de construcción, hecho que permite abrir una nueva vía de valorización de estos subproductos.


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The methodology “b-learning” is a new teaching scenario and it requires the creation, adaptation and application of new learning tools searching the assimilation of new collaborative competences. In this context, it is well known the knowledge spirals, the situational leadership and the informal learning. The knowledge spirals is a basic concept of the knowledge procedure and they are based on that the knowledge increases when a cycle of 4 phases is repeated successively.1) The knowledge is created (for instance, to have an idea); 2) The knowledge is decoded into a format to be easily transmitted; 3) The knowledge is modified to be easily comprehensive and it is used; 4) New knowledge is created. This new knowledge improves the previous one (step 1). Each cycle shows a step of a spiral staircase: by going up the staircase, more knowledge is created. On the other hand, the situational leadership is based on that each person has a maturity degree to develop a specific task and this maturity increases with the experience. Therefore, the teacher (leader) has to adapt the teaching style to the student (subordinate) requirements and in this way, the professional and personal development of the student will increase quickly by improving the results and satisfaction. This educational strategy, finally combined with the informal learning, and in particular the zone of proximal development, and using a learning content management system own in our University, gets a successful and well-evaluated learning activity in Master subjects focused on the collaborative activity of preparation and oral exhibition of short and specific topics affine to these subjects. Therefore, the teacher has a relevant and consultant role of the selected topic and his function is to guide and supervise the work, incorporating many times the previous works done in other courses, as a research tutor or more experienced student. Then, in this work, we show the academic results, grade of interactivity developed in these collaborative tasks, statistics and the satisfaction grade shown by our post-graduate students.


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Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) was melt-blended with a bio-based oligomeric lactic acid (OLA) plasticizer at different concentrations between 15 wt% and 25 wt% in order to enhance PLA ductility and to get a fully biodegradable material with potential application in films manufacturing. OLA was an efficient plasticizer for PLA, as it caused a significant decrease on glass transition temperature (Tg) while improving considerably ductile properties. Only one Tg value was observed in all cases and no apparent phase separation was detected. Films obtained by compression moulding were stored during 3 months under ambient controlled conditions and thermal, mechanical, structural and oxygen barrier properties were studied in order to evaluate the stability of the PLA–OLA films over time. Blends with 20 and 25 wt% OLA remained stable and compatible with PLA within the ageing period. Besides, PLA–20 wt% OLA formulation was the only one which maintained its amorphous state with adequate thermal, mechanical and oxygen barrier properties for flexible films manufacturing.


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Learning and teaching processes are continually changing. Therefore, design of learning technologies has gained interest in educators and educational institutions from secondary school to higher education. This paper describes the successfully use in education of social learning technologies and virtual laboratories designed by the authors, as well as videos developed by the students. These tools, combined with other open educational resources based on a blended-learning methodology, have been employed to teach the subject of Computer Networks. We have verified not only that the application of OERs into the learning process leads to a significantly improvement of the assessments, but also that the combination of several OERs enhances their effectiveness. These results are supported by, firstly, a study of both students’ opinion and students’ behaviour over five academic years, and, secondly, a correlation analysis between the use of OERs and the grades obtained by students.


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Las redes sociales son comunidades de personas que comparten algún tipo de interés. Las redes sociales online permiten a los individuos construir un perfil público o semi-público en un sistema delimitado, articular una lista de usuarios con los que se tiene conexión y ver y cruzar su lista de conexiones con otras hechas por distintos individuos del sistema. El uso de las redes sociales online ha crecido vertiginosamente en los últimos años, y los jóvenes son los principales protagonistas de esta tendencia. Inmersos y educados y criados en medio de la tecnología, la nueva generación de estudiantes son nativos digitales. Los profesores, en cambio, somos inmigrantes digitales, pero tenemos la responsabilidad de convertir una tecnología que puede ser una distracción en una herramienta de enseñanza. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar nuestra experiencia docente, en las asignaturas de grado de Dirección de Recursos Humanos, en la Universidad de Alicante, con la red social Facebook, obteniendo conclusiones y recomendaciones para mejorar el uso de redes sociales en la enseñanza universitaria.


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Poly(lactic acid) PLA, and poly(hydroxybutyrate) PHB, blends were processed as films and characterized for their use in food packaging. PLA was blended with PHB to enhance the crystallinity. Therefore, PHB addition strongly increased oxygen barrier while decreased the wettability. Two different environmentally-friendly plasticizers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and acetyl(tributyl citrate) (ATBC), were added to these blends to increase their processing performance, while improving their ductile properties. ATBC showed higher plasticizer efficiency than PEG directly related to the similarity solubility parameters between ATBC and both biopolymers. Moreover, ATBC was more efficiently retained to the polymer matrix during processing than PEG. PLA–PHB–ATBC blends were homogeneous and transparent blends that showed promising performance for the preparation of films by a ready industrial process technology for food packaging applications, showing slightly amber color, improved elongation at break, enhanced oxygen barrier and decreased wettability.


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The use of fully bio-based and biodegradable materials for massive applications, such as food packaging, is an emerging tendency in polymer research. But the formulations proposed in this way should preserve or even increase the functional properties of conventional polymers, such as transparency, homogeneity, mechanical properties and low migration of their components to foodstuff. This is not always trivial, in particular when brittle biopolymers, such as poly(lactic acid) (PLA), are considered. In this work the formulation of innovative materials based on PLA modified with highly compatible plasticizers, i.e. oligomers of lactic acid (OLAs) is proposed. Three different synthesis conditions for OLAs were tested and the resulting additives were further blended with commercial PLA obtaining transparent and ductile materials, able for films manufacturing. These materials were tested in their structural, thermal and tensile properties and the best formulation among the three materials was selected. OLA with molar mass (Mn) around 1,000 Da is proposed as an innovative and fully compatible and biodegradable plasticizer for PLA, able to replace conventional plasticizers (phthalates, adipates or citrates) currently used for films manufacturing in food packaging applications.


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Desalinated brackish groundwater is becoming a new source of water supply to comply with growing water demands, especially in (semi-) arid countries. Recent publications show that some chemical compounds may persist in an unaltered form after the desalination processes and that there is an associated risk of mixing waters with different salinity for irrigation. At the university of Alicante campus (Spain), a mix of desalinated brackish groundwater and water from the existing aquifer is currently applied for landscape irrigation. The presence of 209 emerging compounds, surfactants, priority substances according to the 2008/105/EC Directive, 11 heavy metals and microbiological organisms in blended water and aquifer samples was investigated. Thirty-five compounds were detected (pesticides, pharmaceuticals and surfactants) among them two priority substances α-endosulfan and Ni were found above the permitted maximum concentration. Blended water used for landscape irrigation during the summer period is supersaturated with respect to carbonates, which may ultimately lead to mineral precipitation in the soil-aquifer media and changes in hydraulic parameters.


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El concepto de tejido es un constructo teorético muy útil para aprender a conocer las estructuras microscópicas del organismo y para diagnosticar, de forma objetiva, la mayoría de las lesiones, a través de imágenes histológicas (IH). Tradicionalmente, aprender a interpretar IH se basa en su observación repetitiva y monótona. Esto y la consideración de la Histología como una disciplina meramente descriptiva, ha determinado su escasa relevancia y su alto nivel de olvido para los alumnos, como ha sido puesto de relieve en varias publicaciones. Los recursos digitales han facilitado, de forma sustancial, el aprendizaje de la Histología, aunque todavía sigue basándose en la observación iterativa y monótona de IH. Para facilitar y mejorar dicho aprendizaje hemos creando y publicado una clasificación y sistematización de las IH. En este trabajo presentamos la combinación de la sistematización de las IH con el uso de un microscopio virtual accesible a todos los alumnos en cualquier lugar y momento (tablets, smartphones, ordenadores de mesa, portátiles, etc.). La evaluación de esta metodología, mediante una encuesta, pone de manifiesto su alto grado de aceptación por los alumnos y sus enormes posibilidades para un aprendizaje, a la vez, autónomo y colaborativo.


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El uso de las redes sociales online ha crecido vertiginosamente en los últimos años, y los jóvenes son los principales protagonistas de esta tendencia. Inmersos y educados y criados en medio de la tecnología, la nueva generación de estudiantes son nativos digitales. Los profesores, en cambio, somos inmigrantes digitales, pero tenemos la responsabilidad de convertir una tecnología que puede ser una distracción en una herramienta de enseñanza. Facebook es un ejemplo de tecnología Web 2.0 que tiene un enorme potencial en el campo de la educación, aunque no fue creada para construir o manejar experiencias de aprendizaje. Opera en una plataforma abierta, a diferencia de otros sistemas organizados alrededor de cursos estructurados formalmente. De hecho, aunque Facebook no es un entorno de aprendizaje, puede servir como un soporte muy valioso para las nuevas orientaciones sociales que aparecen ahora en los procesos educativos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar nuestra experiencia docente, en las asignaturas de grado de Dirección de Recursos Humanos, en la Universidad de Alicante, con la red social Facebook, obteniendo conclusiones y recomendaciones para mejorar el uso de redes sociales en la enseñanza universitaria.


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This article deals with both the word-formation mechanism of blending and the creative process involved in providing characters with proper names in cartoons or TV series for children in English. The study addresses the nature and features of proper and common names, two apparently well-distinguished categories, as well as, and basically fictional proper names, by suggesting differences between fictional proper names and other types of proper and common names. Furthermore, it discusses the presence of blending in fiction and in fictional proper names, with special reference to charactonyms. The main focus of this work is on blended charactonyms in cartoons addressed to children, which for the purposes of this study will be called cartoonyms or charactoons. Questions such as the following are addressed: the formation or creation of cartoonyms or charactoons from pre-existing material; the semantic motivations behind their formation; their resulting structural complexity; their particularly descriptive, expressive and meaningful nature; as well as how suitable they are to the genre in which they are used.