752 resultados para Volanen, Risto
Monográfico con el título: 'Las TIC en la enseñanza universitaria : estudio, análisis y tendencias'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
The European Cancer Registry-based project on hematologic malignancies (HAEMACARE), set up to improve the availability and standardization of data on hematologic malignancies in Europe, used the European Cancer Registry-based project on survival and care of cancer patients (EUROCARE-4) database to produce a new grouping of hematologic neoplasma(defined by the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition and the 2001/2008 World Health Organization classifications) for epidemiological and public health purposes. We analyzed survival for lymphoid neoplasms in Europe by disease group, comparing survival between different European regions by age and sex. Design and Methods Incident neoplasms recorded between 1995 to 2002 in 48 population-based cancer registries in 20 countries participating in EUROCARE-4 were analyzed. The period approach was used to estimate 5-year relative survival rates for patients diagnosed in 2000-2002, who did not have 5 years of follow up. Results: The 5-year relative survival rate was 57% overall but varied markedly between the defined groups. Variation in survival within the groups was relatively limited across European regions and less than in previous years. Survival differences between men and women were small. The relative survival for patients with all lymphoid neoplasms decreased substantially after the age of 50. The proportion of ‘not otherwise specified’ diagnoses increased with advancing age.Conclusions: This is the first study to analyze survival of patients with lymphoid neoplasms, divided into groups characterized by similar epidemiological and clinical characteristics, providing a benchmark for more detailed analyses. This Europe-wide study suggests that previously noted differences in survival between regions have tended to decrease. The survival of patients with all neoplasms decreased markedly with age, while the proportion of ‘not otherwise specified’ diagnoses increased with advancing age. Thus the quality of diagnostic work-up and care decreased with age, suggesting that older patients may not be receiving optimal treatment
The objective of this article is to review the scientific literature on airflow distribution systems and ventilation effectiveness to identify and assess the most suitable room air distribution methods for various spaces. In this study, different ventilation systems are classified according to specific requirements and assessment procedures. This study shows that eight ventilation methods have been employed in the built environment for different purposes and tasks. The investigation shows that numerous studies have been carried out on ventilation effectiveness but few studies have been done regarding other aspects of air distribution. Amongst existing types of ventilation systems, the performance of each ventilation methods varies from one case to another due to different usages of the ventilation system in a room and the different assessment indices used. This review shows that the assessment of ventilation effectiveness or efficiency should be determined according to each task of the ventilation system, such as removal of heat, removal of pollutant, supply fresh air to the breathing zone or protecting the occupant from cross infection. The analysis results form a basic framework regarding the application of airflow distribution for the benefit of designers, architects, engineers, installers and building owners.
This study was conducted at three sites of different characteristics in Sao Paulo State Sao Paulo (SPA), Piracicaba (PRB) and Mate Atlantica Forest (MAT) PM(10), n-alkanes. pristane and phytane, PAHs, water-soluble ions and biomass burning tracers like levoglucosan and retene, were determined in quartz fiber filters. Samplings occurred on May 8th to August 8th, 2007 at the MAT site; on August 15th to 29th in 2007 and November 10th to 29th in 2008 at the PRB site and, March 13th to April 4th in 2007 and August 7th to 29th in 2008 at the SPA site Aliphatic compounds emitted biogenically were less abundant at the urban sites than at the forest site, and its distribution showed the influence of tropical vascular plants Air mass transport front biomass burning regions is likely to impact the sites with specific molecular markers The concentrations of all species were variable and dependent of seasonal changes In the most dry and polluted seasons, n-alkane and canon total concentrations were similar between the megacity and the biomass burning site PAHs and inorganic ion abundances were higher at Sao Paulo than Piracicaba, yet, the site influenced by biomass burning seems lobe the most impacted by the organic anion abundance in the atmosphere Pristane and phytane confirm the contamination by petroleum residues at urban sites, at the MAT site, biological activity and long range transport of pollutants might influence the levels of pristane (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Background In ROCKET AF, rivaroxaban was non-inferior to adjusted-dose warfarin in preventing stroke or systemic embolism among patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). We aimed to investigate whether the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban compared with warfarin is consistent among the subgroups of patients with and without previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Methods In ROCKET AF, patients with AF who were at increased risk of stroke were randomly assigned (1:1) in a double-blind manner to rivaroxaban 20 mg daily or adjusted dose warfarin (international normalised ratio 2-0-3.0). Patients and investigators were masked to treatment allocation. Between Dec 18,2006, and June 17,2009,14 264 patients from 1178 centres in 45 countries were randomly assigned. The primary endpoint was the composite of stroke or non-CNS systemic embolism. In this substudy we assessed the interaction of the treatment effects of rivaroxaban and warfarin among patients with and without previous stroke or TIA. Efficacy analyses were by intention to treat and safety analyses were done in the on-treatment population. ROCKET AF is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00403767. Findings 7468 (52%) patients had a previous stroke (n=4907) or TIA (n=2561) and 6796 (48%) had no previous stroke or TIA. The number of events per 100 person-years for the primary endpoint in patients treated with rivaroxaban compared with warfarin was consistent among patients with previous stroke or TIA (2.79% rivaroxaban vs 2.96% warfarin; hazard ratio [HR] 0-94,95% CI 0.77-1.16) and those without (1.44% vs 1.88%; 0.77, 0.58-1-01; interaction p=0.23). The number of major and non-major clinically relevant bleeding events per 100 person-years in patients treated with rivaroxaban compared with warfarin was consistent among patients with previous stroke or TIA (13.31% rivaroxaban vs 13.87% warfarin; HR 0.96,95% CI 0.87-1-07) and those without (16.69% vs 15.19%; 1.10, 0.99-1.21; interaction p=0.08). Interpretation There was no evidence that the relative efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban compared with warfarin was different between patients who had a previous stroke or TIA and those who had no previous stroke or TIA. These results support the use of rivaroxaban as an alternative to warfarin for prevention of recurrent as well as initial stroke in patients with AF.
In this paper, we propose a new method for stitching multiple fluoroscopic images taken by a C-arm instrument. We employ an X-ray radiolucent ruler with numbered graduations while acquiring the images, and the image stitching is based on detecting and matching ruler parts in the images to the corresponding parts of a virtual ruler. To achieve this goal, we first detect the regular spaced graduations on the ruler and the numbers. After graduation labeling, for each image, we have the location and the associated number for every graduation on the ruler. Then, we initialize the panoramic X-ray image with the virtual ruler, and we “paste” each image by aligning the detected ruler part on the original image, to the corresponding part of the virtual ruler on the panoramic image. Our method is based on ruler matching but without the requirement of matching similar feature points in pairwise images, and thus, we do not necessarily require overlap between the images. We tested our method on eight different datasets of X-ray images, including long bones and a complete spine. Qualitative and quantitative experiments show that our method achieves good results.
We measured condensation particle (CP) concentrations and particle size distributions at the coastal Antarctic station Neumayer (70°39'S, 8°15'W) during two summer campaigns (from 20 January to 26 March 2012 and 1 February to 30 April 2014) and during polar night between 12 August and 27 September 2014 in the particle diameter (Dp) range from 2.94 nm to 60.4 nm (2012) and from 6.26 nm to 212.9 nm (2014). During both summer campaigns we identified all in all 44 new particle formation (NPF) events. From 10 NPF events, particle growth rates could be determined to be around 0.90±0.46 nm/h (mean ± std; range: 0.4 nm/h to 1.9 nm/h). With the exception of one case, particle growth was generally restricted to the nucleation mode (Dp < 25 nm) and the duration of NPF events was typically around 6.0±1.5 h (mean ± std; range: 4 h to 9 h). Thus in the main, particles did not grow up to sizes required for acting as cloud condensation nuclei. NPF during summer usually occurred in the afternoon in coherence with local photochemistry. During winter, two NPF events could be detected, though showing no ascertainable particle growth. A simple estimation indicated that apart from sulfuric acid, the derived growth rates required other low volatile precursor vapours.
Top Row: Maura P. Boran, Michelle M. Bernier, Pamela S. Reed, Catherine G. Dollries, Dorinda K. Nance, Sheila M. Raftery, Sandra J. Toner, Nancy E. Naeckel, Jill M. Cornell, Amy C. Wikol, Valerie A. Quaderer, Debra A. Davis, Beth I. Craigie, Lynne L. Stallworth, Elizabeth Foote
Row 2: Jill A. Stockwell, Katherine A. Allen-Bridson, Elizabeth J. Henry, Yvonne M. Levernois, Kristen Ligness, Karen Riffel, Carol Hayes, Lori Follmer, Laura Risto, Lisa Crouch, Kelli J. Chandler, Debra L. Browning, Cassandra L. Milne, Venus M. Varner
Row 3: Tamara D. Haas, Betsy A. Mahlke, Linda D. Dillard, Rebecca A. Miller, Julie A. Hatch, Kimberly E. Kinning, Elizabeth A. Bole, Sharon Szetela
Row 4: Jill Y. Frye, C. Holly Trentacoste, Hristine S. Cavanaugh, Shari W. Goldstein
Row 5: Lisa A. Danto, Laura L. Greig, Kristen L. Jacobus, Mary E. Zukowski, Tracy L. Park, Alicia L. Hempstead
Row 6: Catherine A. Mehall, Leigh A. Baguley, Heide Milbrandt-Godke, Tina Vasher, Cindy L. Bishop, Jayne C. Grun
Row 7: Paula M. Daoust, Cindy T. Cassidy, Sally J. Williams, Theresa Harris, Cheryl E. Easley, Janice B. Lindberg, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Sally A. Sample, Shake Ketefian, Lori S. Smith, Teresa L. O'Brien, Lauren A. Christoff, Susan R. Stein
Row 8: Amy L. Manley, Jennifer L. Elie, Linda L. Grabowski, Cheryl L. Pavlik, Dana S. Berry, Kriste L. Fedon, Lynn M. Shute, Kathleen J. Burns, Suzanne L. Farhat, Kathryn E. Grant, Catharina M. Ojert, Laurie A. Klemczak, Caroline E. Broida, Mary M. Heikkinen
Row 9: Shelley A. Howington, Rita A. Mclemore, Shirley A. Stratton, Laura A. Sweeney, Bonnie L. Woods, Mary D. Wheatley, Colleen M. Brown, Ilze E. Sturis, Karen A. Gilbert, Amy L. Mayne, Jennifer L. Borucki, Connie L. Passon, Caryn A. Spielman, Judy L. Buhler
Kotona Suomessa-hanke (ESR) teetti selvityksen kotoutumista tukevan koulutuksen malleista, joissa pääasiallisena tai yhtenä keskeisenä kohderyhmänä ovat kotona lapsiaan hoitavat maahanmuuttajavanhemmat. Selvityksen tavoitteena oli muodostaa kokonaiskuva Suomessa järjestettävistä lastenhoidon sisältävistä koulutuksista sekä viitoittaa tietä kohti valtakunnallista toimintamallia kotona lasten kanssa olevien vanhempien kotoutumista tukevan koulutuksen osalta. Kotona lapsiaan hoitavien maahanmuuttajavanhempien kotoutumista tukevalla koulutuksella tarkoitetaan tässä selvityksessä sellaista koulutusta, joka mahdollistaa pienten lasten hoitamisen kotona ja kotoutumista tukevaan koulutukseen osallistumisen. Kyseessä on pääasiallisesti kielikoulutus, mutta usein koulutukseen liittyy muita kotoutumisen tukemiseen liittyviä elementtejä. Selvitystä varten tunnistettiin valtakunnallisesti 35 koulutusmallia, joista 9 valittiin tarkempaan tarkasteluun. Koulutusmallit pyrittiin valitsemaan siten, että eri maantieteelliset alueet olivat edustettuina ja että tarkasteltaviin malleihin valikoitui sekä kolmannen sektorin että kuntien järjestämiä koulutuksia. Selvityksessä koulutukset jäsennettiin kahteen kategoriaan eli kielitaidon kehitystä korostaviin ja sosiaalisia tavoitteita korostaviin koulutuksiin. Kielitaidon kehitystä korostavia malleja yhdistää tietynlainen kurssimuotoisuus ja kuntavetoisuus. Sosiaalisia tavoitteita korostavia malleja järjestävät erityisesti järjestöt matalan kynnyksen periaatteella. Kotona lapsiaan hoitaville maahanmuuttajavanhemmille suunnatuille koulutuksille on yhä lisääntyvää kysyntää tulevaisuudessa. Toiminnan kehittämistä ei voida ohjata yhdellä valtakunnallisella ratkaisulla, vaan koulutusten laajentuminen on riippuvaista kuntien aktiivisuudesta. Kuntien tulee oman tilannearvionsa perusteella tehdä ratkaisuja sopivista toimintamalleista. Rahoittamalla ja järjestämällä toimintaa kunta voi vaikuttaa koulutuksen tavoitteisiin, laatuun ja pitkäjänteisyyteen. Matalan kynnyksen toimintamuotojen aktivoiminen ja resursointi puolestaan on helpoin ja nopein tapa lisätä toiminnan volyymia.