932 resultados para Théologie inductive


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de regulador vegetal e de bioestimulante na indução floral do maracujazeiro-amarelo em condições não-indutivas, em Araguari-MG. Foram identificados e podados 12 ramos terciários por parcela (02-04-05), sendo 6 deles expostos de um lado da espaldeira, com luminosidade predominante pela manhã e 6 do outro lado da espaldeira, com luminosidade à tarde. O delineamento experimental foi em parcelas subdivididas, com 7 tratamentos principais (parcelas): 0mg L-1 (testemunha); 100mg L-1; 200mg L-1 e 300mg L-1 de regulador vegetal GA3 (i.a.); 2,08 mL L-1; 4,17mL L-1 e 6,25mL L-1 de bioestimulante Stimulate® (i.a.), em duas aplicações foliares (09-04-02 e 09-05-02), acrescidas de espalhante adesivo Silwett® a 0,05%. Além desses, foram utilizados 2 tratamentos secundários (subparcelas): exposição dos ramos à luminosidade da manhã e da tarde, com 4 repetições de 3 plantas por parcela. Cada subparcela foi um dos dois lados da espaldeira. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. Realizou-se, aos 75 dias, a avaliação nos dois lados da espaldeira do comprimento dos ramos e entrenós, número de nós, de folhas e de botões florais. As variáveis estudadas não foram influenciadas pelo uso de GA3 e Stimulate®, no entanto houve diferença quando os ramos ficaram expostos à luminosidade da manhã em relação àqueles com luminosidade à tarde.


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This paper presents a study about the role of grammar in on-line interactions conducted in Portuguese and in English, between Brazilian and English-speaking interactants, with the aim of teaching Portuguese as a foreign language (PFL). The interactions occurred by means of chat and the MSN Messenger, and generated audio and video data for language analysis. Grammar is dealt with from two perspectives, an inductive and a deductive approach, so as to investigate the relevance of systematization of grammar rules in the process of learning PFL in teletandem interactions.


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O descarte indevido de resíduos industriais no solo tem causado danos ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. A identificação e o diagnóstico de áreas contaminadas é um procedimento necessário afim de que seja possível tomar medidas de contenção da fonte poluidora e posterior remediação. As técnicas geofísicas podem auxiliar na caracterização do meio geológico, definição das dimensões da pluma de contaminação, seleção de pontos para locação de poços de monitoramento e de bombeamento. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação do método Eletromagnético Indutivo em uma área industrial contaminada por benzeno, tolueno, xileno (BTX) e dicloroetano. Os resultados indicam dois padrões de migração dos contaminantes em subsuperfície. Uma tendência de migração no plano horizontal até o nível de 15 m de profundidade e uma tendência de migração no plano vertical entre 15 e 60 m de profundidade. As tendências de migração divergentes estão condicionadas a densidade dos compostos que constituem a pluma de contaminação, ou seja, um intervalo LNAPL sobrenadante (BTX), sobreposto a um intervalo DNAPL (1,2 dicloroetano).


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O uso combinado de poços de amostragem e técnicas geofísicas constitui a maneira mais adequada para identificação e o monitoramento de áreas contaminadas. Este procedimento permite a locação de poços de amostragem e de monitoramento em pontos estratégicos, otimizando resultados e minimizando gastos. O método geofísico Eletromagnético Indutivo (EM) apresenta amplas possibilidades de aplicação em estudos ambientais devido à facilidade na aquisição de dados, versatilidade do equipamento em campo e a possibilidade de varredura de grandes áreas num curto espaço de tempo. Este trabalho realiza uma análise comparativa de dados em obtidos no ano de 1992 e em 2003. O local estudado é uma área industrial que apresenta contaminação do solo e água subterrânea por Benzeno, Tolueno, Xileno, 1,2 dicloroetano, Sódio e Cloreto, produto da infiltração de efluentes químicos diretamente do solo. Os resultados indicam uma acentuada atenuação da pluma contaminante, com provável redução no grau de contaminação. Os compostos de fase leve (LNAPLs) apresentaram maior tendência de migração horizontal, concomitante ao movimento da água subterrânea. Os compostos de fase densa (DNAPLs) apresentaram uma tendência mais acentuada de migração no sentido vertical, possivelmente devido à ausência de superfícies impermeáveis. Os compostos inorgânicos acompanharam o fluxo dos compostos de fase líquida não aquosa (NAPLs), o que por sua vez permitiu a caracterização da pluma de contaminação como um corpo condutivo em relação às áreas adjacentes.


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Ce texte analyse le cérémonial royal de la monarchie constitutionnelle brésilienne: le sacre et le couronnement de l'Empereur D. Pedro I. Notre examen de ce cérémonial a comme point de départ son caractère liturgique, pour comprendre pourquoi cet aspect a été considéré essentiel alors pour affirmer l'autonomie du nouveau royaume et, en même temps, a contribué pour définir le pouvoir politique de l'Empire du Brésil.


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The electrochemical behavior of the annealed Cu-5wt.%Ni alloy in 0.5 M H2SO4 was studied by means of open-circuit potential (E-OCP) measurements, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and quasi-stationary linear potential sweep. The hydrodynamics of the system was also studied. This material is constituted by a single a, phase. The anodic behavior of a Cu-Ni alloy in H2SO4 consists fundamentally on the electrodissolution of Cu, its main component, and the formation of a sulfur-containing passive layer. The presence of Ni decreases the rate of Cu oxidation, mostly at high positive potentials. The impedance spectra, obtained for the unrotating electrode, can be interpreted in terms of a simple charge-transfer reaction across a surface layer. When the electrode is rotated, the occurrence of an inductive loop evidenced the existence of an adsorbed layer. All the resistance estimated from the proposed equivalent circuits diminished with the electrode rotation rate, emphasizing the influence of ion transport in the overall electrode process. The system presented two anodic Tafel slopes: 40 mV dec(-1) for E < 255 mV and 67 mV dec(-1) for E > 275 mV. A Tafel slope of 40 mV dec(-1) evidences that copper dissolution can be interpreted in terms of the mechanism proposed by Mattsson and Bockris. The second Tafel suggests that at potentials more positive than 275 mV, copper dissolves according to a mechanism that considers the disproportionation of adsorbed Cu(1) species. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two studies were carried out to analyze whether learning technical drawing improves a person's ability for spatial visualization. Visualization and inductive reasoning tests were applied at the beginning and end of a course in technical drawing in samples of first year engineering students. In both studies it was observed that a moderate percentage of students improved their Visualization test execution. The improvement was similar in men and women. There was no improvement on the inductive reasoning test. The results support the conclusion that the spatial visualization ability can be improved with training.


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The authors studied the possible inductive effect of exogenous gangliosides administrated intra-peritoneal and intra-muscular, in 33 rats, after compression and sutures of sciatic nerve. In the animals suffering compression of the sciatic nerve only, the myelin sheath was preserved with good regeneration of the nerve. There was no statistics difference between the two groups with or without the administration of gangliosides. In the group of rats where section of the sciatic nerve and suture were performed, neuroma of amputation as well as dense cicatricial tissue with inflammatory reaction of foreign body type was noted around the sutures. In conclusion, the formation of neuroma of amputation associated with severe inflammatory reaction had an important role in determining the regeneration of the nerve.


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Bornite electrodes were characterized in the absence or in the presence of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, which is an important microorganism involved in metal bioleaching processes. The presence of the bacterium modified the mineral/electrolyte interface, increasing the corrosion rate, as revealed by interferometric, AEM, ICP and EIS analyses. As a consequence of bacterial activity the electrode became porous, increasing its surface heterogeneity. This behavior was correlated with the evolution of impedance diagrams obtained during the time course of experiments. The main difference in these diagrams was the presence of an inductive feature (up to 44 h), which was related to bacterial action on the mineral dissolution, better than to its adhesion on the bornite. The total real impedance measured in presence of the bacterium was about 10 times lower than in its absence, due to the acceleration of the mineral dissolution, because an oxidant environment was maintained.


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A manufactured product (Ectoplus®) composed by a cypermethrin (44.7%) and dichlorvos (4.2%) mixture was administered (10mg/kg/day, orally, by gavage) to pregnant rats, during the periods of gestation+lactation, gestation, and lactation. Control mothers received vehicle aqueous solution during the gestation+lactation period. With the progeny, in the 1-15 post-natal days (PNDI-15) there were observed alterations in the periods of occurrence of teeth, hair, unfolding of ears, and in the developmental period for following reflexes: postural, palmar grasp, negative geotaxis, and acoustic startle reflex. After weaning (PND21), there were observed the presence of cypermethrin and dichlorvos in the blood brain and liver; decrease in weight of liver, of cholinesterase activity in the plasma, liver, and brain, and hepatic metabolizing activity of drugs; alterations of levels of gamma glutamyl transferase enzymes, of creatinine, and of potassium in the serum of the animals. In conclusion, neonatal exposure to a formulated mixture of cypermethrin and dichlorvos is inductive to alterations in characteristics that indicate somatic and neuromuscular development of the progeny, and in certain biochemical parameters. The results suggest that enzymatic assessment associated with somatic and neuromotor assessment can be important markers of developmental characteristics in neonatal toxicity by pesticide formulations based on mixtures of insecticides.


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Includes bibliography


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The aim of this work is to present two topological simplified converters named Tri-state Boost and Tri-state Buck-Boost integrated single-phase inverters. An important operation capability can be achieved for these converters using a Tri-state Modulation control scheme. This is the inductive power decoupling and the independent input output control. These features are directly related with the photovoltaic micro-converter needs, improving efficiency, cost and mainly lifetime. These features for the proposed modulation are confirmed through experimental results. © 2011 IEEE.


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Researches on control for power electronics have looked for original solutions in order to advance renewable resources feasibility, specially the photovoltaic (PV). In this context, for PV renewable energy source the usage of compact, high efficiency, low cost and reliable converters are very attractive. In this context, two improved simplified converters, namely Tri-state Boost and Tri-state Buck-Boost integrated single-phase inverters, are achieved with the presented Tri-state modulation and control schemes, which guarantees the input to output power decoupling control. This feature enhances the field of single-phase PV inverters once the energy storage is mainly inductive. The main features of the proposal are confirmed with some simulations and experimental results. © 2012 IEEE.


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Odontogenics tumors are uncommon in the dog. Ameloblastoma is considered a benign, aggressive and non-inductive odontogenic neoplasia commonly located in the incisor teeth. Its conclusive diagnosis is obtained by histopathological examination. Due to the expansive nature of this neoplasia, its resection needs to have an adequate surgical margin so it will have excellent prognostics. A canine, male, Pekingese, 8 years old had an increased volume in the rostral region of the mandible, adhered, consistency moderately firm. Radiography revealed extensive mandibular bone lysis caused by the neoplasia. Biopsy identified the tumor as ameloblastoma. Combining data from the clinical, radiographic and histopatological study and after explain to the owner regarding the postoperative esthetic it was held a bilateral rostral mandibulectomy. The fragment removed was assessed radiographically and histopathologically for evidence of tumor at its edges. The patient is active and healthy without evidence of metastasis or recurrence. The radiographic and histopathologic evaluation of edges of the fragment showed no tumor evidence. The patient is active and healthy without evidence of metastasis or recurrence since January 2010 when mandibulectomy was performed.