929 resultados para Tax and expenditure limitations
Resumen Los esfuerzos por erradicar la pobreza en el país han llevado a la creación de un amplio andamiaje institucional que ha requerido del desarrollo de sistemas de selección de la población beneficiaria con el fin de canalizar los recursos de manera más eficiente y eficaz. Dentro de estos esfuerzos, el IMAS es el que más ha avanzado y en este artículo se busca presentar y evaluar el sistema desarrollado, conocido como SIPO. Para ello se enmarca conceptualmente el enfoque en las políticas sociales selectivas, se analiza el sistema SIPO y se confronta con una base externa, la encuesta de ingresos y gastos, con el fin de determinar tanto su cobertura específica como su capacidad de enfoque. Se obtiene que el instrumento muestra una amplia capacidad potencial de enfoque, pero falla en alcanzar esa cobertura, que permitiría la inclusión de una parte significativa de la población pobre. Se concluye con algunas recomendaciones sobre posibles acciones a tomar para consolidar el sistema. Abstract Efforts to eradicate poverty in the country have led to the creation of a broad institutional framework that has required the development of systems for selecting the target population in order to channel resources more efficiently and effectively. Within these efforts, the IMAS is the most advanced and this article seeks to present and evaluate the system developed, known as SIPO. The conceptual approach is based upon targeted social policies, the system SIPO is examined and confronted with an external basis, the income and expenditure survey, in order to determine its specific coverage as its focus ability. It turns out that the instrument has a wide potential in its focus ability, but fails to achieve a coverage broad enough to include a significant proportion of the poor population. It concludes with some recommendations on possible actions to be taken to strengthen the system.
This dissertation analyzes how individuals respond to the introduction of taxation aimed to reduce vehicle pollution, greenhouse gases and traffic. The first chapter analyzes a vehicle registration tax based on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), a major greenhouse gas, adopted in the UK in 2001 and subject to major changes in the following years. I identify the impact of the policy on new vehicle registrations and carbon emissions, compared to alternative measures. Results show that consumers respond to the tax by purchasing cleaner cars, but a carbon tax generating the same revenue would further reduce carbon emissions. The second chapter looks at a pollution charge (polluting vehicles pay to enter the city) and a congestion charge (all vehicles pay) adopted in 2008 and 2011 in Milan, Italy, and how they affected the concentration of nitrogen dioxides (NOx). I use data from pollution monitoring stations to measure the change between areas adopting the tax and other areas. Results show that in the first quarter of their introduction, both policies decreased NOx concentration in a range of -8% and -5%, but the effect declines over time, especially in the case of the pollution charge. The third chapter examines a trial conducted in 2005 in the Seattle, WA, area, in which vehicle trips by 276 volunteer households were recorded with a GPS device installed in their vehicles. Households received a monetary endowment which they used to pay a toll for each mile traveled: the toll varied with the time of the day, the day of the week and the type of road used. Using information on driving behavior, I show that in the first week a $0.10 toll per mile reduces the number of miles driven by around 7%, but the effect lasts only few weeks at most. The effect is mainly driven by a reduction in highway miles during trips from work to home, and it is strongly influenced by past driving behavior, income, the size of the initial endowment and the number of children in the household.
Natural ventilation is an efficient bioclimatic strategy, one that provides thermal comfort, healthful and cooling to the edification. However, the disregard for quality environment, the uncertainties involved in the phenomenon and the popularization of artificial climate systems are held as an excuse for those who neglect the benefits of passive cooling. The unfamiliarity with the concept may be lessened if ventilation is observed in every step of the project, especially in the initial phase in which decisions bear a great impact in the construction process. The tools available in order to quantify the impact of projected decisions consist basically of the renovation rate calculations or computer simulations of fluids, commonly dubbed CFD, which stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics , both somewhat apart from the project s execution and unable to adapt for use in parametric studies. Thus, we chose to verify, through computer simulation, the representativeness of the results with a method of simplified air reconditioning rate calculation, as well as making it more compatible with the questions relevant to the first phases of the project s process. The case object consists of a model resulting from the recommendations of the Código de Obras de Natal/ RN, customized according to the NBR 15220. The study has shown the complexity in aggregating a CFD tool to the process and the need for a method capable of generating data at the compatible rate to the flow of ideas and are discarded during the project s development. At the end of our study, we discuss the necessary concessions for the realization of simulations, the applicability and the limitations of both the tools used and the method adopted, as well as the representativeness of the results obtained
Este estudo analisa a evolução das exportações portuguesas para Espanha e os seus factores determinantes no período 2004-2008, tendo por base uma amostra das 97 maiores empresas exportadoras para Espanha. O estudo utiliza vários indicadores económico-financeiros para caracterizar estas empresas e é feita a comparação entre as 5 maiores empresas e 5 pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) da amostra. A análise evidencia a concentração geográfica destas empresas nos distritos de Porto e Aveiro e o melhor desempenho das grandes empresas em termos de produtividade, rendibilidade dos capitais próprios e salário médio quando comparadas com as PMEs. Quanto ao estudo econométrico, que utiliza dados em painel, consideraram-se como variáveis explicativas teoricamente relevantes, o valor acrescentado bruto, os resultados líquidos, os capitais próprios, a dimensão da empresa, a remuneração e as despesas em investigação e desenvolvimento (I&D). Os resultados do modelo estimado confirmam a influência positiva destas variáveis sobre a variação das exportações, embora as despesas em I&D e as remunerações se tenham revelado estatisticamente não significativas.
A Seguridade Social aprovada na Constituição Brasileira de 1988 não foi implementada conforme previsto na Carta Magna. As sucessivas reformas do Estado e, sobretudo, da previdência social,1 implementadas ao longo da década de 1990, justificadas sob a alegação de um suposto déficit entre receita e despesa, vêm contribuindo para descaracterizá-la enquanto sistema de proteção social, além de favorecer a fragmentação das políticas sociais que a integram: previdência, saúde e assistência. Ao tratar a previdência como seguro e não como política social, estas reformas tendem a minar e corroer as bases conceituais e financeiras da seguridade social, solapando a possibilidade de sua consolidação como propriedade social. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
The technique of surface coating using magnetron sputtering is one of the most widely used in the surface engineering, for its versatility in obtaining different films as well as in the micro / nanometric thickness control. Among the various process parameters, those related to the active species of the plasma are of the most fundamental importance in the mechanism and kinetics of deposition. In order to identify the active species of the plasma, parameters such as gas flow, pressure and density of electric power were varied during titanium coating on glass substrate. By flowing argon gas of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 sccm (cubic centimeters per minute) for each gas flow a sequential scan of the electric current of 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 , 0.50 A. The maximum value of 0.50 A was chosen based both on literature data and on limitations of the equipment. The monitoring of plasma species present during the deposition was carried out in situ by the technique of optical emission spectroscopy (OES) through the spectrometer Ocean Optics USB2000 Series. For this purpose, an apparatus was developed to adapt the OES inside the plasma reactor to stay positioned closest to the target. The radiations emitted by the species were detected by an optical fiber placed behind the glass substrate and their intensities as a function of wavelength were, displayed on a monitor screen. The acquisition time for each condition of the plain parameters was related to the minima of spectral lines intensities due to the film formed on the substrate. The intensities of different emission lines of argon and titanium were then analyzed as a function of time, to determine the active species and estimate the thickness of the deposited films. After the deposition, the coated glasses thin films were characterized by optical transmittance through an infrared laser. It was found that the thickness and deposition rate determined by in situ analysis were consistent with the results obtained by laser transmittance
En la Constitución del Ecuador, en lo referente al Régimen Tributario, se busca la equidad, la importancia de la tributación directa, entre otros, garantizando de esta manera el Buen Vivir. Una vez revisadas las cifras, en la provincia del Azuay, los impuestos indirectos tienen un mayor nivel de recaudación. Este comportamiento atípico con lo que ocurre a nivel nacional, es lo que motivó la realización del presente trabajo, en donde bajo un enfoque sistémico se busca las posibles causas que lo originan. Para ello se recurrió a la información de recaudación tributaria que posee el Servicio de Rentas Internas. Partiendo de un análisis de la recaudación de impuestos a nivel nacional durante el quinquenio 2008-2012, se observa que el Impuesto a la Renta y el Impuesto al Valor Agregado son los de mayor recaudación dentro de los grupos de impuestos directos e indirectos respectivamente, contrastando con el comportamiento a nivel regional, y de la provincia del Azuay. El estudio realizado llevo a validar posibles causas que inciden en los niveles de recaudación del Impuesto a la Renta en la provincia, como: la composición y nivel de recaudación por clase de contribuyentes,el predominio de actividades económicas, la presencia de grandes contribuyentes con actividades específicas y los ingresos por remesas como generadoras de consumo.
Com esta investigação pretende-se avaliar se as missões, a organização, os sistemas de armas, a instrução ou o treino das Unidades de reconhecimento, originalmente vocacionadas para atuar em operações convencionais, se constituíram como fatores limitadores do seu emprego na Guerra de África. Na realização desta investigação foi feito um estudo pormenorizado dos fatores em cima referidos. Quanto às missões, organização, instrução e treino foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre aquilo que existia, e que era praticado, com aquilo que foi executado e utilizado na guerra de África. Este estudo pretendia perceber as diferenças que existiram, e se estas foram de facto uma influência limitadora ao emprego destas unidades. Quanto aos sistemas de armas, foram analisados aqueles que foram empregues em África, pretendendo-se assim perceber quais é que foram as restrições destes sistemas. Para a realização desta investigação utilizamos o procedimento histórico e comparativo para realizarmos à comparação entre aquilo que existia e o que se executou no terreno, nos fatores missões, organização e instrução e treino. Na análise dos sistemas de armas utilizámos o procedimento histórico para a enumeração dos sistemas empregues e suas limitações. No final do estudo de cada fator deduzimos mediante os dados que foram sendo apresentados, se estes foram limitadores ao emprego destas unidades. Na recolha de dados utilizámos a pesquisa documental para a consulta de Quadros Orgânicos (QO), relatórios das unidades, relatórios das regiões militares, bem como manuais doutrinários das unidades de reconhecimento blindado. Utilizámos também a pesquisa bibliográfica para a consulta de teses sobre o reconhecimento blindado, artigos da Revista da Cavalaria, resenhas das campanhas de África, bem como livros alusivos à subversão e às campanhas de África. No final deste trabalho verificámos que os sistemas de armas foram a maior limitação destas unidades, pelo simples facto de terem influenciado todos os outros fatores em análise. Contudo vemos que as razões desta influência sobre os outros fatores poderiam verificar-se em qualquer tipo de conflito, visto serem derivadas dos problemas de sustentação das viaturas. Realmente existiram pequenas limitações em todos os fatores de análise neste conflito, em relação ao convencional, sendo que nos parece que foram contornadas com dedicação, e capacidade de improvisação das forças Portuguesas, para as ultrapassar.
Confirming the Brazilian tendency in the field, the multifamily vertical condominium habitats in Natal are defined as buildings with three or more floors which have been an increasingly used solution. In the mentioned project, the connection between the projectarchitects and the user/ buyers are spread out, by which the first people conceive the realestate property as a creation for the market and not the individual client in specific. Such situation along with technical and financial limitations of the project lead to the adoption of standard solutions to be utilized by clients with different profiles. Besides that, there are various legal and urban parameters by the City Director Plan showing elements of great influence in the final solution adopted by the mentioned edifices. Moving to this subject in general, this project is focused on the case study of the Ed. Ville de Montpellier, having as a base of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE), considered an efficient tool to analyze and keep up with the progress of the construction of the building, including technical approvals, the application of surveys with the local residents and the creation of informal interviews. The data shows that with time some items that initially motivated the acquisition of the realestate property (with a social common area) move to being less valued, and that the residents quickly alter the pre constructed space, thus seeking to alter the property in a more personal and conforming manner. The possibility of a new emphasis for projects on the mentioned space should also be in discussion, the created project calls for the attention of projected conceptual aspects and interdependence within project and construction which permits the indication of some recommendations for the projection of multifamily residential buildings within the studied realm
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Mestrado Profissional em Administração, 2015.
This dissertation aims to look into the structure of the event Circuito Regional de Performance BodeArte1 to think how it collaborate with its proposal providing theoretical points to relevant questions to the comprehension of Brazilian performance art in contemporaneity, since its conceptual format until its occurrence and practical limitations. From this proposition the dissertation is organized into three chapters guided for the following aspects: the resumption of the events encompassed on the occurrence of Circuit BodeArte as well as a tabulation of the data reunited in its history, the presentation of its conceptual choices, and the metaphors conducted by the use of the term performance and how they can lead us to the idea of a performance-as-BodeArte. The methodological structures moved for this organization are qualitative, and have been formed from printed materials, texts, festival programs, blog, videos, photos, interviews, lectures and forums, plus our own memory as a producer and performer of the event, looking through these set points of the epistemological organization contained on the proposal of the Circuito, expanding and discussing them. This way this research moves between the propositions of this event in its three editions, promoting discussions that dialogue with concepts such as the emergence of Steve Johnson (2004), the metaphors of thought proposed by Christine Greiner (2005), the idea of performance hacker of Maria Beatriz de Medeiros (AQUINO, et al., 2012), as well as other propositions presented by Jan Swidzinski (2005) and Eleonora Fabião (2012)
Le droit international, notamment le droit international des droits de l’homme, a établi des obligations étatiques pour affronter les défis des sociétés en transition : la recherche de la vérité autour des crimes du passé, la poursuite et la sanction pénale aux auteurs de ces crimes, et la réparation aux victimes. Les limitations politiques, sociales et juridiques de la justice transitionnelle sont énormes et elles représentent de grands défis pour les États et pour la communauté internationale en général. Cette recherche a pour but l’analyse du processus de la justice transitionnelle au Pérou après le conflit armé interne et le régime autoritaire de l’ex-présidente Alberto Fujimori à la lumière du droit international. L’étude conclut que le Pérou a accompli les obligations imposées par le droit international en utilisant une approche intégrale de la justice de transition. Néanmoins, il reste encore quelques défis à surmonter liés aux facteurs politiques et sociaux de la réalité péruvienne.
Le droit international, notamment le droit international des droits de l’homme, a établi des obligations étatiques pour affronter les défis des sociétés en transition : la recherche de la vérité autour des crimes du passé, la poursuite et la sanction pénale aux auteurs de ces crimes, et la réparation aux victimes. Les limitations politiques, sociales et juridiques de la justice transitionnelle sont énormes et elles représentent de grands défis pour les États et pour la communauté internationale en général. Cette recherche a pour but l’analyse du processus de la justice transitionnelle au Pérou après le conflit armé interne et le régime autoritaire de l’ex-présidente Alberto Fujimori à la lumière du droit international. L’étude conclut que le Pérou a accompli les obligations imposées par le droit international en utilisant une approche intégrale de la justice de transition. Néanmoins, il reste encore quelques défis à surmonter liés aux facteurs politiques et sociaux de la réalité péruvienne.
Background: The number of centenarians is rapidly increasing in Europe. In Portugal, it has almost tripled over the last 10 years and constitutes one of the fastest-growing segments of the population. This paper aims to describe the health and sociodemographic characteristics of Portuguese centenarians as given in the 2011 census and to identify sex differences. Methods: All persons living in Portugal mainland and Madeira and Azores islands aged 100 years old at the time of the 2011 census (N = 1,526) were considered. Measures include sociodemographic characteristics and perceived difficulties in six functional domains of basic actions (seeing, hearing, walking, cognition, self-care, and communication) as assessed by the Portuguese census official questionnaires. Results: Most centenarians are women (82.1 %), widowed (82 %), never attended school (51 %), and live in private households (71 %). The majority show major constraints in seeing (67.4 %), hearing (72.3 %), and particularly in their mobility (83.7 % cannot/have great difficulties in walking/climbing stairs and 80.7 % in bathing/dressing). In general, a better outcome was found for reported memory/concentration and understanding, with 39.1 % and 42.5 % presenting no or mild difficulty, respectively. Top-level functioning (no/mild difficulties in all dimensions concurrently) was observed in a minority of cases (5.96 %). Women outnumber men by a ratio of 4.6, and statistically significant differences were found between men and women for all health-related variables, with women presenting a higher percentage of difficulties. Conclusion: Portuguese centenarians experience great difficulties in sensory domains and basic daily living activities, and to a lesser extent in cognition and communication. The obtained profile, though self-reported, is important in considering the potential of social and family participation of this population regardless of their functional and sensory limitations. Based on the observed differences between men and women, gender-specific and gender-sensitive interventions are recommended in order to acknowledge women’s worse overall condition.
Cassava contributes significantly to biobased material development. Conventional approaches for its bio-derivative-production and application cause significant wastes, tailored material development challenges, with negative environmental impact and application limitations. Transforming cassava into sustainable value-added resources requires redesigning new approaches. Harnessing unexplored material source, and downstream process innovations can mitigate challenges. The ultimate goal proposed an integrated sustainable process system for cassava biomaterial development and potential application. An improved simultaneous release recovery cyanogenesis (SRRC) methodology, incorporating intact bitter cassava, was developed and standardized. Films were formulated, characterised, their mass transport behaviour, simulating real-distribution-chain conditions quantified, and optimised for desirable properties. Integrated process design system, for sustainable waste-elimination and biomaterial development, was developed. Films and bioderivatives for desired MAP, fast-delivery nutraceutical excipients and antifungal active coating applications were demonstrated. SRRC-processed intact bitter cassava produced significantly higher yield safe bio-derivatives than peeled, guaranteeing 16% waste-elimination. Process standardization transformed entire root into higher yield and clarified colour bio-derivatives and efficient material balance at optimal global desirability. Solvent mass through temperature-humidity-stressed films induced structural changes, and influenced water vapour and oxygen permeability. Sevenunit integrated-process design led to cost-effectiveness, energy-efficient and green cassava processing and biomaterials with zero-environment footprints. Desirable optimised bio-derivatives and films demonstrated application in desirable in-package O2/CO2, mouldgrowth inhibition, faster tablet excipient nutraceutical dissolutions and releases, and thymolencapsulated smooth antifungal coatings. Novel material resources, non-root peeling, zero-waste-elimination, and desirable standardised methodology present promising process integration tools for sustainable cassava biobased system development. Emerging design outcomes have potential applications to mitigate cyanide challenges and provide bio-derivative development pathways. Process system leads to zero-waste, with potential to reshape current style one-way processes into circular designs modelled on nature's effective approaches. Indigenous cassava components as natural material reinforcements, and SRRC processing approach has initiated a process with potential wider deployment in broad product research development. This research contributes to scientific knowledge in material science and engineering process design.