960 resultados para Portuguese empire
dressé par les Frères Lotter.
by H. Moll.
dressée d'après le Salnamé 1899/1317 par R. Huber.
par son très humble et très obéisant Serviteur H. Iaillot.
Embracing english as a lingua franca : learning from portuguese users of english in higher education
Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016
Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Sociologia da Família, Juventude e das Relações do Género), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2016
Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Marinha e Aquacultura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
On the fortieth anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, it is pertinent to ask how Portuguese citizens understand their transition to democracy. In this article, some of the main findings concerning the meanings and legacies of 25 April 1974 are presented, drawing on the findings of two surveys focusing on Portuguese attitudes towards 25 April and fielded in 2004 and 2014, respectively, to a representative sample of the Portuguese population. Here we focus on the degree to which the transition is viewed positively and its social and economic legacies. In the final sections, the main findings of the articles in this special issue are discussed through a presentation of the main questions they answer and the new ones they raise.
This article analyses the way in which attitudes towards the transition to democracy explain party identification and ideology in Portugal. This question is important because the transition to democracy in Portugal was a turbulent process marked by a rupture with the past and institutional fluidity. It has also conditioned the main political parties’ relationships with the electorate and each other since 1974. I compare the same explanatory model results from two surveys, conducted in 2004 and 2014, respectively, to understand the extent to which perceptions about the transition help characterise the Portuguese voter over the last decade.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
The purpose of this article is to present the adaptation and factorial validation of the Placental Paradigm Questionnaire (PPQ) for the Portuguese population. Method: The original PPQ was translated into Portuguese (designated as ‘Questionário do Paradigma Placentário’, QPP) and then back-translated into English; the Portuguese and the back-translated versions were evaluated by a panel of experts. The participants were 189 pregnant Portuguese women, interviewed twice while waiting for sonogram examinations. At first, between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation, an Informed Consent was obtained as well as sociodemographic information. Between 28 and 36 weeks of gestation, participants answered the QPP. Results: The principal components analysis showed items to load mainly on two factors: in factor one, loads ranged between .778 and .522, while in factor 2, loads ranged between .658 and .421. Accordingly, two subscales of prenatal maternal orientation to motherhood were considered: (1) Facilitator Factor (α = .815) and Regulator Factor (α = .770). Conclusion: Overall, these data suggest that the Portuguese version of the QPP is a reliable and valid measure for the assessment of prenatal orientation for motherhood. In the future, QPP measurements will allow to relate maternal orientation to motherhood with other variables of psychic organisation in pregnancy and after birth.
Este artigo analisa filmes e documentários, realizados em Portugal, que tiveram como pano de fundo as ex-colónias africanas ou nelas foram inspirados. Durante o Estado Novo, a defesa de uma boa imagem do “império” e da política colonial levou a proibir filmes que incluíssem maus-tratos a indivíduos de origem africana, ilustrassem a luta entre o “branco” (colono) e o “negro” (colonizado), retratassem os movimentos de luta pela ascensão dos negros nos EUA ou exaltassem aspetos pacifistas ou antimilitaristas. Muitos documentários destacam as potencialidades (naturais e humanas) de África. Alguns são dedicados à criação de estruturas de ensino e evangelização dos africanos, ou procuram retratar os seus “usos e costumes”. Outros evidenciam a força de trabalho do africano na construção de um futuro prometedor. Tal trabalho é orientado pelo “branco”, i.e., é ao saber técnico deste que se junta a força do africano. Os africanos são representados como exemplos de um conjunto uno (todos são denominados “indígenas”), mas entre eles procuram-se evidenciar características distintivas. As imagens que denotam modernização, em cidades como Luanda ou Lourenço Marques, ofuscam os “colonizados”. Estes filmes têm amiúde um carácter mais de propaganda do que informação, ou etnográfico, e têm como objetivo transmitir uma consciência colonial.
Tese de doutoramento, História (Arte, Património e Restauro), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016
L’empire colonial est un élément central de la construction officielle de l’identité nationale portugaise. Le processus d’indépendance des anciennes colonies après le 25 avril 1974 a conduit à la reconfiguration des manières de raconter le passé. Basé sur deux études de cas, cet article prétend analyser comment des nouvelles médiations et des nouveaux récits ont été utilisés pour reconfigurer cette mémoire. Le cas de la construction biographique du joueur de football mozambicain Eusébio da Silva Ferreira, le grand héros du football portugais, et l’analyse de l’héritage de l’architecture coloniale moderne portugaise visent à démontrer le rôle que ces récits produits dans des champs d’activités spécifiques ont joué dans le maintien d’un discours portant sur la grandeur coloniale, discours qui est lui-même une dimension de l’institutionnalisation de ces champs.
In his latest commentary, Associate Senior Fellow Michael Emerson hails Croatia’s accession to the EU as a fine step forward towards the official goal of integration of the whole of the Balkans into the EU. At the same time, he warns of the folly underway of the serious attention being paid by the European Commission to the newest member state’s petition to construct a multi-million euro bridge over a 9-km stretch of Bosnian land (the ‘Neum corridor’) that inconveniently but temporarily interrupts a non-stop drive along Croatia’s Dalmatian coast.