998 resultados para Phosphate group
BACKGROUND: Invasive fungal diseases are important causes of morbidity and mortality. Clarity and uniformity in defining these infections are important factors in improving the quality of clinical studies. A standard set of definitions strengthens the consistency and reproducibility of such studies. METHODS: After the introduction of the original European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Invasive Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) Consensus Group definitions, advances in diagnostic technology and the recognition of areas in need of improvement led to a revision of this document. The revision process started with a meeting of participants in 2003, to decide on the process and to draft the proposal. This was followed by several rounds of consultation until a final draft was approved in 2005. This was made available for 6 months to allow public comment, and then the manuscript was prepared and approved. RESULTS: The revised definitions retain the original classifications of "proven," "probable," and "possible" invasive fungal disease, but the definition of "probable" has been expanded, whereas the scope of the category "possible" has been diminished. The category of proven invasive fungal disease can apply to any patient, regardless of whether the patient is immunocompromised, whereas the probable and possible categories are proposed for immunocompromised patients only. CONCLUSIONS: These revised definitions of invasive fungal disease are intended to advance clinical and epidemiological research and may serve as a useful model for defining other infections in high-risk patients.
We characterize divergence times, intraspecific diversity and distributions for recently recognized lineages within the Hyla arborea species group, based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences from 160 localities spanning its whole distribution. Lineages of H. arborea, H. orientalis, H. molleri have at least Pliocene age, supporting species level divergence. The genetically uniform Iberian H. molleri, although largely isolated by the Pyrenees, is parapatric to H. arborea, with evidence for successful hybridization in a small Aquitanian corridor (southwestern France), where the distribution also overlaps with H. meridionalis. The genetically uniform H. arborea, spread from Crete to Brittany, exhibits molecular signatures of a postglacial range expansion. It meets different mtDNA clades of H. orientalis in NE-Greece, along the Carpathians, and in Poland along the Vistula River (there including hybridization). The East-European H. orientalis is strongly structured genetically. Five geographic mitochondrial clades are recognized, with a molecular signature of postglacial range expansions for the clade that reached the most northern latitudes. Hybridization with H. savignyi is suggested in southwestern Turkey. Thus, cryptic diversity in these Pliocene Hyla lineages covers three extremes: a genetically poor, quasi-Iberian endemic (H. molleri), a more uniform species distributed from the Balkans to Western Europe (H. arborea), and a well-structured Asia Minor-Eastern European species (H. orientalis).
Aims and background. In 2002, a survey including 1759 patients treated from 1980 to 1998 established a "benchmark" Italian data source for prostate cancer radiotherapy. This report updates the previous one. Methods. Data on clinical management and outcomes of 3001 patients treated in 15 centers from 1999 through 2003 were analyzed and compared with those of the previous survey. Results. Significant differences in clinical management (-10% had abdominal ma-gnetic resonance imaging; +26% received ≥70 Gy, +48% conformal radiotherapy, -20% pelvic radiotherapy) and in G3-4 toxicity rates (-3.8%) were recorded. Actuarial 5-year overall, disease-specific, clinical relapse-free, and biochemical relapse-free survival rates were 88%, 96%, 96% and 88%, respectively. At multivariate analysis, D'Amico risk categories significantly impacted on all the outcomes; higher radiotherapy doses were significantly related with better overall survival rates, and a similar trend was evident for disease-specific and biochemical relapse-free survival; cumulative probability of 5-year late G1-4 toxicity was 24.8% and was significantly related to higher radiotherapy doses (P <0.001). Conclusions. The changing patterns of practice described seem related to an improvement in efficacy and safety of radiotherapy for prostate cancer. However, the impact of the new radiotherapy techniques should be prospectively evaluated.
Topological indices have been applied to build QSAR models for a set of 20 antimalarial cyclic peroxy cetals. In order to evaluate the reliability of the proposed linear models leave-n-out and Internal Test Sets (ITS) approaches have been considered. The proposed procedure resulted in a robust and consensued prediction equation and here it is shown why it is superior to the employed standard cross-validation algorithms involving multilinear regression models
Basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystals are associated with severe osteoarthritis and acute periarticular inflammation. Three main forms of BCP crystals have been identified from pathological tissues: octacalcium phosphate, carbonate-substituted apatite, and hydroxyapatite. We investigated the proinflammatory effects of these BCP crystals in vitro with special regard to the involvement of the NLRP3-inflammasome in THP-1 cells, primary human monocytes and macrophages, and mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM). THP-1 cells stimulated with BCP crystals produced IL-1β in a dose-dependent manner. Similarly, primary human cells and BMDM from wild-type mice also produced high concentrations of IL-1β after crystal stimulation. THP-1 cells transfected with short hairpin RNA against the components of the NLRP3 inflammasome and mouse BMDM from mice deficient for NLRP3, apoptosis-associated speck-like protein, or caspase-1 did not produce IL-1β after BCP crystal stimulation. BCP crystals induced macrophage apoptosis/necrosis as demonstrated by MTT and flow cytometric analysis. Collectively, these results demonstrate that BCP crystals induce IL-1β secretion through activating the NLRP3 inflammasome. Furthermore, we speculate that IL-1 blockade could be a novel strategy to inhibit BCP-induced inflammation in human disease.
Invasive fungal diseases (IFDs) have become major causes of morbidity and mortality among highly immunocompromised patients. Authoritative consensus criteria to diagnose IFD have been useful in establishing eligibility criteria for antifungal trials. There is an important need for generation of consensus definitions of outcomes of IFD that will form a standard for evaluating treatment success and failure in clinical trials. Therefore, an expert international panel consisting of the Mycoses Study Group and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer was convened to propose guidelines for assessing treatment responses in clinical trials of IFDs and for defining study outcomes. Major fungal diseases that are discussed include invasive disease due to Candida species, Aspergillus species and other molds, Cryptococcus neoformans, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Coccidioides immitis. We also discuss potential pitfalls in assessing outcome, such as conflicting clinical, radiological, and/or mycological data and gaps in knowledge.
BACKGROUND: The storage of blood induces the formation of erythrocytes-derived microparticles. Their pathogenic role in blood transfusion is not known so far, especially the risk to trigger alloantibody production in the recipient. This work aims to study the expression of clinically significant blood group antigens on the surface of red blood cells microparticles. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Red blood cells contained in erythrocyte concentrates were stained with specific antibodies directed against blood group antigens and routinely used in immunohematology practice. After inducing erythrocytes vesiculation with calcium ionophore, the presence of blood group antigens was analysed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: The expression of several blood group antigens from the RH, KEL, JK, FY, MNS, LE and LU systems was detected on erythrocyte microparticles. The presence of M (MNS1), N (MNS2) and s (MNS4) antigens could not be demonstrated by flow cytometry, despite that glycophorin A and B were identified on microparticles using anti-CD235a and anti-MNS3. DISCUSSION: We conclude that blood group antigens are localized on erythrocytes-derived microparticles and probably keep their immunogenicity because of their capacity to bind specific antibody. Selective segregation process during vesiculation or their ability to elicit an immune response in vivo has to be tested by further studies.
L’esfingosina-1-fosfat (S1P) és un lípid bioactiu amb funcions crucials en la biologia cel•lular. Entre aquestes, la seva activitat mitogènica i citoprotectora són les més estudiades. L’S1P és catabolitzada intracel•lularment mitjançant l’esfingosina-1-fosfat liasa (SGPL1) per generar (E)-2-hexadecenal i fosforiletanolamina. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és explorar si l’(E)-2-hexadecenal és realment un catabòlit innocu o bé si, pel seu caràcter acceptor de Michael, és capaç de reaccionar amb pèptids o proteïnes específics. Aquesta interacció podria traduïr-se en funcions biològiques determinades, algunes de les quals són possiblement atribuïdes a l’esfingosina-1-fosfat com a tal. Per poder explorar el potencials adductes proteïcs amb l’aldehid, s’han emprat, sobre cèl•lules HeLa que sobreexpressen SGPL1, sondes anàlegs a esfingosina i esfinganina (i els seus derivats fosforil•lats) que presenten una funció azida en la posició omega de la cadena esfingoide. Aquestes, mitjançant química click sense coure, s’han fet reaccionar amb una molècula que presenta un dibenzociclooctí unit a biotina DBCObiotina). Després d’aïllar les proteïnes així biotinilades amb una reïna d’estreptavidina, aquestes es van separar per electroforesi. Les bandes proteïques observades es van extreure del gel i es van digerir amb tripsina, per posteriorment analitzar els pèptids per MALDI-TOF, el que permetria l’identificació de proteïnes a partir de “peptide mass fingerprinting”. Lamentablement, a la fi d’aquest contracte, encara no s’ha pogut identificar cap proteïna que s’uneixi a l’aldehid alliberat per la reacció de l’esfingosina-1- fosfat liasa. No obstant, durant aquest temps s’ha millorat el mètode per detectar aquests adductes proteïcs. Per això, si la recerca continua en aquesta línia, properament es podria saber amb certesa si existeixen o no aquestes interaccions covalents entre determinades proteïnes i l’(E)-2-hexadecenal.
Because of its severity, it is agreed that infectious endocarditis should be prevented whenever possible. Determining adequate prophylactic measures involves establishing (a) the patients at risk, (b) the procedures that might provoke bacteraemia, (c) the most effective prophylactic regimen, and (d) a balance between the risks of side effects from prophylaxis and of developing infectious endocarditis. Patients at risk and procedures inducing bacteraemia have been identified by clinical studies. On the other hand, the efficacy of prophylactic antibiotics has been based on animal studies. Randomised, placebo-controlled studies do not exist in humans because they would require large patient numbers and would raise ethical issues due to the severity of the disease. Case-control studies have indicated that infectious endocarditis prophylaxis is effective, but prevents only a limited number of cases. Animal experiments have revealed several key issues for human application. First, antibiotics do not prevent the early stages of valve colonisation, but rather kill the microorganisms after their attachment to the cardiac lesions. Second, the duration of antibiotic presence in the serum is critical. Under experimental conditions, the drugs must remain above their minimal inhibitory concentration for the organisms for > or = 10 h, to allow time for bacterial clearance from the valves. Third, antibiotic-induced killing is not the only mechanism allowing bacterial clearance. Other factors, such as platelet microbicidal proteins, may act in concert with the drugs to sterilise the lesions. Recommendations for prophylaxis have recently been revised in Europe and the USA. New information has improved the definition of groups at risk. Since most cases of infectious endocarditis are not preceded by medical procedures, primary prevention of infectious endocarditis should target infected foci responsible for spontaneous bacteraemia (e.g. poor dental hygiene). The purpose of this article is to update the existing recommendations in Switzerland, under the perspective of changing epidemiology, the availability of new drugs, and harmonisation with recommendations in other countries.
Various compositions of synthetic calcium phosphates (CaP) have been proposed and their use has considerably increased over the past decades. Besides differences in physico-chemical properties, resorption and osseointegration, artificial CaP bone graft might differ in their resistance against biofilm formation. We investigated standardised cylinders of 5 different CaP bone grafts (cyclOS, chronOS (both β-TCP (tricalcium phosphate)), dicalcium phosphate (DCP), calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA) and α-TCP). Various physico-chemical characterisations e.g., geometrical density, porosity, and specific surface area were investigated. Biofilm formation was carried out in tryptic soy broth (TSB) and human serum (SE) using Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29213) and S. epidermidis RP62A (ATCC 35984). The amount of biofilm was analysed by an established protocol using sonication and microcalorimetry. Physico-chemical characterisation showed marked differences concerning macro- and micropore size, specific surface area and porosity accessible to bacteria between the 5 scaffolds. Biofilm formation was found on all scaffolds and was comparable for α-TCP, chronOS, CDHA and DCP at corresponding time points when the scaffolds were incubated with the same germ and/or growth media, but much lower for cyclOS. This is peculiar because cyclOS had an intermediate porosity, mean pore size, specific surface area, and porosity accessible to bacteria. Our results suggest that biofilm formation is not influenced by a single physico-chemical parameter alone but is a multi-step process influenced by several factors in parallel. Transfer from in vitro data to clinical situations is difficult; thus, advocating the use of cyclOS scaffolds over the four other CaP bone grafts in clinical situations with a high risk of infection cannot be clearly supported based on our data.
Puerperium is a period of great changes in women's lives, in physiological, psychological and socio-cultural terms. Female sexuality is a broad topic that should be explored vis-à-vis the singularity of woman's experiences which themselves vary at different moments in time. This article is part of the project: Sexuality in the Puerperium, the objective of which was to understand what women's experience of their sexuality is in the postpartum period. Observation and semi-structured interview were used. The research approach was qualitative and narrative was used as the conceptual and methodological method. Six primiparas who gave birth in a public hospital in São Paulo took part in the study. Observation took place in the in-patients unit in the immediate post-partum period. The interviews were conducted in the women´s homes. The results of the study have enabled an understanding to be formed of the meanings and changes in sexuality during the postpartum period as well as of the experiences every woman faces in her new roles, relationships and difficulties.
BACKGROUND: In chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, the intake of calcium-based phosphate binders is associated with a marked progression of coronary artery and aortic calcification, in contrast to patients receiving calcium-free phosphate binders. The aim of this study was to reexamine the role of calcium carbonate in vascular calcification and to analyse its effect on aortic calcification-related gene expression in chronic renal failure (CRF). METHODS: Mice deficient in apolipoprotein E underwent either sham operation or subtotal nephrectomy to create CRF. They were then randomly assigned to one of the three following groups: a control non-CRF group and a CRF group fed on standard diet, and a CRF group fed on calcium carbonate enriched diet, for a period of 8 weeks. Aortic atherosclerotic plaque and calcification were evaluated using quantitative morphologic image processing. Aortic gene and protein expression was examined using immunohistochemistry and Q-PCR methods. RESULTS: Calcium carbonate supplementation was effective in decreasing serum phosphorus but was associated with a higher serum calcium concentration. Compared with standard diet, calcium carbonate enriched diet unexpectedly induced a significant decrease of both plaque (p<0.05) and non-plaque-associated calcification surface (p<0.05) in CRF mice. It also increased osteopontin (OPN) protein expression in atherosclerotic lesion areas of aortic root. There was also a numerical increase in OPN and osteoprotegerin gene expression in total thoracic aorta but the difference did not reach the level of significance. Finally, calcium carbonate did not change the severity of atherosclerotic lesions. CONCLUSION: In this experimental model of CRF, calcium carbonate supplementation did not accelerate but instead decreased vascular calcification. If our observation can be extrapolated to humans, it appears to question the contention that calcium carbonate supplementation, at least when given in moderate amounts, necessarily enhances vascular calcification. It is also compatible with the hypothesis of a preponderant role of phosphorus over that of calcium in promoting vascular calcification in CRF.