841 resultados para Movimento social urbano
Num ambiente como o da Galiléia do século I, onde o ensino era realizado nas comunidades religiosas, vilarejos e núcleos familiares de forma oral, o método de fixação de ensinos mediante a assimilação de símbolos do cotidiano era fundamental. Por conta disso, acreditamos que, dentre as fontes orais ou escritas preservadas e organizadas pelos Evangelhos Sinóticos, as parábolas de Jesus compõem o gênero literário mais original por terem sido preservadas na memória, com maior precisão pelos primeiros seguidores de Jesus. Muitos estudiosos empreenderam importantes trabalhos para pesquisar o lugar social das parábolas de Jesus, a maioria deles partindo dos próprios textos dispostos como estão nos Evangelhos. Neste trabalho, nos propomos trabalhar as parábolas de Jesus como ditos bem preservados pela oralidade a partir da teoria da Fonte Q, que é tratada como um dos estratos mais primitivos da tradição formativa dos Evangelhos Sinóticos e do movimento de Jesus. As parábolas do Ladrão (Q 12,39-40), Servo Infiel (Q 12,42-46) e do Dinheiro Confiado (Q 19,12-27) sempre foram vistas pela tradição eclesial como parábolas que tratam da necessária vigilância do cristão por conta da repentina parusia de Jesus. No entanto, nesse trabalho vamos além, pois acreditamos que essas parábolas tratam do contexto social da Galiléia do século I, onde são retratadas a opressão econômica e a violência social imposta aos pequenos proprietários e camponeses empobrecidos.(AU)
A população em situação de rua é um fenômeno urbano, agravado na contemporaneidade por fatores de ordem social, econômica, cultural que agrupa pessoas independentemente da idade, etnia, grau de instrução e gênero, em situação de exclusão social, impedidos à renda e suprimento de suas necessidades vitais, culturais e sociais. Na condição de população sobrante, enfrenta obstáculos ao desenvolvimento de suas capacidades intelectuais, biológicas e culturais; à equidade de garantia de direitos civis, políticos e sociais; à qualidade de vida em harmonia e bem-estar objetivo dos seres humanos; e ao exercício pleno de sua cidadania. A Comunidade Metodista do Povo de Rua - CMPR encontrou o seu espaço no início da década de noventa, ao tempo em que a Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo, na Legislatura da Prefeita Luíza Erundina, promoveu, através da Secretaria Municipal de Bem-Estar social, o censo para conhecer quem era, como vivia e como era vista a população de rua na cidade de São Paulo. Neste contexto, a Igreja Metodista Coreana Ebenezer oferecia à população uma assistência dominical servindo pão, café com leite e achocolatado na região do Parque Dom Pedro II. Sagrou-se a parceria para a criação da CMPR através do despertar do poder público e da participação da Igreja Metodista Coreana através do Café do Coreano. Foi fundamental a disposição dos Bispos Nelson Campos Leite e Geoval Jacinto da Silva, ambos da Terceira Região Eclesiástica da Igreja Metodista, que iniciaram os trabalhos utilizando a instituição de caráter filantrópico da Igreja Metodista, a AMAS Associação Metodista de Assistência Social. Assim, com sede no Viaduto Pedroso e, por proximidade geográfica, a CMPR vinculou-se a AMAS da Catedral Metodista de São Paulo, atuando em três dimensões: (1) criação da Casa de Convivência, (2) abrigamento no período do inverno; (3) Criação do albergue. O Plano de Ação elaborado pela CMPR que consagrou a criação do Albergue, data da transição 1994/95 e teve como base o Credo Social, o Plano para Vida e Missão da Igreja Metodista e o Plano de Ação encaminhado à Prefeitura, à luz da vertente social do movimento Metodista a partir de João Wesley, estabelecendo que o objetivo geral da CMPR fosse o resgate da cidadania das pessoas que constituem a população de rua. Nesta dimensão, a tese está estruturada em cinco capítulos, inclusa pesquisa de campo que foi aplicada a funcionários e ex-funcionários da CMPR, com objetivo de reunir conteúdos para se analisar as ações pastorais da CMPR na perspectiva da Práxis religiosa, considerando a Práxis filosófica e educacional, a fim de perceber se as ações pastorais são ações criadoras, reflexivas, libertadoras e radicais, e se promovem por meio da CMPR o resgate da cidadania em população de rua na cidade de São Paulo.(AU)
Estudo sobre a realização de documentários no contexto do movimento sindical brasileito dos anos 1970 e 1980. O objetivo é analisar os processos cinematográficos de realização, embates e jogos de representação nas narrativas sobre os trabalhadores industriais urbanos nos documentários realizados por cineastas que se propuseram a intervir e representar os novos movimentos sociais que ressurgem no contexto da abertura política brasileira. O recorte de análise é a imagem do trabalhador urbano dentro ou fora do contexto de greve, símbolo máximo da sua representação política, ressurgimento e impacto social. A metodologia consiste na codificação dos elementos narrativos visuais e na análise de conteúdo para, posteriormente, através do confronto entre as declarações colhidas em entrevistas com seus realizadores, verificar de que forma essas imagens construíram um discurso sobre o trabalhador que acabou sendo utilizado como instrumentos de comunicação alternativa e afirmação de identidade pelos próprios envolvidos.
O presente estudo tem por objetivo examinar o papel do Conselho de Comunicação Social no processo de democratização da comunicação no Brasil. Faz-se, então, necessária uma retrospectiva histórica sobre o movimento pela democratização da comunicação no Brasil, a qual antecede à Constituição Federal de 1988. Discute a longa trajetória percorrida para a instalação do CCS e analisa a atuação desse órgão durante seu primeiro mandato (2002/2004). Para alcançar os objetivos estabelecidos, o trabalho utilizou-se do Estudo de Caso de natureza qualitativa, tendo como método principal a Análise Retórica. O eixo central de análise foram as atas, por meio das quais foi possível examinar as estratégias discursivas dos grupos de interesse que atuaram no Conselho. A proposta de Regionalização da Programação foi o objeto principal deste estudo. Os resultados alcançados indicam que a baixa representatividade da Sociedade Civil e as estratégias utilizadas pelos concessionários da mídia transformaram esse espaço em mais uma extensão do lobby empresarial, a fim de impedir a implementação de novas propostas para a democratização da comunicação. Esse predomínio do interesse privado sobre o interesse público aponta para a necessidade de se repensar a atuação do CCS.
Historicamente tido como nacional, o meio revista está sendo regionalmente reinventado. Seus moldes tradicionais passam por uma readaptação e os esquematismos dominantes na produção jornalística já não são homogêneos. Há um movimento setorial à procura de um novo mercado, incrustado nas especificidades regionais e no desenvolvimento socioeconômico que está vicejando num cotidiano desconhecido pela chamada grande imprensa. O mercado de revistas no Brasil cresce consecutivamente e de forma organizada há anos. Embora não haja registros nas fontes de autoridade, as revistas regionais e as tiragens têm se multiplicado velozmente, contrariando os revezes econômico-financeiros sentidos por outros setores da indústria cultural. Este fenômeno é o objetivo desta pesquisa: mapear a nova geografia do meio revista nas cinco macrorregiões brasileiras para entender como as identidades regionais são processadas em favor da comunicação com públicos específicos, característica que está na essência da revista. Métodos mistos de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa traçam o caminho da justaposição necessária para descrever este surto de publicações regionais. Estudo de casos múltiplos e análise de conteúdo envolvendo cinco revistas de cada uma das regiões políticoadministrativas, descrevem e discutem as tendências da segmentação no mercado editorial além do eixo Rio-São Paulo. Como resultado desta investigação, chega-se às seguintes conclusões: a consolidação de um novo campo jornalístico regional, profissionalizado, competente e criativo, distante do amadorismo, do bairrismo e da mimetização simplista; os mais expressivos veículos de cada uma das cinco macro-regiões infra-nacionais, segundo o construto metodológico criado para esta pesquisa, trabalham as relações, modos e demandas de produção simbólica sem artificialismos; as identidades regionais instituídas estão intimamente ligadas às regiões de influência e as redes urbanas; o retrato do estilo de vida urbano estampado nas revistas do corpus reforça tanto o poder desta como veículo de comunicação, como retroalimenta os sotaques regionais nos níveis sociais onde são produzidas e digeridas.(AU)
presente pesquisa apresenta-se em uma perspectiva qualitativa, de cunho etnográfico. Analisa o movimento da prática avaliativa de professores que participaram do curso sobre Avaliação numa perspectiva construtivista. Inicialmente, discute a hipótese de não-mudança em relação à prática avaliativa. Em uma trajetória reflexiva, a análise passa a ser inspirada nos estudos de Michel de Certeau, ao não se render à supremacia de produtos culturais impostos por uma ordem social dominante; ao não se limitar à perspectiva das teorias sobre Avaliação da aprendizagem. O foco da pesquisa direcionou-se à ação dos consumidores desses produtos os professores que, ao se apropriarem de tais teorias, o fazem à sua maneira, redimensionando-as e as resignificando, com astúcia, criatividade, inventividade. Ao entender que tais profissionais, em situações menos privilegiadas nas estruturas sociais de poder constituído, possuem uma inteligência que engendra uma multiplicidade de interpretações, abrimos nosso olhar para surpresas, possibilitando a apreciação de variados caminhos que delineiam as práticas avaliativas dos professores. No entanto, se elegêssemos um único padrão de referência para a análise das ações cotidianas, poderíamos nos fechar em apenas duas conclusões: obediências ou resistências. Optamos, todavia, por aproximarmo-nos de Certeau, e acreditar, como ele, na inteligência e criatividade também presentes nas ações dos mais fracos nas organizações sociais, que são os consumidores dos produtos culturais. Criamos, destarte, nova oportunidade para que a multidão adquira vida, evidenciando a diversidade de práticas avaliativas de um grupo de professores, focalizando a análise em ações concretas, de professores reais.
O estudo sociopolítico aqui contido analisa a ausência da participação dos professores do ensino público da rede estadual de São Paulo nos movimentos sindicais, a partir da década de 2000. À desvalorização da carreira e os baixos salários continuam sendo queixas semelhantes ao passado; o que difere é que não há mais movimento como no passado. Para pesquisar tal inércia partimos da observação da participação dos professores nos movimentos sindicais a partir de 1980 até 2009 e dividimos em dois períodos: o primeiro período, que vai de 1980 a 1989 e 1990 a 1999, (porque neles, ocorreram as maiores movimentações da categoria), e um segundo período que vai de 2000 a 2009 (onde se observa claramente o declínio de tais movimentos). O objetivo dessa pesquisa é responder por que o professor atualmente não participa mais dos movimentos sindicais e o que provoca a ausência dos professores nos movimentos da categoria. Faremos a pesquisa com duas gerações de professores distintas: uma geração que vivenciou os movimentos da categoria nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, e que ainda está ativa na rede pública, e outra geração de jovens professores que ingressaram a partir de 2000. A hipótese aqui levantada é a de que as diferenças da origem de classe social dos professores, a formação política e a formação universitária dentro dos moldes neoliberais e a política neoliberal adotada para a educação pública do Estado de São Paulo, foram os fatores que influenciaram o nível de participação dos docentes em movimentos sindicais, gerando diferenças de comportamento reivindicatório entre as gerações. A pesquisa não tem por objetivo a análise das entidades sindicais e sim do pensamento e sentimento dos elementos que compõem esses sindicatos e formam a alma dos movimentos: os professores.
This dissertation analyses, through a rhetorical framework and a literary approach, texts written in Catalan and Castilian by four Catalan female writers (Dolors Monserdà, Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Esther Tusquets, Monserrat Roig ), whose works cover from 1900 to the 1980. Utilizing this urban feminine literature, it discusses the historical-geographical vision about the changes in Catalan society during the twentieth century with its consequences for the urban space, especially the space occupied by women. It is also established that Barcelona's recovery and literary vindication by women has been done through the written text, as literary affirmation and as a matter of conscience in which the city could not be summed up as a backdrop, but rather as an active part of a literary creation, active in the double sense, as a socio-historical space in the novel and as characteristic of their works. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the use of the city as a setting for the novels determines and characterizes those female writers' texts. Consequently, these writings are literary material relevant and essential to the understanding of the Barcelonian women's space. However their use of space is not arbitrary, on the contrary it corresponds to a social order established by the patriarchy where the relation of women to the world is embodied in the intentional and socially restricted space and movements of their bodies. The theoretical perspectives of this study are based on Montserrat Roig's feminist urban space theories. Her theory advocates the right to individuality, denouncing the patriarchal and hierarchical social system present in gendered space from the outside male world to the domestic feminized space. I also turn to the writings of Maria Aurèlia Capmany, who addresses cultural aspects of women's roles revealing a purposive controlled patriarchal society according to a historical-geographical analysis. This study of texts permits a new reading of the Catalan capital and demonstrates that Catalan women writers have consciously willed to give birth to a new history of the city: the history of women as protagonist citizens, producers, reproducers, and consumers of the space represented by the Catalan capital
The formulation of public policies, particularly those relating to social housing – SH -, follow a dialectical process of construction, which are involved in the figures of the State and tha Market.The combination of the State and Market remains in constant tension and struggle for power, which provides beyond products (policies, programs and projects), periods of crises and disruptions that can give rise to new institutional arrangements. It is possible to verify a change in the relationship between the State and the Market in the formulation of public policies of SH financing, justified by the context of the Brazilian economy growth, especially after 2003, year that began the first Lula Federal Government , and through the international financial crisis (in 2008). Thus, the State and the Real Estate Market has been undergoing a process of redefinition of their interrelations, articulating new arrangements, new scales of action and new logics of financial valorization of urban space. This peculiarity demanded the rapid thinning of speech and the proposals in the reformulation of housing policies, with the primary result within the pre-existing Growth Acceleration Program – PAC -, the release of My House , My Life – PMCMV -, established by Law 1.977 of the year 2009. Given the above, this research has as study object the relationship between financing public policies of SH, promoted by the State, and behavior of Formal Housing Market. It is believed that the established roles for each agent in the new housing finance model introduced with the PMCMV, have been adapted according to the needs of each location to make this a workable policy. It remains to identify the nature of these adaptations, in other words, what has changed in the performance of each agent involved in this process. Knowing that private capital remains where there is more chance of profit, we tend to believe that most of the adjustments were made on scale of State action. The recommendation of easing urban legislation taken by PMCMV points to how the State has been making these changes in activity to implement the production of social housing by this program. We conclude that in the change for PMCMV, the direct relationship for construction and housing projects financing began to be made between the Caixa Econômica Federal bank and the builders. The city was liberated from the direct interlocutor role between all actors involved in the production of SH and could concentrate on negotiating with the parties, focused on the effectiveness of SH public policies proposed by PMCMV. This ability and willingness for dialogue and negotiation of municipal government (represented by their managers), undoubtedly, represents a key factor for rapprochement between State and Real Estate Market in the City of Parnamirim.
In this work we defend the thesis that the movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s in Brazil, manifested itself into resistance to hegemonic thought, coming from the North, which reduced the popular individuals and their knowledge to the ignorant condition. The focus of our study lies on the resistance produced by these movements in the history of the Country. We used as theoretical reflective foundation the thinking of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and his thesis about the construction of rationalities focused in the fight against indolent reason and the deconstruction of the inferiority in the colonized plan. But the analysis also favors approaches of other authors in the proportion that deals with the action of social actors of culture and popular education movements that have marked their presence in the public space, whose views and interests were invented and reinvented constantly in the relacional game. From the point of empirical view, the research makes use of bibliographies and written documentary sources such as newspaper articles, speeches, statements, manifests and documents like these. The research intends to seek in the past the understanding of those Movements in an effort to enable the viewing of certain remnants of the past that have relevance as social and academic wealth of experience. From the popular and the local, movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s, they overcame the barriers of invisibility and raised Itself to the plan of the global history, when they began to become protagonists of their own history, until their dreams were buried by the 1964 tragedy.
In this work we defend the thesis that the movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s in Brazil, manifested itself into resistance to hegemonic thought, coming from the North, which reduced the popular individuals and their knowledge to the ignorant condition. The focus of our study lies on the resistance produced by these movements in the history of the Country. We used as theoretical reflective foundation the thinking of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and his thesis about the construction of rationalities focused in the fight against indolent reason and the deconstruction of the inferiority in the colonized plan. But the analysis also favors approaches of other authors in the proportion that deals with the action of social actors of culture and popular education movements that have marked their presence in the public space, whose views and interests were invented and reinvented constantly in the relacional game. From the point of empirical view, the research makes use of bibliographies and written documentary sources such as newspaper articles, speeches, statements, manifests and documents like these. The research intends to seek in the past the understanding of those Movements in an effort to enable the viewing of certain remnants of the past that have relevance as social and academic wealth of experience. From the popular and the local, movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s, they overcame the barriers of invisibility and raised Itself to the plan of the global history, when they began to become protagonists of their own history, until their dreams were buried by the 1964 tragedy.
The present study has the objective of analyzing how the ways of dwelling influences the uses and the functional and symbolic appropriations of the urban space in Fortaleza city center, through the perspective of the residents and their relation with the living place. Scenarios of development and degradation of its urban space have marked the city center of Fortaleza. The intensification of the commercial and services occupation promoted through the years, paradoxically, the valorization of the land price and the devalorization of the residential use. Thus, the residential occupation was consolidated in a discontinuous way, being concentrated mainly in the external limits of the historical core of the neighborhood. The research is structured over the delimitation of an area and the selection of multifamily residential buildings, built since the 1960s, close to the central core of the neighborhood. The spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings, and their relations with the urban surroundings and the land uses, reveals different aspects related to the urban vitality, producing impacts over the ways of dwelling constituted by the daily life of the residents. The study of the ways of dwelling involves the comprehension that the dwelling is beyond the private residential boundaries and the functional occupation. The conceptual base of this research is developed over the perspective that the dwelling represents a fundamental aspect of the human condition, allowing the person to relate with the space in an essential way (HEIDEGGER, 2012). In this perspective of the dwelling, the space reunites the mental and the cultural, the social and the historical, being marked by simultaneous logics of the conceived, the perceived and the lived space (LEFEVBRE, 2006). The development of this study, over the point of view of the neighborhood residents, is inserted in the perspective of the lived space, related to the concept of place, understood as a qualitative phenomenon, giving essence and identity to the space. The place of dwelling, marked by coexistences, is one of the structural elements of the urban land use, and potential for the rehabilitation of the central areas in big cities. Therefore, the study starts from the hypothesis that the location, the nearby land uses and the spatial configuration of the residential buildings affect the ways of dwelling, in other words the residents dissolve the boundaries of the shelter and experience the urban space, from the dwelling place. The requalification of the dwelling is opposed to the residential space based in functionality, in hierarchy, in self sufficiency, in standardization and in the reproduction of the urban space, materialized in the dense contemporary residential buildings, that are unrelated to the city. The stages of the research involved the spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings and their surrounding, the land use mapping and interviews with the residents. The collected data allowed verifying that the buildings are located in areas presenting heterogeneous land uses, with a great number of residents and users. However, these aspects are not sufficient to promote the vitality of the public spaces in the neighborhood, since the people movement in the streets is controlled by the opening hours of the predominant commercial use in the area. The word of the residents, collected in interviews, indicate that the conservation conditions of the public spaces and the insecurity influences their everyday relations with the place of dwelling, affecting fundamental aspects for the dwelling requalification in the central area of Fortaleza.
The present study has the objective of analyzing how the ways of dwelling influences the uses and the functional and symbolic appropriations of the urban space in Fortaleza city center, through the perspective of the residents and their relation with the living place. Scenarios of development and degradation of its urban space have marked the city center of Fortaleza. The intensification of the commercial and services occupation promoted through the years, paradoxically, the valorization of the land price and the devalorization of the residential use. Thus, the residential occupation was consolidated in a discontinuous way, being concentrated mainly in the external limits of the historical core of the neighborhood. The research is structured over the delimitation of an area and the selection of multifamily residential buildings, built since the 1960s, close to the central core of the neighborhood. The spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings, and their relations with the urban surroundings and the land uses, reveals different aspects related to the urban vitality, producing impacts over the ways of dwelling constituted by the daily life of the residents. The study of the ways of dwelling involves the comprehension that the dwelling is beyond the private residential boundaries and the functional occupation. The conceptual base of this research is developed over the perspective that the dwelling represents a fundamental aspect of the human condition, allowing the person to relate with the space in an essential way (HEIDEGGER, 2012). In this perspective of the dwelling, the space reunites the mental and the cultural, the social and the historical, being marked by simultaneous logics of the conceived, the perceived and the lived space (LEFEVBRE, 2006). The development of this study, over the point of view of the neighborhood residents, is inserted in the perspective of the lived space, related to the concept of place, understood as a qualitative phenomenon, giving essence and identity to the space. The place of dwelling, marked by coexistences, is one of the structural elements of the urban land use, and potential for the rehabilitation of the central areas in big cities. Therefore, the study starts from the hypothesis that the location, the nearby land uses and the spatial configuration of the residential buildings affect the ways of dwelling, in other words the residents dissolve the boundaries of the shelter and experience the urban space, from the dwelling place. The requalification of the dwelling is opposed to the residential space based in functionality, in hierarchy, in self sufficiency, in standardization and in the reproduction of the urban space, materialized in the dense contemporary residential buildings, that are unrelated to the city. The stages of the research involved the spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings and their surrounding, the land use mapping and interviews with the residents. The collected data allowed verifying that the buildings are located in areas presenting heterogeneous land uses, with a great number of residents and users. However, these aspects are not sufficient to promote the vitality of the public spaces in the neighborhood, since the people movement in the streets is controlled by the opening hours of the predominant commercial use in the area. The word of the residents, collected in interviews, indicate that the conservation conditions of the public spaces and the insecurity influences their everyday relations with the place of dwelling, affecting fundamental aspects for the dwelling requalification in the central area of Fortaleza.
This study makes an approach to the Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) located in Catalão city(GO) rural area where stands the Maria Bárbara Sucena Municipal School. This school center is a result of getting together several small and isolated schools, which worked, scattered in many rural communities in the region. After this centralization in a single school, many students had to move along inconvenient distance to get their classes. Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) was outstanding at garlic cultivation throughout the 1990`s when eventually this activity came to a decline. The region is constituted by properties of small tract of land. The landowners come from a Portuguese background and there are, in addit ion, migrant workers from the northeast region of Brazil. These northeasterners work for these local landowners, and that brings an additional meaning to the social relations in the region and to the rural schooling. The social and cultural diversity of the region has a feedback at the school arising tensions in many ways. In the teaching and learning process the school deals with this diversity, combined with rules and goals that, in the end, delivers a geography teaching not able to value the local knowledge accumulated in the region by its own inhabitants. New methodological approaches to rural school communities emerged out of the analysis of these unmet expectations. Furthermore, this study takes into consideration some “residues”, that means not all events are fit into programs; there are unintended consequences in an open process. All these are object of deep review in this doctoral dissertation. In this community, an analysis of the public policies implemented by Federal and municipal governments to rural schools communities in Brazil was conducted. The way in which public policies toward rural communities are implemented at the schools was reviewed; the goals they pursue and the role played by textbooks are also object of analysis. This study questions the relevance of this tools, mainly if they meet the real needs of the local people. The social representations of teachers and students are considered carefully based on their everyday lives and experiences.
In contrast to Muslins traditions and costumes, the US government and society seems to invest in the media to forge discourses on Western way of life. In addition, it creates idealized images of the woman, the hero, the father, the family, and an everyday speech invoking repeated and widespread moral values, including “justice” and “freedom”, in opposition to the “terror”. In this research we analysed the TV series Homeland, using as theoretical support the Cultural Studies, particularly the concept of Social Representation by Denise Jodelet, the analytics tools created by Michel Foucault on power devices, and feminist studies by Teresa of Lauretis. I’ve tried to see how forces in correlations operate, and how representations of womanhood, sexuality and nationality are built and reiterated in speeches, creating patterns of behaviour for men and women. Spreading images of the “good” man, the “good” wife, and the “hero”, the audio-visual product creates and produces the family, the society and the nation considered exemplar.