805 resultados para Microenvironnement tumoral


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Salivary gland neoplasms exhibit a wide variety of biological behavior and a high morphological diversity raises the interest in researching these lesions. The stem cells are the main source for the generation and maintenance of cell diversity, disorders in the regulation of these cells can lead to the production of altered stem cells, termed cancer stem cells capable of generate the tumor. Researches on cancer stem cells and associated proteins have been developed in some oral cancers; however, their role in salivary gland neoplasms is not well established. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the tumor parenchyma cells exhibiting stem cell characteristics, by evaluating the immunoreactivity of OCT4 and CD44, in a number of cases of salivary gland neoplasms. The sample consisted of 20 pleomorphic adenomas, 20 mucoepidermoid carcinomas and 20 adenoid cystic carcinoma located in minor and major salivary glands. The expression of OCT4 and CD44 was evaluated by the percentage of positive cells (PP) and the intensity of expression (IE), it is realized the sum of the scores, resulting in the total score immunostaining (PIT) ranging 0-7. All studied cases showed positive expression of OCT4 and CD44 and higher values than the control groups. It was observed that for OCT4 luminal cells and non-luminal were immunostained in the case of pleomorphic adenomas and adenoid cystic carcinoma. Already the immunoreactivity of CD44 was particularly evident in the non-luminal cells of these lesions. In mucoepidermoid carcinomas for both markers, there was immunoreactivity in squamous and intermediate cells and absence of staining mucous cells. For both markers, a statistically significant higher immunostaining was verified in neoplasms located in the major salivary glands compared with lesions in the minor salivary (p<0.001). At the total sample and in the group of minor salivary glands, malignant neoplasms exhibited higher immunoreactivity for OCT4 than pleomorphic adenoma. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the lesions and between their classifications histomorphologic. Analyzing the correlation between OCT4 and CD44 immunoexpressions, a statistically significant moderate positive correlation (r = 0.444) was observed. The high expression of OCT4 and CD44 may indicate that these proteins play an important role in identifying cancer stem cells, allowing a prediction of biological behavior of salivary gland neoplasms.


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Introduction: Gastric cancer is currently the fourth higher cancer mortality rate among men in the world and the fifth among women, despite the progressive advances in oncology. The identification of tumor receptors and the development of target-drugs to block them has contributed to increased survival and quality of life of patients, but it becomes important to know the tumor profile of the population being treated, avoiding burdening treatment with examinations and treatments that are not cost-effective. Objective: To evaluate the profile of the population with gastric cancer treated in five years at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlândia and verify the correlation between overexpression of HER-2 receptor with an unfavorable prognosis. Methods: 203 records with gastric cancer were selected through the system database, attending a five-year period, of which 117 paraffin blocks were available for immunohistochemical assessment of HER2 receptor. Results: 2.6% of tumors showed overexpression of HER2, considering for this study two crosses as positive. There was no statistically significant difference in correlation between expression of the HER2 receptor with age, gender, tumor grade, local involvement, Lauren classification, Borrmann classification or staging. Conclusion: For this studied population, we can conclude that there is no need to employ HER2 blockers with high cost as a target-therapy in patients with gastric cancer, since no clinical benefit probably will be obtained due to a low percentage of these patients that demonstrated superexpression of this receptor or even there is no patients with gastric cancer with superexpression of HER2 with more than three crosses of positivity in immunochemistry


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Arachidonic acid (AA) a precursor in the formation of eicosanoids which are lipid mediators with a number of functions in human physiology and pathology. The most of the eicosanoids act as proinflammatory mediators and contribute to the development and proliferation of tumors. In this thesis we evaluated two mediators: 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-PGJ2 (15d- PGJ2) and epoxieicosatrienoic acids (EETs) both act with an opposite activity of most eicosanoids, with an anti-inflammatory and and anti-tumoral action these two distinct mediators from AA pathway were used in this thesis in two different projects. First: 15d- PGJ2, was described that to have an antiproliferative activity and to induce apoptosis in several types of tumor cells however, the effect of 15d- PGJ2 in thyroid cancer cells was unknown in this sense, we tested in vitro cultured thyroid tumor cells, here in TPC1 cells, and treated with different concentrations of 15d- PGJ2 (0 to 20 uM) the treated cells showed a decrease in proliferation and an increase in apoptosis and a decrease in IL-6 release and relative expression. These key results together demonstrate that 15d- PGJ2 can be used as a new therapy for thyroid cancer. Second: The EETs are converted to their diols by soluble epoxy hydrolase (sEH) to maintain the stability of EETs and their anti-inflammatory activity, an inhibitor (TPPU) against was used to sEH in a periodontitis model induced with Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. The oral treatment in mice with TPPU and sEH Knockout animals showed bone loss reduction accompanied by a decrease in the osteoclastogenic molecules, like RANK, RANKL and OPG, demonstrating that pharmacological inhibition of sEH may have therapeutic value in periodontitis and inflammatory diseases that involve bone resorption.


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El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es un importante problema de salud dada su elevada incidencia y morbimortalidad asociada. Como causa de muerte por cáncer, ocupa el segundo lugar en la mayoría de los países desarrollados, tanto en varones como en mujeres, y es la primera causa de fallecimiento cuando se consideran ambos sexos conjuntamente1,2 . La supervivencia del CCR depende de manera fundamental del estadio tumoral en el que sea diagnosticado. El coste sanitario total de la asistencia por cáncer colorrectal en España se valora en más de 1.300 millones de euros de forma global, estimándose que el cribado puede disminuir estos costes en un 40%9,10...


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Les épithéliums recouvrent l’ensemble des surfaces et des cavités internes du corps humain. Le fonctionnement des cellules épithéliales repose sur la répartition des constituants cellulaires au sein de compartiments distincts : un compartiment apical, un compartiment latéral, et un compartiment basal : c’est ce que l’on appelle la polarité apico-basale. Plus de 80 % des cancers proviennent d’un dérèglement des cellules épithéliales. De plus, la polarité épithéliale est perdue lors des stades avancés du cancer, suggérant qu’elle contribue activement à la progression tumorale. C’est pourquoi il apparaît crucial de mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui régulent la polarité épithéliale. La polarité est assurée par un ensemble de protéines réparties au sein des différents compartiments et agissant sous forme de modules très dynamiques. Un de ces modules est articulé autour de la protéine CRB3, qui agit comme un déterminant apical essentiel des cellules épithéliales. L’expression de CRB3 est perdue dans de nombreuses lignées cellulaires cancéreuses en culture, suggérant que CRB3 pourrait détenir des fonctions inhibitrices de certains processus liés à l’avancement tumoral. Cependant, l’impact fonctionnel de la perte de CRB3 dans ces lignées cancéreuses reste encore peu connu, tout comme les mécanismes signalétiques agissant en aval de CRB3. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse mettent en lumière de nouvelles évidences concernant le rôle fonctionnel de la perte de CRB3 dans différentes lignées cellulaires cancéreuses. Plus précisément, nous montrons que CRB3 détient un rôle signalétique important lui conférant une fonction à la fois dans la morphogenèse épithéliale, mais également dans le maintien de l’intégrité épithéliale. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons que la ré-expression de CRB3 dans des cellules cancéreuses d’origine épithéliale permet le rétablissement d’une morphologie de type épithéliale, en lien avec l’organisation d’un réseau circonférentiel d’acto-myosine. Nous identifions également le sentier signalétique activé en aval de CRB3 et menant à l’activation de la petite GTPase RhoA, nécessaire au remodelage de la morphologie et du réseau d’acto-myosine des cellules cancéreuses. Ce sentier semble notamment jouer un rôle important en aval de CRB3 pour limiter la migration cellulaire. Ensuite, nous montrons que CRB3 contrôle différents sentiers signalétiques, et notamment la voie ERK MAP Kinase, une voie de signalisation fortement dérégulée dans le cancer. Bien que le rôle fonctionnel de cette régulation soit encore inconnu, elle pourrait contribuer à limiter la progression tumorale en aval de CRB3. Enfin, nous montrons que la perte d’expression de Crb3 chez la souris induit une mortalité périnatale associée à des défauts de morphogenèse épithéliale, indiquant que Crb3 est requise pour la viabilité des souris et le développement des structures épithéliales. L’ensemble de ces travaux contribue à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes liant la perte de la polarité épithéliale à l’avancement du processus tumoral, et vise à identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour lutter contre le développement de.cancers.


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agricultural, pharmaceutical, cosmetic or bioenergy applications. They contain bioactive compounds, namely, polysaccharides Fucoidan. These polysaccharides are mainly constituted by fucose residues and sulfate esters, and have been reported to possess a broad variety of bioactivities, such as anticoagulant, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antiviral and antioxidant. In this work, the fucoidans from brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus from “Ria de Aveiro” were isolated and characterized in order to add value to this natural resource of the region. The polysaccharides from the algae were extracted with hot water and fractioned by ethanol precipitation and calcium chloride salts. They were further purified by using anion-exchange chromatography, allowing to separate the neutral polysaccharides (laminaranas) from those negatively charged (sulfated fucoidans and alginate). The purified polysaccharides showed high content of fucose (41 mol%) and sulfates (50 mol%), having also galactose residues (6 mol%), which confirm the presence of only sulfated fucoidans. Glycosidic linkages analysis show the presence of high amounts of terminal fucose (25%) and (1→3,4)-Fuc (26%), allowing to infer that the fucoidans were highly branched. These fucoidans are composed also by (1→2)-Fuc (14%) and (1→3)-Fuc linkages (10-16%). In this work it was also tested an alternative extraction technology, the microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity system, where it was possible to extract sugars, although in low yields. However, this methodology allowed to extract polysaccharides, constituted mainly by fucose and uronic acids, as well as mannitol, without the need to add any solvent, obtaining at the end the dry alga. The current work allowed to characterize the structure of the fucoidans isolated from “Ria de Aveiro” F. vesiculosus. The presence of high content of sulfate residues and the high branch degree of the purified fucoidans allow to infer that these polysaccharides could have potential to be studied for biomedical applications, according to their biological activities.


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O cancro é um dos maiores causadores globais de mortalidade e morbilidade, ocorrendo cerca de 14 milhões de novos casos por ano e 8,2 milhões de mortes anuais com esta patologia, números que tendem a aumentar 70% nas próximas duas décadas. A característica tumoral mais nefasta é a sua capacidade de metastização para outros órgãos, um mecanismo que pode ser despoletado pela falha dos mecanismos normais de controlo de crescimento, proliferação e reparação celulares, que facilita o processo de transformação de células normais em células cancerígenas. A oncogénese processa-se em três etapas, a iniciação, a promoção e a progressão e pode ter origem em células estaminais cancerígenas, que regulam as capacidades de propagação e recidiva do tumor. As neoplasias hematológicas resultam de alterações genéticas e /ou epigenéticas que conduzem à desregulação da proliferação, ao bloqueio da diferenciação e/ou à resitência à apoptose. Para além dos fatores de risco exógenos, como agentes carcinogénicos físicos, químicos e biológicos, existem também fatores endógenos, incluindo características genéticas, que podem alterar a predisposição para o aparecimento de neoplasias, bem como influenciar a resposta à terapêutica. Uma das terapêuticas aplicadas no tratamento do cancro é a quimioterapia. Os fármacos administrados a doentes oncológicos seguem normalmente o percurso de absorção, distribuição, metabolização e eliminação. Este curso pode sofrer alterações caso as proteínas transportadoras e metabolizadoras necessárias não atuem corretamente. Para um melhor conhecimento da influência das alterações provocadas por variações nos genes que codificam proteínas transportadoras de efluxo (MDR1, MRP1), proteínas de influxo (OCTN2) e proteínas metabolizadoras (UCK2), o objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na avaliação de polimorfismos nos genes MDR1, MRP1, OCTN2 e UCK2 e da sua relação com a predisposição para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas. Para isto, foram utilizadas amostras de 307 doentes com neoplasias hematológicas, 83 de Síndrome Mielodisplásica (SMD), 63 Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA), 16 de Síndrome Mielodisplásica/Neoplasias Mieloproliferativas (SMD/NMP), 77 de Mieloma Múltiplo (MM) e 68 de Gamapatia Monoclonal de Significado Indeterminado (MGUS) e 164 de controlos não neoplásicos e/ou indivíduos saudáveis. As amostras de ADN foram extraídas do sangue periférico com protocolo adequado. De forma a determinar os genótipos correspondentes a cada amostra, realizaram-se técnicas de RFLP-PCR e ARMS-PCR. Posteriormente, calcularam-se estatisticamente as frequências alélicas e genotípicas relativas às variantes polimórficas dos genes MDR1, MRP1, OCTN2 e UCK2 e verificou-se se estavam em Equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. De seguida, avaliou-se a força de associação entre as formas polimórficas e o risco de desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas, através do cálculo do risco relativo por análise de regressão logística. Avaliaram-se ainda os perfis genéticos e a possível relação com o desenvolvimento e progressão da neoplasia com recurso a regressão logística e análise de Kaplan-Meier. De um modo geral as frequências alélicas e genotípicas não se revelaram alteradas comparativamente ao esperado. A análise do odds ratio associado ao polimorfismo rs1045642 do gene MDR1 revelou que o genótipo CT pode constituir um fator de risco aumentado de 1,84x para o desenvolvimento de Gamapatias Monoclonais e 2,27x para o desenvolvimento de Mieloma Múltiplo. Por outro lado, a presença de genótipos portadores do alelo T têm um efeito protetor no desenvolvimento de MM (OR=0,41). O cálculo do risco associado ao polimorfismo rs4148330 do gene MRP1 revela que o genótipo AG é um fator protetor (OR=0,50) para o desenvolvimento de LMA, assim como o alelo G (OR=0,50). Além disso, verificámos que existe uma associação de risco de desenvolver neoplasia com o polimorfismo rs2185268 do gene UCK2. De facto, a presença dos genótipos CC e AC representam um fator de risco 4,59x aumentado para o desenvolvimento de SMD/NMP. O polimorfismo rs274561 do gene OCTN2 não apresenta relação com o risco relativo de desenvolvimento neoplásico. Da avaliação da influência dos polimorfismos em estudo na sobrevivência global dos doentes, podemos assumir que a presença do genótipo GG relativo ao polimorfismo rs2185268 do gene UCK2 representa uma diminuição da sobrevivência em 11 meses. Os resultados obtidos a partir do nosso estudo permitem-nos concluir que os polimorfismos podem ser fatores relevantes na predisposição para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas e na progressão destas doenças.


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ASA (acetylsalicylic acid) is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). ASA has gained attention as a potential chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agent for several neoplasms. The aim of this study was to analyse the possible antitumoural effects of ASA in two erythroleukaemic cell lines, with or without the MDR (multidrug resistance) phenotype. The mechanism of action of different concentrations of ASA were compared in K562 (non-MDR) and Lucena (MDR) cells by analysing cell viability, apoptosis and necrosis, intracellular ROS (reactive oxygen species) formation and bcl-2, p53 and cox-2 gene expression. ASA inhibited the cellular proliferation or induced toxicity in K562 and Lucena cell lines, irrespective of the MDR phenotype. The ASA treatment provoked death by apoptosis and necrosis in K562 cells and only by necrosis in Lucena cells. ASA also showed antioxidant activity in both cell lines. The bcl-2, p53 and cox-2 genes in both cell lines treated with ASA seem to exhibit different patterns of expression. However, normal lymphocytes treated with the same ASA concentrations were more resistant than tumoral cells. The results of this work show that both cell lines responded to treatment with ASA, demonstrating a possible antitumoral and anti-MDR role for this drug.


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Tese de doutoramento em Farmácia (Toxicologia), apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2009.


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Introdução: Os tumores nasais são, classicamente, abordados pela via externa mas recentemente tem-se optado, também, pela via endoscópica. No entanto, em tumores localmente avançados, poderá não ser possível a remoção completa. Material e métodos: Foram analisados os processos clínicos dos 14 doentes com tumor das fossas nasais removido por via endoscópica no IPOLFG entre 2005 e 2012. Resultados: Dos 14 doentes, 8 apresentavam tumor maligno e 5 tumor benigno. Não houve preponderância de nenhum tipo histológico. 7 doentes realizaram RT adjuvante e 1 foi submetido a esvaziamento ganglionar cervical ipsilateral. Foram registadas 2 complicações cirúrgicas: 1 fístula de LCR e 1 complicação minor. Apenas 2 doentes recidivaram, recorrendo-se à via externa em 1. Conclusões: A abordagem de tumores nasais por via endoscópica é uma opção eficaz mas é necessária uma correta avaliação da extensão tumoral para decisão da via cirúrgica a utilizar, para remoção completa e obtenção de margens livres.


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Introducción: existen dos formas de respuesta tumoral a la quimioterapia neoadyuvante: concéntrica o dispersa. Los pacientes con respuesta dispersa no son buenos candidatos a cirugía conservadora porque sus microfocos tumorales pueden pasar desapercibidos en el tejido que rodea el tumor residual principal. Este tipo de respuesta se ha identificado como marcador de recurrencia ipsilateral luego de cirugía conservadora. Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el porcentaje de respuesta de cada patrón y la suficiencia del margen obtenido en los casos de cirugía conservadora. Material y método: se analizaron los registros médicos de pacientes sometidos a cirugía luego de quimioterapia neoadyuvante entre mayo de 2004 y diciembre de 2013. Se efectuó un análisis detallado del tipo de quimioterapia recibida y de los informes patológicos para determinar el patrón de respuesta así como la de los fenotipos moleculares y el grado tumoral en cada caso. Resultados: 14 de los 55 casos (25%) presentaron un patrón de respuesta dispersa (diez con microfocos distantes de cáncer invasor y cuatro con microfocos distantes de cáncer in situ). El porcentaje de respuesta patológica completa fue de 15,4%. No hubo diferencias significativas en el tipo de respuesta entre los diferentes inmunofenotipos ni entre diferentes grados tumorales, ni entre las pacientes que recibieron taxanos y las que no los recibieron. Conclusiones: un cuarto de las pacientes de nuestra serie presentó un patrón de respuesta dispersa luego de quimioterapia neoadyuvante. Este es un signo de advertencia para aquellos que abogan por la cirugía conservadora luego de neoadyuvancia, ya que la respuesta difusa aumenta el riesgo de márgenes insuficientes y recurrencia ipsilateral.


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En plus d’être associé à une espérance de vie précaire, les gliomes de haut grade (GHG) s’accompagnent de déficits cognitifs ayant le potentiel d’avoir un impact majeur sur la qualité de vie. Il demeure une compréhension limitée de l’étendue et de la nature des déficits cognitifs des patients en début de parcours de soins, de l’effet de la tumeur elle-même sur les fonctions cognitives tout comme de son lien avec la qualité de vie. L’objectif général de la présente étude était d’effectuer une évaluation cognitive de patients atteints de GHG avant tout traitement afin de décrire leur profil cognitif. Plus précisément, on visait à décrire l’étendue et la nature des déficits cognitifs des patients et explorer la relation entre les fonctions cognitives des patients et les caractéristiques tumorales (volume tumoral et de l’atteinte parenchymateuse) et le niveau de qualité de vie. Une seconde partie de l’étude visait à explorer l’utilité du Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA), un test de dépistage, pour détecter des déficits cognitifs chez des patients atteints d’un GHG. Une étude descriptive transversale exploratoire, comportant un échantillon de 14 patients atteints de GHG nouvellement diagnostiqués et recrutés au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke, a été conduite. Les évaluations cognitives ont été effectuées à l’aide d’une batterie de six tests neuropsychologiques et du MOCA. Les volumes tumoraux provenant des imageries par résonance magnétique ont été obtenus grâce à une méthode volumétrique rigoureuse alors que la qualité de vie a été évaluée à l’aide du Sherbrooke Neuro-oncology Assessment Scale. Les résultats ont démontré que des déficits cognitifs sont bien présents en début de parcours de soins chez ces patients. En ce qui à trait aux caractéristiques tumorales, notre étude n’a pu démontrer de corrélation entre les déficits cognitifs et le volume tumoral, soulevant la possibilité d’une absence de lien entre ces deux variables. L’atteinte parenchymateuse créée par la tumeur corrèle avec un test d’évaluation de la vitesse de traitement de l’information (⍴ = -0,784, p = 0,01). Il semblerait par ailleurs que les fonctions cognitives ne soit pas corrélées avec le niveau de qualité de vie. Finalement, le MOCA semble être un outil prometteur pour l’évaluation cognitive des patients présentant des GHG, alors qu’il semble présenter une valeur prédictive positive satisfaisante malgré une sensibilité plus modeste.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.