987 resultados para Learning Stability


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This book combines geostatistics and global mapping systems to present an up-to-the-minute study of environmental data. Featuring numerous case studies, the reference covers model dependent (geostatistics) and data driven (machine learning algorithms) analysis techniques such as risk mapping, conditional stochastic simulations, descriptions of spatial uncertainty and variability, artificial neural networks (ANN) for spatial data, Bayesian maximum entropy (BME), and more.


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This article analyses stability and volatility of party preferences using data from the Swiss Household-Panel (SHP), which, for the first time, allow studying transitions and stability of voters over several years in Switzerland. Analyses cover the years 1999- 2007 and systematically distinguish changes between party blocks and changes within party blocks. The first part looks at different patterns of change, which show relatively high volatility. The second part tests several theories on causes of such changes applying a multinomial random-effects model. Results show that party preferences stabilise with their duration and with age and that the electoral cycle, political sophistication, socio-structural predispositions, the household-context as well as party size and the number of parties each explain part of electoral volatility. Different results for withinand between party-block changes underlie the importance of that differentiation.


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This research project is an attempt to give arguments in favour of using cooperative learning activities in FL classrooms as an effective approach to learning. The arguments offered are presented from two different perspectives: the first one is based on the empirical study of three students working together to achieve a common goal. The second one is a compilation of the trainee teacher's experiences during her practicum periods in a high school regarding group work. This part is illustrated by some examples that emphasize that cooperative learning can facilitate learning, promote socialisation and increase students' self-esteem


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This research project gathers several ideas and guidelines on professional improvement as a teacher. This study includes two empirical studies. The first one focuses mainly on the teacher's figure. It is meant to be a study of the several resources that the teacher uses in order to construct the student's knowledge in an English classroom context. The second empirical study focuses on the students. It is a study on how students learn cooperatively by analyzing their oral productions when working in small groups


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This project aims to analyse the kind of questions the teacher asks students in order to encourage them to participate in her classes. Consequently, the researcher has read relevant literature and has analysed a short excerpt of a video recorded during her first practicum. She has also analysed a number of activities carried out during her second practicum in order to find out if she had improved her questioning skills in the classroom


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El Grup Consolidat d’Innovació Docent de Mineralogia i òptica cristal·lina de la Universitat de Barcelona ha desenvolupat un CD interactiu que simula el funcionament d’un microscopi petrogràfic, per tal de facilitar a l’alumne un material d’autoaprenentatge, ha de servir per a reforçar els coneixements dels minerals formadors de roques en làmina prima. Aquest material te tres entrades diferents, en català, castellà i anglès. Cada mineral té una fitxa general amb les seves propietats òptiques i una complementaria amb les característiques cristal·logràfiques, camp d’estabilitat, diagrames de fases i característiques morfològiques del mineral a observar, les quals marquen els trets determinatius d’aquell mineral per tal de facilitar el seu reconeixement. Per tal de complementar les dades s’han introduït links directes amb la planes web: “webmineral” i “mindat” on hi ha les corresponents estructures i morfologies “interactives” de cadascun dels minerals que apareixen en el programa. En l’aplicació informàtica hi ha 169 filmacions corresponents a 43 dels principals minerals que formen les roques, una filmació correspon a la imatge només amb el polaritzador, i l'altre a la imatge amb el polaritzador més l'analitzador. Cadascuna d'aquestes imatges es presenta amb un gir de 360º; es pot aturar i després continuar girant, simulant el que veuríem al microscopi. D'aquesta manera es pot determinar el pleocroisme, la presència de macles, el color d'interferència i l'angle d'extinció.. S’ha intentat sempre que hi hagués diferents exemples d’un mateix mineral en diverses paragènesis. També s'incorpora una fitxa que l'usuari pot omplir amb les característiques texturals i òptiques del mineral agrupades segons les observacions que es fan, bé amb el polaritzador, amb el polaritzador i l'analitzador o bé amb les condicions específiques per veure la figura d'interferència i el signe òptic. Aquesta fitxa, un cop plena, es pot imprimir. En tot moment hi ha un menú d’ajuda on l’usuari pot remetre i fer la consulta adient per poder continuar.


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Aquest projecte ha servit per (1) establir un treball col·laboratiu entre el professorat que habitualment impartim les assignatures de Didàctica general i atenció a la diversitat i Organització del Centre Escolar; (2) dissenyar conjuntament espais del campus virtual en la plataforma moodle; (3) compartir material i experiències docents fent formació entre iguals; (4) dissenyar i desenvolupar accions didàctiques innovadores per afavorir l'aprenentatge significatiu; (5) prendre posició respecte a l'elaboració dels nous graus de Formació del Professorat i reelaborar els plans docents nous. Les noves titulacions, el disseny per competències, l’EEES ens ha obligat a fer una reflexió sobre la nostra docència, l’educació superior i la formació dels futurs mestres. Aquest projecte ha recolzat la tasca habitual, donant-li una orientació concreta, en ell hem estat implicat un grup important de professors i professores així com d’alumnes perquè s’ha implementat en els 13 grups d’alumnes de Formació del Professorat i en dues assignatures troncals i obligatòries. Per fer seguiment del treball hem analitzat els productes d’aprenentatges, els espais moodle, així mateix hem anat recollint les valoracions dels estudiants fent qüestionaris i grups de discussió. Tot i que el treball desenvolupat es considera positiu, hi ha aspectes per millorar que també es destaquen en l’informe: dificultats per manca de temps, poc reconeixement, necessitat de cohesionar i estabilitzar equips docents, necessitat d’incorporar tècniques especialistes en el disseny d’entorns virtuals d’aprenentatge en els equips docents, entre d’altres. D’altra banda amb l’elaboració dels nous plans d’estudis les assignatures amb les que hem treballat han perdut l’entitat i el pes que tenien per tenir-ne una altra i en des de 2007 fins a ara hem anat perdent professorat estable i incorporant associats. Fets que fan necessari seguir avançant d’altres maneres, per tant finalitzem un projecte, però es necessari replantejar-se un altre.


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This research explores the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative learning departing from two different methodological studies. In the first one, we will go deep into the reflections about group work of a student-teacher in her first experiences during a two months practicum in Sabadell's Emily Bronte. In the second one, we will analyze in a more empirical way the interaction that takes place among a trio of students engaged in a question-answering task about a text based on a three minutes vignette recorded on January 2010


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The evolution of a quantitative phenotype is often envisioned as a trait substitution sequence where mutant alleles repeatedly replace resident ones. In infinite populations, the invasion fitness of a mutant in this two-allele representation of the evolutionary process is used to characterize features about long-term phenotypic evolution, such as singular points, convergence stability (established from first-order effects of selection), branching points, and evolutionary stability (established from second-order effects of selection). Here, we try to characterize long-term phenotypic evolution in finite populations from this two-allele representation of the evolutionary process. We construct a stochastic model describing evolutionary dynamics at non-rare mutant allele frequency. We then derive stability conditions based on stationary average mutant frequencies in the presence of vanishing mutation rates. We find that the second-order stability condition obtained from second-order effects of selection is identical to convergence stability. Thus, in two-allele systems in finite populations, convergence stability is enough to characterize long-term evolution under the trait substitution sequence assumption. We perform individual-based simulations to confirm our analytic results.


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We study a general static noisy rational expectations model where investors have private information about asset payoffs, with common and private components, and about their own exposure to an aggregate risk factor, and derive conditions for existence and uniqueness (or multiplicity) of equilibria. We find that a main driver of the characterization of equilibria is whether the actions of investors are strategic substitutes or complements. This latter property in turn is driven by the strength of a private learning channel from prices, arising from the multidimensional sources of asymmetric information, in relation to the usual public learning channel. When the private learning channel is strong (weak) in relation to the public we have strong (weak) strategic complementarity in actions and potentially multiple (unique) equilibria. The results enable a precise characterization of whether information acquisition decisions are strategic substitutes or complements. We find that the strategic substitutability in information acquisition result obtained in Grossman and Stiglitz (1980) is robust. JEL Classification: D82, D83, G14 Keywords: Rational expectations equilibrium, asymmetric information, risk exposure, hedging, supply information, information acquisition.


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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."


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The paper develops a stability theory for the optimal value and the optimal set mapping of optimization problems posed in a Banach space. The problems considered in this paper have an arbitrary number of inequality constraints involving lower semicontinuous (not necessarily convex) functions and one closed abstract constraint set. The considered perturbations lead to problems of the same type as the nominal one (with the same space of variables and the same number of constraints), where the abstract constraint set can also be perturbed. The spaces of functions involved in the problems (objective and constraints) are equipped with the metric of the uniform convergence on the bounded sets, meanwhile in the space of closed sets we consider, coherently, the Attouch-Wets topology. The paper examines, in a unified way, the lower and upper semicontinuity of the optimal value function, and the closedness, lower and upper semicontinuity (in the sense of Berge) of the optimal set mapping. This paper can be seen as a second part of the stability theory presented in [17], where we studied the stability of the feasible set mapping (completed here with the analysis of the Lipschitz-like property).