904 resultados para Experimental measurements


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The cone penetration test (CPT), together with its recent variation (CPTU), has become the most widely used in-situ testing technique for soil profiling and geotechnical characterization. The knowledge gained over the last decades on the interpretation procedures in sands and clays is certainly wide, whilst very few contributions can be found as regards the analysis of CPT(u) data in intermediate soils. Indeed, it is widely accepted that at the standard rate of penetration (v = 20 mm/s), drained penetration occurs in sands while undrained penetration occurs in clays. However, a problem arise when the available interpretation approaches are applied to cone measurements in silts, sandy silts, silty or clayey sands, since such intermediate geomaterials are often characterized by permeability values within the range in which partial drainage is very likely to occur. Hence, the application of the available and well-established interpretation procedures, developed for ‘standard’ clays and sands, may result in invalid estimates of soil parameters. This study aims at providing a better understanding on the interpretation of CPTU data in natural sand and silt mixtures, by taking into account two main aspects, as specified below: 1)Investigating the effect of penetration rate on piezocone measurements, with the aim of identifying drainage conditions when cone penetration is performed at a standard rate. This part of the thesis has been carried out with reference to a specific CPTU database recently collected in a liquefaction-prone area (Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy). 2)Providing a better insight into the interpretation of piezocone tests in the widely studied silty sediments of the Venetian lagoon (Italy). Research has focused on the calibration and verification of some site-specific correlations, with special reference to the estimate of compressibility parameters for the assessment of long-term settlements of the Venetian coastal defences.


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Advances in metastability exchange optical pumping (MEOP) of 3He at high laser powers, with its various applications, but also at high gas pressures p3 and high magnetic field strengths B, have provided strong motivation for revisiting the understanding and for investigating the limitations of this powerful technique. For this purpose, we present systematic experimental and theoretical studies of efficiency and of relaxation mechanisms in B≤30 mT and p3=0.63−2.45 mbar. 3He nuclear polarisation is measured by light absorption in longitudinal configuration where weak light beams at 1083 nm parallel to magnetic field and cell axis with opposite circular polarisations are used to probe the distribution of populations in the metastable state. This method is systematically tested to evaluate potential systematic biases and is shown to be reliable for the study of OP dynamics despite the redistribution of populations by OP light. Nuclear polarisation loss associated to the emission of polarised light by the plasma discharge used for MEOP is found to decrease above 10 mT, as expected, due to hyperfine decoupling in highly excited states. However, this does not lead to improved MEOP efficiency at high laser power. We find clear evidence of additional laser-induced relaxation instead. The strong OP-enhanced polarisation losses, currently limiting MEOP performances, are quantitatively investigated using an angular momentum budget approach and a recently developed comprehensive model that describes the combined effects of OP, ME and relaxation, validated by comparison to experimental results.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuartiger Experimentaufbau -- das γ3 Experiment -- zur Messung von photoneninduzierten Kern-Dipolanregungen in stabilen Isotopen konzipiert und an der High Intensity γ-Ray Source (HIγS) an der Duke University installiert.rnDie hohe Energieauflösung und die hohe Nachweiseffizienz des Detektoraufbaus, welcher aus einer Kombination von LaBr Szintillatoren und hochreinen Germanium-Detektoren besteht, erlaubt erstmals die effiziente Messung von γ-γ-Koinzidenzen in Verbindung mit der Methode der Kernresonanzfluoreszenz.rnDiese Methode eröffnet den Zugang zum Zerfallsverhalten der angeregten Dipolzustände als zusätzlicher Observablen, die ein detaillierteres Verständnis der zugrunde liegenden Struktur dieser Anregungen ermöglicht.rnDer Detektoraufbau wurde bereits erfolgreich im Rahmen von zwei Experimentkampagnen in 2012 und 2013 für die Untersuchung von 13 verschiedenen Isotopen verwendet. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit stand die Analyse der Pygmy-Dipolresonanz (PDR) im Kern 140Ce im Energiebereich von 5,2 MeV bis 8,3 MeV basierend auf den mit dem γ3 Experimentaufbau gemessenen Daten. Insbesondere das Zerfallsverhalten der Zustände, die an der PDR beteiligt sind, wurde untersucht. Der Experimentaufbau, die Details der Analyse sowie die Resultate werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit präsentiert. Desweiteren erlaubt ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit theoretischen Rechnungen im quasi-particle phonon model (QPM) eine Interpretation des beobachteten Zerfallsverhaltens.


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Ozon (O3) ist ein wichtiges Oxidierungs- und Treibhausgas in der Erdatmosphäre. Es hat Einfluss auf das Klima, die Luftqualität sowie auf die menschliche Gesundheit und die Vegetation. Ökosysteme, wie beispielsweise Wälder, sind Senken für troposphärisches Ozon und werden in Zukunft, bedingt durch Stürme, Pflanzenschädlinge und Änderungen in der Landnutzung, heterogener sein. Es ist anzunehmen, dass diese Heterogenitäten die Aufnahme von Treibhausgasen verringern und signifikante Rückkopplungen auf das Klimasystem bewirken werden. Beeinflusst wird der Atmosphären-Biosphären-Austausch von Ozon durch stomatäre Aufnahme, Deposition auf Pflanzenoberflächen und Böden sowie chemische Umwandlungen. Diese Prozesse zu verstehen und den Ozonaustausch für verschiedene Ökosysteme zu quantifizieren sind Voraussetzungen, um von lokalen Messungen auf regionale Ozonflüsse zu schließen.rnFür die Messung von vertikalen turbulenten Ozonflüssen wird die Eddy Kovarianz Methode genutzt. Die Verwendung von Eddy Kovarianz Systemen mit geschlossenem Pfad, basierend auf schnellen Chemilumineszenz-Ozonsensoren, kann zu Fehlern in der Flussmessung führen. Ein direkter Vergleich von nebeneinander angebrachten Ozonsensoren ermöglichte es einen Einblick in die Faktoren zu erhalten, die die Genauigkeit der Messungen beeinflussen. Systematische Unterschiede zwischen einzelnen Sensoren und der Einfluss von unterschiedlichen Längen des Einlassschlauches wurden untersucht, indem Frequenzspektren analysiert und Korrekturfaktoren für die Ozonflüsse bestimmt wurden. Die experimentell bestimmten Korrekturfaktoren zeigten keinen signifikanten Unterschied zu Korrekturfaktoren, die mithilfe von theoretischen Transferfunktionen bestimmt wurden, wodurch die Anwendbarkeit der theoretisch ermittelten Faktoren zur Korrektur von Ozonflüssen bestätigt wurde.rnIm Sommer 2011 wurden im Rahmen des EGER (ExchanGE processes in mountainous Regions) Projektes Messungen durchgeführt, um zu einem besseren Verständnis des Atmosphären-Biosphären Ozonaustauschs in gestörten Ökosystemen beizutragen. Ozonflüsse wurden auf beiden Seiten einer Waldkante gemessen, die einen Fichtenwald und einen Windwurf trennt. Auf der straßenähnlichen Freifläche, die durch den Sturm "Kyrill" (2007) entstand, entwickelte sich eine Sekundärvegetation, die sich in ihrer Phänologie und Blattphysiologie vom ursprünglich vorherrschenden Fichtenwald unterschied. Der mittlere nächtliche Fluss über dem Fichtenwald war -6 bis -7 nmol m2 s-1 und nahm auf -13 nmol m2 s-1 um die Mittagszeit ab. Die Ozonflüsse zeigten eine deutliche Beziehung zur Pflanzenverdunstung und CO2 Aufnahme, was darauf hinwies, dass während des Tages der Großteil des Ozons von den Pflanzenstomata aufgenommen wurde. Die relativ hohe nächtliche Deposition wurde durch nicht-stomatäre Prozesse verursacht. Die Deposition über dem Wald war im gesamten Tagesverlauf in etwa doppelt so hoch wie über der Freifläche. Dieses Verhältnis stimmte mit dem Verhältnis des Pflanzenflächenindex (PAI) überein. Die Störung des Ökosystems verringerte somit die Fähigkeit des Bewuchses, als Senke für troposphärisches Ozon zu fungieren. Der deutliche Unterschied der Ozonflüsse der beiden Bewuchsarten verdeutlichte die Herausforderung bei der Regionalisierung von Ozonflüssen in heterogen bewaldeten Gebieten.rnDie gemessenen Flüsse wurden darüber hinaus mit Simulationen verglichen, die mit dem Chemiemodell MLC-CHEM durchgeführt wurden. Um das Modell bezüglich der Berechnung von Ozonflüssen zu evaluieren, wurden gemessene und modellierte Flüsse von zwei Positionen im EGER-Gebiet verwendet. Obwohl die Größenordnung der Flüsse übereinstimmte, zeigten die Ergebnisse eine signifikante Differenz zwischen gemessenen und modellierten Flüssen. Zudem gab es eine klare Abhängigkeit der Differenz von der relativen Feuchte, mit abnehmender Differenz bei zunehmender Feuchte, was zeigte, dass das Modell vor einer Verwendung für umfangreiche Studien des Ozonflusses weiterer Verbesserungen bedarf.rn


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With the outlook of improving seismic vulnerability assessment for the city of Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), the global dynamic behaviour of four nine-storey r.c. large-panel buildings in elastic regime is studied. The four buildings were built during the Soviet era within a serial production system. Since they all belong to the same series, they have very similar geometries both in plan and in height. Firstly, ambient vibration measurements are performed in the four buildings. The data analysis composed of discrete Fourier transform, modal analysis (frequency domain decomposition) and deconvolution interferometry, yields the modal characteristics and an estimate of the linear impulse response function for the structures of the four buildings. Then, finite element models are set up for all four buildings and the results of the numerical modal analysis are compared with the experimental ones. The numerical models are finally calibrated considering the first three global modes and their results match the experimental ones with an error of less then 20%.


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The aim of this work is to assess the repeatability of spectral-domain-OCT (SD-OCT) retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFL) thickness measurements in a non-glaucoma group and patients with glaucoma and to compare these results to conventional time-domain-OCT (TD-OCT).


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BACKGROUND: Dogs experimentally inoculated with Angiostrongylus vasorum develop severe pulmonary parenchymal lesions and arterial thrombosis at the time of patency. HYPOTHESIS: A. vasorum-induced thrombosis results in arterial hypoxemia, pulmonary hypertension (PH), and altered cardiac morphology and function. ANIMALS: Six healthy Beagles experimentally inoculated with A. vasorum. METHODS: Thoracic radiographs and arterial blood gas analyses were performed 8 and 13 weeks postinoculation (wpi) and 9 weeks posttherapy (wpt). Echocardiography was done before and 2, 5, 8, 13 wpi and 9 wpt. Invasive pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) measurements were obtained 8 wpi. Two untreated dogs were necropsied 13 wpi and 4 treated dogs 9 wpt. RESULTS: All dogs had patent infections at 7 wpi and clinical respiratory signs at 8 wpi. Moderate hypoxemia (median PaO2 of 73 and 74 mmHg) present at 8 and 13 wpi had resolved by 9 wpt. Echocardiographically, no evidence of PH and no abnormalities in cardiac size and function were discernible at any time point. PAP invasively measured at 8 wpi was not different from that of control dogs. Severe radiographic pulmonary parenchymal and suspected thrombotic lesions at 13 wpi were corroborated by necropsy. Most histopathologic changes had resolved at 9 wpt, but focal inflammatory, thrombotic, and fibrotic changes still were present in all dogs. CONCLUSION: In experimentally infected Beagles, pulmonary and vascular changes induced by A. vasorum are reflected by marked radiographic changes and arterial hypoxemia. These did not result in PH and echocardiographic changes in cardiac size and function.


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INTRODUCTION: The objective was to study the effects of a novel lung volume optimization procedure (LVOP) using high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) upon gas exchange, the transpulmonary pressure (TPP), and hemodynamics in a porcine model of surfactant depletion. METHODS: With institutional review board approval, the hemodynamics, blood gas analysis, TPP, and pulmonary shunt fraction were obtained in six anesthetized pigs before and after saline lung lavage. Measurements were acquired during pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) prior to and after lung damage, and during a LVOP with HFOV. The LVOP comprised a recruitment maneuver with a continuous distending pressure (CDP) of 45 mbar for 2.5 minutes, and a stepwise decrease of the CDP (5 mbar every 5 minute) from 45 to 20 mbar. The TPP level was identified during the decrease in CDP, which assured a change of the PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 25% compared with maximum lung recruitment at CDP of 45 mbar (CDP45). Data are presented as the median (25th-75th percentile); differences between measurements are determined by Friedman repeated-measures analysis on ranks and multiple comparisons (Tukey's test). The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: The PaO2/FiO2 ratio increased from 99.1 (56.2-128) Torr at PCV post-lavage to 621 (619.4-660.3) Torr at CDP45 (CDP45) (P < 0.031). The pulmonary shunt fraction decreased from 51.8% (49-55%) at PCV post-lavage to 1.03% (0.4-3%) at CDP45 (P < 0.05). The cardiac output and stroke volume decreased at CDP45 (P < 0.05) compared with PCV, whereas the heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and intrathoracic blood volume remained unchanged. A TPP of 25.5 (17-32) mbar was required to preserve a difference in PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 25% related to CDP45; this TPP was achieved at a CDP of 35 (25-40) mbar. CONCLUSION: This HFOV protocol is easy to perform, and allows a fast determination of an adequate TPP level that preserves oxygenation. Systemic hemodynamics, as a measure of safety, showed no relevant deterioration throughout the procedure.


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OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to evaluate the effect of gap width and graft placement on bone healing around implants placed in simulated extraction sockets of various widths in four Labrador dogs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five Osseotite implants per dog were placed in the mandible of four dogs. Two implants were inserted into sites with a 2.37 mm and two with a 1 mm gap present between the implants and bone around the coronal 6 mm of the implants in each dog. For one of each gap sizes, the gap was filled with Bio-Oss, and the other two with blood alone. A fifth implant was inserted without a gap and used as a control. Ground sections were prepared from biopsies taken at 4 months and histometric measurements of osseointegration and bone between the threads made for the coronal 6 mm. RESULTS: The medians for osseointegration ranged from 5.2 mm for control to 1-2.6 mm for the test modalities. There were significant differences for linear measurements of osseointegration (chi(2) 18.27; df 4; P=0.0011) and bone area within threads (chi(2) 23.4; df 4; P=0.0001) between test modalities. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the wider the gap around the implants, the less favourable the histological outcome at short time intervals following treatment. They also infer that bone grafting with an organic bovine bone xenograft seems to lead to a more favourable histological outcome for wider circumferential defects but not for narrower defects.


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BACKGROUND: Streptococcus (S.) pneumoniae meningitis has a high lethality despite antibiotic treatment. Inflammation is a major pathogenetic factor, which is unresponsive to antibiotics. Therefore adjunctive therapies with antiinflammatory compounds have been developed. TNF484 is a TNF-alpha converting enzyme (TACE) inhibitor and has been found efficacious in experimental meningitis. Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) contributes to host response in pneumococcal meningitis by enhancing bacterial clearing and downmodulating inflammation. In this study, TNF484 was applied in mice, which lacked TLR2 and exhibited a strong meningeal inflammation. METHODS: 103 CFU S. pneumoniae serotype 3 was inoculated subarachnoidally into C57BL/6 wild type (wt) mice or TLR2-/-, CD14-/- and CD14-/-/TLR2-/- mice. Severity of disease and survival was followed over 9 days. Response to antibiotics (80 mg/kg ceftriaxone i.p. for 5 days) and/or TACE inhibitor treatment (1 mg/kg s.c. twice daily for 4 days) was evaluated. Animals were sacrificed after 12, 24, and 48 h for analysis of bacterial load in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain and for TNF and leukocyte measurements in CSF. RESULTS: TLR2-/- mice were significantly sicker than the other mouse strains 24 h after infection. All knockout mice showed higher disease severity after 48 h and died earlier than wt mice. TNF release into CSF was significantly more elevated in TLR2-/- than in the other strains after 24 h. Brain bacterial numbers were significantly higher in all knockout than wt mice after 24 h. Modulation of outcome by antibiotic and TACE inhibitor treatment was evaluated. With antibiotic therapy all wt, CD14-/- and TLR2-/-/CD14-/- mice, but only 79% of TLR2-/- mice, were rescued. TACE inhibitor treatment alone did not rescue, but prolonged survival in wt mice, and in TLR2-/- and CD14-/- mice to the values observed in untreated wt mice. By combined antibiotic and TACE inhibitor treatment 95% of TLR2-/- mice were rescued. CONCLUSION: During pneumococcal meningitis strong inflammation in TLR2-deficiency was associated with incomplete responsiveness to antibiotics and complete response to combined antibiotic and TACE inhibitor treatment. TACE inhibitor treatment offers a promising adjuvant therapeutic strategy in pneumococcal meningitis.


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AIM: The importance of ventilatory support during cardiac arrest and basic life support is controversial. This experimental study used dynamic computed tomography (CT) to assess the effects of chest compressions only during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CCO-CPR) on alveolar recruitment and haemodynamic parameters in porcine model of ventricular fibrillation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve anaesthetized pigs (26+/-1kg) were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: (1) intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) both during basic life support and advanced cardiac life support, or (2) CCO during basic life support and IPPV during advanced cardiac life support. Measurements were acquired at baseline prior to cardiac arrest, during basic life support, during advanced life support, and after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), as follows: dynamic CT series, arterial and central venous pressures, blood gases, and regional organ blood flow. The ventilated and atelectatic lung area was quantified from dynamic CT images. Differences between groups were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, and a p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: IPPV was associated with cyclic alveolar recruitment and de-recruitment. Compared with controls, the CCO-CPR group had a significantly larger mean fractional area of atelectasis (p=0.009), and significantly lower PaO(2) (p=0.002) and mean arterial pressure (p=0.023). The increase in mean atelectatic lung area observed during basic life support in the CCO-CPR group remained clinically relevant throughout the subsequent advanced cardiac life support period and following ROSC, and was associated with prolonged impaired haemodynamics. No inter-group differences in myocardial and cerebral blood flow were observed. CONCLUSION: A lack of ventilation during basic life support is associated with excessive atelectasis, arterial hypoxaemia and compromised CPR haemodynamics. Moreover, these detrimental effects remain evident even after restoration of IPPV.


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The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the influence of pit and fissure sealants on fluorescence readings using lasers. We selected 166 permanent molars and randomly divided them into 4 groups which were each treated with a different sealant (a commercially available clear sealant, 2 opaque sealants and an experimental nanofilled clear sealant). The teeth were independently measured twice by 2 experienced dentists using conventional laser fluorescence (LF) and a laser fluorescence pen device (LFpen), before and after sealing, and again after thermocycling to simulate the thermal stressing between the tooth and the dental materials. Friedman test showed no statistically significant changes using LF and LFpen for the commercial clear sealant group, although values tended to increase after sealing. However, the values increased significantly after thermocycling. There was a statistically significant decrease in fluorescence after application of opaque sealants. After application of the experimental nanofilled clear sealant, LF values increased only after thermocycling, whereas the LFpen values increased after sealing and after thermocycling as well. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.87 to 0.96 for interexaminer and 0.82 to 0.94 for intraexaminer reproducibility. It was shown that pit and fissure sealants influence LF and LFpen readings, with the values increasing or decreasing according to the material used. In conclusion, both laser fluorescence devices could be useful as an adjunct to detect occlusal caries under unfilled clear sealants. Nevertheless, surfaces sealed with clear nanofilled material could be assessed using only the LF device.


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The GLAaS algorithm for pretreatment intensity modulation radiation therapy absolute dose verification based on the use of amorphous silicon detectors, as described in Nicolini et al. [G. Nicolini, A. Fogliata, E. Vanetti, A. Clivio, and L. Cozzi, Med. Phys. 33, 2839-2851 (2006)], was tested under a variety of experimental conditions to investigate its robustness, the possibility of using it in different clinics and its performance. GLAaS was therefore tested on a low-energy Varian Clinac (6 MV) equipped with an amorphous silicon Portal Vision PV-aS500 with electronic readout IAS2 and on a high-energy Clinac (6 and 15 MV) equipped with a PV-aS1000 and IAS3 electronics. Tests were performed for three calibration conditions: A: adding buildup on the top of the cassette such that SDD-SSD = d(max) and comparing measurements with corresponding doses computed at d(max), B: without adding any buildup on the top of the cassette and considering only the intrinsic water-equivalent thickness of the electronic portal imaging devices device (0.8 cm), and C: without adding any buildup on the top of the cassette but comparing measurements against doses computed at d(max). This procedure is similar to that usually applied when in vivo dosimetry is performed with solid state diodes without sufficient buildup material. Quantitatively, the gamma index (gamma), as described by Low et al. [D. A. Low, W. B. Harms, S. Mutic, and J. A. Purdy, Med. Phys. 25, 656-660 (1998)], was assessed. The gamma index was computed for a distance to agreement (DTA) of 3 mm. The dose difference deltaD was considered as 2%, 3%, and 4%. As a measure of the quality of results, the fraction of field area with gamma larger than 1 (%FA) was scored. Results over a set of 50 test samples (including fields from head and neck, breast, prostate, anal canal, and brain cases) and from the long-term routine usage, demonstrated the robustness and stability of GLAaS. In general, the mean values of %FA remain below 3% for deltaD equal or larger than 3%, while they are slightly larger for deltaD = 2% with %FA in the range from 3% to 8%. Since its introduction in routine practice, 1453 fields have been verified with GLAaS at the authors' institute (6 MV beam). Using a DTA of 3 mm and a deltaD of 4% the authors obtained %FA = 0.9 +/- 1.1 for the entire data set while, stratifying according to the dose calculation algorithm, they observed: %FA = 0.7 +/- 0.9 for fields computed with the analytical anisotropic algorithm and %FA = 2.4 +/- 1.3 for pencil-beam based fields with a statistically significant difference between the two groups. If data are stratified according to field splitting, they observed %FA = 0.8 +/- 1.0 for split fields and 1.0 +/- 1.2 for nonsplit fields without any significant difference.


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The experiments observe and measure the length of the annular regime in fully condensing quasi-steady (steady-in-the-mean) flows of pure FC-72 vapor in a horizontal condenser (rectangular cross-section of 2 mm height, 15 mm width, and 1 m length). The sides and top of the duct are made of clear plastic that allows flow visualization. The experimental system in which this condenser is used is able to control and achieve different quasi-steady mass flow rates, inlet pressures, and wall cooling conditions (by adjustment of the temperature and flow rate of the cooling water flowing underneath the condensing-plate). The reported correlations and measurements for the annular length are also vital information for determining the length of the annular regime and proposing extended correlation (covering many vapors and a larger parameter set than the experimentally reported version here) by ongoing independent modeling and computational simulation approach.