755 resultados para Envelopes (Stationery)


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The article examines developments in the marketisation and privatisation of the English National Health Service, primarily since 1997. It explores the use of competition and contracting out in ancillary services and the levering into public services of private finance for capital developments through the Private Finance Initiative. A substantial part of the article examines the repeated restructuring of the health service as a market in clinical services, initially as an internal market but subsequently as a market increasing opened up to private sector involvement. Some of the implications of market processes for NHS staff and for increased privatisation are discussed. The article examines one episode of popular resistance to these developments, namely the movement of opposition to the 2011 health and social care legislative proposals. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of these system reforms for the founding principles of the NHS and the sustainability of the service.


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Los estudios sobre la comunidad genovesa del Reino de Granada suelen centrarse en las actividades desarrolladas en el territorio y rara vez en la reconstrucción de trayectorias individuales, circunstancia determinada por el recurso casi exclusivo a los protocolos notariales. El caso de Francesco Grimaldi es singular por muchas razones: su localización en fuentes de naturaleza muy variada –protocolos notariales de Granada y Málaga, Registro del Sello de Simancas y Granada, Chancillería de Valladolid, el epistolario del comendador Fuensalida y el archivo privado de la familia Grimaldo de Cáceres– ha permitido seguir su presencia y sus actividades en Granada, la Corte e Inglaterra –donde desempeñó un papel fundamental en el matrimonio entre Catalina de Aragón y Enrique VIII–. Así se conoce su interés por los préstamos y el negocio de la renta, las circunstancias de su matrimonio con Francisca de Cáceres y la adquisición de un importante patrimonio en el reino granadino.


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Emission and absorption line observations of molecules in late-type stars are a vital component in our understanding of stellar evolution, dust formation and mass loss in these objects. The molecular composition of the gas in the circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars reflects chemical processes in gas whose properties are strong functions of radius with density and temperature varying by more than ten and two orders of magnitude, respectively. In addition, the interstellar UV field plays a critical role in determining not only molecular abundances but also their radial distributions. In this article, I shall briefly review some recent successful approaches to describing chemistry in both the inner and outer envelopes and outline areas of challenge for the future.


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This report concerns the stabilization of three crushed limestones by an ss-1 asphalt emulsion and an asphalt cement, 120-150 penetration. Stabilization is evaluated by marshall stability and triaxial shear tests. Test specimens were compacted by the marshall, standard proctor and vibratory methods. Stabilization is evaluated primarily by triaxial shear tests in which confining pressures of 0 to 80 psi were used. Data were obtained on the angle of internal friction, cohesion, volume change, pore water pressure and strain characteristics of the treated and untreated aggregates. The MOHR envelope, bureau of reclamation and modified stress path methods were used to determine shear strength parameters at failure. Several significant conclusions developed by the authors are as follows: (1) the values for effective angle of internal friction and effective cohesion were substantially independent of asphalt content, (2) straight line MOHR envelopes of failure were observed for all treated stones, (3) bituminous admixtures did little to improve volume change (deformation due to load) characteristics of the three crushed limestones, (4) with respect to pore water characteristics (pore pressures and suctions due to lateral loading), bituminous treatment notably improved only the bedford stone, and (5) at low lateral pressures bituminous treatments increased stability by limiting axial strain. This would reduce rutting of highway bases. At high lateral pressures treated stone was less stable than untreated stone.


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Introduction: It is complex to define learning disabilities, there is no single universal definition used; there are different interpretations and definitions used for learning disabilities in different countries and communities. Primarily, the term “learning disability” sometimes used as “learning difficulties” is a term widely used in UK. There are various types and degree of severity of learning disabilities depending upon the extent of disorder. Though different definitions used all over the world, its types and classification coupled with their health and oral health needs are discussed in this review. Objectives:  To review the background literature on definitions of learning disabilities and health needs of this population.  To review literature on individual clinical preventive intervention to determine the effectiveness in promoting oral health amongst adults in learning disabilities.  To review literature in relation to community based preventive dental measures.  To determine the interventions in this areas are appropriate to support policy and practice and if these interventions establish good evidence to suggest that the oral health needs of adults with learning disabilities are met or not.  To make recommendations in implementing future preventive oral health interventions for adults with learning disabilities. Methodology: It was develop a comprehensive narrative synthesis of previously published literature from different sources and summarizes the whole research in a particular area identifying gap of knowledge. It provides a broad perspective of a subject and supports continuing education. It also is directed to inform policy and further research. It is a qualitative type of research with a broad question and critical analysis of literature published in books, article and journals. The research question evaluated on PICOS criteria is: Effectiveness of preventive dental interventions in adults with learning disabilities. The research question clearly defines the PICOS i.e. participants, interventions, comparison, outcome and study design. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of effects (DARE) through York University and National institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was searched to identify need of this review. There was no literature review found on the preventive dental interventions found hence, justifying this review. The guidance used in this review is from York University and methods opted for search of literature is based on the following: Type of participants, interventions, outcome measure, studies and search. The review of literature; author search; systematic and narrative reviews, through the following electronic databases via UFP library services: Pub-Med, Medline, EMBASE, CINHAL, Google scholar; Science Direct; Social and Medicine. A comprehensive search of all available literature from 1990-2015, including systematic reviews, policy documents and some guideline documents was done. Internet resource used to access; Department of Health, World Health Organization, Disability World, Disability Rights Commission, the Stationery office, MENCAP, Australian Learning Disability Association. The literature search was carried out with single word, combined words and phrases, authors' names and the title of literature search. Results: It is primarily looking at the oral health interventions available for adults with learning disabilities in clinical settings and the community measures observed over a period of 25 years 1990-2015. There were 7of the clinical intervention studies and one community based intervention study was added in this review. Conclusion: There is a gap of knowledge identified in not having ample research in the area of preventive dental interventions in adults with learning or intellectual disabilities and there is a need of more research, studies need to be of a better quality and a special consideration is required in the community settings where maintenance of oral hygiene for this vulnerable group of society is hugely dependent on their caregivers. Though, the policy and guideline directs on the preventive dental interventions of adults with LD there still a gap evident in understanding and implication of the guidance in practice by the dental and care support team. Understanding learning disabilities and to identify their behavior, compliance and oral health needs is paramount for all professionals working with or for them at each level.


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The phase difference principle is widely applied nowadays to sonar systems used for sea floor bathymetry, The apparent angle of a target point is obtained from the phase difference measured between two close receiving arrays. Here we study the influence of the phase difference estimation errors caused by the physical structure of the backscattered signals. It is shown that, under certain current conditions, beyond the commonly considered effects of additive external noise and baseline decorrelation, the processing may be affected by the shifting footprint effect: this is due to the fact that the two interferometer receivers get simultaneous echo contributions coming from slightly shifted seabed parts, which results in a degradation of the signal coherence and, hence, of the phase difference measurement. This geometrical effect is described analytically and checked with numerical simulations, both for square- and sine-shaped signal envelopes. Its relative influence depends on the geometrical configuration and receiver spacing; it may be prevalent in practical cases associated with bathymetric sonars. The cases of square and smooth signal envelopes are both considered. The measurements close to nadir, which are known to be especially difficult with interferometry systems, are addressed in particular.


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The negative effects of climate change are already evident for many of the 25 million coffee farmers across the tropics and the 90 billion dollar (US) coffee industry. The coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei), the most important pest of coffee worldwide, has already benefited from the temperature rise in East Africa: increased damage to coffee crops and expansion in its distribution range have been reported. In order to anticipate threats and prioritize management actions for H. hampei we present here, maps on future distributions of H. hampei in coffee producing areas of East Africa. Using the CLIMEX model we relate present-day insect distributions to current climate and then project the fitted climatic envelopes under future scenarios A2A and B2B (for HADCM3 model). In both scenarios, the situation with H. hampei is forecasted to worsen in the current Coffea arabica producing areas of Ethiopia, the Ugandan part of the Lake Victoria and Mt. Elgon regions, Mt. Kenya and the Kenyan side of Mt. Elgon, and most of Rwanda and Burundi. The calculated hypothetical number of generations per year of H. hampei is predicted to increase in all C. arabica-producing areas from five to ten. These outcomes will have serious implications for C. arabica production and livelihoods in East Africa. We suggest that the best way to adapt to a rise of temperatures in coffee plantations could be via the introduction of shade trees in sun grown plantations. The aims of this study are to fill knowledge gaps existing in the coffee industry, and to draft an outline for the development of an adaptation strategy package for climate change on coffee production. An abstract in Spanish is provided as Abstract S1.


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Human operators are unique in their decision making capability, judgment and nondeterminism. Their sense of judgment, unpredictable decision procedures, susceptibility to environmental elements can cause them to erroneously execute a given task description to operate a computer system. Usually, a computer system is protected against some erroneous human behaviors by having necessary safeguard mechanisms in place. But some erroneous human operator behaviors can lead to severe or even fatal consequences especially in safety critical systems. A generalized methodology that can allow modeling and analyzing the interactions between computer systems and human operators where the operators are allowed to deviate from their prescribed behaviors will provide a formal understanding of the robustness of a computer system against possible aberrant behaviors by its human operators. We provide several methodology for assisting in modeling and analyzing human behaviors exhibited while operating computer systems. Every human operator is usually given a specific recommended set of guidelines for operating a system. We first present process algebraic methodology for modeling and verifying recommended human task execution behavior. We present how one can perform runtime monitoring of a computer system being operated by a human operator for checking violation of temporal safety properties. We consider the concept of a protection envelope giving a wider class of behaviors than those strictly prescribed by a human task that can be tolerated by a system. We then provide a framework for determining whether a computer system can maintain its guarantees if the human operators operate within their protection envelopes. This framework also helps to determine the robustness of the computer system under weakening of the protection envelopes. In this regard, we present a tool called Tutela that assists in implementing the framework. We then examine the ability of a system to remain safe under broad classes of variations of the prescribed human task. We develop a framework for addressing two issues. The first issue is: given a human task specification and a protection envelope, will the protection envelope properties still hold under standard erroneous executions of that task by the human operators? In other words how robust is the protection envelope? The second issue is: in the absence of a protection envelope, can we approximate a protection envelope encompassing those standard erroneous human behaviors that can be safely endured by the system? We present an extension of Tutela that implements this framework. The two frameworks mentioned above use Concurrent Game Structures (CGS) as models for both computer systems and their human operators. However, there are some shortcomings of this formalism for our uses. We add incomplete information concepts in CGSs to achieve better modularity for the players. We introduce nondeterminism in both the transition system and strategies of players and in the modeling of human operators and computer systems. Nondeterministic action strategies for players in \emph{i}ncomplete information \emph{N}ondeterministic CGS (iNCGS) is a more precise formalism for modeling human behaviors exhibited while operating a computer system. We show how we can reason about a human behavior satisfying a guarantee by providing a semantics of Alternating Time Temporal Logic based on iNCGS player strategies. In a nutshell this dissertation provides formal methodology for modeling and analyzing system robustness against both expected and erroneous human operator behaviors.


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A utilização de revestimentos poliméricos em rolhas de cortiça natural é uma prática recorrente na indústria de produção de rolhas. A sua aplicação tem como principal objetivo a melhoria da qualidade visual das rolhas. Contudo, este tratamento altera também as suas caraterísticas de molhabilidade, pelo que é importante otimizar os processos de revestimento de superfície. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal a averiguação da influência de um revestimento colorido e de diferentes tratamentos de superfície no comportamento da rolha em garrafa. Foram utilizadas amostras, cedidas pela Cork Supply Portugal, provenientes de quatro branqueamentos distintos (LVL, CSP, CPI e SIL). Foram estudadas amostras com e sem revestimento colorido e, todas elas, tratadas superficialmente com quatro tipos de tratamento (TS1, TS2, TS3 e TS4), sendo as quantidades de parafina e silicone administradas todas diferentes. Para observar o efeito do revestimento colorido e dos tratamentos de superfície nas rolhas de cortiça, procedeu-se a testes para determinação de capilaridade, inserções e forças de extração, simulando as condições de engarrafamento/extração do cliente, de forma a verificar a conformidade dos resultados. Todos estes testes procederam-se nas instalações da CSP. Foram também efetuados testes de molhabilidade pela determinação de ângulos de contacto para três diferentes solventes, nomeadamente água, formamida e diiodometano, e obtidos os Wetting Envelopes, pelo método de OWRK, de forma a prever a molhabilidade das várias amostras. Os procedimentos experimentais descritos efetuaram-se nos laboratórios da Universidade de Aveiro. Aliando as análises aos vários testes efetuados, concluiu-se que o revestimento colorido tem um possível efeito favorecedor nas propriedades mecânicas das rolhas de cortiça, possui maior recetividade aos agentes lubrificantes e maior molhabilidade. Relativamente aos tratamentos de superfície, o melhor, tendo em conta os fatores de molhabilidade, foi o TS4, proporcionando melhor vedação ao vinho. Já a respeito da lubrificação, verificou-se melhores resultados para os tratamentos TS1 e TS2. A lavação SIL apresenta menor afinidade aos agentes vedantes e a CSP possui maior recetibilidade aos agentes lubrificantes.


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Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki: Zakład Teorii Interpolacji i Aproksymacji


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"The Board of agriculture published in 1910 a small handbook containing 25 coloured plates. This ... has been for some years out of print, and the Ministry ... has decided to republish. In the present edition the nomenclature and text-matter have been brought up-to-date. Some of the old plates have been omitted ... In their place seven new plates have been inserted."--Foreword.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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For climate risk management, cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) are an important source of information. They are ideally suited to compare probabilistic forecasts of primary (e.g. rainfall) or secondary data (e.g. crop yields). Summarised as CDFs, such forecasts allow an easy quantitative assessment of possible, alternative actions. Although the degree of uncertainty associated with CDF estimation could influence decisions, such information is rarely provided. Hence, we propose Cox-type regression models (CRMs) as a statistical framework for making inferences on CDFs in climate science. CRMs were designed for modelling probability distributions rather than just mean or median values. This makes the approach appealing for risk assessments where probabilities of extremes are often more informative than central tendency measures. CRMs are semi-parametric approaches originally designed for modelling risks arising from time-to-event data. Here we extend this original concept beyond time-dependent measures to other variables of interest. We also provide tools for estimating CDFs and surrounding uncertainty envelopes from empirical data. These statistical techniques intrinsically account for non-stationarities in time series that might be the result of climate change. This feature makes CRMs attractive candidates to investigate the feasibility of developing rigorous global circulation model (GCM)-CRM interfaces for provision of user-relevant forecasts. To demonstrate the applicability of CRMs, we present two examples for El Ni ? no/Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-based forecasts: the onset date of the wet season (Cairns, Australia) and total wet season rainfall (Quixeramobim, Brazil). This study emphasises the methodological aspects of CRMs rather than discussing merits or limitations of the ENSO-based predictors.


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The need for efficient, sustainable, and planned utilization of resources is ever more critical. In the U.S. alone, buildings consume 34.8 Quadrillion (1015) BTU of energy annually at a cost of $1.4 Trillion. Of this energy 58% is utilized for heating and air conditioning. Several building energy analysis tools have been developed to assess energy demands and lifecycle energy costs in buildings. Such analyses are also essential for an efficient HVAC design that overcomes the pitfalls of an under/over-designed system. DOE-2 is among the most widely known full building energy analysis models. It also constitutes the simulation engine of other prominent software such as eQUEST, EnergyPro, PowerDOE. Therefore, it is essential that DOE-2 energy simulations be characterized by high accuracy. Infiltration is an uncontrolled process through which outside air leaks into a building. Studies have estimated infiltration to account for up to 50% of a building’s energy demand. This, considered alongside the annual cost of buildings energy consumption, reveals the costs of air infiltration. It also stresses the need that prominent building energy simulation engines accurately account for its impact. In this research the relative accuracy of current air infiltration calculation methods is evaluated against an intricate Multiphysics Hygrothermal CFD building envelope analysis. The full-scale CFD analysis is based on a meticulous representation of cracking in building envelopes and on real-life conditions. The research found that even the most advanced current infiltration methods, including in DOE-2, are at up to 96.13% relative error versus CFD analysis. An Enhanced Model for Combined Heat and Air Infiltration Simulation was developed. The model resulted in 91.6% improvement in relative accuracy over current models. It reduces error versus CFD analysis to less than 4.5% while requiring less than 1% of the time required for such a complex hygrothermal analysis. The algorithm used in our model was demonstrated to be easy to integrate into DOE-2 and other engines as a standalone method for evaluating infiltration heat loads. This will vastly increase the accuracy of such simulation engines while maintaining their speed and ease of use characteristics that make them very widely used in building design.