901 resultados para Dialectical thinking


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O presente estudo aborda a temática da educação escolar nas comunidades tradicionais. Essa abordagem ocorre a partir do estudo de caso da Ilha da Torotama, Rio Grande/RS. É reconhecido que as comunidades tradicionais sofrem uma intensa transformação a partir da lógica moderna do capital, no caso do município de Rio Grande, percebe-se o quanto os discursos em torno do Polo Naval, paralelamente com a crise da pesca artesanal, impulsionam o êxodo das comunidades pesqueiras que constituem a região, levando o pescador ao abandono do trabalho, bem como a uma drástica ruptura frente as formas de vida no espaço tradicional de pesca. A partir desse panorama cabe questionar os sentidos que a escolarização assume nesses espaços, portanto: Quais as contradições e possibilidades da educação escolar nas comunidades tradicionais? Além disso, é necessário questionar: É possível (re)pensar as formas de contemplar os anseios desses povos tradicionais? Nesse sentido, busca-se compreender e problematizar as contradições e possibilidades em torno da escolarização em um contexto do Campo, constituído por povos tradicionais. Para o enfrentamento da problemática, assume-se uma postura dialética a partir de Gadotti (2012) e Severino (2001); esse embasamento epistemológico sustenta o olhar e a escuta da pesquisadora frente aos processos presentes no estudo. Com efeito, por meio da utilização da História Oral na perspectiva assumida por Thompson (1992), encontra-se para maior organização do processo de construção dos dados, a História Oral Temática (MEIHY e HOLANDA, 2010) e (MEIHY, 1996). Nesse horizonte, realizam-se entrevistas com três educadores e quatro educandos do Projeto Educação para Pescadores, o qual ocorre enquanto um processo de escolarização na Ilha da Torotama. O estudo aponta para a necessidade de pensar a escola nas comunidades tradicionais a partir do horizonte da Educação do Campo. Essa compreensão ocorre a partir dos desafios encontrados com relação a escolarização das referidas comunidades; haja vista que o Estado não assume de forma efetiva a educação básica nesses contextos, tampouco aborda a possibilidade de retorno dos sujeitos que tiveram a escolarização negligenciada. A omissão do poder público frente as demandas da comunidade, junto as formas de incentivo e beneficiamento da pequena burguesia industrial pesqueira, por exemplo, são indicativos de que as comunidades tradicionais sofrem em seu contexto uma forte contradição, pois, muito embora o Estado tenha enquanto obrigação resguardar tais povos, as demandas do mercado prevalecem na dinâmica evidenciada. Assim, assumir as lutas lançadas pela 8 perspectiva da Educação do Campo, é uma pertinente possibilidade de ruptura com o sentido que a escola vem apresentando nesses espaços: a escola é vista como uma forma de saída da comunidade e do trabalho da pesca. Portanto, acredita-se que ao assumir o horizonte da Educação do Campo, o trabalho desses sujeitos pertencentes as comunidades tradicionais possa ser problematizado, fomentando a construção crítica frente aos desafios impostos pela lógica opressora.


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‘Systems thinking’ is an important feature of the emerging ‘patient safety’ agenda. As a key component of a ‘safety culture’, it encourages clinicians to look past individual error to recognise the latent factors that threaten safety. This paper investigates whether current medical thinking is commensurate with the idea of ‘systems thinking’ together with its implications for policy. The findings are based on qualitative semistructured interviews with specialist physicians working within one NHS District General Hospital in the English Midlands. It is shown that, rather then favouring a 'person-centred’ perspective, doctors readily identify ‘the system’ as a threat to patient safety. This is not necessarily a reflection of the prevailing safety discourse or knowledge of policy, but reflects a tacit understanding of how services are (dis)organised. This line of thinking serves to mitigate individual wrong-doing and protect professional credibility by encouraging doctors to accept and accommodate the shortcomings of the system, rather than participate in new forms of organisational learning.


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Critical thinking in learners is a goal of educators and professional organizations in nursing as well as other professions. However, few studies in nursing have examined the role of the important individual difference factors topic knowledge, individual interest, and general relational reasoning strategies in predicting critical thinking. In addition, most previous studies have used domain-general, standardized measures, with inconsistent results. Moreover, few studies have investigated critical thinking across multiple levels of experience. The major purpose of this study was to examine the degree to which topic knowledge, individual interest, and relational reasoning predict critical thinking in maternity nurses. For this study, 182 maternity nurses were recruited from national nursing listservs explicitly chosen to capture multiple levels of experience from prelicensure to very experienced nurses. The three independent measures included a domain-specific Topic Knowledge Assessment (TKA), consisting of 24 short-answer questions, a Professed and Engaged Interest Measure (PEIM), with 20 questions indicating level of interest and engagement in maternity nursing topics and activities, and the Test of Relational Reasoning (TORR), a graphical selected response measure with 32 items organized in scales corresponding to four forms of relational reasoning: analogy, anomaly, antithesis, and antinomy. The dependent measure was the Critical Thinking Task in Maternity Nursing (CT2MN), composed of a clinical case study providing cues with follow-up questions relating to nursing care. These questions align with the cognitive processes identified in a commonly-used definition of critical thinking in nursing. Reliable coding schemes for the measures were developed for this study. Key findings included a significant correlation between topic knowledge and individual interest. Further, the three individual difference factors explained a significant proportion of the variance in critical thinking with a large effect size. While topic knowledge was the strongest predictor of critical thinking performance, individual interest had a moderate significant effect, and relational reasoning had a small but significant effect. The findings suggest that these individual difference factors should be included in future studies of critical thinking in nursing. Implications for nursing education, research, and practice are discussed.


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Proportion responding (PR) is the preference for proportionally higher gains, such that the same absolute quantity is valued more as the reference group decreases. This research investigated this kind of proportion PR in decisions about saving lives (e.g., saving 10/10 lives is preferred to saving 10/100 lives). The results of two studies suggest that PR does not stem from an overall tendency to choose higher proportions, but rather from faulty deliberative reasoning. In particular, people who display PR are less likely to engage in deliberative reflection as measured by response time, the Process Dissociation Procedure, the Cognitive Reflection Test, a numeracy test, and a task assessing denominator neglect. This association between faulty deliberation and PR was observed only when choosing the highest proportion was non-normative because it came at the expense of absolute gains (e.g., saving 10/10 lives is preferred to saving 11/100 lives). These results help to make sense of discrepant findings in previous research, pertaining to how PR relates to biased reasoning and decision making.


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Part 9: Innovation Networks


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2016.


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Traditionally algebra has been regarded as the domain of the secondary school years in Australia and many other countries. Non-mathematics teachers, parents and students often narrowly regard algebra as the manipulation of symbols adhering to tightly prescribed rules (Serow, Callingham & Muir, 2013). It is now recognised, however, that foundational ideas associated with algebraic thinking can, and should be, included in mathematics curricula in the pre-school and primary years (Bobis, Mulligan & Lowrie, 2009). This stance is reflected in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (Australian Curriculum Assessment & Reporting Authority, 2012) which extends key algebraic ideas to patterns and generalisations, and acknowledges that number and algebra are developed together as each enriches the study of the other. This article explores the concept of functional thinking and demonstrates how the story, ‘Two of Everything’ (Hong, 1993) is employed as a springboard for developing functional thinking with students from the early years through to upper primary schooling.


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This article, part of a larger study, began with an inquiry into the ways a small group of preteen boys and girls with diagnosed eating disorders discussed their ideas and attitudes about healthy bodies in individual interviews. Despite applying some of the usual analytic procedures, the data yielded little of significance in relation to body and health discourses, or to gender differences. We therefore wondered whether our underlying epistemological lenses and methodological toolkit had prevented us from seeing and hearing what was happening with this particular cohort. By shifting from a predominantly feminist post-structuralist, socio-cultural approach to one more inflected with varieties of feminist post-humanism and post-qualitative thinking, the data came differently into focus, and invited closer consideration. Employing a diffractive analysis then allowed some fresh, unexpected salience in the data to become more apparent.


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This proposal invites participation in a design intensive, in which educators bring along an idea for a unit, seminar, lecture, lesson as the basis for a practical and creative workshop merging conceptual art, writing, poetry and curriculum planning, while engaging playfully with New Materialism. In this work we seek to move beyond merely interrogating designs for future subjects, and to embolden our thinking about curriculum, asking questions to explore how the pedagogical imagination works with both the material and immaterial, the corporeal and incorporeal, within ecologies continually transforming in the process of making. Through this, we explore ways to challenge “delivery”, or “conduit” metaphors of education, to see design as “situated” in new ways involving both human and nonhuman elements, resisting stasis, resisting closure. This workshop positions curriculum design in the realm of the artist/activist, rather than that of the bureaucrat/technician and opens up a space for reflection on the processes of making curriculum. The workshop also therefore seeks to question how knowledge around curriculum is produced, and to document the ways in which our work as educators is part of a continuous becoming, as we ourselves, and our designs, co-emerge. We remember that curriculum design is fundamentally a creative project, always taking form and transforming in relation to what surrounds us, rather residing in documents, which tend to conceal the entanglements around their making. Instead, we embody and live curriculum; it is happening now


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Previous studies have reported on primary children’s algebraic thinking and generalising in a range of problem settings but there is little evidence of primary teachers’ knowledge of algebraic thinking. In this paper the development in algebraic thinking of one primary teacher who taught a research lesson in a Japanese Lesson Study project involving teachers from three primary schools is presented. The findings suggest the need for professional learning in algebra and reasoning and indicate the value of Lesson Study.


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This article adapts Marshall McLuhan’s writings on mass media to ubiquitous and universal surveillance systems, looking at surveillance as media. The term ‘broadcast media’ is derived from an agricultural metaphor, a technique of planting. I argue that CCTV systems are an inversion of broadcasting: ‘harvest media’. Drawing on three case studies in which CCTV has been relevant to allegations of police misconduct, I explore how harvest media impacts on cultural and legal perceptions of evidence, and what can be known.


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This paper reviews the policy and practice of organ donation and transplantation in Qatar that has developed since January 2011. The important features of the Doha Model (the ‘Model’) are explored, including: (i) all legal residents of Qatar have an equal right to access deceased donor organs and transplantation regardless of their citizenship status; (ii) no prioritisation in organ allocation is given to Qatari citizens; (iii) a multilingual and multicultural education and promotional program about donation has been implemented to engage the diverse national communities resident within Qatar; (iv) financial incentives or fungible rewards for living or deceased donation are prohibited. The ethical framework of this policy will be examined in the light of the national self-sufficiency paradigm, which advocates reciprocity and solidarity among resident populations seeking to meet all needs for transplantation equitably. We review some preliminary evidence of the impact of the Model with respect to engagement of a highly diverse multinational population in a donation and transplantation program, and argue that the Model may inform policy and practice in other countries, particularly those with non-citizen resident populations.