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This study aims to reconstruct the story of Education of the School called Desembargador Vicente de Lemos in the city of Senador Elói de Souza in Rio Grande do Norte in Natal- Brazil. This is done considering activities that were realized by the teacher Anália Maciel. Since the worl deals with an investigation that is related to Cultural History field, the research emphasized the school as well as the presence of female teachers, in particular Anália Maciel. Concepts present in the work of Chartier (1990), Burke (1992), Le Goff (1992) and Morais (2002) were used in order to comprehend the transformation process in which local schools have been through. This is also done considering the state educational actions of behalf of the teacher. The documental fonts regarded available records such as Governmental correspondence, Law and Decrees. The information fonts used were available at the The Geographical and Historical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte as well as the State s Public Archive. Other information fonts were newspapers such as A República, Diário de Natal and Tribuna do Norte. Some people that were contemporary with the teacher and were there when the school was created were interviewed. Discourses from the decades of 1930 and 1940 were analyzed. The research was guided by the History of Education and Scholar Institution field of analysis. The research also allows to reflect on the pedagogical practices of the time and permits to understand a past-still present -as well as all the development of process that the education went through in the historical context of the city of Senador Elói de Souza. It was also possible to acknowledge that the creation of the school represented thoroughly a landmark in the education in this city and it contributed in a determinant manner for the formation of the students


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El trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio la percepción de profesores de la infancia respecto sus itinerarios de formación y proyectos de inserción institucional, y como objetivo analizar como los participantes de la investigación articulan, narrativamente, sus itinerarios de formación y proyectos de actuación profesional para inserción institucional en un Colegio de Aplicación. Adopta principios epistemológicos y métodos de la investigación (auto)biográfica: Ferrarotti 2010); Delory-Momberger (2008, 2011, 2012); Josso (2010); Nóvoa (2007); Nóvoa y Finger (2010); Dosse (2009); Passeggi (2011, 2012, 2013); Souza (2004, 2010, 2013). El corpus está constituido por diez memoriales académicos; diez proyectos de actuación profesional; la transcripción de entrevistas realizadas en dos grupos de discusión y el diario de campo de la investigadora. Las analises se basan en las contribuciones de Jovchelovitch y Bauer (2010), Schütze (2010) y Weller (2006). Los resultados de la investigación permitiran concluir que el proceso de biografización y el proyecto de actuación profesional introduce una doble función: constituirse en una herramienta de evaluación y como dispositivo de formación, permitiendo a los profesores la reflexión sobre las particularidades del proceso de biografización en el contexto de injunción institucional y el conocimiento de las potencialidades de sus percursos de formación. Permitiran, todavia, la definición de tres eixos organizadores de una cartografía de formación, tomando lo que Nóvoa (2007) sugiere sobre los procesos de Adesión, Acción y Autoconsciencia en la constitución de la identidad docente. Ao relatar sus percursos de formación los profesores reconstituyen adesiones a los principios, valores y proyectos en diferentes contextos de formación, revisitan acciones desarrolladas en el ejercicio de la profesión y elaboran reflexiones que resultan en la autoconciencia de potencialidades y limitaciones de sus acciones en la institución. El trabajo contribuye para pensar la producción de memoriales y proyectos académicos de experiencia profesional como espacio fundador de reflexión sobre la formación del profesorado de la infancia


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The present investigation deals with the Curriculum and Pedagogical Practices of Young and Adults, EJA, and articulates with the conceptions and beliefs of teachers sitting. The empirical scope of this investigation consisted in the Municipal School Francisca Leonísia, located in the Agrarian Reform Settlement Serra Nova, city of Florânia/RN. Seeks to analyze the relationship between the Curriculum and Educational Practices of Young and Adult EJA - conceptions beliefs of these teachers. This work is based on qualitative research, interpretative character reflective and makes use of documentary analysis, structured interviews and reflective sessions as methodological procedures which ensure the achievement of our goals in research. These procedures allowed us to enter the practice setting and curriculum for teachers to understand how they think, prepare and practice of adult education in school curriculum research field. The documentary analysis provided the rethinking of the curriculum selected references, Political Pedagogical Project and Proposed Course of EJA, from a critical reading of concepts and conceptions given in these references, with a view to construction and reconstruction of concepts that reclaim the identity of young people and adult field, inserted in the Rural Workers Movement landless/MST. As reflective sessions were constituted in spaces of collective training and allowed the group to selfreflection e collective reflection about the ideas and beliefs that permeate the curriculum and guide their practices education in adult education. In these areas of training are also discussed current problems of adult education, the construction of an educational project of the adult education field to, warranties of learning and cultural identity of the adult education field and placed in the context of the MST. Under this view, it is concluded that the conceptions and beliefs of teachers seated directly relate to the curriculum designed, developed and practiced in adult education, as well as the educational practices that permeate the curriculum. This relation is in the midst of adversities of Rural Education, inserted in the Movement of Landless Rural Workers-MST, and requires the commitment of teachers to the necessary changes to an education are critical and emancipatory


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Kindergarten teachers training gains the spotlight with the passing of Law number 9.394/96 (Guidelines and Basis Law) that defines this segment as the initial step of basic education, with pedagogical function. In this spectrum, the discussion about teacher training unravels to ensure social quality to education as well as the teacher s specificities towards child singularities. Adding to that, the growing propagation of Pedagogy in an undergraduate level, given that such course has been continually transformed by the National Curriculum Guidelines for Pedagogy (2006), highlighting the addition of curriculum components that are specific to upbringing. The complex debate circa kindergarten teachers training has advancements and hardships that need to be unveiled in order to improve both formation and social quality of education in the 0- 5 years old range. This investigation inserts itself in said context and aims to analyze which knowledge, specific to kindergarten teaching are constructed, according to undergraduate trainees, in Pedagogy s supervised internship. The study was conducted alongside the discipline: Supervised Internship in Child Education ministered by the Advanced Campus of Rio Grande do Norte s State University s in the municipality of Patu-RN (CAP-UERN-Patu) and was conducted through 2012 by accompanying four undergraduate interns. We first assumed that the development of teaching knowledge is a complex process of appropriation of cultural-social practices and is symbolically mediated by interactions that occur in the formation context, and the supervised internship can be understood as a space for the articulation and enlargement of theoretical and practical knowledge, directly related to the specificities of child education. The theoretical-methodological foundation was based upon the historiccultural approach of L. S. Vygotsky and M. Bakhtin s dialogism on human sciences research, as well as his postulates on learning and developmental processes, conceived as both essentially social and discursive. The investigation approached the principles of the qualitative perspective and to the construction and analysis of data, involved documental analysis and, specially, semi-structured interviews, both individual and collective, whose fundamental premise was the production-comprehension of meanings in a dialogical perspective. The participants texts/speeches produced a synthesis that points to the occurrence, within the supervised internship at CAP/UERN, of internalization/appropriation processes and, as such, of formulation of meanings that are pertinent to child education: child, childhood, kindergarten and teacher signification and this stage s specific teaching knowledge. It stood out that the internship, alongside other curriculum components, is, in fact, one of the primeval formation environment for the teachers, in which the interns interact with their colleagues, supervisor professor, collaborator professor, and of course, the children to construct their erudition. Such interactions allow the undergraduate interns to develop attitudes and procedures to reflect on what they know, what they ve done and what they can achieve. We have concluded that the undergraduate internship can constitute itself as an articulatorconsolidator environment in the future teacher s formation process and, since well oriented, can provide the effective initiation, not only to the practice, but to the praxis as a movement of non dissociability between theory and practice


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar el tratamiento ofrecido al estudio de la lenguaje en la modalidad oral en clases de lengua portuguesa en los 3º y 4º ciclos del Nivel Fundamental a la luz de concepciones sociointeracionistas de lenguaje. Para tal, tomamos como referencia las contribuciones de Bakhtin (1992) Marcuschi (2005), Batista (2001), Antunes (2009), Bagno (2002), Suassuna (2009), Ramos (2002), Castilho (2000), Oliveira (2003), entre otros, como también tomamos como referencia los objetivos establecidos en los programas oficiales, entre los cuales están los PCN de lengua portuguesa, el PNLD y el regimiento escolar. El campo de pesquisa seleccionado fue una escuela pública de la ciudad de Parnamirim donde los datos fueran colectados en visitas, en las entrevistas grabadas con los sujetos y también durante las observaciones a las clases. Hecho estos procedimientos de coleta de datos se hizo su análisis que estuvo vinculada al referencial teórico. Los resultados de la pesquisa indican características en el tratamiento ofrecido al lenguaje oral que refleja, principalmente, una concepción de lengua y lenguaje adoptada por los profesores aún muy vinculada a las concepciones estructuralistas, sin lograr una práctica que contemple la oralidad como objeto de estudio


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Cette étude analyse La pratique pédagogique de l éducateur norte-rio-grandense Nestor dos Santos Lima, de 1910 a 1930, période ou se concentre son plus grand nombre de publications sur lês questions scolaires. Nous désirons comprendre de quelle forme cet intelectuel a contribué au développement du systeème d enseignement primaire à travers sés écrits sur lês principes et méthodes de l enseignement de la lecture et à l écriture, appliqués dans lês Groupes Scolaires de l État. Nestor Lima a joué um grand role dans la sociaété, à la tetê de fonctoins comme celle de La présidence de l Institut Historique e Geographique du Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN), directeur de lÉcole Normale de Natal et du Dápartament d Education de État. Il a pulié de diverses oeuvres de caractere scolaire, comme lês Régiments Internes pour lês Groupes Scolaires, Écoles Isolées, Écoles Rudimentaires et Conseil d Education. Dans cette étude, nous mettons em évidence lês leçons de métodologique pour l enseignement de la lecture ET de évidence lês leçons de metodologie pour l enseignement de la lecture et de l ecriture, adresses aus eleves de lÉcole Normale de Natal, publiées dans la colonne Pádagogie du journal A República. Dans ces matièrs, nous observons que lês aspects qui composaient la pratique développe par Nestor Lima impliquaient lês questions Morales et civiques, la preocupation de la formation enseignante à l École Normale de Natal et le Célibat Pédagogique Féminin. Nous observons que la preocupations dês pratiques de lecture et lécriture sont presentes dans l oeuvre de cet éducateur comme legs important aux générations qui se succédent. Il est évident qu Il a cherché das sés productions une meilleure qualification dês enseignants pour que le niveau de l enseignement primaire puísse ainsi évoluer


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The present research to explorer the configurations that come being given to the autonomy of the school, since the decade of 1990. We investigate the implementation of the principle of the autonomy in the public system of education of the State of Pernambuco and, specifically, in four school units and this schools its in the quarters of Stubborn Brasilia Teimosa and Casa Amarela, both located in Recife. We try to know if the implementation of the autonomy of the school is circumscribed in the process of productive reorganization, it was evidenced that the inclusion of this principle in the educational politics - in the scopes national and state - obeyed the dynamics of retraction that, in the neoliberal context, the performance of the State in relation to the public education and the school characterizes, with consequence impact in the investigated schools. From the empirical inquiry it was identified to the occurrence of a movement realized for the social actors of the schools research in direction to the construction of the pertaining to school autonomy; this movement presenting some limits and fragilities. It was evidenced despite this movement varied of intensity in the measure where the social actors of the schools had developed levels of dinamics processes (in greater or minor degree) related with the diverse expressions of democratic management that can occur into the school, such as: elaboration of the Politician-Pedagogical Project, institution and functioning of the Pertaining to school Advice, etc. The set of the carried through analyses made possible that it concluded that, in the context neoliberal and delimited to the investigated time and space, the implementation of the autonomy of the school comes if giving in way to a complex movement of construction


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Advocating education as a humanizing task, the humanizing function of literature and the importance of scientific education, this paper proposes linking Science and Literature in Science Teaching using two specific books of Monteiro Lobato in the final series of elementary school level. Adopting the action research methodology, an interdisciplinary approach, we used the books A Reforma da Natureza and Serões de Dona Benta in two classes (8th and 9th) at Escola Estadual Professor José Mamede, located in the town of Tibau do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte. The readings were performed in Portuguese Language s course and the scientific content were discussed in Science´s classrooms. The book A Reforma da Natureza permitted to approach issues related to the environment, while the use of Serões de Dona Benta showed particularly its effectiveness in questioning the concepts of matter, mass, weight and some questions about the Nature of Science (NOS). In general, the analysis of results shows that the readings of these two books permitted interaction and dialogicity in the classroom, as well as indicates the potential of these books in contextualing and questioning the scientific content contained in it. We advise, however, the need for the science teacher be aware of the conceptual mistakes present in literary works, avoiding erroneous learning and reinforcement of alternative conceptions


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This dissertation sutdies the mediative function in the planning of literary text reading classes of Portuguese. Its main central focus proposes that planning favors the pedagogical reading work of literary texts in the teaching of Portuguese, for they are regarded as one of the mediative elements the teaching-learning process. It also allows for its subjects to rethink the practice, theorizing it. As a theoretical basis the studies on participative planning are used, especially the studies concerning dialogic planning. The language/literature teaching perspective adopted in this work is guided by the socio-interactive conception of language, in a way that reading is seen as a comprehensive and interactive activity. Given the research process, the analysis of the reading process involved the Reader s Response, once that this theory considers the role of the reader and her/his interaction with the text. The study is grounded upon the following research question: which role(s) does the pedagogical planning play as a mediator of the reading teaching-learning process? The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate the pedagogical planning activity as a mediative instrument in the practice of reading in the Portuguese classes. The study is constituted of three stages, the third being emphasized (2002/2005) in which the direction of the participative action-research was used, as a way of acknowledging the pedagogical role in the teaching plan, as an instrument capable of rendering reorganization in the teaching-learning process of reading classes. We have as participants teachers of Portuguese in the elementary school (Ensino Fundamental, 3º ciclo), besides other segments of public schools, in the city of Pau dos Ferros RN, in which the previous studies were developed. The results point to the relevance in the role of the teacher, as a more experienced reader, in developing of pedagogical strategies that may come to favor the teaching of reading, having in the pedagogical sphere an instrument of theoretical reflection and sistematization of activities to be implemented in the classroom. The conclusions highlight the class plan as the mediative instrument to be incorporated and internalized into the teaching practice, amplifying and modifying the teacher s intervention forms, favoring, thus, her/his pedagogical mediation


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This work has its genesis in the life of a teacher. It contemplates the report of a great story that expresses the political will of anonymous people who sought/seek to overcome challenges and prejudices, a joint effort to make real the right to literacy. The reported story was developed in the Pedagogic Clinic Teacher Heitor Carrilho, Natal-RN which, concerned about the sentence of 'unable to learn the written language' attributed to children and young public school students, decided to invest in overcoming prejudices and fight against school failure of these underprivileged. The problem that motivated the study was thus set up: What particularities characterize a pedagogical practice which aims to teach literacy to children and youth from public schools, considered not capable of learning the written language? What theoretical and methodological procedures are shown as a boost to literacy in the development of a pedagogical practice systematically targeted to reflect the perspective of educating those students in public schools? Aiming to answer these questions, we conducted a qualitative research having as methodology, Life Stories and Research/Formation. For the construction of the data, it was decided to use the participative observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Guided by the principles of content analysis the data analysis was built, from which emerged two categories: theoretical and methodological procedures aligned to the major axes of literacy and Procedures of the specific theoretical and methodological fundamentals of literacy. As subsets of the transverse procedures others were seized: didactic-pedagogic procedures; social affective procedures. Regarding these ones, the research shows the importance of the teacher to build a relationship of listening to the students and their families in order to organize the pedagogical work, looking at multiple dimensions of the subject: the intellect, the creative, the affective, moral, noting that between the methodology and didactics or as part of it, the links built represent great opportunities to promote literacy. Regarding the specific procedures, others were built: procedures that emphasize oral communication, procedures that favor writing and procedures that privilege reading. Under these procedures, the results of research show that you can only promote literacy if the teacher provides the students effective conditions of understanding the principles of alphabetical notation from the use of various kinds of texts, leading them to comprehend and use them in different contexts. Therefore, instructors must meet the learners' prior knowledge, their language, and the learning real needs that will bring new challenges consistent with their possibilities. The research confirms the importance of the Educational Support extra school. However, it is essential to emphasize that it is a function of the school to promote literacy for all students in the early years of schooling. It is recorded, however, that for the implementation of this desire, we must break the school model characterized by a rigid tradition, in which there is only room for those who learn the content taught in a minimum time. Unfortunately, despite the discourse of inclusion and ensuring the right to education, the school remains exclusive and selective separating the school learning of interpersonal relations and social integration and performance. On the one hand, research showed the difficulties of conducting studies and/or strategies that address the particularities of children and young people believed not capable of learning. On the other hand, the political commitment and motivation have increased the perception that it is possible to mitigate the existing deficits in the educational context, beginning with the everyday teaching practice, in which new knowledge can be learned, methodologies can be improved and, despite everything, the educational success can be built


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The study proposes an understanding of nurses training in reflexivity and the overcome the limits of biomedical formation model, from the thought of John Dewey, inserted in the panorama of the reflective practitioner introduced by Donald Schön and dialoguing with the perspective of the transforming action of Paulo Freire. We used a qualitative approach to collect empirical data through focus groups conducted with nursing students from 3rd to 5th year in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Trairi / UFRN in the year 2012. Data analysis occurred through the technique of thematic content analysis constituted of three stages: pre-analysis, exploration of the material, treatment of results, inference and interpretation of the material. Thus, the categories formulated by organizing, classifying and aggregating the the content of the speeches to groups who shared opinions approximations of thought generating a set of categories of analysis designed from the contents. The results present the experiences of nursing students and their reflections, demonstrating that the process of reflection permeates the journey of life. It is inferred that the knowledge acquired in these experiences do not always participate in this dialogue in this formative process, reducing previous experiences in the field of exemplification of everyday situations. We conclude that it is necessary to consolidate innovative pedagogical proposals that allow the continuous dialogue with reality, breaking with the decontextualized teaching process from reality insertion of the university. Rethinking of the structures is recommended, reinforcing the break with the biomedical model and the integration of knowledge dynamically


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This work arose from our concerns with the issues of teacher training for early childhood education. From the difficulties encountered as a novice teacher in elementary, we deem important to research training needs of these professionals. Thus, we define the objective of this research to investigate the training needs of novice teachers teaching Early Childhood Education/Elementary school. Our work fits in Educational Research Qualitative Approach, and its construction procedures of the semistructured interview data and document analysis. Our empirical field was made up of schools in the metropolitan region of Natal / RN, offering kindergarten / elementary school. The subjects are five teachers who act as holder of the elementary school class and have 0-3 years of teaching practice, characterizing the second Huberman (2007) as novice teachers. Data analysis, based on principles of content analysis, three themes emerged: Beginner Teaching Professor in Early Childhood Education / Preschool; Reasons explaining the difficulties Faculty / Formative Needs Teaching and Training in Early Childhood Education / Elementary school, from the Training Needs Analysis, with their respective categories, subcategories, contributing to our understanding of the subject matter. The entry into the profession is marked by mixed feelings of euphoria and fear, where there seems to be a "clash" with reality. The difficulties are related to the planning / execution of activities, meet the individual needs of learning and assessment of children. As a strategy to overcome the difficulties the teachers exercise the action-reflection-action in their practices and seek continuous updates in the theoretical and methodological framework of early childhood education. The reasons that define these difficulties may be related to the teacher, school, family, and students of these institutions. In experiencing these difficulties has outlined the need for teacher training, among which stand out studies on ethics in teaching with children, the concept of children and their childhoods, peculiarities of teaching / learning in preschool, toys and legal determinations on early childhood education, multi-language and expressions in early childhood education, specific content areas of knowledge, among others. Furthermore, studies on the theoretical as Piaget, Vigotsky, Maria Carmen Barbosa and Emily Smith. For these professionals to be a professional early childhood education is: like children, be patient and careful, have specific theoretical and practical training for teachers in kindergarten, being able to improvise with seriousness and competence and get updates on continuing education. The surveys, together with the authors and teachers, to confirm our understanding that the training needs of beginners may be related to shortcomings in the initial and continuing education


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Le présent étude analyse les effets de la politique de financement de l éducation de base, par les Fonds contables, Fundef et Fundeb, et sa proposition de valorisation de l enseignement, en considerant les dimensions de la carrière et de la rémunération des professeurs de l éducation publique de l état du Rio Grande do Norte, entre les années de 1996 et 2000. Pour comprendre les contraintes de l évaluation des politiques publiques, en cherchant aussi les contribution en Marx (1996) selon qui « le concret est concret » et que la dialétique du concret peut appuyer pour la tentative de capter le fenomène étudié. On a utilisé encore le référentiel bibliographique relatif au financement de l éducation et la valorisation de l enseignement à partir de la littérature reférente aux dimensions de l objet (Fundef et Fundeb) et (carrière et rémuneration). Dans la recherche documental, au-delà des législations, directrices nationales et locales pertinentes, se sont utilisés des donnés référents aux ressources, disponibles à la Finbra, Trésor National, SIOPE/RN, INEP/MEC, des informations du résumé de la feuille et feuille de payement du Secrétariat d État, de l Éducation et de la Culture (SEEC) et 289 bulletins de salaire de 21 professeurs. On a réalisé interview semi structurée avec une quantité de 9 professeurs, reférent à la carrière, et un questionaire appliqué à 12 professeurs relatif à la remuneration. On considère que sur les résultats reférents aux indicateurs éducationnel, dans la période Fundef il y a eu une réduction des inscriptions aux écoles de l état comme aussi aux fonctions des professeurs de l Enseignement Fondamental, et cela correspond à 37%. À partir de la vigence du Fondebe (2007 - 2010) ces indicateurs ont équalisé. Pendant toute la période, 1996 et 2010 il y a eu une augmentation des inscriptions de 119,03%, et aussi aux fonctions des professeurs de 77,44%. Par rapport aux informations de financement, on a constaté que, du minimum exigé (60%) sur l aplication des fonds à la rémuneration de l enseignant, on applique pour la période des deux fonds, plus que le minimum exigé, c est-à-dire de 83,29% à 98,89% des fonds. Les effets des fonds sur la carrière des 9 professeurs n ont pas été satisfactoires, si l on considère la promotion et la progression. Au cas de la promotion des 9 de ces professeurs, un seul a évolué son niveau (les titres) mais a, au même temps, rétroagit dans sa progression. Pour la progression des 9 professeurs, 8 d entre eux ont sa progression retardée, ce qui correspond à entre 2 et 5 classes, et ce qui provoque un préjudice qui varie entre 10% à 45% sur sa remunération. La différence d une classe à l autre correspond à 5% de son salaire. On évalue que les avantages financières contribuent pour la remunération avec un pourcentage plus élevé que son salaire, ce qui diminuent pendant lo Fundeb. Par rapport à la remunération un professeur de 24 ans de service avec formation, n arrive même pas à gagner 2 salaires minimums. Le professeur de 30 ans de service, maître, reçoit un salaire, en 2010, qui correspond a moins de 3 salaires minimums, c est-à-dire, une proportion de 2,82 et une remuneration qui correspond à un peu plus que 3 salaires minimums, c est-à-dire, une proportion de 3,66. L enseignement n est pas très favorisé si on le met face à d autres profession qui ont aussi l exigence de formation supérieure, ce qui provoque un effet négatif pour voir l enseignement comme profession. À propos des effets sur la rémuneration, on conclue qu il y a eu une amélioration mais encore insufisante, surtout si l on compare au Salaire Minimum annuel. On évalue que les fonds Fundef et Fundeb n ont pas été capables de promouvoir la valorisation de l enseignement dans le contexte de carrière et rémuneration. On observe quelques résultats négatif dans la politique de fonds, une fois qu il y aurait en avoir avec l incapacité de tel politique en promouvoir la dite valorisation de l enseignement, ce qui est une des causes, le financement avec des restriction budgétaire


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L accès et la permanence des étudiants à l université sont très présents dans les débats actuels relatifs à l'enseignement supérieur. De nombreuses mesures sont prises dans les politiques d'accès dans le but de réduire les inégalités et d'encourager les étudiants ayant moins de chances d'entrer dans l'enseignement supérieur, comme les étudiants issus de l'enseignement public, qui ont encore un niveau inférieur à celui souhaité. Lorsque ces élèves réussissent à terminer leurs études secondaires, passer l'examen d'entrée et réussir leur entrée dans l'enseignement supérieur ils se considèrent comme « victorieux ». Cette étude (pour le Master de l UFRN), développée au sein du groupe de recherche de la formation et professionnalisation des enseignants (PPGed / UFRN), vise à étudier la trajectoire des élèves issus des écoles publiques qui accèdent à une université publique. Nous avons interviewé 12 étudiants, six de l'Université fédérale de Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) et 6 de l'Université d'État de Bahia (UNEB) inscrits à différents cours du premier cycle (Licence). Nous cherchons savoir comment s est déroulé leurs parcours au sein de l'Université, notamment en ce qui concerne la préparation aux examens d'entrée à l université (Vestibular) , la motivation du choix de cours, la première année à l'université, les habitudes d'étude, la relation avec l'apprentissage et les perspectives quant à l'avenir des élèves interrogés. Nous nous sommes référés aux travaux menés par Zago (2006), Ramalho (2003), Charlot (1997), Galland et Gruel (2009), Coulon (2008), Tinto (1993), Doray et l'équipe canadienne du CIRST (2009). L'entrée à l'université comporte un triple processus, institutionnel (formelles et informelles), intellectuel (composantes cognitives et académiques) et social (vie sociale au sein de l'université). L'étudiant entre à l'université et y trouve une nouvelle culture, de nouvelles connaissances et devra apprendre à être universitaire. Apprendre à surmonter le moment de l étrangeté et bien passer par le processus de l'apprentissage des règles, des codes de son nouveau statut et s accommoder de sa position d étudiant à l'université, arrive enfin, le temps d'affiliation, c'est à dire, le moment de l'admission où l'étudiant se sent comme un «vétéran», et qu il peut dire que les dangers de l'abandon sont passés et qu il pourra continuer son parcours avec succès. Cette étude vise à apporter des connaissances nouvelles sur les étudiants issus des écoles publiques, comme contribution au domaine des politiques d'accès et de permanence à l université et de soutien pédagogique au sein de cette institution


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior