756 resultados para A New Look at Institutional Food Service Management
Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.
The Borg, a collective of humanoid cyborgs linked together in a hive-mind and modeled on the earthly superorganisms of ant colonies and beehives, has been the most feared alien race in the Star Trek universe. The formidable success of the Borg in assimilating their foes corresponds to the astounding success of superorganisms in our own biosphere. Yet the Borg also serves as a metaphor for another collective of biological entities known as the corporation. In the Anthropocene epoch, corporations have become the most powerful force on the planet; their influence on the social world and the environment exceeds any government and may determine the continued sustainability of human life. Corporations have been described as people and as machines, but neither metaphor accurately describes their essence or contributes to an understanding that might resist their power. This paper reframes our understanding of the corporation by examining the metaphors that are used to describe it, and by suggesting an entirely new metaphor viewing the Borg and the corporation through the lens of sociobiology. I will argue that the corporation is a new form of superorganism that has become the dominant species on the planet and that the immense, intractable power of a globalized, corporate hive-mind has become the principal obstacle to addressing the planetary emergency of climate change. Reframing our metaphoric understanding of corporations as biological entities in the planetary biosphere may enable us to imagine ways to resist their increasing dominance and create a sustainable future.
This report was commissioned by the Department of Health, Ireland. Obesity is a public health problem in Ireland which is largely responsible for the increasing prevalence of diet-related diseases and growing financial burden on our healthcare system. Although overweight and obesity rates may have reached a plateau in Irish adults and children, they remain at an extremely high level as 1 in 4 children areoverweight or obese and an estimated 61% of adults are overweight or obese. Urgent public health action is required to reduce the levels of obesity among our children and adults. A sustainable national intervention strategy that combines government and community-led interventions is required. These interventions need to incorporate both nutrition education and environmental modification strategies to reduce levels of obesity. International literature suggests that calorie posting has the potential to have a positive effect on the obesity crisis by encouraging people to make healthier food choices through informed consumer decisions. This evaluation focuses on the uptake of voluntary calorie posting from a national representative sample of food service businesses in Ireland and explores the attitudes of food service businesses that do and do not display calories. This evaluation will explore the most effective and efficient way of implementing mandatory calorie posting on menus in Ireland.
The present study has got as its aim to show how the impressions management is being used by the hotels in Paraiba State. For that, the dramma or role play perspective has been adopted as a model for service management. From the theater metaphor, the physical environment and its components can be seen as a scenery of the service show. We conduct the reader to notice the importance of the consummer about the service quality demand and its influence on his satisfaction. A methodology with exploring and qualifying nature has been adopted by using the analyses of content technique in interviews applied to hotel managers lebeled as having 4 and 5 stars in the State, trying to check how impression management takes place, identifying impression management tools used in relation to the physical evidences and to contacting people, as well as checking managers views in the survey about the use of impression management for client satisfaction make. The information revealed that managers, maybe for being unaware about impression management theory, haven t considered neither the physical evidences yet, nor contacting people as marketing tools. About the physical evidences, we could see that hotels take actions in a pulverized way referring to environment decoration and colors, however there isn t a global usage of physical evidences to highlight the service. Contacting people by their turn, receive better importance and attention. It was possible to make sure that managers are aware about the influence of the employee over the attendance quality. This way, we may come into a conclusion that impression management at Paraiba hotels has been under used, as long as managers seem to be, most times, turned to actions related to contacting people, not having realized the planning importance and national-wide use of service scenery in a genaral way yet
Ensihoidossa kysynnän ja kapasiteetin hallinta on toiminnan kriittinen tekijä. Potilaiden hoidontarve asettaa ensihoitopalvelulle varsin tiukat ajalliset ja laadulliset suorituskykyvaatimukset, joista poikkeaminen vaikuttaa suoraan hoidon tuloksiin. Tässä työssä tarkasteltiin ensihoitopalvelun kysynnän ja kapasiteetin hallintaa ennakoitavissa palvelutarpeen muutoksissa. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää kohdeorganisaation ensihoitopalveluun toimintamalli, jonka avulla se voi nykyistä paremmin tunnistaa normaalista poikkeavat palvelutarpeen muutokset, arvioida niiden vaikutukset ja tarpeet sekä suunnitella ja toteuttaa toiminnan turvallisesti ja tehokkaasti. Työ tehtiin laadullisena toimintatutkimuksena. Empirian osalta työssä perehdyttiin ensihoidon palvelutuotannon vaatimuksiin sekä kohdeorganisaation toimintaan, tarpeisiin ja menetelmiin. Teoriassa tukeuduttiin pääasiassa palvelun kysynnän ja kapasiteetin hallinnan teoriaan. Toimintamallin kehittämisessä hyödynnettiin kohdeorganisaation kokemusta ja asiantuntemusta ratkaisumallien arvioinnissa. Työn tuloksena määriteltiin toimintamalli, jonka avulla kohdeorganisaatio voi systemaattisesti tunnistaa ja analysoida normaalivaihtelusta poikkeavia palvelutarpeen muutoksia, määritellä kysynnän ja kapasiteetin, suunnitella ja toteuttaa toiminnan sekä arvioida ja kehittää menettelyä systemaattisesti.
Centrée essentiellement autour de la parole épiscopale congolaise, la présente recherche porte sur les articulations de la religion et du politique dans une perspective limitée au catholicisme en RDC. En prenant pour base empirique la ville de Kinshasa, elle thématise les effets des dynamiques religieuses sur les fermentations sociales et les changements politiques dans un contexte d’autoritarisme. Celui-ci est, dans ce travail, problématisé comme le fait conjoint de l’institution étatique et de l’organisation religieuse catholique. Le choix de cette approche relationnelle basée sur les interactions entre religion et politique, permet d’inscrire ce travail dans le champ d’études des sciences des religions. L’approche retenue s’appuie également sur les avancées de la sociologie politique et éclaire la régulation religieuse du politique, rarement étudiée par les sciences humaines. Cette recherche s’inscrit donc à l’intersection entre l’histoire, la sociologie, les sciences politiques, l’anthropologie, l’analyse du discours, la philosophie et la théologie. Sa thèse centrale est organisée autour d’une question principale : comment la religion participe-t-elle à la régulation du politique dans le contexte d’autoritarisme caractéristique de la RDC ? La réponse à cette question croise l’approche fonctionnelle de la religion et l’analyse des déclarations institutionnelles de l’épiscopat congolais. Elle esquisse les relations entre, d’une part, contextes et événements sociopolitiques et d’autre part, discours et pratiques religieuses. Elle construit la scène religieuse à partir de la trajectoire sociopolitique, économique et culturelle de la RDC entre 1990 et 2015, sous les Présidents J.-D. Mobutu, L.-D. Kabila et J. Kabila. Elle étudie l'offre normative de sens de leurs éminences J.-A. Malula, F. Etsou et L. Monsengwo. L’analyse de la rhétorique de l’épiscopat sur les élections vérifie la plausibilité sociale et l’efficience politique de la parole épiscopale congolaise. Elle se ressource dans la pragmatique de la communication telle que mise en œuvre dans l’analyse argumentative du discours de R. Amossy et dans celle du discours politique de P. Charaudeau. En mettant la focale sur l’objet linguistique « vérité des urnes », la recherche pose au niveau normatif, juridique et éthique, le problème de l’institutionnalisation d’un État de droit en RDC. Les élaborations sur ce dernier niveau s’articulent autour de l’inscription de l’éthique dans l’agir politique. L’examen des modes conventionnels d’action des chrétiens (élections de 2006 et 2011) et non conventionnels (marche des chrétiens de 1992 et 2012) conduit à éclairer les modes de reproduction ou de contestation de l’autoritarisme étatique par l’organisation religieuse. Il permet de promouvoir une démocratie des valeurs et d’action adossée à la parrhêsia. L’introduction de l’aléthique dans la vie publique donne à voir la parole épiscopale congolaise comme un discours ethopoïétique. C’est sur ce point précis que les élaborations de M. Foucault sur la parrhêsia aident à thématiser la capacité de la religion à informer et à influencer la démocratisation de la RDC. De là, la requête formulée pour un nouveau système d’action institutionnelle de l’organisation religieuse, susceptible de promouvoir le courage de la vérité en situation autoritaire. Cette innovation permet de tenir ensemble les valeurs démocratiques et les valeurs de l’Évangile, en les corrélant à la cohérence axiologique, à la probité morale et à l’intégrité existentielle des protagonistes de la démocratisation de la RDC.
This fact sheet, printed in Spanish, cites SC Regulation 61-25 and lists accredited training programs for the Food Protection Manager Certification Program.
The present study has got as its aim to show how the impressions management is being used by the hotels in Paraiba State. For that, the dramma or role play perspective has been adopted as a model for service management. From the theater metaphor, the physical environment and its components can be seen as a scenery of the service show. We conduct the reader to notice the importance of the consummer about the service quality demand and its influence on his satisfaction. A methodology with exploring and qualifying nature has been adopted by using the analyses of content technique in interviews applied to hotel managers lebeled as having 4 and 5 stars in the State, trying to check how impression management takes place, identifying impression management tools used in relation to the physical evidences and to contacting people, as well as checking managers views in the survey about the use of impression management for client satisfaction make. The information revealed that managers, maybe for being unaware about impression management theory, haven t considered neither the physical evidences yet, nor contacting people as marketing tools. About the physical evidences, we could see that hotels take actions in a pulverized way referring to environment decoration and colors, however there isn t a global usage of physical evidences to highlight the service. Contacting people by their turn, receive better importance and attention. It was possible to make sure that managers are aware about the influence of the employee over the attendance quality. This way, we may come into a conclusion that impression management at Paraiba hotels has been under used, as long as managers seem to be, most times, turned to actions related to contacting people, not having realized the planning importance and national-wide use of service scenery in a genaral way yet
Em Lisboa, ao longo dos séculos, o homem foi conquistando as águas do Tejo. Hoje, após os diversos aterros, a frente ribeirinha da cidade é uma consolidada faixa de terreno, rematada por muros que, contra a «ondulação» do Tejo, definem uma expandida área que acolhe uma intensa actividade portuária. Foi nesta faixa junto do rio que se desenrolou parte importante da história de Lisboa, desde as ocupações romana e muçulmana, e também muito particularmente aquando do período dos Descobrimentos, da reconstrução pombalina pós-terramoto e do surto industrial do século XIX. Alguns destes momentos históricos encontram-se reflectidos nas inúmeras plantas, cartas e mapas disponíveis neste estudo, desde a Planta da Cidade de Lisboa : 1650, de João Nunes Tinoco, até ao Plano de Melhoramentos do Porto de Lisboa, de 1946. É com base nessas plantas, mas também em cartas manuscritas, relatos de época, gravuras e fotografias antigas – documentos em grande parte inéditos –, que este trabalho de investigação propõe cartografar este território, realizando desenhos originais que possibilitam um novo olhar sobre o seu processo de crescimento e consolidação. Assim, este estudo concilia todos estes elementos, constituindo uma análise completa que se debruça sobre a evolução da frente ribeirinha de Lisboa e que permite descobrir inúmeros aspectos até aqui desconhecidos, ajudando a responder à pergunta que hoje se coloca: perante o cenário que o porto actual atravessa, como melhor poderá Lisboa recuperar a relação com o rio?; THE CITY AND THE RIVER: ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF LISBON'S RIVERFRONT ABSTRACT: In Lisbon, over the centuries, man was conquering the waters of the Tagus. Today, after the various landfills, the city's riverfront is a consolidated strip of land, finished by walls that, against the "ripple" of the Tagus, define an expanded area that hosts an intense port activity. It was in this band along the river that unfolded important part of the history of Lisbon, from the Roman and Muslim occupations, and also very particularly during the period of the Discoveries, the post-earthquake reconstruction, and the industrial boom of the nineteenth century. Some of these historical moments are reflected in many plans, charts and maps available in this study, since the plan designated Planta da Cidade de Lisboa : 1650, made by João Nunes Tinoco, to the plan called Plano de Melhoramentos do Porto de Lisboa, drawn in the year of 1946. Based on these plans, but also in handwritten letters, time reports, antique prints and photographs – documents that are mostly unpublished – this research work proposes map this territory, performing original drawings that provide a new look at their growth process and consolidation. Thereby, this study combines all these elements, providing a complete analysis which focuses on the evolution of the Lisbon riverfront and that allows you to discover many aspects unknown until now, helping to answer the question that now arises: according to the present scenario that the harbour is going through, how can Lisbon recover the relationship with the river?
The use of virtual social networks (VSNs) has been prevalent among consumers worldwide. Numerous studies have investigated various aspects of VSNs. However, these studies have mainly focused on students and young adults as they were early adopters of these innovative networks. A search of the literature revealed there has been a paucity of research on adult consumers’ use of VSNs. This research study addressed this gap in the literature by examining the determinants of engagement in VSNs among adult consumers in Singapore. The objectives of this study are to empirically investigate the determinants of engagement in VSNs and to offer theoretical insights into consumers’ preference and usage of VSNs. This study tapped upon several theories developed in the discipline of technology and innovation adoption. These were Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation, Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Conceptual Framework of Individual Innovation Adoption by Frambach and Schillewaert (2002), Enhanced Model of Innovation Adoption by Talukder (2011), Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and the Information Systems (IS) Success Model. The proposed research model, named the Media Usage Model (MUM), is a framework rooted in innovation diffusion and IS theories. The MUM distilled the essence of these established models and thus provides an updated, lucid explanation of engagement in VSNs. A cross-sectional, online social survey was conducted to collect quantitative data to examine the validity of the proposed research model. Multivariate data analysis was carried out on a data set comprising 806 usable responses by utilizing SPSS, and for structural equation modeling AMOS and SmartPLS. The results indicate that consumer attitude towards VSNs is significantly and positively influenced by: three individual factors – hedonic motivation, incentives and experience; two system characteristics – system quality and information quality; and one social factor – social bonding. Consumer demographics were found to influence people’s attitudes towards VSNs. In addition, consumer experience and attitude towards VSNs significantly and positively influence their usage of VSNs. The empirical data supported the proposed research model, explaining 80% of variance in attitude towards VSNs and 45% of variance in usage of VSNs. Therefore, the MUM achieves a definite contribution to theoretical knowledge of consumer engagement in VSNs by deepening and broadening our appreciation of the intricacies related to use of VSNs in Singapore. This study’s findings have implications for customer service management, services marketing and consumer behavior. These findings also have strategic implications for maximizing efficient utilization and effective management of VSNs by businesses and operators. The contributions of this research are: firstly, shifting the boundaries of technology or innovation adoption theories from research on employees to consumers as well as the boundaries of Internet usage or adoption research from students to adults, which is also known as empirical generalization; secondly, highlighting the issues associated with lack of significance of social factors in adoption research; and thirdly, augmenting information systems research by integrating important antecedents for success in information systems.
Dissertação de mest. em Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2004
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2016.
Notre mémoire porte sur la mise en valeur du patrimoine archéologique sur la côte nord du Pérou. À partir de deux études de cas, Chan Chan et Huacas de Moche, nous cherchons à faire ressortir différentes approches de mise en valeur au complexe archéologique et d’exposition au musée de site. La cité de Chan Chan aurait été la capitale de l’Empire chimor (900 à 1476 ap. J.C.) et utilisée à titre de siège pour le gouvernement, de résidence, de centre administratif et de centre religieux. Le complexe de Huaca del Sol y de la Luna aurait été la capitale de la civilisation moche (100 av. J.C. à 700 ap. J.C.) à son apogée. Il représente l’un des plus anciens centre urbain-cérémonial de la côte nord du Pérou. Le cas du Musée de site de Chan Chan présente un modèle muséographique des années 1990, tandis que le cas du Musée de site de Huacas de Moche propose une approche puisant ses concepts dans la nouvelle muséologie (2010). D’autre part, ces modèles de gestion, l’un issu du secteur public (Chan Chan) et l’autre (Huacas de Moche) émanant d’une gestion mixte ont une influence sur la manière de présenter l’archéologie au public. Le premier chapitre aborde l’histoire du développement de l’archéologie, des musées et du tourisme au Pérou. La deuxième partie de ce chapitre traite des questions liées à l’herméneutique de la culture matérielle, des questions esthétiques et de l’architecture précolombienne, ainsi que des approches de médiation. Le deuxième chapitre met en parallèle l’analyse du circuit de visite du complexe archéologique de Chan Chan et celui de Huacas de Moche. Le troisième chapitre présente l’analyse de la mise en exposition des musées de site des deux études de cas et des liens créés avec leur site archéologique. Le quatrième chapitre porte sur les formes de financement des projets de fouilles, de conservation, de restauration et de mise en valeur de l’archéologie, ainsi que des stratégies utilisées pour sa diffusion et sa mise en tourisme. Enfin, la dernière section du quatrième chapitre traite des différents moyens utilisés par chacun des complexes archéologiques et leurs musées pour intégrer la communauté locale aux projets de recherche et de mise en valeur archéologique.
A szerző a teljes körű minőségmenedzsment közszervezetekben való adaptálhatóságát vizsgálja tanulmányában. Az új közmenedzsment-reformok hatására a minőségmenedzsment is egyre nagyobb teret kap a kormányzati szektorban. A közszektor hagyományos működési modellje, valamint a közszolgáltatások sajátosságai azonban továbbra is gátat szabnak a vállalati minőségmenedzsment megfelelő átvételének. A szerző a TQM magánvállalati kutatási tapasztalatait, valamint a közszektor jellemzőit felhasználva mutatja be a közszférában is alkalmazható TQM-technikákat.
Purpose – The purpose of this empirical paper is to investigate internal marketing from a behavioural perspective. The impact of internal marketing behaviours, operationalised as an internal market orientation (IMO), on employees' marketing and other in/role behaviours (IRB) were examined. Design/methodology/approach – Survey data measuring IMO, market orientation and a range of constructs relevant to the nomological network in which they are embedded were collected from the UK retail managers. These were tested to establish their psychometric properties and the conceptual model was analysed using structural equations modelling, employing a partial least squares methodology. Findings – IMO has positive consequences for employees' market/oriented and other IRB. These, in turn, influence marketing success. Research limitations/implications – The paper provides empirical support for the long/held assumption that internal and external marketing are related and that organisations should balance their external focus with some attention to employees. Future research could measure the attitudes and behaviours of managers, employees and customers directly and explore the relationships between them. Practical implications – Firm must ensure that they do not put the needs of their employees second to those of managers and shareholders; managers must develop their listening skills and organisations must become more responsive to the needs of their employees. Originality/value – The paper contributes to the scarce body of empirical support for the role of internal marketing in services organisations. For researchers, this paper legitimises the study of internal marketing as a route to external market success; for managers, the study provides quantifiable evidence that focusing on employees' wants and needs impacts their behaviours towards the market. © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited