962 resultados para 480 Classical


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13N15, 13A50, 16W25.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13N15, 13A50, 13F20.


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Ebben a tanulmnyban a klasszikus Harrod nvekedsi modellt nemlineris kiterjesztssel, keynesi s schumpeteri tradcik bevezetsvel reprezentatv gynk modellbe alaktjuk. A hres Lucas kritika igazolsaknt megmutatjuk, hogy az intrinsic gazdasgi nvekedsi temek trajektrii vagy egy turbulens koszba szrdnak szt, vagy egy nagymret rendhez vezetnek, ami elsdlegesen a megfelel fogyasztsi fggvny tpustl fgg, s bizonyos paramterek piaci rtkei, pedig csak msodlagos szerepet jtszanak. A msik meglep eredmny empirikus, ami szerint klkereskedelmi tbblet, a hazai valuta bizonyos devizapiaci rtkei mellett, klns attraktorokat generlhat. _____ In this paper the classical Harrodian growth model is transformed into a representative agent model by its nonlinear extensions and the Keynesian and Schumpeterian traditions. For the proof of the celebrated Lucas critique it is shown that the trajectories of intrinsic economic growth rates either are scattered into a turbulent chaos or lead to a large scale order. It depends on the type of the appropriate consumption function, and the market values of some parameters are playing only secondary role.Another surprising result is empirical: the international trade sucit may generate strange attractors under some exchange rate values.


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Dancers of all forms often engage in aesthetic yet challenging movements. Their training, choreography, and performances require strength, stamina, flexibility, grace, passion, and emotion. Ballet and Bharatanatyam (an Indian classical dance form) dancers utilize two movements in each of their dance forms that are similara half-sitting pose and a full-sitting pose, both requiring external rotation of the legs and bending at the knee joints. The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the biomechanics of joint reaction forces and knee angles in both styles of dance for these particular poses. The study included nine female ballet dancers and seven female Bharatanatyam dancers. Hamstring and gastrocnemius flexibility were measured for each dancer. Knee angles, vertical peak forces, and moments were determined for dancers at the lowest point of their bending positions. Mann-Whitney U tests found significant differences in hamstring flexibility, right gastrocnemius flexibility, and knee angles for the full-sitting poses between ballet and Bharatanatyam dancers. No significant difference was found in the vertical peak forces as a ratio to total body weight and moments between the two styles of dance. Further research can be done to more directly assess a difference in injury risk between the ballet and Bharatanatyam dancers.


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During the cleaning of the HPC core surfaces from Hole 480 for photography, the material removed was conserved carefully in approximately 10 cm intervals (by K. Kelts); this material was made available to us in the hope that it would be possible to obtain oxygen isotope stratigraphy for the site. The samples were, of course, somewhat variable in size, but the majority were probably between 5 and 10 cm**3. Had this been a normal marine environment, such sample sizes would have contained abundant planktonic foraminifers together with a small number of benthics. However, this is clearly not the case, for many samples contained no foraminifers, whereas others contained more benthics than planktonics. Among the planktonic foraminifers the commonest species are Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, and N. pachyderma. A few samples contain a more normal fauna with Globigerinoides spp. and occasional Globorotalia spp. Sample 480-3-3, 20-30 cm contained Globigerina rubescens, isolated specimens of which were noted in a few other samples in Cores 3,4, and 5. This is a particularly solution-sensitive species; in the open Pacific it is only found widely distributed at horizons of exceptionally low carbonate dissolution, such as. the last glacial-to-interglacial transition.


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Calcitic belemnite rostra are usually employed to perform paleoenvironmental studies based on geochemical data. However, several questions, such as their original porosity and microstructure, remain open, despite they are essential to make accurate interpretations based on geochemical analyses.This paper revisits and enlightens some of these questions. Petrographic data demonstrate that calcite crystals of the rostrum solidum of belemnites grow from spherulites that successively develop along the apical line, resulting in a regular spherulithic prismatic microstructure. Radially arranged calcite crystals emerge and diverge from the spherulites: towards the apex, crystals grow until a new spherulite is formed; towards the external walls of the rostrum, the crystals become progressively bigger and prismatic. Adjacent crystals slightly vary in their c-axis orientation, resulting in undulose extinction. Concentric growth layering develops at different scales and is superimposed and traversed by a radial pattern, which results in the micro-fibrous texture that is observed in the calcite crystals in the rostra.Petrographic data demonstrate that single calcite crystals in the rostra have a composite nature, which strongly suggests that the belemnite rostra were originally porous. Single crystals consistently comprise two distinct zones or sectors in optical continuity: 1) the inner zone is fluorescent, has relatively low optical relief under transmitted light (TL) microscopy, a dark-grey color under backscatter electron microscopy (BSEM), a commonly triangular shape, a patchy appearance and relatively high Mg and Na contents; 2) the outer sector is non-fluorescent, has relatively high optical relief under TL, a light-grey color under BSEM and low Mg and Na contents. The inner and fluorescent sectors are interpreted to have formed first as a product of biologically controlled mineralization during belemnite skeletal growth and the non-fluorescent outer sectors as overgrowths of the former, filling the intra- and inter-crystalline porosity. This question has important implications for making paleoenvironmental and/or paleoclimatic interpretations based on geochemical analyses of belemnite rostra.Finally, the petrographic features of composite calcite crystals in the rostra also suggest the non-classical crystallization of belemnite rostra, as previously suggested by other authors.


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First one of a two-part analysis on the influence of the Classical Tradition on a favourite theme along the Dutch painters of the Golden Age, The doctors visit or The lovesick maiden, especially in the Leiden artists production, Jan Steen (1626-1679).


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The first decades of the 19th century constituted a period of profound change for Chile, the principal results of which were to be seen in the consolidation of the process of independence from Spanish dominion in 1818. The consequences were not limited to a revolution of military and political nature; they also included a renovation of the cultural panorama -at least among the educated patriots who made an effort to distance themselves ideologically from the Monarchy-, with the implicit challenge of establishing a new order for Chile, based on legitimate and universally recognizable foundations. The inspirational framework for these efforts is usually associated with other revolutionary examples -France and the United States- that preceded the emancipation processes in Spanish America, as well as with the discourses of illustrated liberalism. As we will attempt to demonstrate in this study, a new reading of the texts written by the Creoles that lead the Chilean independence process may, nonetheless, also reveal the relevance of the classical tradition as a model for the configuration and legitimization of the first Republican projects that especially admired the ideals of Republicanism.


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We introduce a hybrid method for dielectric-metal composites that describes the dynamics of the metallic system classically whilst retaining a quantum description of the dielectric. The time-dependent dipole moment of the classical system is mimicked by the introduction of projected equations of motion (PEOM) and the coupling between the two systems is achieved through an effective dipole-dipole interaction. To benchmark this method, we model a test system (semiconducting quantum dot-metal nanoparticle hybrid). We begin by examining the energy absorption rate, showing agreement between the PEOM method and the analytical rotating wave approximation (RWA) solution. We then investigate population inversion and show that the PEOM method provides an accurate model for the interaction under ultrashort pulse excitation where the traditional RWA breaks down.


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This chapter develops a more comprehensive theory of positive identity construction by explicating proposed mechanisms for constructing and sustaining positive individual identities. The chapter offers a broad, illustrative sampling of mechanisms for positive identity construction that are grounded in various theoretical traditions within identity scholarship. Four classical theories of identitysocial identity theory, identity theory, narrative-as-identity, and identity workoffer perspectives on the impetus and mechanisms for positive identity construction. The Dutton et al. (2010) typology of positive identity is revisited to highlight those sources of positivity that each classical theory explains how to enhance. As a next step in research, positive organizational scholarship (POS) scholars and identity scholars are encouraged to examine the conditions under which increasing the positivity of an identity is associated with generative social outcomes (e.g., engaging in prosocial practices, being invested in others positive identity development, and deepening mutual understanding of the complex, multifaceted nature of identity).


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This thesis deals with terracotta lamps found at the archaeological site of Agia Paraskevi of Arachamitai during the years 20102014. The research questions are: What kind of lamps were used on the site and when? For what purposes were the lamps used? Where were they manufactured? In order to address these questions, a total of fifty lamps have been chosen to form the body of research material. To answer the first research question, a typology for these lamps has been created with twenty-one types and one variant, after examining various lamp typologies and previous publications. The find contexts and distribution of the lamps are both examined to test the dates for the different lamp types gathered from other publications, and to answer the question on what purposes the lamps were used on the site. Visual observation of the clay of the lamps and information on clay materials from other sites are both examined to determine the lamps' origins. The lamps in this study date from the 5th century BC to the 2nd century AD. The find contexts allow the dating of the lamps according to the other publications, but suggestions of more site-specific dates are given to some lamps. The distribution of the lamps indicates that while most were used for everyday lighting at the sanctuary, some may have had ritual connections. Most of the lamps were manufactured locally or at a nearby Arcadian site. Few lamps can be regarded as imports.


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In this thesis we consider algebro-geometric aspects of the Classical Yang-Baxter Equation and the Generalised Classical Yang-Baxter Equation. In chapter one we present a method to construct solutions of the Generalised Classical Yang-Baxter Equation starting with certain sheaves of Lie algebras on algebraic curves. Furthermore we discuss a criterion to check unitarity of such solutions. In chapter two we consider the special class of solutions coming from sheaves of traceless endomorphisms of simple vector bundles on the nodal cubic curve. These solutions are quasi-trigonometric and we describe how they fit into the classification scheme of such solutions. Moreover, we describe a concrete formula for these solutions. In the third and final chapter we show that any unitary, rational solution of the Classical Yang-Baxter Equation can be obtained via the method of chapter one applied to a sheaf of Lie algebras on the cuspidal cubic curve.


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The production and perception of music is a multimodal activity involving auditory, visual and conceptual processing, integrating these with prior knowledge and environmental experience. Musicians utilise expressive physical nuances to highlight salient features of the score. The question arises within the literature as to whether performers non-technical, non-sound-producing movements may be communicatively meaningful and convey important structural information to audience members and co-performers. In the light of previous performance research (Vines et al., 2006, Wanderley, 2002, Davidson, 1993), and considering findings within co-speech gestural research and auditory and audio-visual neuroscience, this thesis examines the nature of those movements not directly necessary for the production of sound, and their particular influence on audience perception. Within the current research 3D performance analysis is conducted using the Vicon 12- camera system and Nexus data-processing software. Performance gestures are identified as repeated patterns of motion relating to music structure, which not only express phrasing and structural hierarchy but are consistently and accurately interpreted as such by a perceiving audience. Gestural characteristics are analysed across performers and performance style using two Chopin preludes selected for their diverse yet comparable structures (Opus 28:7 and 6). Effects on perceptual judgements of presentation modes (visual-only, auditory-only, audiovisual, full- and point-light) and viewing conditions are explored. This thesis argues that while performance style is highly idiosyncratic, piano performers reliably generate structural gestures through repeated patterns of upper-body movement. The shapes and locations of phrasing motions are identified particular to the sample of performers investigated. Findings demonstrate that despite the personalised nature of the gestures, performers use increased velocity of movements to emphasise musical structure and that observers accurately and consistently locate phrasing junctures where these patterns and variation in motion magnitude, shape and velocity occur. By viewing performance motions in polar (spherical) rather than cartesian coordinate space it is possible to get mathematically closer to the movement generated by each of the nine performers, revealing distinct patterns of motion relating to phrasing structures, regardless of intended performance style. These patterns are highly individualised both to each performer and performed piece. Instantaneous velocity analysis indicates a right-directed bias of performance motion variation at salient structural features within individual performances. Perceptual analyses demonstrate that audience members are able to accurately and effectively detect phrasing structure from performance motion alone. This ability persists even for degraded point-light performances, where all extraneous environmental information has been removed. The relative contributions of audio, visual and audiovisual judgements demonstrate that the visual component of a performance does positively impact on the over- all accuracy of phrasing judgements, indicating that receivers are most effective in their recognition of structural segmentations when they can both see and hear a performance. Observers appear to make use of a rapid online judgement heuristics, adjusting response processes quickly to adapt and perform accurately across multiple modes of presentation and performance style. In line with existent theories within the literature, it is proposed that this processing ability may be related to cognitive and perceptual interpretation of syntax within gestural communication during social interaction and speech. Findings of this research may have future impact on performance pedagogy, computational analysis and performance research, as well as potentially influencing future investigations of the cognitive aspects of musical and gestural understanding.