991 resultados para 140
在化学反应流的概率密度函数(PDF)方法中,对流项和化学反应项都是封闭的,但分子扩散项必须模拟.现有的分子扩散模型都是唯象的,需要引入外加参数,并难以通过一些基本物理过程的检验.本文发展了随机映射逼近(mapping closure approximation,MCA)方法,解析地从控制方程导出一个封闭的分子扩散模型.该方法考虑两点联合概率密度函数方程,引入空间特征尺度,因此解决了以往映射封闭方法中分子扩散速率无法确定的问题.数值模拟表明该方法能用于预测标量扩散的速度,以及概率密度函数和条件平均扩散等统计量.
Estuda a interação entre a Consultoria Legislativa e a Secretaria de Comunicação da Câmara dos Deputados brasileira. A informação legislativa é o elo entre esses dois setores estratégicos da Câmara em sua prerrogativa constitucional de estabelecer o debate em torno dos interesses da sociedade em jogo na formulação das políticas públicas. Procura responder ao seguinte problema de pesquisa: Por que a interação entre a Consultoria Legislativa, setor responsável por produzir boa parte do conteúdo da informação legislativa, e a Secretaria de Comunicação, setor responsável pela disseminação desse conteúdo, nem sempre corresponde às expectativas e possibilidades de parceria? Ao fazer uma análise crítica da articulação entre os dois setores, o estudo procura identificar os elementos que limitam as possibilidades de parceria em todo o seu potencial; e sugerir processos ou oportunidades de cooperação para o aperfeiçoamento da interação. Do ponto de vista teórico, o trabalho tenta avançar nas reflexões sobre a comunicação pública no poder legislativo e sobre o assessoramento técnico do parlamento brasileiro. No primeiro aspecto, tenta definir o conceito "interesse público" e abordar as especificidades da comunicação pública desenvolvida no Poder Legislativo, a partir de debates formulados por autores brasileiros e também por meio de uma análise comparativa do Congresso norte-americano. No segundo, a abordagem mira sobre o modelo de assessoramento técnico adotado no Brasil, submetido às perspectivas das teorias informacional e distributiva e da natureza dos profissionais que atuam no poder legislativo, enquanto aparato burocrático a serviço do Estado. Acessoriamente, analisa as dificuldades de diálogo entre os profissionais sobre os prismas das barreiras de comunicação e das tensões inerentes às disputas de espaço num mesmo campo social. Ao incorporar experiência pessoal no projeto de intervenção, o trabalho utiliza o método da pesquisa participante. A pesquisa faz referências à relação da sociedade com o poder legislativo; divulgação institucional da atividade parlamentar; parlamento e meios de comunicação; mídia e legislativo; profissionais do legislativo e estamento burocrático no Brasil; assessoramento técnico do legislativo; barreiras na comunicação institucional; e campo simbólico.
Manex Goihenetcheri omenaldia = Homenaje a Manex Goihenetche = Hommage a Manex Goihenetche
[EN] On 17 February 2008 Kosovo approved its declaration of independence from Serbia. The declaration was raised as a unilateral secession, a category which to date is widely debated by the international community, but supported in that case by a respectable number of the United Nation member states. A great many legal issues have been raised by the International Court of Justice's Advisory Opinion on Kosovo. This opinion was eagerly awaited by legal scholars due to both its possible effects and the scope of its principles outside the context of decolonization in what it could constitute of new approach to the international scenario for the twenty-first century. The ICJ stated that the declaration of independence was in accordance with international law if it was not prohibited. The answer turned on whether or not international law prohibited the declaration of independence, without ever examining whether an entity seeking secession is entitled with a positive right to secede and if so, under which circumstances. The basic issue can be summarised as whether or not we are facing a new course in the interpretation of certain classical categories of international law: the principle of territorial integrity, statehood, sovereignty, recognition, the right to external self-determination, etc. In this study we shall analyse some of the aspects arising from the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo focusing on the territorial issue. Firstly we shall analyse the scope of the principle of territorial integrity of States and how it operates ; secondly, we shall focus on the scope of that principle in relation to the interior of the State, and ask ourselves how international law operates in relation to declarations of independence. Lastly, we shall deal with the principle of respect for territorial integrity in the specific case of Serbia with respect to Kosovo, and then end with a series of general conclusions. This study aims, definitely, to contribute to the theoretical debate on the challenges to the traditional certainties of international law in this area.
From October 2006 to May 2008, The WorldFish Center coordinated a ZoNéCo project to provide support to the Southern and Northern Provinces for decisions about how best to manage the sea cucumber fishery around La Grande Terre. We collected data during underwater population surveys, questionnaire-based interviews with fishers and processors, and landing catch surveys. A core aim was to furnish the Provinces with ‘ballpark’ estimates of the abundance and density of commercially important sea cucumbers on 50 lagoon and barrier reefs. Analysis and synthesis of the ecological and sociological data provide the basis for informed recommendations for fisheries management. Counts of trochus and giant clams on the reefs allow us to also describe the general status of those resources. We propose 13 recommendations for management actions and fishery regulations and advocate an adaptive management approach. This multidisciplinary study should serve as a useful template for assessing other fisheries, and we provide a series of generic ‘lessons learnt’ to aid future programmes. (PDF has 140 pages.)
Los gestores y responsables universitarios necesitan cada vez más de sistemas de información que les ayuden en su gestión y en su Toma de Decisiones. Entre esos sistemas adquieren una especial relevancia los contables, por ser la referencia más utilizada y relevante en las actuaciones de los dirigentes. En este artículo se recogen los distintos sistemas de información contables existentes que pueden aplicarse en el ámbito universitario: Presupuestos, Contabilidad Financiera, Contabilidad de Costes y de Gestión así como los Indicadores de Gestión o Cuadro de Mando Integral. Se describen tanto sus características más destacadas como sus debilidades y fortalezas, así como los aspectos que deben tenerse se en cuenta para su correcta implementación. Se ahonda especialmente en aquellas herramientas que suministran una información de gran importancia para la gestión y el control universitario, pero que están siendo muy poco utilizadas y además existe un gran desconocimiento de sus ventajas para la mayor parte de los responsables universitarios.
Metal-alumina joints have found various practical applications in electronic devices and high technology industry. However, making of sound metal ceramic brazed couple is still a challenge in terms of its direct application in the industry. In this work we successfully braze copper with Al2O3 ceramic using Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5 bulk metallic glass forming alloy as filler alloy. The shear strength of the joints can reach 140 MPa, and the microstructrural analysis confirms a reliable chemical boning of the interface. The results show that the bulk metallic glass forming alloys with high concentration of active elements are prospective for using as filler alloy in metal-ceramic bonding.
Parte 1 - Leis
Atualizada até 18/7/2014
Thirty sites were sampled in southern Biscayne Bay and Manatee Bay in December 1999 to determine the extent of toxicity in sediments. Analyses and assays included: pesticides and phenols in seawater; chemical contaminants in sediment; amphipod mortality, HRGS P450, sea urchin sperm fertilization and embryology, MicrotoxTM, MutatoxTM, grass shrimp AChE and juvenile clam mortality assays; sea urchin sperm, amphipod and oyster DNA damage; and benthic community assessment. Sediment sites near the mouth of canals showed evidence of contamination. Contaminant plumes and associated toxicity do not appear to extend seaward of the mouth of the canals in an appreciable manner. Concentrations of contaminants in the sediments in open areas of Biscayne and Manatee Bays are generally low. (PDF contains 140 pages)
140 págs.
From July 1965 to June 1964 the Natural Resources Institute's Research Vessel ORION took 16 minute tows with a forty (40) foot otter trawl net at 38 selected locations in Chesapeake Bay from the south of the Potomac River to Turkey Point at the head of the Bay and including some tributaries. Shallow and deep hauls were taken at most stations with depths ranging from 5 to 140 feet. A schematic summary of the 54 different species caught was compared with "Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay" by S. F. Hildebrand and W. C. Schroeder. Sixteen species including five not contained in the above references were selected for discussion. (PDF contains 21 pages)
Between 1994 and 1997, 258 tissue and 178 sediment samples were analyzed for chlorpyrifos throughout the coastal United States and the Great Lakes. Subsequently, 95 of the 1997 tissue samples were reanalyzed for endosulfan. Tissue chlorpyrifos concentrations, which exceeded the 90th percentile, were found in coastal regions known to have high agricultural use rates but also strongly correlated with sites near high population. The highest concentrations of endosulfans in contrast, were generally limited to agricultural regions of the country. Detections of chlorpyrifos at several Alaskan sites suggest an atmospheric transport mechanism. Many Great Lakes sites had chlorpyrifos tissue concentrations above the 90th percentile which decreased with increasing distance from the Corn Belt region (Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin) where most agriculturally applied chlorpyrifos is used. Correlation analysis suggests that fluvial discharge is the primary transport pathway on the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts for chlorpyrifos but not necessarily for endosulfans. (PDF contains 28 pages)