948 resultados para vascular access
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund. Hämodialysepatienten, die operativ mit einem Gefäßzugang versorgt werden müssen, sind eine vulnerable Patientengruppe, die aufgrund von Multimorbidität, der intensiven und oft fragmentierten Behandlung und vieler Schnittstellen ein erhöhtes Risiko für vermeidbare unerwünschte Ereignisse tragen. Fragestellung. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Patientensicherheit mit Fokus auf die Shuntchirurgie. Material und Methoden. Auswertung und Aufarbeitung aktueller Daten zur Patientensicherheit und Instrumenten zu ihrer Förderung. Ergebnisse. Fehler im nicht operativen Management verursachen einen wesentlichen Anteil der unerwünschten Ereignisse. Checklisten, präoperative Seitenmarkierung, Zählkontrollen und interprofessionelle Teamtrainings sind wichtige Instrumente der Patientensicherheit im OP. Standardisierungen von postoperativen Übergaben durch einfache Protokolle können erheblich zur Reduktion von Fehlern und Schädigungen beitragen. Die Sicherheitskultur einer Abteilung ist ein Umgebungsfaktor, der für die Effektivität dieser Sicherheitsbarrieren wesentlich ist. Schlussfolgerungen. Es existieren wirksame Instrumente, die die Patientensicherheit in der Shuntchirurgie fördern. Gerade an den Schnittstellen zur weiteren Versorgung können durch die konsequente Implementierung und Nutzung dieser Maßnahmen und ein aktives Sicherheitsmanagement unerwünschte Ereignisse vermieden werden. Die interprofessionelle und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit und der Einbezug der Patienten sind wichtige Ressource für die Behandlungssicherheit, die stärker genutzt werden sollten.
OBJECTIVES Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is routinely performed via the transfemoral and the transapical route. Subclavian and direct aortic access are described alternatives for TAVI. Recently, the transcarotid approach has been shown to be feasible among patients with limited vascular access and severe native aortic valve stenosis. We aim to investigate the feasibility of transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation via the transcarotid access in patients with severe aortic regurgitation due to degenerated stentless Shelhigh conduits using the 29 mm Medtronic CoreValve bioprosthesis. METHODS Three patients with complex vascular anatomy undergoing transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation via the transcarotid route were enrolled in the study. The procedure was performed under general anaesthesia using surgical cut-down to facilitate vascular access. Immediate procedural results as well as echocardiographic and clinical outcomes after 30 days and 6 months of the follow-up were recorded and analysed. RESULTS All three patients underwent unproblematic TAVI and experienced dramatic improvement of symptoms. Mean transvalvular gradient was 3, 6 and 11 mmHg, respectively. Effective orifice area ranged between 1.7 and 2.2 cm(2). Only mild paravalvular regurgitation was detected by echocardiography after 30 days of the follow-up. CONCLUSIONS The transcarotid approach can be safely performed for valve-in-valve procedures using the Medtronic CoreValve in patients with limited vascular access. It enables accurate positioning and implantation of the prosthesis.
Für Patienten an der Hämodialyse ist nach Versagen der klassischen arterio-venösen Fisteln oder Shunts ein direkter Gefässzugang mittels Katheter lebensnotwendig. Permanente zentralvenöse Katheter penetrieren die Hals- und Thoraxweichteile und die Haut ohne rigide Befestigung. Die Infektionsrate ist hoch und führt oft zur Explantation. Knochenverankerte Hörgeräte sind zur Behandlung bei Schalleitungsschwerhörigkeit etabliert. Das Implantat sitzt fest im Felsenbein und der Aufsatz penetriert die Haut. Schwere Infektionen, die eine Explantation nötig machen, sind sehr selten. Wir nehmen an, dass einer der Hauptgründe für die tiefe Komplikationsrate die starke Befestigung des Implantats am Knochen ist, wodurch die Hautbewegungen relativ zum Knochen minimiert werden. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen mit implantierten Hörsystemen haben wir einen perkutanen knochenverankerten Hämodialysezugang im Bereich des Felsenbeins als vorteilhafte Alternative zum herkömmlichen zentralvenösen Katheterzugang entwickelt. Dabei wurde die Felsenbeinanatomie und Knochendicke zur Lokalisierung des idealen Implantationsortes untersucht; die Schraubenstabilität im Knochen getestet; ein Titanimplantat inklusive Ventile und Katheter, sowie chirurgische Instrumente zur sicheren Implantation entwickelt. Der knochenverankerte Hämodialysezugang wurde auf Flussrate, Dichtigkeit und Reinigung getestet; die Platzierung des Katheters mittels Seldingertechnik in die V. jugularis interna über eine Halsinzision festgelegt. Die Resultate unserer Arbeit zeigen die technische Machbarkeit eines im Felsenbein verankerten neuartigen Hämodialysezuganges und bilden die Grundlage einer inzwischen bewilligten klinischen Pilotstudie.
Methodological study, in order to validate the content of the nursing diagnosis protection ineffective in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The research took place in two stages, namely: concept analysis and content analysis of the instrument by experts. T he first step was operationalized through an integrative review of the databaes LILACS, CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane, with the key words protection and hemodialysis, in October and November 2013. The sample consisted of 32 articles, which were analyz ed by a c areful reading to identify the sections that correspond ed to the defining attributes , antecedents and consequences of protection in patients undergoing hemodialysis. T he interpretation for the diagnosis of effective protection was made by transpos ing the components of the diagnosis (definition, defining characteristics and related factors) to the denial form . In the second stage, we elaborated an instrument with the components of the nursing diagnostic s studied and proceeded to the analysis conduct ed in April 2014 by 22 specialists in nephrology and in the terminology of the NANDA International, selected by means of th e Lattes Platform . We used the binomial test to assess the proportion of experts who rated each item as appropriate, considering a si gnificance level of 5%. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution responsible for the research, an opinion on num b er 387 837 and CAAE 18486413.0.0000.5537. The results show that the proposal for the nursing diagnosis of ineffectiv e protection in patients undergoing hemodialysis is: definition - the same as that presented in the NANDA International Taxonomy II, location - domain safety / protection and class injury. Related factors are: Absence of routine vaccines; Non - adherence to care related to vascular access; Non - adherence to infection control measures; Non - adherence to prescribed diet; Non - adherence to drug therapy; Presence of comorbidities; Drug abuse; Immune disorders; Extremes of age; Abnormal blood profiles; Drugs that red uce immunity; and side effects and adverse treatment - related. The defining characteristics are: Presence of invading the bloodstream; Nutritional disorders; Increase in the number of hospitalizations; Uncontrolled dry weight; Infected vascular access; Vasc ular inadequate access; Increased blood pressure; fever; Bleeding disorder; Disability immunity; fatigue; weakness; itching; and maladaptive response to stress. It follows that the identification of the defining attributes, antecedents and consequences inc reased the wealth of vocabulary, allowing the construction of theoretical and empirical definitions for a broader understanding of the concept protection. Furthermore, the study contributed to the enrichment of nursing specific body of knowledge, as well a s in the direction of nursing care for patients undergoing hemodialysis.
PURPOSE: Increased arterial stiffness is a common finding in patients with end-stage renal disease. Following creation of an arteriovenous fistula (AVF), appropriate dilation of the feeding artery must occur to facilitate AVF maturation. Arterial stiffness may impair the arterial dilation required to facilitate AVF development and contribute to subsequent failure to mature (FTM). The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the association between measurements of central and peripheral arterial stiffness, and AVF FTM.
METHODS: Patients undergoing AVF creation in a single centre (Belfast City Hospital, UK) between January and December 2015 were invited to have their carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), brachial-radial PWV and augmentation index (AI) measured prior to AVF creation. Subsequent AVF outcomes were identified.
RESULTS: Fifty-nine patients who had an AVF procedure were included in the final analysis (mean age 62 years); 50.8% had diabetes mellitus. The mean pre-operative arterial diameter for all AVFs was 3.9 mm. Average values for carotid-femoral PWV were 9.5 m/s, brachial-radial PWV 7.7 m/s and AI 25.6%. Using logistic regression, these arterial stiffness parameters did not predict AVF FTM: carotid-femoral PWV (P = 0.20), brachial-radial PWV (P = 0.13), AI (P = 0.50).
CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest study to date exploring the association between arterial stiffness and AVF FTM. The measured central and peripheral arterial stiffness parameters were not associated with AVF FTM. Further research is needed to define if non-invasive arterial physiological measurements would be clinically useful in the prediction of AVF FTM.
This work aimed to evaluate how aging could influence patients' perception of health quality of life (HRQOL), as well as, the effect of aging on dialysis adequacy and in hematological, iron status, inflammatory and nutritional markers. In this transversal study were enrolled 305 ESRD patients under online-hemodiafiltration (OL-HDF) (59.67% males; 64.9 ± 14.3 years old). Data about comorbidities, hematological data, iron status, dialysis adequacy, nutritional and inflammatory markers were collected from patient's records. Moreover, HRQOL score, by using the Kidney Disease Quality of Life-Short Form (KDQOL-SF), was assessed. Analyzing the results according to quartiles of age, significant differences were found for some parameters evaluated by the KDQOL-SF instrument, namely for work status, physical functioning and role-physical, which decreased with increasing age. We also found a higher proportion of diabetic patients, a decrease in creatinine, iron, albumin serum levels, transferrin saturation and nPCR, with increasing age. Moreover, significant negative correlations were found between age and mean cell hemoglobin concentration, iron, transferrin saturation, albumin, nPCR, work status, physical functioning and role-physical. In conclusion, our results showed that aging is associated with a decreased work status, physical functioning and role-physical, with a decreased dialysis adequacy, iron availability and nutritional status, and with an increased proportion of diabetic patients and of patients using central venous catheter, as the vascular access. The knowledge of these changes associated with aging, which have impact in the quality of life of the patients, could be useful in their management.
TITULO DEL TRABAJO: Evaluación de las causas de los eventos adversos o incidentes que afectan la seguridad del paciente, en el hospital central de la policía de enero 2012 a diciembre 2013. OBJETIVO: Determinar y analizar la causa raíz de los principales factores de riesgo que afectan la seguridad del paciente que puedan ocasionar eventos adversos en la atención de los pacientes, con el uso de la teoría de restricciones TOC en el Hospital Central de la Policía HOCEN. MATERIALES Y METODO: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva de naturaleza mixta – cuantitativa de tipo correlacional, la población es la totalidad de pacientes atendidos en el hospital de la policía entre enero de 2012 a diciembre de 2013, en el cual se presentaron un total de 189 eventos adversos los cuales sirvieron de objeto a esta investigación, la recolección de datos se realizó por medio de tablas de Excel 2010, posterior a esto se exporto la información al software de IBM SPSS Statistics 19 donde se analiza la información arrojando datos descriptivos y tablas de frecuencia. Finalmente haciendo uso de la Teoría de restricciones TOC se identificó la causa raíz para la ocurrencia de eventos adversos y plantear una intervención estratégica que promueva un sistema efectivo de seguridad del paciente en pro de la búsqueda de la mejora continua. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 189 eventos adversos, de los cuales 89 fueron reportados en el turno de la noche, seguido por el turno de la mañana con 57, el turno tarde con 27, 28 eventos que no registraron horario, el servicio con mayor ocurrencia es el de medicina interna con 25 eventos, y finalmente la caída de pacientes, lo relacionado con medicamentos, nutriciones y accesos vasculares son los eventos con mayor incidencia. CONCLUSIONES: Se pudo concluir que es necesario que los procesos de seguridad del paciente deben tener un lineamiento directo desde la dirección de la organización permitiendo que las mejoras sean de inmediata aplicación, también es importante generar en el personal una actitud de compromiso frente al proceso de mejora, hay que redefinir las políticas institucionales ya que se concluyó por medio de la teoría de restricciones TOC que el principal factor para la ocurrencia de eventos adversos son las multitareas que el personal tiene que realizar en el proceso de atención.
La atención hospitalaria en el costo global de la atención de los pacientes en diálisis es muy importante. Este estudio se realizó con el fin de evaluar resultados posteriores a la implementación de un modelo de gestión de la enfermedad y cuidado coordinado en una red de diálisis en Colombia, evaluando los cambios específicos en las tasas de hospitalización de una cohorte de pacientes renales con dos años de seguimiento. El modelo se enfoca básicamente en mejorar la atención de los pacientes en diálisis protocolizando en el manejo de comorbilidades (diabetes, riesgo cardiovascular, patologías infecciosas) y en el cuidado coordinado entre el tratamiento ambulatorio y hospitalario de los pacientes en diálisis asegurando la continuidad en el proceso de atención de los pacientes. El Estudio observacional analítico de cohortes compuesto por 2 fases una primera cohorte histórica retrospectiva y una segunda con dos cohortes prospectivas, incluyó pacientes mayores de 18 años, con más de 90 días en diálisis, con al menos tres meses de intervención con el modelo de gestión de enfermedad en la red Renal Therapy Services (RTS®). En conclusión, la realización de este estudio, se pudo asociar a la reducción en la atención hospitalaria de pacientes en diálisis y a una menor mortalidad, modelos como este y otras soluciones para mejorar los desenlaces en salud en los pacientes en diálisis deben seguir siendo implementados para aliviar la carga de la enfermedad y reducir los costos de la atención en salud de esta población.
La ecografía básica cardiaca (ECB) es una herramienta útil en la Unidad de Cuidados intensivos al facilitar la realización de ciertas intervenciones. No se ha definido el número de repeticiones necesarias para obtener un nivel de competencia adecuado. La evidencia encontrada indica un número mínimo de cincuenta repeticiones, para alcanzar cierto grado de habilidad.
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is considered an important mechanism in tumor resistance to drug treatments; however, in vivo observation of this process has been limited. In this study we demonstrated an immediate and widespread EMT involving all surviving tumor cells following treatment of a mouse model of colorectal liver metastases with the vascular disruptive agent OXi4503. EMT was characterized by significant downregulation of E-cadherin, relocation and nuclear accumulation of b-catenin as well as significant upregulation of ZEB1 and vimentin. Concomitantly, significant temporal upregulation in hypoxia and the pro-angiogenic growth factors hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha, hepatocyte growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta were seen within the surviving tumor. The process of EMT was transient and by 5 days after treatment tumor cell reversion to epithelial morphology was evident. This reversal, termed mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) is a process implicated in the development of new metastases but has not been observed in vivo histologically. Similar EMT changes were observed in response to other antitumor treatments including chemotherapy, thermal ablation, and antiangiogenic treatments in our mouse colorectal metastasis model and in a murine orthotopic breast cancer model after OXi4503 treatment. These results suggest that EMT may be an early mechanism adopted by tumors in response to injury and hypoxic stress, such that inhibition of EMT in combination with other therapies could play a significant role in future cancer therapy.
Background Dysfunctional lymphatic vessel formation has been implicated in a number of pathological conditions including cancer metastasis, lymphedema, and impaired wound healing. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family is a major regulator of lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) function and lymphangiogenesis. Indeed, dissemination of malignant cells into the regional lymph nodes, a common occurrence in many cancers, is stimulated by VEGF family members. This effect is generally considered to be mediated via VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3. However, the role of specific receptors and their downstream signaling pathways is not well understood. Methods and Results Here we delineate the VEGF-C/VEGF receptor (VEGFR)-3 signaling pathway in LECs and show that VEGF-C induces activation of PI3K/Akt and MEK/Erk. Furthermore, activation of PI3K/Akt by VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 resulted in phosphorylation of P70S6K, eNOS, PLCc1, and Erk1/2. Importantly, a direct interaction between PI3K and VEGFR-3 in LECs was demonstrated both in vitro and in clinical cancer specimens. This interaction was strongly associated with the presence of lymph node metastases in primary small cell carcinoma of the lung in clinical specimens. Blocking PI3K activity abolished VEGF-C-stimulated LEC tube formation and migration. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate that specific VEGFR-3 signaling pathways are activated in LECs by VEGF-C. The importance of PI3K in VEGF-C/VEGFR-3-mediated lymphangiogenesis provides a potential therapeutic target for the inhibition of lymphatic metastasis.
Background The VEGF pathway has become an important therapeutic target in lung cancer, where VEGF has long been established as a potent pro-angiogenic growth factor expressed by many types of tumors. While Bevacizumab (Avastin) has proven successful in increasing the objective tumor response rate and in prolonging progression and overall survival in patients with NSCLC, the survival benefit is however relatively short and the majority of patients eventually relapse. The current use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors alone and in combination with chemotherapy has been underwhelming, highlighting an urgent need for new targeted therapies. In this study, we examined the mechanisms of VEGF-mediated survival in NSCLC cells and the role of the Neuropilin receptors in this process. Methods NSCLC cells were screened for expression of VEGF and its receptors. The effects of recombinant VEGF and its blockade on lung tumor cell proliferation and cell cycle were examined. Phosphorylation of Akt and Erk1/2 proteins was examined by high content analysis and confocal microscopy. The effects of silencing VEGF on cell proliferation and survival signaling were also assessed. A Neuropilin-1 stable-transfected cell line was generated. Cell growth characteristics in addition to pAkt and pErk1/2 signaling were studied in response to VEGF and its blockade. Tumor growth studies were carried out in nude mice following subcutaneous injection of NP1 over-expressing cells. Results Inhibition of the VEGF pathway with anti-VEGF and anti-VEGFR-2 antibodies or siRNA to VEGF, NP1 and NP2 resulted in growth inhibition of NP1 positive tumor cell lines associated with down-regulation of PI3K and MAPK kinase signaling. Stable transfection of NP1 negative cells with NP1 induced proliferation in vitro, which was further enhanced by exogenous VEGF. In vivo, NP1 over-expressing cells significantly increased tumor growth in xenografts compared to controls. Conclusions Our data demonstrate that VEGF is an autocrine growth factor in NSCLC signaling, at least in part, through NP1. Targeting this VEGF receptor may offer potential as a novel therapeutic approach and also support the evaluation of the role of NP1 as a biomarker predicting sensitivity or resistance to VEGF and VEGFR-targeted therapies in the clinical arena.
Background: The adult central nervous system (CNS) contains different populations of immature cells that could possibly be used to repair brain and spinal cord lesions. The diversity and the properties of these cells in the human adult CNS remain to be fully explored. We previously isolated Nestin(+) Sox2(+) neural multipotential cells from the adult human spinal cord using the neurosphere method (i.e. non adherent conditions and defined medium). -- Results: Here we report the isolation and long term propagation of another population of Nestin(+) cells from this tissue using adherent culture conditions and serum. QPCR and immunofluorescence indicated that these cells had mesenchymal features as evidenced by the expression of Snai2 and Twist1 and lack of expression of neural markers such as Sox2, Olig2 or GFAP. Indeed, these cells expressed markers typical of smooth muscle vascular cells such as Calponin, Caldesmone and Acta2 (Smooth muscle actin). These cells could not differentiate into chondrocytes, adipocytes, neuronal and glial cells, however they readily mineralized when placed in osteogenic conditions. Further characterization allowed us to identify the Nkx6.1 transcription factor as a marker for these cells. Nkx6.1 was expressed in vivo by CNS vascular muscular cells located in the parenchyma and the meninges. -- Conclusion: Smooth muscle cells expressing Nestin and Nkx6.1 is the main cell population derived from culturing human spinal cord cells in adherent conditions with serum. Mineralization of these cells in vitro could represent a valuable model for studying calcifications of CNS vessels which are observed in pathological situations or as part of the normal aging. In addition, long term propagation of these cells will allow the study of their interaction with other CNS cells and their implication in scar formation during spinal cord injury.
Background: Human melanoma frequently colonizes bone marrow (BM) since its earliest stage of systemic dissemination, prior to clinical metastasis occurrence. However, how melanoma cell adhesion and proliferation mechanisms are regulated within bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) microenvironment remain unclear. Consistent with the prometastatic role of inflammatory and angiogenic factors, several studies have reported elevated levels of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in melanoma although its pathogenic role in bone marrow melanoma metastasis is unknown. Methods: Herein we analyzed the effect of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor celecoxib in a model of generalized BM dissemination of left cardiac ventricle-injected B16 melanoma (B16M) cells into healthy and bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-pretreated mice to induce inflammation. In addition, B16M and human A375 melanoma (A375M) cells were exposed to conditioned media from basal and LPS-treated primary cultured murine and human BMSCs, and the contribution of COX-2 to the adhesion and proliferation of melanoma cells was also studied. Results: Mice given one single intravenous injection of LPS 6 hour prior to cancer cells significantly increased B16M metastasis in BM compared to untreated mice; however, administration of oral celecoxib reduced BM metastasis incidence and volume in healthy mice, and almost completely abrogated LPS-dependent melanoma metastases. In vitro, untreated and LPS-treated murine and human BMSC-conditioned medium (CM) increased VCAM-1-dependent BMSC adherence and proliferation of B16M and A375M cells, respectively, as compared to basal medium-treated melanoma cells. Addition of celecoxib to both B16M and A375M cells abolished adhesion and proliferation increments induced by BMSC-CM. TNF alpha and VEGF secretion increased in the supernatant of LPS-treated BMSCs; however, anti-VEGF neutralizing antibodies added to B16M and A375M cells prior to LPS-treated BMSC-CM resulted in a complete abrogation of both adhesion-and proliferation-stimulating effect of BMSC on melanoma cells. Conversely, recombinant VEGF increased adherence to BMSC and proliferation of both B16M and A375M cells, compared to basal medium-treated cells, while addition of celecoxib neutralized VEGF effects on melanoma. Recombinant TNFa induced B16M production of VEGF via COX-2-dependent mechanism. Moreover, exogenous PGE2 also increased B16M cell adhesion to immobilized recombinant VCAM-1. Conclusions: We demonstrate the contribution of VEGF-induced tumor COX-2 to the regulation of adhesion-and proliferation-stimulating effects of TNFa, from endotoxin-activated bone marrow stromal cells, on VLA-4-expressing
Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014