978 resultados para variational cumulant expansion method


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Based on the second-order random wave solutions of water wave equations in finite water depth, a statistical distribution of the wave-surface elevation is derived by using the characteristic function expansion method. It is found that the distribution, after normalization of the wave-surface elevation, depends only on two parameters. One parameter describes the small mean bias of the surface produced by the second-order wave-wave interactions. Another one is approximately proportional to the skewness of the distribution. Both of these two parameters can be determined by the water depth and the wave-number spectrum of ocean waves. As an illustrative example, we consider a fully developed wind-generated sea and the parameters are calculated for various wind speeds and water depths by using Donelan and Pierson spectrum. It is also found that, for deep water, the dimensionless distribution reduces to the third-order Gram-Charlier series obtained by Longuet-Higgins [J. Fluid Mech. 17 (1963) 459]. The newly proposed distribution is compared with the data of Bitner [Appl. Ocean Res. 2 (1980) 63], Gaussian distribution and the fourth-order Gram-Charlier series, and found our distribution gives a more reasonable fit to the data. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on the second-order solutions obtained for the three-dimensional weakly nonlinear random waves propagating over a steady uniform current in finite water depth, the joint statistical distribution of the velocity and acceleration of the fluid particle in the current direction is derived using the characteristic function expansion method. From the joint distribution and the Morison equation, the theoretical distributions of drag forces, inertia forces and total random forces caused by waves propagating over a steady uniform current are determined. The distribution of inertia forces is Gaussian as that derived using the linear wave model, whereas the distributions of drag forces and total random forces deviate slightly from those derived utilizing the linear wave model. The distributions presented can be determined by the wave number spectrum of ocean waves, current speed and the second order wave-wave and wave-current interactions. As an illustrative example, for fully developed deep ocean waves, the parameters appeared in the distributions near still water level are calculated for various wind speeds and current speeds by using Donelan-Pierson-Banner spectrum and the effects of the current and the nonlinearity of ocean waves on the distribution are studied. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The perturbation expansion method is used to find the effective thermal conductivity of graded nonlinear composites having thermal contact resistance on the inclusion surface. As an example, we have studied the graded composites with cylindrical inclusions immersed in a homogeneous matrix. The thermal conductivity of the cylindrical inclusion is assumed to have a power-law profile of the radial distance r measured from its origin. For weakly nonlinear constitutive relations between the heat flow density q and the temperature field T, namely, q = -mu del T - chi vertical bar del T vertical bar(2) del T, in both the inclusion and the matrix regions, we have derived the temperature distributions using the perturbation expansion method. A nonlinear effective medium approximation of graded composites is proposed to estimate the effective linear and nonlinear thermal conductivities. by considering the temperature singularity on the inclusion surface due to the heat contact resistance. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau lies in the place of the continent-continent collision between Indian and Eurasian plates. Because of their interaction the shallow and deep structures are very complicated. The force system forming the tectonic patterns and driving tectonic movements is effected together by the deep part of the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. It is important to study the 3-D velocity structures, the spheres and layers structures, material properties and states of the lithosphere and the asthenosphere for getting knowledge of their formation and evolution, dynamic process, layers coupling and exchange of material and energy. Based on the Rayleigh wave dispersion theory, we study the 3-D velocity structures, the depths of interfaces and thicknesses of different layers, including the crust, the lithosphere and the asthenosphere, the lithosphere-asthenosphere system in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its adjacent areas. The following tasks include: (1)The digital seismic records of 221 seismic events have been collected, whose magnitudes are larger than 5.0 over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its adjacent areas. These records come from 31 digital seismic stations of GSN , CDSN、NCDSN and part of Indian stations. After making instrument response calibration and filtering, group velocities of fundamental mode of Rayleigh waves are measured using the frequency-time analysis (FTAN) to get the observed dispersions. Furthermore, we strike cluster average for those similar ray paths. Finally, 819 dispersion curves (8-150s) are ready for dispersion inversion. (2)From these dispersion curves, pure dispersion data in 2°×2° cells of the areas (18°N-42°N, 70°E-106°E) are calculated by using function expansion method, proposed by Yanovskaya. The average initial model has been constructed by taking account of global AK135 model along with geodetic, geological, geophysical, receiving function and wide-angle reflection data. Then, initial S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle in the research areas have been obtained by using linear inversion (SVD) method. (3)Taking the results of the linear inversion as the initial model, we simultaneously invert the S wave velocities and thicknesses by using non-linear inversion (improved Simulated Annealing algorithm). Moreover, during the temperature dropping the variable-scale models are used. Comparing with the linear results, the spheres and layers by the non-linear inversion can be recognized better from the velocity value and offset. (4)The Moho discontinuity and top interface of the asthenosphere are recognized from the velocity value and offset of the layers. The thicknesses of the crust, lithosphere and asthenosphere are gained. These thicknesses are helpful to studying the structural differentia between the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its adjacent areas and among geologic units of the plateau. The results of the inversion will provide deep geophysical evidences for studying deep dynamical mechanism and exploring metal mineral resource and oil and gas resources. The following conclusions are reached by the distributions of the S wave velocities and thicknesses of the crust, lithosphere and asthenosphere, combining with previous researches. (1)The crust is very thick in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, varying from 60 km to 80 km. The lithospheric thickness in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is thinner (130-160 km) than its adjacent areas. Its asthenosphere is relatively thicker, varies from 150 km to 230 km, and the thickest area lies in the western Qiangtang. India located in south of Main Boundary thrust has a thinner crust (32-38 km), a thicker lithosphere of about 190 km and a rather thin asthenosphere of only 60 km. Sichuan and Tarim basins have the crust thickness less than 50km. Their lithospheres are thicker than the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and their asthenospheres are thinner. (2)The S-wave velocity variation pattern in the lithosphere-asthenosphere system has band-belted distribution along east-westward. These variations correlate with geology structures sketched by sutures and major faults. These sutures include Main Boundary thrust (MBT), Yarlung-Zangbo River suture (YZS), Bangong Lake-Nujiang suture (BNS), Jinshajiang suture (JSJS), Kunlun edge suture (KL). In the velocity maps of the upper and middle crust, these sutures can be sketched. In velocity maps of 250-300 km depth, MBT, BNS and JSJS can be sketched. In maps of the crustal thickness, the lithospheric thickness and the asthenospheric thickness, these sutures can be still sketched. In particular, MBT can be obviously resolved in these velocity maps and thickness maps. (3)Since the collision between India and Eurasian plate, the “loss” of surface material arising from crustal shortening is caused not only by crustal thickening but also by lateral extrusion material. The source of lateral extrusion lies in the Qiangtang block. These materials extrude along the JSJS and BNS with both rotation and dispersion in Daguaiwan. Finally, it extends toward southeast direction. (4)There is the crust-mantle transition zone of no distinct velocity jump in the lithosphere beneath the Qiangtang Terrane. It has thinner lithosphere and developed thicker asthenosphere. It implies that the crust-mantle transition zone of partial melting is connected with the developed asthenosphere. The underplating of asthenosphere may thin the lithosphere. This buoyancy might be the main mechanism and deep dynamics of the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet hinterland. At the same time, the transport of hot material with low velocity intrudes into the upper mantle and the lower crust along cracks and faults forming the crust-mantle transition zone.


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The dynamics of linear and nonlinear ionic-scale electrostatic excitations propagating in a magnetized relativistic quantum plasma is studied. A quantum-hydrodynamic model is adopted and degenerate statistics for the electrons is taken into account. The dispersion properties of linear ion acoustic waves are examined in detail. A modified characteristic charge screening length and "sound speed" are introduced, for relativistic quantum plasmas. By employing the reductive perturbation technique, a Zakharov-Kuznetzov-type equation is derived. Using the small-k expansion method, the stability profile of weakly nonlinear slightly supersonic electrostatic pulses is also discussed. The effect of electron degeneracy on the basic characteristics of electrostatic excitations is investigated. The entire analysis is valid in a three-dimensional as well as in two-dimensional geometry. A brief discussion of possible applications in laboratory and space plasmas is included.


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The reflectance of thin films of magnesium doped SrRu03(Mg-SR0) produced by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiOa (100) substrates has been measured at room temperature between 100 and 7500 cm~^. The films were chosen to have wide range of thickness, stoichiometry and electrical properties. As the films were very thin (less than 300 nm), and some were insulating the reflectance data shows structures due to both the film and the substrate. Hence, the data was analyzed using Kramers-Kronig constrained variational fitting (VDF) method to extract the real optical conductivity of the Mg-SRO films. Although the VDF technique is flexible enough to fit all features of the reflectance spectra, it seems that VDF could not eliminate the substrate's contribution from fllm conductivity results. Also the comparison of the two different programs implementing VDF fltting shows that this technique has a uniqueness problem. The optical properties are discussed in light of the measured structural and transport properties of the fllms which vary with preparation conditions and can be correlated with differences in stoichiometry. This investigation was aimed at checking the VDF technique and also getting answer to the question whether Mg^"*" substitutes in to Ru or Sr site. Analysis of our data suggests that Mg^+ goes to Ru site.


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Four problems of physical interest have been solved in this thesis using the path integral formalism. Using the trigonometric expansion method of Burton and de Borde (1955), we found the kernel for two interacting one dimensional oscillators• The result is the same as one would obtain using a normal coordinate transformation, We next introduced the method of Papadopolous (1969), which is a systematic perturbation type method specifically geared to finding the partition function Z, or equivalently, the Helmholtz free energy F, of a system of interacting oscillators. We applied this method to the next three problems considered• First, by summing the perturbation expansion, we found F for a system of N interacting Einstein oscillators^ The result obtained is the same as the usual result obtained by Shukla and Muller (1972) • Next, we found F to 0(Xi)f where A is the usual Tan Hove ordering parameter* The results obtained are the same as those of Shukla and Oowley (1971), who have used a diagrammatic procedure, and did the necessary sums in Fourier space* We performed the work in temperature space• Finally, slightly modifying the method of Papadopolous, we found the finite temperature expressions for the Debyecaller factor in Bravais lattices, to 0(AZ) and u(/K/ j,where K is the scattering vector* The high temperature limit of the expressions obtained here, are in complete agreement with the classical results of Maradudin and Flinn (1963) .


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In this work we present a simple magnification algorithm for color images. It uses Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets in such a way that every pixel has an interval membership constructed from its original intensity and its neighbourhood's one. Based on that interval membership, a block is created for each pixel, so this is a block expansion method.


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The weak gravitational field expansion method to account for the gravitationally induced neutrino oscillation effect is critically examined, then it is shown that the splitting of the neutrino phase into a kinematic and a gravitational phase is not always possible because the relativistic factor modifies the particle interference phase splitting condition in a gravitational field.


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We determine the solutions of the Schrödinger equation for an asymptotically linear potential. Analytical solutions are obtained by superalgebra in quantum mechanics and we establish when these solutions are possible. Numerical solutions for the spectra are obtained by the shifted 1/N expansion method.


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A study was developed in order to build a function M invariant in time, by means of Hamiltonian's formulation, taking into account the equation associated to the problem, showing that starting from this function the equation of motion of the system with the contour conditions for non-conservative considered problems can be obtained. The Hamiltonian method is extended for these kind of systems in order to validate for non-potential operators through variational approach.


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We construct exact solutions for a system of two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations describing the spatio-temporal dynamics of a predator-prey system where the prey per capita growth rate is subject to the Allee effect. Using the G'/G expansion method, we derive exact solutions to this model for two different wave speeds. For each wave velocity we report three different forms of solutions. We also discuss the biological relevance of the solutions obtained. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Usando o formalismo relativístico no estudo da propagação de perturbações lineares em fluidos ideais, obtêm-se fortes analogias com os resultados encontrados na Teoria da Relatividade Geral. Neste contexto, de acordo com Unruh [W. Unruh, Phys. Rev. Letters 46, 1351 (1981)], é possível simular um espaço-tempo dotado de uma métrica efetiva em um fluído ideal barotrópico, irrotacional e perturbado por ondas acústicas. Esse espaço-tempo efetivo é chamado de espaço-tempo acústico e satisfaz as propriedades geométricas e cinemáticas de um espaço-tempo curvo. Neste trabalho estudamos os modos quasinormais (QNs) e os pólos de Regge (PRs) para um espaço-tempo acústico conhecido como buraco acústico canônico (BAC). No nosso estudo, usamos o método de expansão assintótica proposto por Dolan e Ottewill [S. R. Dolan e A. C. Ottewill, Class. Quantum Gravity 26, 225003 (2009)] para calcularmos, em termos arbitrários do número de overtone n, as frequências QNs e os momentos angulares para os PRs, bem como suas respectivas funções de onda. As frequências e as funções de onda dos modos QNs são expandidas em termos de potências inversas de L = l + 1/2 , onde l é o momento angular, enquanto que os momentos angulares e funções de onda dos PRs são expandidos em termos do inverso das frequências de oscilação do buraco acústico canônico. Comparamos os nossos resultados com os já existentes na literatura, que usam a aproximação de Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) como método de determinação dos modos QNs e dos PRs, e obtemos uma excelente concordância dentro do limite da aproximação eikonal (l ≥ 2 e l > n).