969 resultados para tri-valent chromium bath


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SUMMARY In this study, Leishmaniaspecies were identified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The epidemiology of patients suspected of having American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the municipality of Assis Brasil, Acre State, located in the Brazil/Peru/Bolivia triborder was also investigated. By PCR, the DNA of Leishmaniawas detected in 100% of the cases (37 samples) and a PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) of the hsp 70gene identified the species in 32 samples: Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis (65.6%) , L. (V.) shawi (28.1%) , L. (V.) guyanensis (3.1%) and mixed infection L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (Leishmania) amazonensis (3.1%)This is the first report of L. (V.) shawiand L. (L.) amazonensis in Acre. The two predominant species were found in patients living in urban and rural areas. Most cases were found in males living in rural areas for at least three years and involved in rural work. This suggests, in most cases, a possible transmission of the disease from a rural/forest source, although some patients had not engaged in activities associated with permanence in forestall areas, which indicate a possible sandflies adaptation to the periurban setting.


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The 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) became available in Portugal in mid-2009 and the 13-valent vaccine (PCV13) in early 2010. The incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in patients aged under 18 years decreased from 8.19 cases per 100,000 in 2008–09 to 4.52/100,000 in 2011–12. However, IPD incidence due to the serotypes included in the 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV7) in children aged under two years remained constant. This fall resulted from significant decreases in the number of cases due to: (i) the additional serotypes included in PCV10 and PCV13 (1, 5, 7F; from 37.6% to 20.6%), particularly serotype 1 in older children; and (ii) the additional serotypes included in PCV13 (3, 6A, 19A; from 31.6% to 16.2%), particularly serotype 19A in younger children. The decrease in serotype 19A before vaccination indicates that it was not triggered by PCV13 administration. The decrease of serotype 1 in all groups, concomitant with the introduction of PCV10, is also unlikely to have been triggered by vaccination, although PCVs may have intensified and supported these trends. PCV13 serotypes remain major causes of IPD, accounting for 63.2% of isolates recovered in Portugal in 2011–12, highlighting the potential role of enhanced vaccination in reducing paediatric IPD in Portugal.


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Série II - Nºs 8 e 9 - Colóquios - I Jornada de Cultura Inglesa - Família e Educação


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The interest in chromium (Cr) arises from the widespread use of this heavy metal in various industrial processes that cause its release as liquid, solid and gaseous waste into the environment. The impact of Cr on the environment and living organisms primarily depends on its chemical form, since Cr(III) is an essential micronutrient for humans, other animals and plants, and Cr(VI) is highly toxic and a known human carcinogen. This study aimed to evaluate if the electrodialytic process (ED) is an appropriate treatment for Cr removal, through a critical overview of Cr speciation, before and after the ED experiments, to assess possible Cr(III)-Cr(VI) interconversions during the treatment. ED was the treatment technique applied to two types of matrices containing Cr: chromate copper arsenate (CCA) contaminated soil and municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash. In order to study Cr remediation, three EDR set-ups were used: a new set-up, the combined cell (2/3C or 3/2C), with three compartments, alternating current between two anodes and different initial experimental conditions, one set-up with three compartments (3C cell) and the other set-up with two compartments (2C cell). The Cr removal rates obtained in this study were between 10-36% for the soil, and 1-13% for the fly ash. The highest Cr removal rates were achieved in the 26 days experiments: 36% for the soil, 13% for the fly ash. Regarding the 13 days experiments, the highest Cr removal rates were attained with the 2/3C set-up: 24% for the soil, 5% for the fly ash. The analysis of Cr(VI) was performed before and after ED experiments to evaluate eventual changes in Cr speciation during the treatment. This analysis was conducted by two methods: USEPA Method 3060A, for the extraction of Cr(VI); and Hach Company Method 8023, for the detection of Cr(VI). Despite the differences in Cr total concentration, both matrices presented a similar speciation, with Cr(III) being the main species found and Cr(VI) less than 3% of Cr total, before and after the treatment. For fly ash, Cr(VI) was initially below the detection limit of the method and remained that way after the treatment. For soil, Cr(VI) decreased after the treatment. Oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) did not occur during the ED process since there was no increase in Cr(VI) in the matrices after the treatment. Hence, the results of this study indicate that ED is an appropriate technique to remediate matrices containing Cr because it contributes to Cr removal, without causing Cr(III)-Cr(VI) interconversions.


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La contaminación ambiental por metales pesados como el cromo y por compuestos orgánicos como los fenoles es un grave problema a nivel mundial debido a su toxicidad y a sus efectos adversos sobre los seres humanos, la flora y la fauna, tanto por su acumulación en la cadena alimentaria como por su continua persistencia en el medio ambiente. En un estudio preliminar, efectuado por nuestro laboratorio, se han detectado elevados niveles de estos contaminantes en sedimentos y efluentes en zonas industriales del sur de la provincia de Córdoba, lo cual plantea la necesidad de removerlos. Entre las tecnologías disponibles, la biorremediación, que se basa en el uso de sistemas biológicos, como los microorganismos, para la detoxificación y la degradación de contaminantes, se presenta como una alternativa probablemente más efectiva y de menor costo que las técnicas convencionales. Sin embargo, la aplicación de esta tecnología depende en gran parte de la influencia de las características particulares y específicas de la zona a remediar. En consecuencia, en primer lugar se caracterizará la zona de muestreo y se aislarán e identificarán microorganismos nativos de la región, tolerantes a cromo y fenol, a partir de muestras de suelo, agua y sedimentos, ya que podrían constituir una adecuada herramienta biotecnológica, mejor adaptada al sitio a tratar. Posteriormente se estudiará la biorremediación de Cr y fenol utilizando dichos microorganismos, analizando su capacidad para biotransformar, bioacumular o bioadsorber a estos contaminantes, y se determinarán las condiciones óptimas para el tratamiento. Se analizarán los posibles mecanismos fisiológicos, bioquímicos y moleculares involucrados en la remediación, que constituye una etapa crucial para el diseño de una estrategia adecuada y eficiente. Finalmente, se aplicará esta tecnología a escala reactor, como una primera aproximación al tratamiento a mayor escala. De esta manera se espera reducir los niveles de estos contaminantes y así minimizar el impacto ambiental que ellos producen en suelos y acuíferos. A futuro, la utilización de los microorganismos seleccionados, de manera individual o formando consorcios, para el tratamiento de efluentes industriales previa liberación al medio ambiente, o su uso en bioaumento, constituirían posibles alternativas de aplicación. Los principales impactos científico-tecnológicos del proyecto serán: (a) la generación de una nueva tecnología biológica de decontaminación de cromo y fenol, intentando presentar soluciones frente a una problemática ambiental que afecta a nuestra región, pero que además es común a la mayoría de los países, (b) la formación de nuevos recursos humanos en el área y (c) el trabajo en colaboración con otros grupos de investigación que se destacan en el área de biotecnología ambiental. Environmental pollution produced by heavy metals, such as chromium and organic compounds like phenolics is a serious global problem due to their toxicity, their adverse effects on human life, plants and animals, their accumulation in the food chains and also by their persistance in the environment. In a previous study performed in our laboratory, high levels of these pollutants were detected in sediments and effluents from industrial zones of the south of Cordoba Province, which determine the need to remove them. Among various technologies, bioremediation which is based on the use of biological systems, such as microorganisms, to detoxify and to degrade contaminants, is probably the most effective alternative, and it is less expensive than other conventional technologies. However, the application of this technology depends on the influence of the particular and specific characteristics of the zone to be remediate. As a consecuence, at the first time, the zone of sampling will be characterized and then, native microorganisms, tolerant to chromium and phenol, will be isolated from soils, water and sediments and identificated. These microorganisms would be an adequate biotechnological tool, more adapted to the conditions of the site to be remediate than other ones. Then, the ability of these selected microorganisms to biotransform, bioaccumulate or biosorbe chromium and phenol will be studied and the optimal conditions for the treatment will be determined. The possible physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in bioremediation will be also analized, because this is a crucial step in the design of an adequate and efficient remediation strategy. Finally, this technology will be applied in a reactor, as an approximation to the treatment at a major scale. A reduction in the levels of these pollutants will be expected, to minimize their environmental impact on soils and aquifers.


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The sample under investigation in this project is an experimental chromium enriched yeast used as a possible additive in animal foodstuff, which was produced by growing yeast in the presence of chromium (III) chloride. Chromium on its own in not biologically active but chromium in the form of chromium enriched yeast is biologically active. The objective of this project was to show the complete absence of chromium(VI) from the sample. A literature survey describing previous work carried out on the speciation of Cr(VI) has been carried out. The principal methods of detection of Cr(VI) used in this project are Polarography, G.F.A.A. Spectroscopy, U.V. Spectroscopy and H.P.L.C. For each of the above methods a calibration curve was obtained and each method was applied to the yeast extract. The H.P.L.C. and U.V. spectroscopic method are specific for Cr(VI) but polarography and G.F.A.A. spectroscopy measure total chromium. Tris-NaOH buffer has been investigated for the extraction of chromium(VT). Problems associated with air oxidation of Cr(III) in alkaline solution have identified and procedures described for the suppression of air oxidation. Procedures are described for the application of the extraction procedure to the yeast extract and for the determination of Cr(VI) in the extract. Procedures are also described for the preconcentration of Cr(VI) on a HPLC column and for the application to the yeast extract. The rate of reduction of Cr(VI) by ascorbic acid is investigated and found to be first order with respect to ascorbic acid concentration. The reduction capacity of the yeast is also investigated and it was found that in acid solution the yeast will reduce Cr(VI) but in neutral or basic solution the reduction capacity is diminished. Conclusions regarding the objectives of the project are drawn and suggestions for further work are given.


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Bathsheba's actions in 2 Sam. 11.2-4 identify crucial aspects of her character. Past commentators interpret these words in connection with menstrual purification, stressing the certain paternity of David's adulterine child. This article demonstrates that the participles rōheset and mitqaddesšet and the noun mittum'ātāh do not denote menstrual cleansing. Bathsheba's washing is an innocent bath. She is the only individual human to self-sanctify, placing her in the company of the Israelite deity. The syntax of the verse necessitates that her action of self-sanctifying occurs simultaneously as David lies with her. The three focal terms highlight the important legitimacy of Bathsheba before the Israelite deity, her identity as a non-Israelite, her role as queen mother of the Solomonic line, and her full participation in the narrative.


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Molecular cloning of components of protective antigenic preparations have suggested that related parasite fatty acid binding proteins could form the basis of the well documented protective, immune cross reactivity between the parasitic trematode worms Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma mansoni. We have now confirmed the cross protective potential of parasite fatty acid binding proteins and suggest that it may be possible to produce a single vaccine that would be effective against at least two parasites, F. hepatica and S. mansoni of veterinary and human importance respectively.


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Repàs de la relació entre el republicanisme i el carlisme a través de la mirada de Valentí Almirall i de Pere Coromines


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This article discusses the construction of tri-sector partnerships in three projects conducted in Brazil in different fields of intervention of public policy (access to water, basic education and performance of boards of rights of children and adolescents). Collaborative articulations involving the players from three sectors (the State, civil society and the market) are practices that are little studied in the Brazilian and even in the international context, as tri-sector partnerships are rare, despite the proliferation of lines of discourse in support of alliances between governments and civil society or between companies and NGOs in the management of public policy. As a research strategy, this study resorted to cooperative inquiry, a method that involves breaking down the boundaries between the subjects and the objects of the analysis. Besides working toward a better understanding of the challenges of building tri-sector partnerships in the Brazilian context, the article also tries to show the relevance to public policy studies of investigative methods based on the subjects studied, as a means of developing an understanding of the practices, lines of discourse and dilemmas linked to social action in social programs.


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A comparative systematic study of the CrO2F2 compound has been performed using different conventional ab initio methodologies and density functional procedures. Two points have been analyzed: first, the accuracy of results yielded by each method under study, and second, the computational cost required to reach such results. Weighing up both aspects, density functional theory has been found to be more appropriate than the Hartree-Fock (HF) and the analyzed post-HF methods. Hence, the structural characterization and spectroscopic elucidation of the full CrO2X2 series (X=F,Cl,Br,I) has been done at this level of theory. Emphasis has been given to the unknown CrO2I2 species, and specially to the UV/visible spectra of all four compounds. Furthermore, a topological analysis in terms of charge density distributions has revealed why the valence shell electron pair repulsion model fails in predicting the molecular shape of such CrO2X2 complexes


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La caractérisation de l'exposition à des bioaérosols dans différents secteurs de travail a, durant de nombreuses années, été documentée principalement pour les icroorganismes cultivables tels que les bactéries et les champignons. Puis, le développement des méthodes moléculaires d'analyse de l'ADN par amplification de séquences spécifiques ou universelles par PCR(1) a permis une caractérisation beaucoup plus réaliste des expositions en tenant compte, non seulement des bactéries et champignons cultivables, mais aussi des non-cultivables qui représentent l'immense majorité des icroorganismes totaux présents dans l'air. Ainsi, depuis une dizaine d'années, nos connaissances sur les communautés bactériennes et fongiques aéroportées se sont élargies (1). Aujourd'hui, une nouvelle avancée est faite, grâce à la métagénomique(2) qui permet d'identifier (après ou non amplification de l'ADN total) une grande part des séquences d'ADN présentes dans un environnement (2). L'utilisation de la PCR(1) et/ou de la métagénomique(2), dans le domaine de la santé au travail, s'est jusqu'à présent limitée à la caractérisation de l'exposition aux bactéries et champignons laissant de côté les virus. Cependant, il s'avère que beaucoup de virus pathogènes se transmettent par voie aérienne et qu'un grand nombre de travailleurs manipulent des matières pouvant être contaminées. C'est le cas des employés des abattoirs, potentiellement exposés à des virus zoonotiques(3) et des employés d'usines de tri des déchets ménagers solides. Cette note décrit deux études qui ont évalué, pour la première fois dans ces secteurs de travail, l'exposition professionnelle à des particules virales, la première en utilisant la métagénomique(2) et la seconde en utilisant les méthodes PCR(1) classique.


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Les traduccions al català de la segona meitat del segle XV se situen en un punt en què conflueixen les influències de traducció medievals, ad verbum o ad sensum, amb les noves influències humanístiques que, inspirant-se en els clàssics romans, postulen ja la traducció no només de les paraules i del sentit del text original sinó també la del seu estil. Les quatre traduccions d’aquest estudi mostren les influències modernes o humanístiques que poc a poc s’introdueixen des d’Itàlia en les traduccions catalanes del quatrecents, i els contactes d’aquests traductors amb els nous corrents de pensament.


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