843 resultados para tomografia variazione totale norma L1 minimo alternato
A projeção de incisivos e expansão dos arcos dentários são uma alternativa valiosa à extração dentária, especialmente quando se considera a estética facial em pacientes adultos. O efeito da projeção ortodôntica dos incisivos inferiores sobre o periodonto é controverso devido às avaliações em exames bidimensionais e os aspectos multi-fatoriais que envolvem as recessões gengivais. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as modificações na altura da borda alveolar dos dentes ântero-inferiores de pacientes, que foram submetidos à projeção ortodôntica, com pacientes tratados sem projeção; e correlacionar estas modificações com o grau de inclinação dentária, com as alterações da distância bicanina e com o biotipo gengival. Pacientes adultos com mais de 3 mm de falta de espaço no arco inferior e curva de Spee moderada ou acentuada compuseram o grupo experimental (n=15). O grupo controle (n=7) consistiu de pacientes com bons arcos inferiores, que não necessitavam de grandes movimentos dentários. Estes pacientes foram submetidos a alinhamento e nivelamento dentário até o fio de aço .020". Tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico (TCFC) foram obtidas antes do tratamento e ao final da fase de alinhamento e nivelamento. As alturas das bordas alveolares (BA) de incisivos e caninos inferiores foram medidas nas TCFC em reconstruções 3D e comparadas entre os grupos e entre os tempos pelos testes-t de Student não pareado e pareado, respectivamente. As BA foram correlacionadas com o grau de inclinação dentária (IMPA), com a distância intercaninos (DIC) e com o biotipo gengival (BG) pelo teste de correlação de Pearson. Os resultados demonstraram que os caninos inferiores do grupo experimental apresentaram perda óssea significativa (p<0,005), quando comparados com o grupo controle, em média 2,5 mm. As BA dos dentes 43, 33 e 32 ao final do alinhamento e nivelamento eram significativamente maiores do que ao início do tratamento no grupo experimental (p<0,001). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as medidas iniciais e finais das BA de todos os dentes do grupo controle. Apesar destes resultados, não foram encontradas correlações entre a remodelação da BA e o IMPA, a DIC e o BG. Pode-se concluir que o aumento no comprimento do arco inferior com arcos ortodônticos contínuos aumenta a inclinação dos incisivos inferiores e a DIC. O aumento da DIC parece exercer maior efeito sobre a BA dos caninos inferiores do que a inclinação de incisivos sobre a BA dos incisivos inferiores. No entanto, as modificações da BA não estão associadas ao grau de inclinação dos incisivos, a quantidade de expansão do arco inferior e ao biotipo gengival.
A acromegalia é uma doença multissistêmica decorrente da hipersecreção do hormônio do crescimento (GH) e do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo I (IGF-I), o que resulta no crescimento somático exagerado e alterações nas proporções corporais, estando associada à considerável aumento da morbidade e mortalidade. Estima-se ainda que os problemas respiratórios contribuam com 25% de todas as mortes encontradas neste grupo de pacientes. Diferenças metodológicas entre os diversos estudos levaram ao surgimento de dados inconsistentes sobre o papel do crescimento alveolar no desenvolvimento do aumento do volume pulmonar em acromegálicos, o que reforça a importância de novos trabalhos e outras abordagens sobre o tema. Ao mesmo tempo, com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, os métodos de imagem propostos em alguns estudos foram substituídos por outros mais sensíveis como a tomografia computadorizada (TC) multislice (Q-MDCT) que garante adequada mensuração do volume pulmonar, o que proporciona diferentes tipos de comparação e análise e, ainda, permite o estudo anatômico do tórax e vias pulmonares. Nossos objetivos foram identificar os principais achados da tomografia computadorizada (TC) em pacientes acromegálicos, determinar por meio da TC de tórax o volume pulmonar e comparar os achados da densitometria pulmonar com os da função pulmonar entre pacientes acromegálicos com doença ativa e doença controlada e, secundariamente, correlacionar estes achados. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 29 portadores de acromegalia que tiveram diagnóstico da acromegalia suspeitado por características clínicas e confirmado por níveis elevados de GH não suprimido ou com níveis de IGF-I acima do limite normal. Posteriormente, os pacientes foram subdivididos nos grupos doença ativa(11 indivíduos) e doença controlada(18 indivíduos), segundo os níveis séricos de IGF-I. Houve ainda um grupo controle (17 indivíduos) em que os pacientes, após já terem realizado TC de tórax por alguma razão, foram convidados à realizar os testes de função pulmonar. A Q-MDCT e os testes de função pulmonar apresentaram excelente correlação: o volume total do pulmão (VTP) medido na TC inspiratória apresentou correlação significante com a capacidade pulmonar total (rs=0,742, p=0,0001), enquanto VTP medido na TC expiratória apresentou correlação significante com a capacidade residual funcional (rs=0,606, p=0,0005). Os pacientes acromegálicos com doença ativa apresentaram pulmões mais pesados em relação aos controles [885 (723994) vs. 696 (599769) g, p=0.017]. Os pacientes com acromegalia ativa também apresentaram maiores quantidades de compartimentos pobremente aerados em relação aos outros dois grupos, sendo esta diferença observada em %VTP [3,25 (2,553,46) vs. 2,24 (1,702,56) vs. 1,70 (1,452,15), p = 0,001] e g [82,6 (75,4 100,2) vs. 63,9 (49,180,3) vs. 54,2 (42,259,2), p = 0,0001]. O compartimento pobremente aerado medido na TC inspiratória apresentou correlação significante com os níveis de GH e IGF (rs=0,407, p=0,029; rs=0,467, p=0,011, respectivamente). Em conclusão, a Q-MDCT mostra que os pacientes acromegálicos com doença ativa apresentam pulmões mais pesados e maiores quantidades de compartimentos não aerados e pobremente aerados. Há relações entre os achados da densitovolumetria pulmonar e os parâmetros dos testes de função pulmonar na acromegalia.
The use of L1 regularisation for sparse learning has generated immense research interest, with successful application in such diverse areas as signal acquisition, image coding, genomics and collaborative filtering. While existing work highlights the many advantages of L1 methods, in this paper we find that L1 regularisation often dramatically underperforms in terms of predictive performance when compared with other methods for inferring sparsity. We focus on unsupervised latent variable models, and develop L1 minimising factor models, Bayesian variants of "L1", and Bayesian models with a stronger L0-like sparsity induced through spike-and-slab distributions. These spike-and-slab Bayesian factor models encourage sparsity while accounting for uncertainty in a principled manner and avoiding unnecessary shrinkage of non-zero values. We demonstrate on a number of data sets that in practice spike-and-slab Bayesian methods outperform L1 minimisation, even on a computational budget. We thus highlight the need to re-assess the wide use of L1 methods in sparsity-reliant applications, particularly when we care about generalising to previously unseen data, and provide an alternative that, over many varying conditions, provides improved generalisation performance.
This paper presents a wide tuning range CMOS frequency synthesizer for dual-band GPS receiver, which has been fabricated in a standard 0.18-um RF CMOS process. With a high Q on-chip inductor, the wide-band VCO shows a tuning range from 2 to 3.6GHz to cover 2.45GHz and 3.14GHz in case of process corner or temperature variation, with a current consumption varying accordingly from 0.8mA to 0.4mA, from a 1.8V supply voltage. The measurement results show that the whole frequency synthesizer costs a very low power consumption of 5.6mW working at L I band with in-band phase noise less than -82dBc/Hz and out-of-band phase noise about -112 dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset from a 3.142GHz carrier.
Tensor analysis plays an important role in modern image and vision computing problems. Most of the existing tensor analysis approaches are based on the Frobenius norm, which makes them sensitive to outliers. In this paper, we propose L1-norm-based tensor analysis (TPCA-L1), which is robust to outliers. Experimental results upon face and other datasets demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach.
In this paper, we first present a simple but effective L1-norm-based two-dimensional principal component analysis (2DPCA). Traditional L2-norm-based least squares criterion is sensitive to outliers, while the newly proposed L1-norm 2DPCA is robust. Experimental results demonstrate its advantages.
Processamento; Preparo; Sanitizacao; Embalagem; Refrigeracao; Transporte; Comercializacao.
Animals must coordinate development with fluctuating nutrient availability. Nutrient availability governs post-embryonic development in Caenorhabditis elegans: larvae that hatch in the absence of food do not initiate post-embryonic development but enter "L1 arrest" (or "L1 diapause") and can survive starvation for weeks, while rapidly resume normal development once get fed. Insulin-like signaling (IIS) has been shown to be a key regulator of L1 arrest and recovery. However, the C. elegans genome encodes 40 insulin-like peptides (ILPs), and it is unknown which peptides participate in nutritional control of L1 arrest and recovery. Work in other contexts has identified putative receptor agonists and antagonists, but the extent of specificity versus redundancy is unclear beyond this distinction.
We measured mRNA expression dynamics with high temporal resolution for all 40 insulin-like genes during entry into and recovery from L1 arrest. Nutrient availability influences expression of the majority of insulin-like genes, with variable dynamics suggesting complex regulation. We identified 13 candidate agonists and 8 candidate antagonists based on expression in response to nutrient availability. We selected ten candidate agonists (daf-28, ins-3, ins-4, ins-5, ins-6, ins-7, ins-9, ins-26, ins-33 and ins-35) for further characterization in L1 stage larvae. We used destabilized reporter genes to determine spatial expression patterns. Expression of candidate agonists was largely overlapping in L1 stage larvae, suggesting a role of the intestine, chemosensory neurons ASI and ASJ, and the interneuron PVT in systemic control of L1 development. Transcriptional regulation of candidate agonists was most significant in the intestine, as if nutrient uptake was a more important influence on transcription than sensory perception. Scanning in the 5' upstream promoter region of these 40 ILPs, We found that transcription factor PQM-1 and GATA putative binding sites are depleted in the promoter region of antagonists. A novel motif was also found to be over-represented in ILPs.
Phenotypic analysis of single and compound deletion mutants did not reveal effects on L1 recovery/developmental dynamics, though simultaneous disruption of ins-4 and daf-28 extended survival of L1 arrest without enhancing thermal tolerance, while overexpression of ins-4, ins-6 or daf-28 shortened L1 survival. Simultaneous disruption of several ILPs showed a temperature independent, transient dauer phenotype. These results revealed the relative redundancy and specificity among agonistic ILPs.
TGF- β and steroid hormone (SH) signaling have been reported to control the dauer formation along with IIS. Our preliminary results suggest they may also mediate the IIS control of L1 arrest and recovery, as the expression of several key components of TGF-β and SH signaling pathway genes are negatively regulated by DAF-16, and loss-of-function of these genes partially represses daf-16 null phenotype in L1 arrest, and causes a retardation in L1 development.
In summary, my dissertation study focused on the IIS, characterized the dynamics and sites of ILPs expression in response to nutrient availability, revealed the function of specific agonistic ILPs in L1 arrest, and suggested potential cross-regulation among IIS, TGF-β signaling and SH signaling in controlling L1 arrest and recovery. These findings provide insights into how post-embryonic development is governed by insulin-like signaling and nutrient availability.
© 2014 The Authors.Caenorhabditis elegans larvae reversibly arrest development in the first larval stage in response to starvation (L1 arrest or L1 diapause). Insulin-like signaling is a critical regulator of L1 arrest. However, the C. elegans genome encodes 40 insulin-like peptides, and it is unknown which peptides participate in nutritional control of L1 development. Work in other contexts has revealed that insulin-like genes can promote development ("agonists") or developmental arrest ("antagonists"), suggesting that such agonists promote L1 development in response to feeding. We measured mRNA expression dynamics with high temporal resolution for all 40 insulin-like genes during entry into and recovery from L1 arrest. Nutrient availability influences expression of the majority of insulin-like genes, with variable dynamics suggesting complex regulation. We identified thirteen candidate agonists and eight candidate antagonists based on expression in response to nutrient availability. We selected ten candidate agonists (. daf-28, ins-3, ins-4, ins-5, ins-6, ins-7, ins-9, ins-26, ins-33 and ins-35) for further characterization in L1 stage larvae. We used destabilized reporter genes to determine spatial expression patterns. Expression of candidate agonists is largely overlapping in L1 stage larvae, suggesting a role of the intestine, chemosensory neurons ASI and ASJ, and the interneuron PVT in control of L1 development. Transcriptional regulation of candidate agonists is most significant in the intestine, as if internal nutrient status is a more important influence on transcription than sensory perception. Phenotypic analysis of single and compound deletion mutants did not reveal effects on L1 developmental dynamics, though simultaneous disruption of ins-4 and daf-28 increases survival of L1 arrest. Furthermore, overexpression of ins-4, ins-6 or daf-28 alone decreases survival and promotes cell division during starvation. These results suggest extensive functional overlap among insulin-like genes in nutritional control of L1 development while highlighting the role of ins-4, daf-28 and to a lesser extent ins-6.
It is widely appreciated that larvae of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans arrest development by forming dauer larvae in response to multiple unfavorable environmental conditions. C. elegans larvae can also reversibly arrest development earlier, during the first larval stage (L1), in response to starvation. "L1 arrest" (also known as "L1 diapause") occurs without morphological modification but is accompanied by increased stress resistance. Caloric restriction and periodic fasting can extend adult lifespan, and developmental models are critical to understanding how the animal is buffered from fluctuations in nutrient availability, impacting lifespan. L1 arrest provides an opportunity to study nutritional control of development. Given its relevance to aging, diabetes, obesity and cancer, interest in L1 arrest is increasing, and signaling pathways and gene regulatory mechanisms controlling arrest and recovery have been characterized. Insulin-like signaling is a critical regulator, and it is modified by and acts through microRNAs. DAF-18/PTEN, AMP-activated kinase and fatty acid biosynthesis are also involved. The nervous system, epidermis, and intestine contribute systemically to regulation of arrest, but cell-autonomous signaling likely contributes to regulation in the germline. A relatively small number of genes affecting starvation survival during L1 arrest are known, and many of them also affect adult lifespan, reflecting a common genetic basis ripe for exploration. mRNA expression is well characterized during arrest, recovery, and normal L1 development, providing a metazoan model for nutritional control of gene expression. In particular, post-recruitment regulation of RNA polymerase II is under nutritional control, potentially contributing to a rapid and coordinated response to feeding. The phenomenology of L1 arrest will be reviewed, as well as regulation of developmental arrest and starvation survival by various signaling pathways and gene regulatory mechanisms.
The secretion and activation of the major cathepsin L1 cysteine protease involved in the virulence of the helminth pathogen Fasciola hepatica was investigated. Only the fully processed and active mature enzyme can be detected in medium in which adult F. hepatica are cultured. However, immunocytochemical studies revealed that the inactive procathepsin L1 is packaged in secretory vesicles of epithelial cells that line the parasite gut. These observations suggest that processing and activation of procathepsin L1 occurs following secretion from these cells into the acidic gut lumen. Expression of the 37-kDa procathepsin L1 in Pichia pastoris showed that an intermolecular processing event within a conserved GXNXFXD motif in the propeptide generates an active 30-kDa intermediate form. Further activation of the enzyme was initiated by decreasing the pH to 5.0 and involved the progressive processing of the 37 and 30-kDa forms to other intermediates and finally to a fully mature 24.5 kDa cathepsin L with an additional 1 or 2 amino acids. An active site mutant procathepsin L, constructed by replacing the Cys26 with Gly26, failed to autoprocess. However, [Gly26]procathepsin L was processed by exogenous wild-type cathepsin L to a mature enzyme plus 10 amino acids attached to the N terminus. This exogenous processing occurred without the formation of a 30-kDa intermediate form. The results indicate that activation of procathepsin L1 by removal of the propeptide can occur by different pathways, and that this takes place within the parasite gut where the protease functions in food digestion and from where it is liberated as an active enzyme for additional extracorporeal roles.
The ability of tumour cells to avoid immune destruction (immune escape) and their acquired resistance to anti-cancer drugs constitute important barriers to the successful management of cancer. The interaction between specific molecules on the surface of tumour cells with their corresponding receptors on immune effector cells can result in inhibition of these effector cells, consequently allowing tumour cells to evade the host’s anti-tumour immune response. The interaction of the Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1) on the surface of tumour cells with the Programmed Death-1 (PD-1) receptor on cytotoxic T lymphocytes leads to inactivation of these immune effectors, and is a specific example of an immune escape mechanism tumour cells use to avoid immune destruction. Clinically, antibodies capable of blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction have demonstrated significant therapeutic benefit, and are currently being used to help bolster patients’ immune response against malignant cells in a variety of cancer types. Here we show that the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction also leads to tumour cell resistance to conventional chemotherapeutic agents. Incubation of PD-L1-expressing human and mouse tumour cells with PD-1-expressing Jurkat T cells or purified recombinant PD-1 resulted in tumour cell resistance to doxorubicin and docetaxel. Interference with the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction using blocking anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 antibody or shRNA-mediated gene silencing resulted in attenuation of PD-1/PD-L1-mediated drug resistance. Moreover, inhibition of the PD-1/PD-L1 signalling axis using anti-PD-1 antibody enhanced the effect of doxorubicin chemotherapy to inhibit 4T1 tumour cell metastasis in an in vivo mouse model of mammary carcinoma. These findings indicate that blockade of the PD-1/PD-L1 axis may be a useful approach to immunosensitize and chemosensitize tumours in cancer patients and provide a rationale for the use of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies as adjuvants to chemotherapy.