972 resultados para recent advances


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The enteroinsular axis (EIA) constitutes a physiological signalling system whereby intestinal endocrine cells secrete incretin hormones following feeding that potentiate insulin secretion and contribute to the regulation of blood glucose homeostasis. The two key hormones responsible are named glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). Recent years have witnessed sustained development of antidiabetic therapies that exploit the EIA. Current clinical compounds divide neatly into two classes. One concerns analogues or mimetics of GLP-1, such as exenatide (Byetta) or liraglutide (NN2211). The other group comprises the gliptins (e. g. sitagliptin and vildagliptin) which boost endogenous incretin activity by inhibiting the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP 4) that degrades both GLP-1 and GIP. Ongoing research indicates that further incretin and gliptin compounds will become available for clinical use in the near future, offering comparable or improved efficacy. For incretin analogues there is the prospect of prolonged duration of action and alternative routes of administration. This review focuses on recent advances in pre-clinical research and their translation into clinical studies to provide future therapies for type 2 diabetes targeting the EIA.


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While the incorporation of mathematical and engineering methods has greatly advanced in other areas of the life sciences, they have been under-utilized in the field of animal welfare. Exceptions are beginning to emerge and share a common motivation to quantify 'hidden' aspects in the structure of the behaviour of an individual, or group of animals. Such analyses have the potential to quantify behavioural markers of pain and stress and quantify abnormal behaviour objectively. This review seeks to explore the scope of such analytical methods as behavioural indicators of welfare. We outline four classes of analyses that can be used to quantify aspects of behavioural organization. The underlying principles, possible applications and limitations are described for: fractal analysis, temporal methods, social network analysis, and agent-based modelling and simulation. We hope to encourage further application of analyses of behavioural organization by highlighting potential applications in the assessment of animal welfare, and increasing awareness of the scope for the development of new mathematical methods in this area.


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Abstract Sperm DNA damage is a useful biomarker for male infertility diagnosis and prediction of assisted reproduction outcomes.
It is associated with reduced fertilization rates, embryo quality and pregnancy rates, and higher rates of spontaneous miscarriage
and childhood diseases. This review provides a synopsis of the most recent studies from each of the authors, all of whom have major
track records in the field of sperm DNA damage in the clinical setting. It explores current laboratory tests and the accumulating body
of knowledge concerning the relationship between sperm DNA damage and clinical outcomes. The paper proceeds to discuss the
strengths, weaknesses and clinical applicability of current sperm DNA tests. Next, the biological significance of DNA damage in
the male germ line is considered. Finally, as sperm DNA damage is often the result of oxidative stress in the male reproductive tract,
the potential contribution of antioxidant therapy in the clinical management of this condition is discussed. DNA damage in human spermatozoa is an important attribute of semen quality. It should be part of the clinical work up and properly controlled trials
addressing the effectiveness of antioxidant therapy should be undertaken as a matter of urgency.


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Thermoregulation is the maintenance of a relatively constant core body temperature. Humans normally maintain a body temperature at 37°C, and maintenance of this relatively high temperature is critical to human survival. This concept is so important that control of thermoregulation is often the principal example cited when teaching physiological homeostasis. A basic understanding of the processes underpinning temperature regulation is necessary for all undergraduate students studying biology and biology-related disciplines, and a thorough understanding is necessary for those students in clinical training. Our aim in this review is to broadly present the thermoregulatory process taking into account current advances in this area. First, we summarize the basic concepts of thermoregulation and subsequently assess the physiological responses to heat and cold stress, including vasodilation and vasoconstriction, sweating, nonshivering thermogenesis, piloerection, shivering, and altered behavior. Current research is presented concerning the body's detection of thermal challenge, peripheral and central thermoregulatory control mechanisms, including brown adipose tissue in adult humans and temperature transduction by the relatively recently discovered transient receptor potential channels. Finally, we present an updated understanding of the neuroanatomic circuitry supporting thermoregulation.


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The recent developments in neurobiology have rendered new prominence and potential to study about the structure and function of brain and related disorders. Human behaviour is the net result of neural control of the communication between brain cells. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that are used to relay, amplify and modulate electrical signals between neurons and/or another cell. It mediates rapid intercellular communication through the nervous system by interacting with cell surface receptors. These receptors often trigger second messenger signaling pathways that regulate the activity of ion channels. The functional balance of different neurotransmitters such as Acetylcholine (Ach), Dopamine (DA), Serotonin (5-HT), Norepinephrine (NE), Epinephrine (EPI), Glutamate and Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) regulates the growth, division and other vital functions of a normal cell / organism (Sudha, 1998). Any change in neurotransmitters' functional balance will result in the failure of cell function and may lead to the occurrence of diseases. Abnormalities in the production or functioning of neurotransmitters have been implicated in a number of neurological disorders like Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Epilepsy, Depression and Parkinson's disease. Changes in central and peripheral neuronal signaling system is also noted in diabetes, cancer, cell proliferation, alcoholism and aging. Elucidation of neurotransmitters receptor interaction pathways and gene expression regulation by second messengers and transcriptional factors in health and disease conditions can lead to new small molecules for development of therapeutic agents to improve neurological disease conditions. Increased awareness of the global effects of neurological disorders should help health care planners and the neurological community set appropriate priorities in research, prevention, and management of these diseases.


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This review article addresses recent advances in the analysis of foods and food components by capillary electrophoresis (CE). CE has found application to a number of important areas of food analysis, including quantitative chemical analysis of food additives, biochemical analysis of protein composition, and others. The speed, resolution and simplicity of CE, combined with low operating costs, make the technique an attractive option for the development of improved methods of food analysis for the new millennium.


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The horticultural industry was instrumental in the early development and exploitation of genetic techniques over a century ago. This review will describe recent advances in a range of in vitro methods and their application to plant breeding, with especial emphasis on horticultural crops. These methods include improvements in the efficiency of haploid breeding techniques in many fruit and vegetable species using either microspore-derived or ovule-derived plants. Significant molecular information is now available to supplement these essentially empirical approaches and this may enable the more predictable application of these technologies in previously intransigent crops. Similarly there are now improved techniques for isolation of somatic hybrids, by application of either in vitro fertilisation or the culture of excised ovules from interspecific crosses. In addition to examples taken from the traditional scientific literature, emphasis will also be given to the use of patent databases as a valuable source of information on recent novel technologies developed in the commercial world.