984 resultados para ratios financieros


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Numerical simulations were conducted to study thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges of molten tin with Prandtl number Pr = 0.009, under ramped temperature difference. The spatio-temporal structures in the thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges with aspect ratios As = 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 were investigated. The first critical Marangoni numbers were compared with those predicted by linear stability analyses (LSA). The second critical Marangoni numbers for As = 0.6 and 0.8 were found to be larger than that for As = 1.0. The time evolutions of the thermocapillary flows exhibited unusual features such as a change in the azimuthal wave number during the three-dimensional stationary (non-oscillating) flow regime, a change in the oscillation mode during the three-dimensional oscillatory flow regime, and the decreasing and then increasing of amplitudes in a single oscillation mode. The effects of the ramping rate of the temperature difference on the flow modes and critical conditions were studied as well. In this paper, the experimental observability of the critical conditions was also discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: La función social de la empresa constituye un paradigma que supera ampliamente la rendición de cuentas que en cada ejercicio efectúa en el marco de la Contabilidad financiera. En el presente artículo se sintetizan diversos estudios basados en la metodología sistémica multimodal, necesaria para abordar situaciones complejas y plurales como lo es la inserción laboral de jóvenes profesionales con discapacidad, como así también el desarrollo de nuevos indicadores no financieros, referidos al tema objeto de estudio, a exponer en los Balances Sociales en el marco de la dimensión social de la Responsabilidad Social Empresaria.Nos proponemos analizar los comportamientos éticos y socialmente responsables de las empresas hacia grupos vulnerables, específicamente aquellos que tienen capacidades diferentes, en el marco de la responsabilidad social empresaria. Las personas con capacidades diferentes requieren, de la sociedad, una actitud solidaria e inclusiva de modo de poder lograr el máximo desarrollo posible de sus potencialidades.


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Este artículo tiene su origen en la experiencia obtenida con la participación durante varias ediciones en el curso "De la idea al plan empresarial" organizado conjuntamente por el Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación Bic Berrilan y la Universidad del País Vasco. Este curso tiene como objetivo dotar al alumno de criterios para valorar su idea empresarial, de conocimientos para desarrollarla y de asistencia técnica para hacerla realidad.


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A research was conducted in thirty approximately 100 sq.m earthern ponds of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Centre (BAC), College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines, Leganes Iloilo from November 7, 1982 to March 7, 1983 to evaluate the effects of nine supplemental feeds containing different protein: energy ratios on the growth and survival of Tilapia nilotica in brackishwater ponds. Nine supplemental feeds formulated were with protein levels of 20%, 25%, and 30% each at three energy levels of 3,000 kcals; 3,500 kcals; and 4,000 kcals. There was a control treatment with no feeding so that mean weight gain growth rate, feed conversion rate, and survival were determined. Fish fingerlings were acclimated from 0-29 ppt. salinity before the experiment and 20% of fish in each treatment were sampled after every 30 days. Growth rates were significantly different and increased with increasing energy level at the 30% protein feeds but decreased at high energy levels in the 20% and 25% protein feeds. Feed conversion was significantly different due to interaction between protein and energy levels in the feeds, and was better at the 30:3,500 kcals feeds having a feed conversion of 1.55 g. Survival was not significantly different


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Five experimental gillnet each measuring 50mx 3m nylon multi filament netting of 3" by210/2 mesh size were constructed using 40%, 45%, 50%, 55% and 60% hanging percentages, the report was carried out at Yunawa fishing village on the eastern bank of Lake Kainji. The nets were set over night (6 hours approximately). Between April-July 2004, the fish caught by the five nets were recorded taking into consideration the three mode of capture i.e. enmeshing entanglement and wedging Weight number and percentage mean weight and number based on species at five different hanging ratios were analyzed in general 50% hanging ratio was found to be the best followed by 40% among others. There was significant difference (P<0.05) in the mode of capture for both hanging ratios. Most of the fish were caught by entanglement i.e. about 83% of the catch was by entanglement while 505 hanging ratio was the best considered after the report. The occurrence of species of the five hanging ratios has significant difference (P<0.05) in terms of catch by weight and number


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The σD values of nitrated cellulose from a variety of trees covering a wide geographic range have been measured. These measurements have been used to ascertain which factors are likely to cause σD variations in cellulose C-H hydrogen.

It is found that a primary source of tree σD variation is the σD variation of the environmental precipitation. Superimposed on this are isotopic variations caused by the transpiration of the leaf water incorporated by the tree. The magnitude of this transpiration effect appears to be related to relative humidity.

Within a single tree, it is found that the hydrogen isotope variations which occur for a ring sequence in one radial direction may not be exactly the same as those which occur in a different direction. Such heterogeneities appear most likely to occur in trees with asymmetric ring patterns that contain reaction wood. In the absence of reaction wood such heterogeneities do not seem to occur. Thus, hydrogen isotope analyses of tree ring sequences should be performed on trees which do not contain reaction wood.

Comparisons of tree σD variations with variations in local climate are performed on two levels: spatial and temporal. It is found that the σD values of 20 North American trees from a wide geographic range are reasonably well-correlated with the corresponding average annual temperature. The correlation is similar to that observed for a comparison of the σD values of annual precipitation of 11 North American sites with annual temperature. However, it appears that this correlation is significantly disrupted by trees which grew on poorly drained sites such as those in stagnant marshes. Therefore, site selection may be important in choosing trees for climatic interpretation of σD values, although proper sites do not seem to be uncommon.

The measurement of σD values in 5-year samples from the tree ring sequences of 13 trees from 11 North American sites reveals a variety of relationships with local climate. As it was for the spatial σD vs climate comparison, site selection is also apparently important for temporal tree σD vs climate comparisons. Again, it seems that poorly-drained sites are to be avoided. For nine trees from different "well-behaved" sites, it was found that the local climatic variable best related to the σD variations was not the same for all sites.

Two of these trees showed a strong negative correlation with the amount of local summer precipitation. Consideration of factors likely to influence the isotopic composition of summer rain suggests that rainfall intensity may be important. The higher the intensity, the lower the σD value. Such an effect might explain the negative correlation of σD vs summer precipitation amount for these two trees. A third tree also exhibited a strong correlation with summer climate, but in this instance it was a positive correlation of σD with summer temperature.

The remaining six trees exhibited the best correlation between σD values and local annual climate. However, in none of these six cases was it annual temperature that was the most important variable. In fact annual temperature commonly showed no relationship at all with tree σD values. Instead, it was found that a simple mass balance model incorporating two basic assumptions yielded parameters which produced the best relationships with tree σD values. First, it was assumed that the σD values of these six trees reflected the σD values of annual precipitation incorporated by these trees. Second, it was assumed that the σD value of the annual precipitation was a weighted average of two seasonal isotopic components: summer and winter. Mass balance equations derived from these assumptions yielded combinations of variables that commonly showed a relationship with tree σD values where none had previously been discerned.

It was found for these "well-behaved" trees that not all sample intervals in a σD vs local climate plot fell along a well-defined trend. These departures from the local σD VS climate norm were defined as "anomalous". Some of these anomalous intervals were common to trees from different locales. When such widespread commonalty of an anomalous interval occurred, it was observed that the interval corresponded to an interval in which drought had existed in the North American Great Plains.

Consequently, there appears to be a combination of both local and large scale climatic information in the σD variations of tree cellulose C-H hydrogen.


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The O18/O16 ratios of coexisting minerals from a number of regionally metamorphosed rocks have been measured, using a bromine pentafluoride extraction-technique. Listed in order of their increasing tendency to concentrate O18, the minerals analyzed are magnetite, ilmenite, chlorite, biotite, garnet, hornblende, kyanite, muscovite, feldspar, and quartz. The only anomalous sequence detected occurs in a xenolith of schist, in which quartz, muscovite, biotite, and ilmenite, but not garnet, have undergone isotopic exchange with surrounding trondjemite.

With few exceptions, quartz-magnetite and quartz-ilmenite fractionations decrease with increasing metamorphic grade determined by mineral paragenesis and spatial distribution. This consistency does not apply to quartz-magnetite and quartz-ilmenite fractionations obtained from rocks in which petrographic evidence of retrogradation is present.

Whereas measured isotopic fractionations among quartz, garnet, ilmenite, and magnetite are approximately related to metamorphic grade, fractionations between these minerals and biotite or muscovite show poor correlation with grade. Variations in muscovite-biotite fractionations are relatively small. These observations are interpreted to mean that muscovite and biotite are affected by retrograde re-equilibration to a greater extent than the anhydrous minerals analyzed.

Measured quartz-ilmenite fractionations range from 12 permil in the biotite zone of central Vermont to 6.5 permil in the sillimanite-orthoclase zone of southeastern Connecticut. Analyses of natural assemblages from the kyanite and sillimanite zones suggest that equilibrium quartz-ilmenite fractionations are approximately 8 percent smaller than corresponding quartz-magnetite fractionations. Employing the quartz-magnetite geothermometer calibrated by O'Neil and Clayton (1964), a temperature of 560°C was obtained for kyanite-bearing schists from Addison County, Vermont. Extending the calibration to quartz-ilmenite fractionations, a temperature of 600°C was obtained for kyanite-schists from Shoshone County, Idaho. At these temperatures kyanite is stable only at pressures exceeding 11 kbars (Bell, 1963), corresponding to lithostatic loads of over 40 km.


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Explicación de conceptos claves relacionados con los mercados financieros desde una perspectiva simple y dirigida a personas sin grandes conocimientos de la materia.


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Sin tener conocimiento alguno de cual sería nuestro futuro en un mercado tan castigado por la crisis, comenzamos la carrera universitaria y lo hicimos apostando porque la situación mejoraría con el paso del tiempo y aspirando a poder mejorarla nosotros mismos. A día de hoy, siguen produciéndose consecuencias en todos los ámbitos de la vida socio-económica mundial a causa de la gran crisis de 2007. Una crisis que estalló debido en gran parte a la especulación de valores y productos financieros en las bolsas más importantes del mundo. En este trabajo se manejarán conceptos básicos e importantes sobre los mercados bursátiles, con el fin de explicar el funcionamiento de éstos identificando algunas claves y mecanismos que ayudarán a la hora de invertir en los productos financieros que se ofertan en dichos mercados


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[EN]When we talk about financial markets, we usually talk about falls or rises occurring in them, the earnings of enterprises and their strategic plans... Throughout history a lot of theories and studies have been carried out on them, being the Theory of Efficiency the most one accepted nowadays. But in all of this, there is a great forgotten that is not usually taken into account and that is an important factor, if not the most, in the markets, which is none other than humans. The work is based on the confrontation, practical and theoretical, between the Theory of Efficiency on financial markets and the Theory of Behavioral Finance, with the objective of generating samples in order to see if markets are efficient or irrational. After all, decisions of buying or selling, to acquire a fund or bonds are held by humans. Therefore, in the effort to understand financial markets, understanding human psychology is something essential. Inglés


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En este trabajo se analiza el efecto de la crisis española en el ahorro de de los hogares


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(ES)Este trabajo de fin de grado, se centra en conocer y comprender la singularidad del marketing aplicado a los servicios financieros atendiendo a sus características, aplicaciones, desarrollos y funciones y objetivos. Para ello, el trabajo comenzará por un análisis teórico elaborado tras la revisión crítica de la bibliografía referenciada al final del trabajo. Continuará con un estudio empírico en el que analizaremos diferentes estrategias y acciones de marketing llevadas a cabo por dos entidades bancarias españolas de características diferentes: BBVA y EVO Banco. Por último, concluiremos el trabajo con la enumeración de las principales conclusiones extraídas de nuestra investigación y en relación a la Bibliografía y Webgrafía consultada.


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[ES] En este trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre los productos financieros, centrándose en los fondos de inversión y en los planes de pensiones.


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An empirical model relating food requirements to morphometric indices of metabolic rate was used to calculate consumption/biomass ratios (Q/B) for 16 species of fish that make the pelagic fish community in Lake Malawi/Niassa. The Q/B/year varied from 3.31 to 9.82, with the large catfish (Dinotopterus nyasensis) having the lowest and a small cyprinid (Engraulicypris sardella) having the highest Q/B ratio. Direct estimates of Q/B for four of the most abundant species, based on analysis of diel feeding patterns, ranged from 4.20 to 24.70; the extreme values in this range representing replicate studies on the same species, the predatory cichlid Rhamphochromis longiceps. Previous studies that indicated exceptionally low Q/B ratios (1.0) in pelagic cichlids from Lake Malawi are not supported by this more recent work.