1000 resultados para quantidade de massa
O tamanho da semente é uma importante característica para a ecologia das espécies vegetais, pois tem grande influência em vários aspectos de suas estratégias de vida. Incluindo assim a sobrevivência das plântulas, a síndrome de dispersão e o número de sementes que podem ser produzidos para uma determinada quantidade de energia. Apesar de muitos trabalhos, testarem o efeito da massa da semente no tamanho das plântulas, apenas alguns deles avaliam como essa relação pode variar entre distintas populações. Neste estudo, nós avaliamos a importância da massa das sementes de Euterpe edulis para a sua germinação, e posterior desenvolvimento das plântulas. Nossa primeira hipótese testada foi a que afirma a massa da semente como uma importante característica para a germinação. Já a segunda, é a de que há algum tipo de relação entre massa da semente e biomassa das plântulas, também se esta biomassa é independente do status de conservação da área. Para isto, foram estudadas três populações defaunadas, pois as aves consideradas potenciais dispersoras de longa distância desta espécie vegetal, já foram extintas como: Tucanos e Araçari. Com isso, estas populações estão submetidas a um provável baixo fluxo gênico, ao passo que outras quatro áreas são não defaunadas. Nossos dados mostram que: a massa da semente não é uma característica importante para a germinação. No entanto, há uma relação positiva entre massa da semente e biomassa da plântula. Sendo que esta biomassa depende do status da população, ou seja, se defaunada ou não defaunada. Pois este padrão encontrado, talvez se deva a fatores genéticos, os quais podem estar sendo determinados pela perda das aves dispersoras, ou seja, efeitos da defaunação na ecologia reprodutiva da espécie vegetal
Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique widely used in several areas of academic research. It allows the knowledge of the information about the micro-world of atoms leading to significant advances in science today. The analysis of stable isotopes of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur, also known as bio-elements, shows itself as a major area of interest in using the proposed method. The development of techniques and equipment coupled with mass spectrometry promises to deliver even greater progress in this field, in particular, for the biological sciences and related areas. The pyrolytic method in reduction of organic compounds at high temperatures provides simultaneous isotopic analysis of bio-elements H and O, by the gases released, H2 and CO after the pyrolitic process, significantly reducing analysis time and the amount of material to sample. This paper presents a review of mass spectrometry with its basic principles of operation, and pyrolytic method for reducing compounds at temperatures above 1400 ° C for isotopic analysis of bio-elements
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
A perspectiva de aumento da produção de álcool combustível causa preocupação a respeito da vinhaça, subproduto da destilação do etanol de cana. A vinhaça é um poluente com alto teor de orgânicos e que precisa ser tratada. Atualmente, a utilização da vinhaça in natura no solo é comum, porém, há controvérsias sobre salinização do solo e contaminação de aqüíferos subterrâneos. Dentre os processos de tratamento da vinhaça, encontram-se na literatura científica, vários trabalhos a respeito da fertirrigação e digestão anaeróbia, mas não a respeito da evaporação da vinhaça, que pode ser realizada através de evaporadores tipo falling film. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o potencial de redução da quantidade de vinhaça através da evaporação, o que não descarta a utilização da vinhaça concentrada como fertilizante. Para isto, elaborou-se o balanço de massa e energia de uma planta de evaporação de vinhaça localizada na cidade de Potirendaba – SP, confrontando os resultados obtidos com os dados obtidos na unidade. A unidade de evaporação tem capacidade de processar cerca de 100 m3 vinhaça, retornando cerca de 80 m3 elaborado através de um software comercial (SugarsTM). Os resultados obtidos pela simulação refletiram os dados coletados na planta. /h de água para o processo da usina. O balanço foi elaborado através de um software comercial (SugarsTM). Os resultados obtidos pela simulação refletiram os dados coletados na planta.
The chemical amount values vary in a discrete or continuous form, depending on the approach used to describe the system. In classical sciences, the chemical amount is a property of the macroscopic system and, like any other property of the system, it varies continuously. This is neither inconsistent with the concept of indivisible particles forming the system, nor a mere approximation, but it is a sound concept which enables the use of differential calculus, for instance, in chemical thermodynamics. It is shown that the fundamental laws of chemistry are absolutely compatible to the continuous concept of the chemical amount.
In this work the performance of a sugar cane chopped harvester was analysed when fed with two sugar cane mass flows, measuring the invisible losses, which are impossible to measure in the field, harvester sugar cane cleaning efficiency and air velocity on extractors exit. The trial was done under controlled conditions at Copersucar Technology Center in January 2000. The results showed that the flow of sugar cane through the harvester doesn't influence the magnitudes of total invisible losses and raw material cleaning efficiency. The mean air velocity on the primary extractors exit was 12.0 m s-1, and 9.2 m s-1 on the secondary extractor, with a coefficient of variation of 21%, indicating that the poor cleaning performance of the harvester could be related to air velocity difference inside the extractor. Analyzing the data collected in the trials, it was possible to conclude that invisible losses in sugar cane harvester were 10% and the cleaning efficiency was 87%.
Development of processing technology and equipments requires new methods and better quality of the processed product. In the continuous drying process, utilization of equipments that promotes an increment in the transfer coefficients becomes of the major interest. The use of vibrational energy has been recommended to the dispersed materials. Such method is based on the use of vibrational energy applied to disperse media. Thus, a literature review on the mass transfer and drying in vibro-fluidized beds was carried out, showing experimental results and mathematical modeling.
Application of mechanical vibration to aid fluidization and to improve heat, mass and momentum transfer are usual processes in agricultural industry and it has found nowadays extensive applications in particle processing of materials difficult-to-fluidized. Equations and experimental data found in literature for the aerodynamics characteristics of vibro-fluidized beds are presented and discussed, emphasizing the vibration effect in the bed.
Analysis of existing relations between Non-linear Phonology models' predictions about syllable weight (quantity) (specially, Hayes' 1995 parametric metrical Phonology) and syllable duration at phonetic level. The data considered here is extracted from Gramática do Português Falado Project.
Two kinds of roasting cocoa system: conventional batch method in electrical oven, and by microwaves, in a continuous microwave rotary applicator (2450MHz), were compared with respect to viscosity. Cocoa was roasted in whole beans and in nibs. The variable used in the microwave treatment was the power density applied to the whole beans (254,45 to 290,80 Wh/kg) and to the nibs (227,27 to 262,23 Wh/kg), with a constant holding time of 10 minutes. The variable used in the conventional roasting process was the roasting time of the beans (40 to 44 min) and the nibs (34 to 38 min), with constant temperature in the jacket of electric oven (150°C). Viscosity was measured in a Brookfield rheometer (mod RV-DVIII) at 40°C. In general, the plastic viscosity of the microwaved samples was lower than that of the conventional roasted samples. Also the nibs showed lower viscosities than the whole beans when roasted in the electric oven. The viscosity of the samples roasted in the microwave oven was lower in the whole beans than in the nibs. The product was sensorially evaluated by three experts in cocoa flavour, and it was shown that the flavour of the microwave roasted products was similar to that of the conventionally roasted products, with the advantage of a reduction in process time.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between quantitative ultrasonography at hand phalanges (QUS) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and between these methods with food intake and history of bone fractures. SUBJECTS AND METHODS:After two years of follow up of 270 schoolchildren, 10 of them, who showed bone mass below - 2 SD in QUS, were included in the present study. Laboratory results and DXA data were analyzed. RESULTS: Bone mass evaluated by DXA at L1-L4 ranged from -2.8 to -1.1 SDS, and whole body bone mass, from -2.9 to -1.2 SDS. Three children had history of non-pathological bone fractures. Dietary assessment showed low intake of calcium in 10 cases, of phosphorus in 6, and of vitamin D in 8 cases. There were no differences among the cases of bone mass below-2 SD in any of the three used methods. There was no association between history of bone fractures and food intake, and between these evaluations and bone mass. CONCLUSION: In this small group of schoolchildren there was an association between the methods QUS and DXA. However, there was no association between bone mass and the history of bone fractures, or calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D intake.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física