890 resultados para project cost engineering
The rapid growth of object-oriented development over the past twenty years has given rise to many object-oriented systems that are large, complex and hard to maintain. Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns addresses the problem of understanding and reengineering such object-oriented legacy systems. This book collects and distills successful techniques in planning a reengineering project, reverse-engineering, problem detection, migration strategies and software redesign. The material in this book is presented as a set of "reengineering patterns" --- recurring solutions that experts apply while reengineering and maintaining object-oriented systems. The principles and techniques described in this book have been observed and validated in a number of industrial projects, and reflect best practice in object-oriented reengineering.
An oral interview with Dianna Milewicz, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston and Director of the M.D./Ph.D. Program and co-Director of the Biomedical Engineering Center. Her research interests include the genetic basis of cardiovascular diseases, and understanding the effect of identified mutations on protein function. She has recently established a genetic core laboratory to provide molecular biology and genetic expertise to clinicians who want to initiate genetic studies on their patient populations.
This paper describes the first five SEALS Evaluation Campaigns over the semantic technologies covered by the SEALS project (ontology engineering tools, ontology reasoning tools, ontology matching tools, semantic search tools, and semantic web service tools). It presents the evaluations and test data used in these campaigns and the tools that participated in them along with a comparative analysis of their results. It also presents some lessons learnt after the execution of the evaluation campaigns and draws some final conclusions.
Las plantas industriales de exploración y producción de petróleo y gas disponen de numerosos sistemas de comunicación que permiten el correcto funcionamiento de los procesos que tienen lugar en ella así como la seguridad de la propia planta. Para el presente Proyecto Fin de Carrera se ha llevado a cabo el diseño del sistema de megafonía PAGA (Public Address and General Alarm) y del circuito cerrado de televisión (CCTV) en la unidad de procesos Hydrocrcaker encargada del craqueo de hidrógeno. Partiendo de los requisitos definidos por las especificaciones corporativas de los grupos petroleros para ambos sistemas, PAGA y CCTV, se han expuesto los principios teóricos sobre los que se fundamenta cada uno de ellos y las pautas a seguir para el diseño y demostración del buen funcionamiento a partir de software específico. Se ha empleado las siguientes herramientas software: EASE para la simulación acústica, PSpice para la simulación eléctrica de las etapas de amplificación en la megafonía; y JVSG para el diseño de CCTV. La sonorización tanto de las unidades como del resto de instalaciones interiores ha de garantizar la inteligibilidad de los mensajes transmitidos. La realización de una simulación acústica permite conocer cómo va a ser el comportamiento de la megafonía sin necesidad de instalar el sistema, lo cual es muy útil para este tipo de proyectos cuya ingeniería se realiza previamente a la construcción de la planta. Además se comprueba el correcto diseño de las etapas de amplificación basadas en líneas de alta impedancia o de tensión constante (100 V). El circuito cerrado de televisión (CCTV) garantiza la transmisión de señales visuales de todos los accesos a las instalaciones y unidades de la planta así como la visión en tiempo real del correcto funcionamiento de los procesos químicos llevados a cabo en la refinería. El sistema dispone de puestos de control remoto para el manejo y gestión de las cámaras desplegadas; y de un sistema de almacenamiento de las grabaciones en discos duros (RAID-5) a través de una red SAN (Storage Area Network). Se especifican las diferentes fases de un proyecto de ingeniería en el sector de E&P de hidrocarburos entre las que se destaca: propuesta y adquisición, reunión de arranque (KOM, Kick Off Meeting), estudio in situ (Site Survey), plan de proyecto, diseño y documentación, procedimientos de pruebas, instalación, puesta en marcha y aceptaciones del sistema. Se opta por utilizar terminología inglesa dado al ámbito global del sector. En la última parte del proyecto se presenta un presupuesto aproximado de los materiales empleados en el diseño de PAGA y CCTV. ABSTRACT. Integrated communications for Oil and Gas allows reducing risks, improving productivity, reducing costs, and countering threats to safety and security. Both PAGA system (Public Address and General Alarm) and Closed Circuit Television have been designed for this project in order to ensure a reliable security of an oil refinery. Based on the requirements defined by corporate specifications for both systems (PAGA and CCTV), theoretical principles have been presented as well as the guidelines for the design and demonstration of a reliable design. The following software has been used: EASE for acoustic simulation; PSpice for simulation of the megaphony amplification loops; and JVSG tool for CCTV design. Acoustic for both the units and the other indoor facilities must ensure intelligibility of the transmitted messages. An acoustic simulation allows us to know how will be the performance of the PAGA system without installing loudspeakers, which is very useful for this type of project whose engineering is performed prior to the construction of the plant. Furthermore, it has been verified the correct design of the amplifier stages based on high impedance lines or constant voltage (100 V). Closed circuit television (CCTV) ensures the transmission of visual signals of all access to facilities as well as real-time view of the proper functioning of chemical processes carried out at the refinery. The system has remote control stations for the handling and management of deployed cameras. It is also included a storage system of the recordings on hard drives (RAID - 5) through a SAN (Storage Area Network). Phases of an engineering project in Oil and Gas are defined in the current project. It includes: proposal and acquisition, kick-off meeting (KOM), Site Survey, project plan, design and documentation, testing procedures (SAT and FAT), installation, commissioning and acceptance of the systems. Finally, it has been presented an estimate budget of the materials used in the design of PAGA and CCTV.
Las centrales nucleares necesitan de personal altamente especializado y formado. Es por ello por lo que el sector de la formación especializada en centrales nucleares necesita incorporar los últimos avances en métodos formativos. Existe una gran cantidad de cursos de formación presenciales y es necesario transformar dichos cursos para utilizarlos con las nuevas tecnologías de la información. Para ello se necesitan equipos multidisciplinares, en los que se incluyen ingenieros, que deben identificar los objetivos formativos, competencias, contenidos y el control de calidad del propio curso. En este proyecto se utilizan técnicas de ingeniería del conocimiento como eje metodológico para transformar un curso de formación presencial en formación on-line a través de tecnologías de la información. En la actualidad, las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación están en constante evolución. De esta forma se han sumergido en el mundo transformando la visión que teníamos de éste para dar lugar a nuevas oportunidades. Es por ello que este proyecto busca la unión entre el e-learning y el mundo empresarial. El objetivo es el diseño, en plataforma e-learning, de un curso técnico que instruya a operadores de sala de control de una central nuclear. El trabajo realizado en este proyecto ha sido, además de transformar un curso presencial en on-line, en obtener una metodología para que otros cursos se puedan transformar. Para conseguir este cometido, debemos preocuparnos tanto por el contenido de los cursos como por su gestión. Por este motivo, el proyecto comienza con definiciones básicas de terminología propia de e-learning. Continúa con la generación de una metodología que aplique la gestión de conocimiento para transformar cualquier curso presencial a esta plataforma. Definida la metodología, se aplicará para el diseño del curso específico de Coeficientes Inherentes de Reactividad. Finaliza con un estudio económico que dé viabilidad al proyecto y con la creación de un modelo económico que estime el precio para cualquier curso futuro. Abstract Nuclear power plants need highly specialized and trained personnel. Thus, nuclear power plant Specialized Training Sector requires the incorporation of the latest advances in training methods. A large array of face-to-face training courses exist and it has become necessary to transform said courses in order to apply them with the new information systems available. For this, multidisciplinary equipment is needed where the engineering workforce must identify educational objectives, competences and abilities, contents and quality control of the different courses. In this project, knowledge engineering techniques are employed as the methodological axis in order to transform a face-to-face training course into on-line training through the use of new information technologies. Nowadays, new information and communication technologies are in constant evolution. They have introduced themselves into our world, transforming our previous vision of them, leading to new opportunities. For this reason, the present Project seeks to unite the use of e-learning and the Business and Corporate world. The main objective is the design, in an e-learning platform, of a technical course that will train nuclear power plant control-room operators. The work carried out in this Project has been, in addition to the transformation of a face-to-face course into an online one, the obtainment of a methodology to employ in the future transformation of other courses. In order to achieve this mission, our interest must focus on the content as well as on the management of the various courses. Hence, the Project starts with basic definitions of e-learning terminology. Next, a methodology that applies knowledge management for the transformation of any face-to-face course into e-learning has been generated. Once this methodology is defined, it has been applied for the design process of the Inherent Coefficients of Reactivity course. Finally, an economic study has been developed in order to determine the viability of the Project and an economic model has been created to estimate the price of any given course
Spare parts warehousing decision-making plays an important role in today's manufacturing industry as it derives an optimum inventory policy for the organizations. Previous research on spare parts warehousing decision-making did not deal with the problem holistically considering all the subjective and objective criteria of operational and strategic needs of the manufacturing companies in the process industry. This study reviews current relevant literature and develops a conceptual framework (an integrated group decision support system) for selecting the most effective warehousing option for the process industry using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The framework has been applied to a multinational cement manufacturing company in the UK. Three site visits, eight formal interviews, and several discussions have been undertaken with personnel of the organization, many of which have more than 20 years of experience, in order to apply the proposed decision support system (DSS). Subsequently, the DSS has been validated through a questionnaire survey in order to establish its usefulness, effectiveness for warehousing decision-making, and the possibility of adoption. The proposed DSS is an integrated framework for selecting the best warehousing option for business excellence in any manufacturing organization.
Presents information on a study which proposed a decision support system (DSS) for a petroleum pipeline route selection with the application of analytical hierarchy process. Factors governing route-selection for cross-country petroleum pipelines; Application of the DSS from an Indian perspective; Cost benefit comparison of the shortest route and the optimal route; Results and findings.
Purpose – The paper aims to explore the gap between theory and practice in foresight and to give some suggestions on how to reduce it. Design/methodology/approach – Analysis of practical foresight activities and suggestions are based on a literature review, the author's own research and practice in the field of foresight and futures studies, and her participation in the work of a European project (COST A22). Findings – Two different types of practical foresight activities have developed. One of them, the practice of foresight of critical futures studies (FCFS) is an application of a theory of futures studies. The other, termed here as praxis foresight (PF), has no theoretical basis and responds directly to practical needs. At present a gap can be perceived between theory and practice. PF distinguishes itself from the practice and theory of FCFS and narrows the construction space of futures. Neither FCFS nor PF deals with content issues of the outer world. Reducing the gap depends on renewal of joint discourses and research about experience of different practical foresight activities and manageability of complex dynamics in foresight. Production and feedback of self-reflective and reflective foresight knowledge could improve theory and practice. Originality/value – Contemporary practical foresight activities are analysed and suggestions to reduce the gap are developed in the context of the linkage between theory and practice. This paper is thought provoking for futurists, foresight managers and university researchers.
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää tutkittavan insinööriyksikön projektien kustannusestimointiprosessia, siten että yksikön johdolla olisi tulevaisuudessa käytettävänään tarkempaa kustannustietoa. Jotta tämä olisi mahdollista, ensin täytyi selvittää yksikön toimintatavat, projektien kustannusrakenteet sekä kustannusatribuutit. Tämän teki mahdolliseksi projektien kustannushistoriatiedon tutkiminen sekä asiantuntijoiden haastattelu. Työn tuloksena syntyi kohdeyksikön muiden prosessien kanssa yhteensopiva kustannusestimointiprosessi sekä –malli.Kustannusestimointimenetelmän ja –mallin perustana on kustannusatribuutit, jotka määritellään erikseen tutkittavassa ympäristössä. Kustannusatribuutit löydetään historiatietoa tutkimalla, eli analysoimalla jo päättyneitä projekteja, projektien kustannusrakenteita sekä tekijöitä, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet kustannusten syntyyn. Tämän jälkeen kustannusatribuuteille täytyy määritellä painoarvot sekä painoarvojen vaihteluvälit. Estimointimallin tarkuutta voidaan parantaa mallin kalibroinnilla. Olen käyttänyt Goal – Question – Metric (GQM) –menetelmää tutkimuksen kehyksenä.
The aim of this Master’s Thesis is to develop project logistics functions in large scale en-gineering, procurement and construction projects. The background of the research topic is compounded from two separate subjects; OPAL Program and case study of an actual EPC project. The purpose is to examine Project Logistics process in accordance with OPAL Program as well as logistics process in focus EPC project. Both entities are researched by using the case study research methodology. Logistics process of the focus EPC project is described as well as presented and in addi-tion, logistics related findings and observations are introduced. Significant findings and observations are found from logistics costs as well as shipment volume estimations in the early phase of the focus ECP project. A notable finding is also that because goods were transported as readily assembled as possible it caused expensive oversized cargo deliveries. From findings and observation of the focus EPC project it can be derived that logistics has to be involved in the early sales phase in order to receive more accurate logistics cost esti-mations for project deliveries. It is also noticed that in order to obtain savings in logistics costs, oversized deliveries must be avoided.
This document presents an innovative, formal educational initiative that is aimed at enhancing the development of engineering students’ specific competences when studying Project Management (PM) subject. The framework of the experience combines (1) theoretical concepts, (2) the development of a real-case project carried out by multidisciplinary groups of three different universities, (3) the use of software web 2.0 tools and (4) group and individual assignments of students that play different roles (project managers and team members). Under this scenario, the study focuses on monitoring the communication competence in the ever growing PM virtual environment. Factors such as corporal language, technical means, stage, and PM specific vocabulary among others have been considered in order to assess the students’ performance on this issue. As a main contribution, the paper introduces an ad-hoc rubric that, based on previous investigations, has been adapted and tested for the first time to this new and specific context. Additionally, the research conducted has provided some interesting findings that suggest further actions to improve and better define future rubrics, oriented to communication or even other competences. As specific PM subject concerns, it has been detected that students playing the role of Project Managers strengthen their competences more than those ones that play the role of Team Members. It has also been detected that students have more difficulty assimilating concepts related to risk and quality management. However those concepts related with scope, time or cost areas of knowledge have been better assimilated by the students.
This was an early pre-Catalyst collaboration about developing reflexivity in student engineers. It was funded by (then) CUTSD.
BP Refinery (Bulwer Island) Ltd (BP) located on the eastern Australian coast is currently undergoing a major expansion as a part of the Queensland Clean Fuels Project. The associated wastewater treatment plant upgrade will provide a better quality of treated effluent than is currently possible with the existing infrastructure, and which will be of a sufficiently high standard to meet not only the requirements of imposed environmental legislation but also BP's environmental objectives. A number of challenges were faced when considering the upgrade, particularly; cost constraints and limited plot space, highly variable wastewater, toxicity issues, and limited available hydraulic head. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology was chosen for the lagoon upgrade based on the following; SBR technology allowed a retro-fit of the existing earthen lagoon without the need for any additional substantial concrete structures, a dual lagoon system allowed partial treatment of wastewaters during construction, SBRs give substantial process flexibility, SBRs have the ability to easily modify process parameters without any physical modifications, and significant cost benefits. This paper presents the background to this application, an outline of laboratory studies carried out on the wastewater and details the full scale design issues and methods for providing a cost effective, efficient treatment system using the existing lagoon system.