890 resultados para product service systems
Parallel processing is prevalent in many manufacturing and service systems. Many manufactured products are built and assembled from several components fabricated in parallel lines. An example of this manufacturing system configuration is observed at a manufacturing facility equipped to assemble and test web servers. Characteristics of a typical web server assembly line are: multiple products, job circulation, and paralleling processing. The primary objective of this research was to develop analytical approximations to predict performance measures of manufacturing systems with job failures and parallel processing. The analytical formulations extend previous queueing models used in assembly manufacturing systems in that they can handle serial and different configurations of paralleling processing with multiple product classes, and job circulation due to random part failures. In addition, appropriate correction terms via regression analysis were added to the approximations in order to minimize the gap in the error between the analytical approximation and the simulation models. Markovian and general type manufacturing systems, with multiple product classes, job circulation due to failures, and fork and join systems to model parallel processing were studied. In the Markovian and general case, the approximations without correction terms performed quite well for one and two product problem instances. However, it was observed that the flow time error increased as the number of products and net traffic intensity increased. Therefore, correction terms for single and fork-join stations were developed via regression analysis to deal with more than two products. The numerical comparisons showed that the approximations perform remarkably well when the corrections factors were used in the approximations. In general, the average flow time error was reduced from 38.19% to 5.59% in the Markovian case, and from 26.39% to 7.23% in the general case. All the equations stated in the analytical formulations were implemented as a set of Matlab scripts. By using this set, operations managers of web server assembly lines, manufacturing or other service systems with similar characteristics can estimate different system performance measures, and make judicious decisions - especially setting delivery due dates, capacity planning, and bottleneck mitigation, among others.
A certificação deixou de ser “apenas” uma vantagem competitiva para passar a ser um critério seleccionador de empresas diferenciando-as das concorrentes. O conceito de melhoria contínua subjacente à norma ISO 9001 transmite para o mercado a imagem de empresas capazes de satisfazer e superar as exigências dos clientes, direccionando todos os colaboradores para esse objectivo comum. O sector dos Transportes aderiu em força a esta inovação mostrando interesse em melhorar a qualidade do serviço prestado e dos processos. O objectivo deste estudo é contribuir para a avaliação da implementação do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) ISO 9001:2008 numa empresa de Transportes rodoviários de mercadorias porta a porta (TRMPP) – também designado por Transporte Fraccionado de Mercadorias. Elaborou-se um questionário a clientes construindo-se os indicadores de forma a identificar pontos fortes e pontos fracos no sentido da melhoria contínua da qualidade. Destacam-se a competitividade relativamente às devoluções, grau de satisfação relativamente à competitividade geral, classificação do serviço prestado pelos motoristas/ ajudantes. Conclui-se que a principal razão que levou a empresa a implementar o SGQ foi a necessidade de responder a alguns requisitos nomeadamente concursos públicos onde implicitamente existem indicadores de satisfação dos clientes e outros de melhoria da qualidade do produto/serviço. Durante o processo de implementação do SGQ, surgiram dificuldades relacionadas essencialmente com o tempo necessário para tratar de burocracias e com os custos da Qualidade. Concluiu-se ainda que a Gestão de topo, os Directores e os Chefes de Secção, são os principais responsáveis pela detecção e correcção de não conformidades, bem como a empresa que implementou novos métodos de motivação dos colaboradores, destacando a formação e a comunicação.
The purpose of this paper was to introduce the symbolic formalism based on kneading theory, which allows us to study the renormalization of non-autonomous periodic dynamical systems.
Esta dissertação de Mestrado pretende, numa primeira fase, identificar as condições gerais e os pressupostos da aplicação da ferramenta Análise do Valor (AV) e integrá-la nos Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade. Pretende-se demonstrar a técnica e aumentar o seu conhecimento, assim como as várias abordagens do processo, as vantagens e os constrangimentos no seu uso, conduzir à ideia que poderá ser útil proceder a uma análise organizada e sistemática dos produtos/serviços existentes nas organizações, abrindo a hipótese a novas soluções para o produto/serviço de mais fácil produção/realização e ensaio ao menor custo. É realçada a importância do conceito da Análise do Valor demonstrando que se pode tornar numa ferramenta eficaz na melhoria dos produtos mas também de processos de fabrico e até em processos administrativos. Sendo a Qualidade entendida como um conjunto de características que um bem, produto ou serviço possui que o tornam apto para satisfazer na plenitude uma dada necessidade do seu utilizador, este trabalho também faz a ligação com os Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade comparando dois referenciais, a Norma NP EN 12973 e a ISO 9001:2008. Numa segunda fase é realizada uma profunda abordagem à ferramenta QFD – Quality Function Deployment – como uma técnica complementar à aplicação prática da técnica AV e é realizado um estudo a um serviço pós-venda que inclui muitos dos seus conceitos e princípios. O trabalho foi realizado na empresa onde sou colaborador há cerca de 10 anos exercendo o cargo de “Service Manager Press/Post Press” ao departamento de serviço técnico e apoio ao cliente. Foi muito útil a demonstração prática para entendimento das dificuldades sentidas e dos obstáculos a ultrapassar. O trabalho termina com as conclusões do caso prático e as conclusões gerais, mencionando as definições dos aceleradores / obstáculos da aplicação da AV.
Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica - Gestão de Processos e Operações
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Tietotekniikkapalvelut on palveluorganisaatio, jonka tavoitteena on tarjota asiakkaalleen toimivat tietoliikenneyhteydet ja toimivat tietojärjestelmät metsäteollisuuden vaatimiin tarpeisiin vastaten. Häiriöttömän ja jatkuvatoimisen tuotannon takaamiseksi tukiprosesseja kehitetään jatkuvasti. Suuren konsernin ongelmana ovat toisistaan poikkeavat käytännöt ja tästä aiheutuvat tehokkuuserot. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä IT-palveluiden tuotteistaminen merkitsee ja kuvataan tietotekniikkasektorin palvelutuotteiden rakentuminen, hallinta ja käyttömahdollisuus metsäteollisuusyrityksessä. IT-palveluiden tuotteistamisella haetaan sisäistä tehokkuutta sekä laadukkaampaa tulosta. Tuotteistamalla palvelut saadaan tietopääoma paremmin hallintaan ja jakeluun. Suorituskyvyn hallinnan avulla saadaan palveluihin läpinäkyvyyttä ja kehitystoiminta tehostuu. Tuotteistusprojektin tavoitteena on rakentaa globaalit tuotekuvaukset metsäteollisuusyrityksen tietotekniikkapalveluista, joita yksiköt voivat tarkentaa ja syventää haluamalleen tasolle. Tuotekuvausten rakentaminen edellyttää toimintamallien perusteellista läpikäyntiä ja tarvittavien osaamisten selvittämistä sekä palveluiden suorituskykyodotusten määrittämistä. Tietotekniikkasektorin tuotteistusprojektin tuloksena palvelut jaetaan kolmeen palveluryhmään: tietojärjestelmäpalvelut, tietoliikennepalvelut sekä tietoturvapalvelut. Tietojärjestelmäpalvelut kuvataan vielä tarkemmin perustietotekniikka- ja järjestelmäpalvelutuotteiksi. Samoin tietoliikennepalvelut jaetaan datansiirto- ja puheensiirtopalvelutuotteiksi. Palvelutuotteita, siis tuotetietoa, hallitaan ja ylläpidetään tietojärjestelmällä, mistä on liityntä operatiiviseen järjestelmään.
The objective of this master’s thesis was to examine technology-based smart home devices and services. Topic was approached through basic theories, transaction cost theory and resource-based view in order to build basis for this thesis. Conceptual framework was discussed by means of networks, value networks and service systems which provide a useful framework for service development. The needs of the elderly living at home were discussed in order to find out which technology-based services could be used to satisfy the needs. Segmentation and need data collected previously during proactive home visits was exploited and additionally a survey targeted to experts and professionals of social and health care sector was done to verify the needs. Finally, the results of the survey were analyzed using quality function deployment method to figure out the most important and suitable service offerings for the elderly. As a conclusion of analysis, social media and monitoring services are the most useful technology-based services. However, traditional home services will still maintain their necessity too.
The significance of services as business and human activities has increased dramatically throughout the world in the last three decades. Becoming a more and more competitive and efficient service provider while still being able to provide unique value opportunities for customers requires new knowledge and ideas. Part of this knowledge is created and utilized in daily activities in every service organization, but not all of it, and therefore an emerging phenomenon in the service context is information awareness. Terms like big data and Internet of things are not only modern buzz-words but they are also describing urgent requirements for a new type of competences and solutions. When the amount of information increases and the systems processing information become more efficient and intelligent, it is the human understanding and objectives that may get separated from the automated processes and technological innovations. This is an important challenge and the core driver for this dissertation: What kind of information is created, possessed and utilized in the service context, and even more importantly, what information exists but is not acknowledged or used? In this dissertation the focus is on the relationship between service design and service operations. Reframing this relationship refers to viewing the service system from the architectural perspective. The selected perspective allows analysing the relationship between design activities and operational activities as an information system while maintaining the tight connection to existing service research contributions and approaches. This type of an innovative approach is supported by research methodology that relies on design science theory. The methodological process supports the construction of a new design artifact based on existing theoretical knowledge, creation of new innovations and testing the design artifact components in real service contexts. The relationship between design and operations is analysed in the health care and social care service systems. The existing contributions in service research tend to abstract services and service systems as value creation, working or interactive systems. This dissertation adds an important information processing system perspective to the research. The main contribution focuses on the following argument: Only part of the service information system is automated and computerized, whereas a significant part of information processing is embedded in human activities, communication and ad-hoc reactions. The results indicate that the relationship between service design and service operations is more complex and dynamic than the existing scientific and managerial models tend to view it. Both activities create, utilize, mix and share information, making service information management a necessary but relatively unknown managerial task. On the architectural level, service system -specific elements seem to disappear, but access to more general information elements and processes can be found. While this dissertation focuses on conceptual-level design artifact construction, the results provide also very practical implications for service providers. Personal, visual and hidden activities of service, and more importantly all changes that take place in any service system have also an information dimension. Making this information dimension visual and prioritizing the processed information based on service dimensions is likely to provide new opportunities to increase activities and provide a new type of service potential for customers.
Digital business ecosystems (DBE) are becoming an increasingly popular concept for modelling and building distributed systems in heterogeneous, decentralized and open environments. Information- and communication technology (ICT) enabled business solutions have created an opportunity for automated business relations and transactions. The deployment of ICT in business-to-business (B2B) integration seeks to improve competitiveness by establishing real-time information and offering better information visibility to business ecosystem actors. The products, components and raw material flows in supply chains are traditionally studied in logistics research. In this study, we expand the research to cover the processes parallel to the service and information flows as information logistics integration. In this thesis, we show how better integration and automation of information flows enhance the speed of processes and, thus, provide cost savings and other benefits for organizations. Investments in DBE are intended to add value through business automation and are key decisions in building up information logistics integration. Business solutions that build on automation are important sources of value in networks that promote and support business relations and transactions. Value is created through improved productivity and effectiveness when new, more efficient collaboration methods are discovered and integrated into DBE. Organizations, business networks and collaborations, even with competitors, form DBE in which information logistics integration has a significant role as a value driver. However, traditional economic and computing theories do not focus on digital business ecosystems as a separate form of organization, and they do not provide conceptual frameworks that can be used to explore digital business ecosystems as value drivers—combined internal management and external coordination mechanisms for information logistics integration are not the current practice of a company’s strategic process. In this thesis, we have developed and tested a framework to explore the digital business ecosystems developed and a coordination model for digital business ecosystem integration; moreover, we have analysed the value of information logistics integration. The research is based on a case study and on mixed methods, in which we use the Delphi method and Internetbased tools for idea generation and development. We conducted many interviews with key experts, which we recoded, transcribed and coded to find success factors. Qualitative analyses were based on a Monte Carlo simulation, which sought cost savings, and Real Option Valuation, which sought an optimal investment program for the ecosystem level. This study provides valuable knowledge regarding information logistics integration by utilizing a suitable business process information model for collaboration. An information model is based on the business process scenarios and on detailed transactions for the mapping and automation of product, service and information flows. The research results illustrate the current cap of understanding information logistics integration in a digital business ecosystem. Based on success factors, we were able to illustrate how specific coordination mechanisms related to network management and orchestration could be designed. We also pointed out the potential of information logistics integration in value creation. With the help of global standardization experts, we utilized the design of the core information model for B2B integration. We built this quantitative analysis by using the Monte Carlo-based simulation model and the Real Option Value model. This research covers relevant new research disciplines, such as information logistics integration and digital business ecosystems, in which the current literature needs to be improved. This research was executed by high-level experts and managers responsible for global business network B2B integration. However, the research was dominated by one industry domain, and therefore a more comprehensive exploration should be undertaken to cover a larger population of business sectors. Based on this research, the new quantitative survey could provide new possibilities to examine information logistics integration in digital business ecosystems. The value activities indicate that further studies should continue, especially with regard to the collaboration issues on integration, focusing on a user-centric approach. We should better understand how real-time information supports customer value creation by imbedding the information into the lifetime value of products and services. The aim of this research was to build competitive advantage through B2B integration to support a real-time economy. For practitioners, this research created several tools and concepts to improve value activities, information logistics integration design and management and orchestration models. Based on the results, the companies were able to better understand the formulation of the digital business ecosystem and the importance of joint efforts in collaboration. However, the challenge of incorporating this new knowledge into strategic processes in a multi-stakeholder environment remains. This challenge has been noted, and new projects have been established in pursuit of a real-time economy.
En este proyecto analizaremos como las organizaciones se relacionan con el medio y marketing. La idea es determinar cuáles son los métodos de análisis de las comunidades de clientes mediante la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing. Por medio del mercadeo se puede conocer el entorno y determinar qué métodos de análisis utilizar para conocer a la comunidad de clientes. Las personas de mercadeo se ocupan de todo lo que ocurre en el entorno, de estar al tanto para saber cuándo hay oportunidades que puedan ser provechosas para la organización o por otro lado cuando hay amenazas de las que debe tener cuidado. Dependiendo del entorno, la organización diseña sus actividades de mercadeo enfocadas en satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor. Las actividades del consumidor se conceptualizan en producto, precio, promoción y plaza que se definen y diseñan basados en la comunidad en la que este inmersa la organización. Es importante buscar información confiable sobre el grupo objetivo al cual se le va ofrecer el producto o servicio, ya que toca analizarlos y comprender a estas personas para diseñar una buena oferta que satisfaga sus necesidades y deseos. Esta persona que recibe el producto o servicio por parte de la organización es el cliente. Los clientes son las personas que llegan a una organización en búsqueda de satisfacer necesidades a través de los bienes y servicios que las empresas ofrecen. Es esencial determinar que los clientes viven en comunidad, es decir comparten ideas por la comunicación tan estrecha que tienen y viven en conjunto bajo las mismas costumbres. Debido a estos es que hoy en día, los consumidores se conglomeran en comunidades de clientes, y para saberles llegar a estos clientes, toca analizarlos por medio de diversos métodos. El uso de las estrategias comunitarias es necesario ya que por medio del marketing se analiza el entorno y se buscan los métodos para analizar a la comunidad de clientes, que comparten características y se analizan en conjunto no por individuo. Es necesario identificar los métodos para relacionarse con la comunidad de clientes, para poder acercarnos a estos y conocerlos bien, saber sus necesidades y deseos y ofrecerles productos y servicios de acuerdo a éstos. En la actualidad estos métodos no son muy comunes ni conocidos, es por esto que nuestro propósito es indagar e identificar estos métodos para saber analizar a las comunidades. En este proyecto se utilizara una metodología de estudio tipo teórico-conceptual buscando las fuentes de información necesarias para llevar a cabo nuestra investigación. Se considera trabajar con El Grupo de Investigación en Perdurabilidad Empresarial y se escogió la línea de gerencia ya que permite entrar en la sociedad del conocimiento, siendo capaces de identificar oportunidades gerenciales en el entorno. Es interesante investigar sobre estos métodos, ya que los clientes esperan un servicio excelente, atento y que se preocupe por ellos y sus necesidades.
Las organizaciones en la actualidad deben encontrar diferentes maneras de sobrevivir en un tiempo de rápida transformación. Uno de los mecanismos usados por las empresas para adaptarse a los cambios organizacionales son los sistemas de control de gestión, que a su vez permiten a las organizaciones hacer un seguimiento a sus procesos, para que la adaptabilidad sea efectiva. Otra variable importante para la adaptación es el aprendizaje organizacional siendo el proceso mediante el cual las organizaciones se adaptan a los cambios del entorno, tanto interno como externo de la compañía. Dado lo anterior, este proyecto se basa en la extracción de documentación soporte valido, que permita explorar las interacciones entre estos dos campos, los sistemas de control de gestión y el aprendizaje organizacional, además, analizar el impacto de estas interacciones en la perdurabilidad organizacional.
Constructing a building is a long process which can take several years. Most building services products are installed while a building is constructed, but they are not operated until the building is commissioned. The warranty term for the building service systems may cover the time starting from their installation to the end of the warranty period. Prior to the commissioning of the building, the building services systems are protected by warranty although they are not operated. The bum in time for such systems is important when warranty costs is analyzed. In this paper, warranty cost models for products with burn in periods are presented. Two burn in policies are developed to optimize the total mean warranty cost. A special case on the relationship between the failure rates of the product at the dormant state and at the I operating state is presented.
This work presents a methodological proposal for acquisition of biometric data through telemetry basing its development on a research-action and a case study. Nowadays, the qualified professionals of physical evaluation have to use specific devices to obtain biometric signals and data. These devices in the most of the time are high cost and difficult to use and handling. Therefore, the methodological proposal was elaborate in order to develop, conceptually, a bio telemetric device which could acquire the desirable biometric signals: oxymetry, biometrics, corporal temperature and pedometry which are essential for the area of physical evaluation. It was researched the existent biometrics sensors, the possible ways for the remote transmission of signals and the computer systems available so that the acquisition of data could be possible. This methodological proposal of remote acquisition of biometrical signals is structured in four modules: Acquisitor of biometrics data; Converser and transmitter of biometric signals; Receiver and Processor of biometrics signals and Generator of Interpretative Graphs. The modules aim the obtention of interpretative graphics of human biometric signals. In order to validate this proposal a functional prototype was developed and it is presented in the development of this work.
This paper presents an individual designing prosthesis for surgical use and proposes a methodology for such design through mathematical extrapolation of data from digital images obtained via tomography of individual patient's bones. Individually tailored prosthesis designed to fit particular patient requirements as accurately as possible should result in more successful reconstruction, enable better planning before surgery and consequently fewer complications during surgery. Fast and accurate design and manufacture of personalized prosthesis for surgical use in bone replacement or reconstruction is potentially feasible through the application and integration of several different existing technologies, which are each at different stages of maturity. Initial case study experiments have been undertaken to validate the research concepts by making dimensional comparisons between a bone and a virtual model produced using the proposed methodology and a future research directions are discussed.