978 resultados para peritoneal sheath


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Introducción:Los individuos en quienes se realiza el sugarbaker tienen diagnósticos tumorales bien caracterizados. Actualmente no se dispone en la literatura médica universal de comparadores previos que permitan estimar la morbilidad relacionada específicamente con procesos infecciosos en pacientes sometidos al procedimiento, por tanto se presenta la caracterización de procesos febriles e infecciosos en el postoperatorio de la cohorte de pacientes intervenidos en la FSFB y de los factores de riesgo asociados a su manifestación. Métodos:Estudio descriptivo con componente analítico de una cohorte ambidireccional compuesta por pacientes intervenidos en la FSFB mediante el procedimiento de Sugarbaker. Resultados:En total se incluyeron en el estudio 53 pacientes consecutivos (37mujeres y 16hombres), quienes fueron llevados al procedimiento de peritonectomía radical más quimioterapia hipertérmica intraperitoneal entre el mes de nov/2007 y jun/2012 en el Hospital-Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Los desenlaces de morbilidad asociada al procedimiento fueron caracterizados, indicando que las principales causas de morbilidad son los eventos tromboticos y las infecciones. Se caracterizaron como estadísticamente significativos para estancia hospitalaria el requerimiento transfusional (r=0,451, p=0,001), colecistectomía (p=0,016), el riesgo anestésico ASA≥3 (p=0,03), entre otros. El perfil de infección mostró relación estadísticamente significativa con resecciones de órganos específicas (p<0,05 para colectomía derecha [OR=5,3], colecistectomía [OR=21,8] y esplenectomía [OR=4,2]), el riesgo anestésico ASA≥3 (OR=1,2, p=0,036), anemia (OR=7,1, p=0,004), fístula (OR=5,2, p=0,036), entre otros. Conclusiones: El procedimiento de Sugarbaker es eficaz y seguro en nuestra institución. Se requiere de más estudios en poblaciones diversas que permitan comprender el comportamiento de las infecciones en la población sometida al procedimiento.


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Los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) terminal se caracterizan por presentar alteraciones nutricionales que se perpetúan independiente de la modalidad de la Terapia de Reemplazo Renal (TRR). En la diálisis peritoneal, tanto APD (automated peritoneal dialysis) como la CAPD (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) existe un alto riesgo de pérdida de albúmina por el filtrado peritoneal, sin diferencias claras en el estatus nutricional. El presente estudio caracteriza el estado nutricional de los pacientes incidentes en diálisis peritoneal de RTS Bogotá Regional 1, con un seguimiento de un año, para conocer los cambios en las variables nutricionales. Se realizó un estudio de cohortes retrospectivo, analizando 2 grupos según el tipo de diálisis peritoneal escogida (APD o CAPD), con un análisis análisis descriptivo trimestral de las características nutricionales y posteriormente una comparación entre las 2 modalidades de TRR. Encontrando un promedio de edad de 60,8 años, la mayoría hombres y etiología principal nefropatía diabética. La mayoría de las variables nutricionales permanecieron sin cambios durante seguimiento. El Test de equilibrio peritoneal para glucosa y creatinina mostró valores promedio bajo y promedio alto y la mayoría de pacientes un rango nutricional normal. Al comparar APD y CAPD, solo se encontraron de forma aislada, diferencias significativas en algunas variables aisladas. Este es el primer estudio en Colombia que evalúa diferentes aspectos nutricionales en diálisis peritoneal. Aunque con limitaciones metodológicas, es un punto de partida para la realización de estudios más robustos que del estado nutricional de los pacientes en diálisis peritoneal


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Prediction of the solar wind conditions in near-Earth space, arising from both quasi-steady and transient structures, is essential for space weather forecasting. To achieve forecast lead times of a day or more, such predictions must be made on the basis of remote solar observations. A number of empirical prediction schemes have been proposed to forecast the transit time and speed of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at 1 AU. However, the current lack of magnetic field measurements in the corona severely limits our ability to forecast the 1 AU magnetic field strengths resulting from interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs). In this study we investigate the relation between the characteristic magnetic field strengths and speeds of both magnetic cloud and noncloud ICMEs at 1 AU. Correlation between field and speed is found to be significant only in the sheath region ahead of magnetic clouds, not within the clouds themselves. The lack of such a relation in the sheaths ahead of noncloud ICMEs is consistent with such ICMEs being skimming encounters of magnetic clouds, though other explanations are also put forward. Linear fits to the radial speed profiles of ejecta reveal that faster-traveling ICMEs are also expanding more at 1 AU. We combine these empirical relations to form a prediction scheme for the magnetic field strength in the sheaths ahead of magnetic clouds and also suggest a method for predicting the radial speed profile through an ICME on the basis of upstream measurements.


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Maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings of two cultivars (cv. Bastion adapted to W. Europe, and cv. Batan 8686 adapted to the highlands of Mexico), raised in a glasshouse (19-25 degrees C), were transferred to 4.5 or 9 degrees C at photon flux density (PPFD) of 950 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) with 10-h photoperiod for 58 h and then allowed to recover at 22 degrees C for 16 h (14 h dark and 2 h at PPFD of 180 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)). The ultrastructural responses after 4 h or 26 h at 4.5 degrees C were the disappearance of starch grains in the bundle sheath chloroplasts and the contraction of intrathylakoid spaces in stromal thylakoids of the mesophyll chloroplasts. At this time, bundle sheath chloroplasts of cv. Batan 8686 formed peripheral reticulum. Prolonged stress at 4.5 degrees C (50 h) caused plastid swelling and the dilation of intrathylakoid spaces, mainly in mesophyll chloroplasts. Bundle sheath chloroplasts of cv. Batan 8686 seedlings appeared well preserved in shape and structure. Batan 8686 had also higher net photosynthetic rates during chilling and recovery than Bastion. Extended leaf photobleaching developed during the recovery period after chilling at 4.5 degrees C. This was associated with collapsed chloroplast envelopes, disintegrated chloroplasts and very poor staining.


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There is growing evidence that a number of oral Treponema species, in particular Treponema denticola, are associated with the progression of human periodontal disease. The major sheath (or surface) protein (Msp) of T. denticola is implicated in adhesion of bacteria to host cells and tissue proteins and is likely to be an important virulence factor. However, the binding regions of the Msp are not known. We have purified from Escherichia coli recombinant Msp (rMsp) polypeptides corresponding to the following: full-length Msp (rMsp) minus 13 N-terminal amino acid (aa) residues, an amino-terminal fragment (rN-Msp, 189 aa residues), a 57-aa residue segment from the central region (rV-Msp), and a C-terminal fragment (rC-Msp, 272 aa residues). rMsp (530 aa residues) bound to immobilized fibronectin, keratin, laminin, collagen type 1, fibrinogen, hyaluronic acid, and heparin. The N- and V-region polypeptides, but not rC-Msp, also bound to these substrates. Binding of rMsp to fibronectin was targeted to the N-terminal heparin I/fibrin I domain. Antibodies to the N-region or V-region polypeptides, but not antibodies to the rC-Msp fragment, blocked adhesion of T. denticola ATCC 35405 cells to a range of host protein molecules. These results suggest that the N-terminal half of Msp carries epitopes that are surface exposed and that are involved in mediating adhesion. Binding of rMsp onto the cell surface of low-level fibronectin-binding Treponema isolates conferred a 10-fold increase in fibronectin binding. This confirms that Msp functions autonomously as an adhesin and raises the possibility that phenotypic complementation of virulence functions might occur within mixed populations of Treponema species.


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Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) can be continuously tracked through a large portion of the inner heliosphere by direct imaging in visible and radio wavebands. White light (WL) signatures of solar wind transients, such as CMEs, result from Thomson scattering of sunlight by free electrons and therefore depend on both viewing geometry and electron density. The Faraday rotation (FR) of radio waves from extragalactic pulsars and quasars, which arises due to the presence of such solar wind features, depends on the line-of-sight magnetic field component B ∥ and the electron density. To understand coordinated WL and FR observations of CMEs, we perform forward magnetohydrodynamic modeling of an Earth-directed shock and synthesize the signatures that would be remotely sensed at a number of widely distributed vantage points in the inner heliosphere. Removal of the background solar wind contribution reveals the shock-associated enhancements in WL and FR. While the efficiency of Thomson scattering depends on scattering angle, WL radiance I decreases with heliocentric distance r roughly according to the expression Ir –3. The sheath region downstream of the Earth-directed shock is well viewed from the L4 and L5 Lagrangian points, demonstrating the benefits of these points in terms of space weather forecasting. The spatial position of the main scattering site r sheath and the mass of plasma at that position M sheath can be inferred from the polarization of the shock-associated enhancement in WL radiance. From the FR measurements, the local B ∥sheath at r sheath can then be estimated. Simultaneous observations in polarized WL and FR can not only be used to detect CMEs, but also to diagnose their plasma and magnetic field properties.


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IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha/beta, and IL-10 measurements were performed in elicited peritoneal cells from control, diabetic, and insulin-treated diabetic rats. Production/liberation of these cytokines was decreased in elicited peritoneal cells from diabetic rats. These changes were abolished by insulin treatment of diabetic rats. The alterations observed might be involved in the impaired inflammatory response and high occurrence of apoptosis observed in neutrophils under diabetic states.


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Proteinase-activated receptors (PAR) are widely recognized for their modulatory properties in inflammatory and immune responses; however, their direct role on phagocyte effector functions remains unknown. S100A9, a protein secreted during inflammatory responses, deactivates activated peritoneal macrophages, and its C-terminal portion inhibits spreading and phagocytosis of adherent peritoneal cells. Herein, the effect of PAR1 and PAR2 agonists was investigated on spreading and phagocytosis by adherent peritoneal cells, as well as the ability of murine C-terminal of S100A9 peptide (mS100A9p) to modulate this effect. Adherent peritoneal cells obtained from mouse abdominal cavity were incubated with PAR1 and PAR2 agonists and spreading and phagocytosis of Candida albicans particles were evaluated. PAR1 agonists increased both the spreading and the phagocytic activity, but PAR2 agonists only increased the spreading index. mS100A9p reverted both the increased spreading and phagocytosis induced by PAR1 agonists, but no interference in the increased spreading induced by PAR2 agonists was noticed. The shorter homologue peptide to the C-terminal of mS100A9p, corresponding to the H(92)-E(97) region, also reverted the increased spreading and phagocytosis induced by PAR1 agonists. These findings show that proteinase-activated receptors have an important role for spreading and phagocytosis of adherent peritoneal cells, and that the pepticle corresponding to the C-terminal of S100A9 protein is a remarkable candidate for use as a novel compound to modulate PAR1 function. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper explores, on the one hand, the requirements of the technologies and practices that have been developed for a particular type of renal patient and health network in Australia. On the other, we examine the cultural and practical specificities entailed in the performance of these technologies and practices in the Indigenous Australian context. The praxiographic orientation of the actor-network approach – which has been called 'the politics of what' (Mol 2002) – enabled us to understand the difficulties involved in translating renal healthcare networks across cultural contexts in Australia; to understand the dynamic and contested nature of these networks; and to suggest possible strategies that make use of the tensions between these two disparate networks in ways that might ensure better healthcare for Indigenous renal patients.


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Pain relief for removal of femoral sheath after cardiac procedures
Procedures for the non-surgical management of coronary heart disease include balloon angioplasty and intracoronary stenting. At the start of each procedure an introducer sheath is inserted through the skin (percutaneously) into an artery, frequently a femoral artery in the groin. This allows the different catheters used for the procedure to be exchanged easily without causing trauma to the skin. At the end of the procedure the sheath is removed and, if the puncture site isn't "sealed" using a device closure, firm pressure is required over the site for 30 minutes or more to control any bleeding and reduce vascular complications. Removing the sheath and the firm pressure required to control bleeding can cause pain, although this is generally mild. Some centres routinely give pain relief before removal such as intravenous morphine, or an injection of a local anaesthetic in the soft tissue around the sheath (called a subcutaneous injection). Adequate pain control during sheath removal is also associated with a reduced incidence of a vasovagal reaction, a potentially serious complication involving a sudden drop of blood pressure and a slowed heart rate. Four studies were reviewed in total. Three trials involving 498 participants compared subcutaneous lignocaine, a short acting local anaesthetic, with a control group (participants received either no pain relief or an inactive substance known as a placebo). Two trials involving 399 people compared intravenous opioids (fentanyl or morphine) and an anxiolytic (midazolam) with a control group. One trial involving 60 people compared subcutaneous levobupivacaine, a long acting local anaesthetic, with a control group. Intravenous pain regimens and subcutaneous levobupivacaine appear to reduce the pain experienced during femoral sheath removal. However, the size of the reduction was small. A significant reduction in pain was not experienced by participants who received subcutaneous lignocaine or who were in the control group. There was insufficient data to determine a correlation between pain relief administration and either adverse events or complications. Some patients may benefit from routine pain relief using levobupivacaine or intravenous pain regimens. Identifying who may potentially benefit from pain relief requires clinical judgement and consideration of patient preference. The mild level of pain generally experienced during this procedure should not influence the decision as some people can experience moderate levels of pain.


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Background: Since the mid-1990s, early dialysis initiation has dramatically increased in many countries. The Initiating Dialysis Early and Late (IDEAL) study demonstrated that, compared with late initiation, planned early initiation of dialysis was associated with comparable clinical outcomes and increased health care costs. Because residual renal function is a key determinant of outcome and is better preserved with peritoneal dialysis (PD), the present pre-specified subgroup analysis of the IDEAL trial examined the effects of early-compared with late-start dialysis on clinical outcomes in patients whose planned therapy at the time of randomization was PD.

Methods: Adults with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of 10 - 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 who planned to be treated with PD were randomly allocated to commence dialysis at an eGFR of 10 - 14 mL/min/1.73 m2 (early start) or 5 - 7 mL/min/1.73 m2 (late start). The primary outcome was all-cause mortality.

Results: Of the 828 IDEAL trial participants, 466 (56%) planned to commence PD and were randomized to early start (n = 233) or late start (n = 233). The median times from randomization to dialysis initiation were, respectively, 2.03 months [interquartile range (IQR):1.67 - 2.30 months] and 7.83 months (IQR: 5.83 - 8.83 months). Death occurred in 102 early-start patients and 96 late-start patients [hazard ratio: 1.04; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.79 - 1.37]. No differences in composite cardiovascular events, composite infectious deaths, or dialysis-associated complications were observed between the groups. Peritonitis rates were 0.73 episodes (95% CI: 0.65 - 0.82 episodes) per patient-year in the early-start group and 0.69 episodes (95% CI: 0.61 - 0.78 episodes) per patient-year in the late-start group (incidence rate ratio: 1.19; 95% CI: 0.86 - 1.65; p = 0.29). The proportion of patients planning to commence PD who actually initiated dialysis with PD was higher in the early-start group (80% vs 70%, p = 0.01).

Conclusion: Early initiation of dialysis in patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease who planned to be treated with PD was associated with clinical outcomes comparable to those seen with late dialysis initiation. Compared with early-start patients, late-start patients who had chosen PD as their planned dialysis modality were less likely to commence on PD.


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