800 resultados para performance index


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Este trabajo tuvo como fin identificar los productos del sector agrícola colombiano y derivados que tienen oportunidad de ser vendidos en el mercado de la Federación Rusa. Esto con el objetivo de tener un documento para los exportadores colombianos donde puedan consultar las oportunidades de negocio que tiene el sector y que pueden ser explotadas. El trabajo se adelantó mediante la consulta de fuentes de información terciaria, como los sitios web de distintas asociaciones, información de los importadores y la consulta a expertos sobre el tema. De esta forma, se logró recopilar la información adecuada para el desarrollo de los objetivos trazados. Fue clave identificar la relación entre el consumo ruso y la importación de productos agrícolas, como también, la producción rusa y la exportación de productos agrícolas. Se tomó a la Federación Rusa, por ser uno de los países que más importa productos alimenticios. De esta manera, se ahondó en las particularidades del mercado ruso, lo que permitió tener un mejor entendimiento sus negocios y sus hábitos de consumo y así poder analizarlo de una mejor manera. Este trabajo muestra los componentes principales que se deben tener en cuenta para la exportación de productos agrícolas, de la misma forma analiza la oferta, demanda y el papel de Colombia y la Federación Rusa en la venta y compra de este tipo de productos.


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The growth and production of anthocyanin, flavonoid and phenolic compounds were evaluated in Lollo Rosso lettuce 'Revolution' grown continuously under films varying in their ability to transmit LTV radiation (completely transparent to IN, transparent above 320, 350, 370 and 3 80 nm and completely opaque to LTV radiation). Plants were grown from seed under UV transparent and UV blocking films and destructively harvested 3-4 weeks after transplanting. Plants under a complete UV blocking film (UV400) produced up to 2.2 times more total above ground dry weight than plants under the UV transparent film. In contrast, anthocyanin content in plants under the UV blocking film was approximately eight times lower than in plants under a UV transparent film. Furthermore, there was a curvilinear relationship between the anthocyanin content and LTV wavelength cutoff such that above 370 run there was no further reduction in anthocyanin content. Fluorescence measurements indicated that photosynthetic performance index was 15% higher under the presence of UVB and UVA (UV280) than under the presence of UVA (UV320) and 53% higher than in the absence of UV radiation suggesting protection of the photosynthetic apparatus possibly by phenolic compounds. These findings are of particular importance as the potential of UV transmitting films to increase secondary compounds may offer the opportunity to produce plants commercially with increased health benefits compared to those grown under conventional films.


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A technique is derived for solving a non-linear optimal control problem by iterating on a sequence of simplified problems in linear quadratic form. The technique is designed to achieve the correct solution of the original non-linear optimal control problem in spite of these simplifications. A mixed approach with a discrete performance index and continuous state variable system description is used as the basis of the design, and it is shown how the global problem can be decomposed into local sub-system problems and a co-ordinator within a hierarchical framework. An analysis of the optimality and convergence properties of the algorithm is presented and the effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated using a simulation example with a non-separable performance index.


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The effect of powdery mildew development on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations on three woody plants frequently planted in urban environments was studied. Rates of photosynthetic CO2 fixation were rapidly reduced in two of the three genotypes tested prior to visible signs of infection. Effects on chlorophyll fluorescence (Fo, Fv/Fo, Fv/Fm), leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid content were not manifest until >25 per cent of the leaf area was observed to be covered by mycelial growth indicating reduced photo-synthetic rates during the early stages of infection were not due to degradation of the leaf chloroplast structure. Observation of the fluorescence transient (OJIP curves) showed powdery mildew infection impairs photosynthetic electron transport system by reducing the size but not heterogeneity of the plastoquninone pool, effecting both the acceptor and donor side of photosystem II. Impairment of the photosynthetic electron transport system was reflected by reduced values of a performance index used in this investigation as a measure of photochemical events within photosystem II electron transport. In addition interpretation of the fluorescence data indicated powdery mildew infection may impair the photo-protective process that facilitates the dissipation of excess energy within leaf tissue.


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Four commercially available, biostimulants sold under the trade names ‘Generate’, ‘Crop Set’, ‘Fulcrum’ and ‘Redicrop 2000’ were applied either as a root drench or foliar spray to three transplant-sensitive tree species, red oak(Quercus rubra), birch(Betula pendula) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) post transplanting. The short and long-term efficacy of the biostimulants on growth was quantified by recording root and shoot vigour at week 8 and 20. In addition, improvements in tree vitality were assessed by measurement of a chlorophyll a performance index based on leaf chlorophyll fluorescence emissions. Irrespective of species, no significant effect of mode of application (foliar spray versus root drench) was recorded on growth and vitality. The biostimulants Generate and Fulcrum increased growth of all three tree species. No significant effects on growth and chlorophyll fluorescence of birch and beech were recorded following applications of the biostimulants Crop Set and Redicrop 2000, however, significant increase in growth of red oak was recorded. Only the biostimulant Generate increased chlorophyll fluorescence values of all test species. Results show use of biostimulants can improve root and shoot vigour following transplanting. However, selection of an appropriate biostimulant is critical as effects on growth and vitality can vary widely between tree species possibly as a result of the differing active ingredient used in the formulation of the product.


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The effect of increasing salinity and freezing stress singly and in combination on a range of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in foliar tissue of six Crataegus genotypes was examined. In general, increased stress reduced fluorescence values and absorption, trapping and electron transport energy fluxes per leaf reaction center and cross section, with decreased sigmoidicity of OJIP curves as a measure of the plastoquinone pool, reflecting decreased energy fluxes. Based on percentage reduction in a performance index from controls compared to stress-treated values, plants were ranked in order of tolerant > intermediate > sensitive. Use of this PIp ranking criteria enabled the distinguishing of marked differences in foliar salt/freezing hardiness between the Crataegus species used. Interpretation of the photochemical data showed that salinity and freezing affects both the acceptor and donor side of Photosystem II, while OJIP observations provided information regarding structural and functional changes in the leaf photosynthetic apparatus of the test species. It is concluded that chlorophyll fluorescence offers a rapid screening technique for assessing foliar salinity and freezing tolerance of woody perennials


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The effect of increasing salinity on a range of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in foliar tissue of 30 Acer genotypes was examined. The magnitude of the fluorescence responses differed among genotypes ranging from minor effects to substantial leaf tissue damage. Interpretation of the fluorescence expressions provided an insight into mechanisms of salt damage and resilience among genotypes. Based on reductions in a performance index (PIp) following salinity, genotypes were ranked in order from tolerant to sensitive. Based on this ranking criterion, marked differences in salt tolerance among genotypes were distinguished. It is concluded that chlorophyll fluorescence offers a rapid screening technique for assessing the foliar salinity tolerance of urban trees.


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This study investigates the cardiac functioning in male Wistar rats after treatments with methionine and homocysteine thiolactone (HcyT). The rats were distributed into 3 groups and treated for 8 weeks. Group I was the control (CO) group, given water, group II was treated with methionine, and group III with HcyT (100 mg/kg). Morphometric and functional cardiac parameters were evaluated by echocardiography. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione S-transferase activities, chemiluminescence, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and immunocontent were measured in the myocardium. Hyperhomocysteinemia was observed in rats submitted to the both treatments. The results showed diastolic function was compromised in HcyT group, seen by the increase of E/A (peak velocity of early (E) and late (A) diastolic filling) ratio, decrease in deceleration time of E wave and left ventricular isovolumic relaxation time. Myocardial performance index was increased in HcyT group and was found associated with increased SOD immunocontent. HcyT group demonstrated an increase in SOD, catalase, and glutatione S-transferase activity, and chemiluminescence and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. Overall, these results indicated that HcyT induces a cardiac dysfunction and could be associated with oxidative stress increase in the myocardium.


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This paper introduces a novel method to detect texture objects from satellite images. First, a hierarchical strategy is developed to extract texture objects according to their roughness. Then, an artificial immune approach is presented to automatically generate segmentation thresholds and texture filters, which are used in the hierarchical strategy. In this approach, texture objects are regarded as antigens, and texture object filters and segmentation thresholds are regarded as antibodies. The clonal selection algorithm inspired by human immune system is employed to evolve antibodies. The population of antibodies is iteratively evaluated according to a statistical performance index corresponding to object detection ability, and evolves into the optimal antibody using the evolution principles of the clonal selection. Experimental results of texture object detection on satellite images are presented to illustrate the merit and feasibility of the proposed method.


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The theory of H/sup /spl infin// optimal control has the feature of minimizing the worst-case gain of an unknown disturbance input. When appropriately modified, the theory can be used to design a "switching" controller that can be applied to insulin injection for blood glucose (BG) regulation. The "switching" controller is defined by a collection of basic insulin rates and a rule that switches the insulin rates from one value to another. The rule employed an estimation of BG from noisy measurements, and the subsequent optimization of a performance index that involves the solution of a "jump" Riccati differential equation and a discrete-time dynamic programming equation. With an appropriate patient model, simulation studies have shown that the controller could correct BG deviation using clinically acceptable insulin delivery rates.


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This paper introduces a novel methodology for object detection using genetic algorithms and morphological processing. The method employs a kind of object oriented structuring element, which are derived using genetic algorithm operating. The population of morphological filters iteratively evaluated according to a statistical performance index corresponding to object extraction ability, and evolves into an optimal structuring elements using the evolution principles of genetic search. Experimental results of object extraction in high resolution satellite images are presented to illustrate the merit and feasibility of the proposed method.


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This paper proposes a new type of algorithm aimed at finding the traditional maximum-likelihood (TML) estimate of the position of a target given time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) information, contaminated by noise. The novelty lies in the fact that a performance index, akin to but not identical with that in maximum likelihood (ML), is a minimized subject to a number of constraints, which flow from geometric constraints inherent in the underlying problem. The minimization is in a higher dimensional space than for TML, and has the advantage that the algorithm can be very straightforwardly and systematically initialized. Simulation evidence shows that failure to converge to a solution of the localization problem near the true value is less likely to occur with this new algorithm than with TML. This makes it attractive to use in adverse geometric situations.


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Studies of the interrecipient allocation of aid may be categorized threefold. First, there are those that attempt to explain the observed allocation of aid. Second, there are those that seek to describe or evaluate the allocation of aid against normative criteria. Third, there are those that seek to prescribe the interrecipient allocation of aid by calculating the amounts of aid each country should receive, also based on normative criteria. This article looks at the second and third categories of studies. It commences by looking at the different approaches and a descriptive measure used, and then repeats this exercise for the prescriptive literature. It then looks at differences between the prescribed allocations of the different approaches used in the literature. These allocations are then compared with actual allocations and evaluated against various normative criteria. This reveals significant differences, both between prescribed and actual allocations and the evaluations of the different prescriptive approaches.


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This article evaluates the robustness of rankings obtained from composite indices that combine information from two or more components via a weighted sum. It examines the empirical prevalence of robust comparisons using the method proposed by Foster et al. (2010). Indices examined are the Human Development Index (HDI), the Index of Economic Freedom (IEF), and the Environmental Performance Index (EPI). Key theoretical results demonstrate links between the prevalence of robust comparisons, Kendall’s tau rank correlation coefficient, and statistical association across components. Implications for redundancy among index components are also examined.


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This paper examines and analyzes different aggregation algorithms to improve accuracy of forecasts obtained using neural network (NN) ensembles. These algorithms include equal-weights combination of Best NN models, combination of trimmed forecasts, and Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). The predictive performance of these algorithms are evaluated using Australian electricity demand data. The output of the aggregation algorithms of NN ensembles are compared with a Naive approach. Mean absolute percentage error is applied as the performance index for assessing the quality of aggregated forecasts. Through comprehensive simulations, it is found that the aggregation algorithms can significantly improve the forecasting accuracies. The BMA algorithm also demonstrates the best performance amongst aggregation algorithms investigated in this study.