996 resultados para perceived location


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Purpose: In 1970, Enright observed a distortion of perceived driving speed, induced by monocular application of a neutral density (ND) filter. If a driver looks out of the right side of a vehicle with a filter over the right eye, the driver perceives a reduction of the vehicle’s apparent velocity, while applying a ND filter over the left eye increases the vehicle’s apparent velocity. The purpose of the current study was to provide the first empirical measurements of the Enright phenomenon. Methods: Ten experienced drivers were tested and drove an automatic sedan on a closed road circuit. Filters (0.9 ND) were placed over the left, right or both eyes during a driving run, in addition to a control condition with no filters in place. Subjects were asked to look out of the right side of the car and adjust their driving speed to either 40 km/h or 60 km/h. Results: Without a filter or with both eyes filtered subjects showed good estimation of speed when asked to travel at 60 km/h but travelled a mean of 12 to 14 km/h faster than the requested 40 km/h. Subjects travelled faster than these baselines by a mean of 7 to 9 km/h (p < 0.001) with the filter over their right eye, and 3 to 5 km/h slower with the filter over their left eye (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The Enright phenomenon causes significant and measurable distortions of perceived driving speed under realworld driving conditions.


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Purpose: There have been few studies of visual temporal processing of myopic eyes. This study investigated the visual performance of emmetropic and myopic eyes using a backward visual masking location task. Methods: Data were collected for 39 subjects (15 emmetropes, 12 stable myopes, 12 progressing myopes). In backward visual masking, a target’s visibility is reduced by a mask presented in quick succession ‘after’ the target. The target and mask stimuli were presented at different interstimulus intervals (from 12 to 300 ms). The task involved locating the position of a target letter with both a higher (seven per cent) and a lower (five per cent) contrast. Results: Emmetropic subjects had significantly better performance for the lower contrast location task than the myopes (F2,36 = 22.88; p < 0.001) but there was no difference between the progressing and stable myopic groups (p = 0.911). There were no differences between the groups for the higher contrast location task (F2,36 = 0.72, p = 0.495). No relationship between task performance and either the magnitude of myopia or axial length was found for either task. Conclusions: A location task deficit was observed in myopes only for lower contrast stimuli. Both emmetropic and myopic groups had better performance for the higher contrast task compared to the lower contrast task, with myopes showing considerable improvement. This suggests that five per cent contrast may be the contrast threshold required to bias the task towards the magnocellular system (where myopes have a temporal processing deficit). Alternatively, the task may be sensitive to the contrast sensitivity of the observer.


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Over recent years, many scholars have studied the conceptual modeling of information systems based on a theory of ontological expressiveness. This theory offers four constructs that inform properties of modeling grammars in the form of ontological deficiencies, and their implications for development and use of conceptual modeling in IS practice. In this paper we report on the development of a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the perceptions that individuals have of the ontological deficiencies of conceptual modeling grammars. We describe a multi-stage approach for instrument development that incorporates feedback from expert and user panels. We also report on a field test of the instrument with 590 modeling practitioners. We further study how different levels of modeling experience influence user perceptions of ontological deficiencies of modeling grammars. We provide implications for practice and future research.


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Location based games (LBGs) provide an opportunity to look at how new technologies can support a reciprocal relationship between formal classroom learning and learning that can potentially occur in other everyday environments. Fundamentally many games are intensely engaging due to the resulting social interactions and technical challenges they provide to individual and group players. By introducing the use of mobile devices we can transport these characteristics of games into everyday spaces. LBGs are understood as a broad genre incorporating ideas and tools that provide many unique opportunities for us to to reveal, create and even subvert various social, cultural, technical, and scientific interpretations of place, in particular places where learning is sometimes problematic.--------- A team of Queensland game developers have learnt a great deal through designing a range of LBGs such as SCOOT for various user groups and places. While these LBGs were primarily designed as social events, we found that the players recognised and valued the game as an opportunity to learn about their environment, it's history, cultural significance, inhabitants, services etc. Since identifying the strong pedagogical outcomes of LBGs, the team has created a set of authoring tools for people to design and host their own LBGs. A particular version of this is known as MiLK the mobile learning kit for schools.---------- This presentation will include examples of how LBGs have been used to improve the teaching and learning outcomes in various contexts. Participants will be introduced to MiLK and invited to trial it in their own classrooms with students.


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This research investigates how a strong personal relationship (strong tie) between a small business owner-manager and his professional or informal advisor affects the relationship between the advisor's recent performance and the owner-manager's perceptions of the advisor's trustworthiness in terms of ability, benevolence and integrity. A negative moderating effect could point to a 'tie that blinds': the owner-manager may be less critical in evaluating the advisor's perceived trustworthiness in light of their recent performance, because of the existing personal relationship. A conceptual model is constructed and examined with survey data comprising 153 young Finnish businesses. The results show that strong ties increase the owner-manager's perception of the advisor's integrity, disregarding their recent performance. For professional advisors, strong ties reduce the impact of recent performance in the owner-manager's evaluation of their ability. For informal advisors, a strong tie makes it more likely that their benevolence will be evaluated highly in light of their recent performance. While the results show that 'ties can blind' under certain circumstances, the limitations of the study raise the need for further research to specify these contextual factors and examine the causal link between the choice of advisor and business performance.


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European American (EA) women report greater body dissatisfaction and less dietary control than do African American (AA) women. This study investigated whether ethnic differences in dieting history contributed to differences in body dissatisfaction and dietary control, or to differential changes that may occur during weight loss and regain. Eighty-nine EA and AA women underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to measure body composition and completed questionnaires to assess body dissatisfaction and dietary control before, after, and one year following, a controlled weight-loss intervention. While EA women reported a more extensive dieting history than AA women, this difference did not contribute to ethnic differences in body dissatisfaction and perceived dietary control. During weight loss, body satisfaction improved more for AA women, and during weight regain, dietary self-efficacy worsened to a greater degree for EA women. Ethnic differences in dieting history did not contribute significantly to these differential changes. Although ethnic differences in body image and dietary control are evident prior to weight loss, and some change differentially by ethnic group during weight loss and regain, differences in dieting history do not contribute significantly to ethnic differences in body image and dietary control.


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Employees are vital assets for an enterprise and therefore need to be valued by their employers. Employers can create a safe and reduced stress environment to work; managers thus provide organizational support through their managerial role by caring for their subordinates’ well-being and by providing work advisory. By providing the managerial support to the employees, organizations can reduce costs and increase productivity. Past research has investigated the role of organizational support on stress as a single model either moderating or mediating role. The previous findings were also inconsistent. The purpose of this study was to test both the mediating and the moderating effect of the perceived managerial support on role stressors and psychological outcomes. This study used 380 participants taken from several small firms in Thailand. The results confirmed the mediation role of perceived managerial support, but not the moderation effect.


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Annual reports are an important component of New Zealand schools’ public accountability. Through the annual report the governance body informs stakeholders about school aims, objectives, achievements, use of resources, and financial performance. This paper identifies the perceived usefulness of the school annual report to recipients and the extent to which it serves as an instrument of accountability and/or decision-usefulness. The study finds that the annual report is used for a variety of purposes, including: to determine if the school has conducted its activities effectively and achieved stated objectives and goals; to examine student achievements; to assess financial accountability and performance; and to make decisions about the school as a suitable environment for their child/children. Nevertheless, the study also finds that other forms of communication are more important sources of information about the school than the annual report which is seen to fall short of users’ required qualities of understandability, reliability and readability. It would appear imperative that policy makers review the functional role of the school annual report which is a costly document to prepare. Further, school managers need to engage in alternative means to communicate sufficient and meaningful information in the discharge of public accountability.


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Acoustic emission (AE) technique is a popular tool used for structural health monitoring of civil, mechanical and aerospace structures. It is a non-destructive method based on rapid release of energy within a material by crack initiation or growth in the form of stress waves. Recording of these waves by means of sensors and subsequent analysis of the recorded signals convey information about the nature of the source. Ability to locate the source of stress waves is an important advantage of AE technique; but as AE waves travel in various modes and may undergo mode conversions, understanding of the modes (‘modal analysis’) is often necessary in order to determine source location accurately. This paper presents results of experiments aimed at finding locations of artificial AE sources on a thin plate and identifying wave modes in the recorded signal waveforms. Different source locating techniques will be investigated and importance of wave mode identification will be explored.


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The paper describes a number of requirements for enhancing the trust of location acquisition from Satellite Navigation Systems, particularly for those applications where the location is monitored through a remote GNSS receiver. We discuss how the trust of a location acquisition could be propagated to an application through the use of a proposed tamper-­resistant GNSS receiver which quantifies the trust of a location solution from the signaling used (ie. P(Y) code, Galileo SOL, PRS, CS) and provides a cryptographic proof of this to a remote application. The tamper­-resistance state of the receiver is also included in this cryptographic proof.


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Despite recent public attention to e-health as a solution to rising healthcare costs and an ageingpopulation, there have been relatively few studies examining the geographical pattern of e-health usage. This paper argues for an equitable approach to e-health and attention to the way in which e-health initiatives can produce locational health inequalities, particularly in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas. In this paper, we use a case study to demonstrate geographical variation in Internet accessibility, Internet status and prevalence of chronic diseases within a small district. There are signifi cant disparities in access to health information within socioeconomically disadvantaged areas. The most vulnerable people in these areas are likely to have limited availability of, or access to Internet healthcare resources. They are also more likely to have complex chronic diseases and, therefore, be in greatest need of these resources. This case study demonstrates the importance of an equitable approach to e-health information technologies and telecommunications infrastructure.