918 resultados para new program


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The Founding of Lincoln Institute -- Period of Development -- The Administrations of Smith, Mitchell, and Clayton -- The Grand Old Man -- The Period from 1989-1898 -- The Period of the Presidents -- Lincoln Institute at the Turn of the century -- The Period of Opposition -- From Institute to University -- A New President with a new Program -- Growth Despite Opposition -- Lincoln University since 1931.


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Data refinements are refinement steps in which a program’s local data structures are changed. Data refinement proof obligations require the software designer to find an abstraction relation that relates the states of the original and new program. In this paper we describe an algorithm that helps a designer find an abstraction relation for a proposed refinement. Given sufficient time and space, the algorithm can find a minimal abstraction relation, and thus show that the refinement holds. As it executes, the algorithm displays mappings that cannot be in any abstraction relation. When the algorithm is not given sufficient resources to terminate, these mappings can help the designer find a suitable abstraction relation. The same algorithm can be used to test an abstraction relation supplied by the designer.


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This thesis seeks to describe the development of an inexpensive and efficient clustering technique for multivariate data analysis. The technique starts from a multivariate data matrix and ends with graphical representation of the data and pattern recognition discriminant function. The technique also results in distances frequency distribution that might be useful in detecting clustering in the data or for the estimation of parameters useful in the discrimination between the different populations in the data. The technique can also be used in feature selection. The technique is essentially for the discovery of data structure by revealing the component parts of the data. lhe thesis offers three distinct contributions for cluster analysis and pattern recognition techniques. The first contribution is the introduction of transformation function in the technique of nonlinear mapping. The second contribution is the us~ of distances frequency distribution instead of distances time-sequence in nonlinear mapping, The third contribution is the formulation of a new generalised and normalised error function together with its optimal step size formula for gradient method minimisation. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. The second chapter describes multidimensional scaling as an origin of nonlinear mapping technique. The third chapter describes the first developing step in the technique of nonlinear mapping that is the introduction of "transformation function". The fourth chapter describes the second developing step of the nonlinear mapping technique. This is the use of distances frequency distribution instead of distances time-sequence. The chapter also includes the new generalised and normalised error function formulation. Finally, the fifth chapter, the conclusion, evaluates all developments and proposes a new program. for cluster analysis and pattern recognition by integrating all the new features.


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We present a new program tool for interactive 3D visualization of some fundamental algorithms for representation and manipulation of Bézier curves. The program tool has an option for demonstration of one of their most important applications - in graphic design for creating letters by means of cubic Bézier curves. We use Java applet and JOGL as our main visualization techniques. This choice ensures the platform independency of the created applet and contributes to the realistic 3D visualization. The applet provides basic knowledge on the Bézier curves and is appropriate for illustrative and educational purposes. Experimental results are included.


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Minimum Student Performance Standards in Computer Literacy and Science were passed by the Florida Legislature through the Educational Reform Act of 1983. This act mandated that all Florida high school graduates receive training in computer literacy. Schools and school systems were charged with the task of determining the best methods to deliver this instruction to their students. The scope of this study is to evaluate one school's response to the state of Florida's computer literacy mandate. The study was conducted at Miami Palmetto Senior High School, located in Dade County, Florida. The administration of Miami Palmetto Senior High School chose to develop and implement a new program to comply with the state mandate - integrating computer literacy into the existing biology curriculum. The study evaluated the curriculum to determine if computer literacy could be integrated successfully and meet both the biology and computer literacy objectives. The findings in this study showed that there were no significant differences between biology scores of the students taking the integrated curriculum and those taking a traditional curriculum of biology. Student in the integrated curriculum not only met the biology objectives as well as those in the traditional curriculum, they also successfully completed the intended objectives for computer literacy. Two sets of objectives were successfully completed in the integrated classes in the same amount of time used to complete one set of objectives in the traditional biology classes. Therefore, integrated curriculum was the more efficient means of meeting the intended objectives of both biology and computer literacy.


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El arteterapia permite una aproximación creativa biográfica particularmente valiosa en la etapa final de la vida. La persona enferma presenta múltiples necesidades – físicas, emocionales, sociales y espirituales – que solo una atención holística puede pretender abarcar, tal como lo contempla la filosofía de los cuidados paliativos. El arteterapeuta integrado en el equipo interdisciplinar contribuye a aliviar y acompañar el sufrimiento del paciente y su familia. Se presentan aquí las bases teóricas y la metodología de la intervención, así como el marco sanitario en el cual se inscribe.


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In dieser Arbeit wird ein Prozess für den frühen aerothermodynamischen Entwurf von Axialturbinen konzipiert und durch Kopplung einzelner Computerprogramme im DLR Göttingen realisiert. Speziell für die Erstauslegung von Geometrien und die Vorhersage von globalen Leistungsdaten beliebiger Axialturbinen wurde ein neues Programm erzeugt. Dessen effiziente Anwendung wird mit einer zu diesem Zweck konzipierten grafischen Entwurfsumgebung ausgeführt. Kennzeichnend für den Vorentwurfsprozess in dieser Arbeit ist die Anwendung von ein- und zweidimensionaler Strömungssimulation sowie der hohe Grad an Verknüpfung der verwendeten Programme sowohl auf prozesstechnischer wie auch auf datentechnischer Ebene. Dabei soll dem sehr frühen Entwurf eine deutlich stärkere Rolle zukommen als bisher üblich und im Gegenzug die Entwurfszeit mit höher auflösenden Vorentwurfsprogrammen reduziert werden. Die Anwendung der einzelnen Programme im Rahmen von Subprozessen wird anhand von exemplarischen Turbinenkonfigurationen in der Arbeit ebenso dargestellt, wie die Validierung des gesamten Entwurfsprozesses anhand der Auslegung einer folgend realisierten und erfolgreich operierenden Axialturbine eines Triebwerkssimulators für Flugzeug-Windkanalmodelle (TPS). Neben der Erleichterung von manueller Entwurfstätigkeit durch grafische Benutzerinteraktion kommt in einzelnen Subprozessen eine automatisierte Mehrziel-Optimierung zum Einsatz.


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The theme of teacher education has always been rich in discussion and presents an abundant literature on the subject. Historically this topic has generated concerns in both development bodies and universities / schools where these people learn or are engaged in professional work. Training teachers is complex and these elements of complexity make necessary a review of paradigms of initial and continuing education. Despite the efforts of the past decades, the lack of teachers in some areas of knowledge is still a big concern, and it can become even worse in the future, what reinforces the importance of new decisions and new directions in order to change this situation. Therefore, the university-school relationship is of fundamental importance, linking and articulating theory and school practice, contextualizing knowledge, renewing and adapting curricula to current times and spaces in order to be able to improve and recover the social and professional value of teachers. From this perspective the education public policies should turn to the encouragement and the rescue of values and principles in quality teacher training. In the course comes the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarships Program - PIBID as an innovative program of teacher education working and adding essential factors to the university-school to reinforce good teaching practices taking up the role of co-developer schools. This research is aimed at analyzing the factors that PIBID inserts in the university-school relationship within IFPR Campus Palmas. The theoretical route was marked by authors as Edgar Morin (2003, 2010a, 2010b, 2012), Enrique Leff (2002a, 2002b, 2003, 2010), Boaventura Sousa Santos (1988, 2010a, 2010b, 2013) Menga Lüdke (2005, 2013), Demerval Saviani (2000, 2013), Paulo Freire (2011), among others, among them official documents of PIBID were used in this research too. The methodological approach with exploratory approach, descriptive explanatory was of fundamental importance through data collected by the documentary analysis (BRAZIL, 2007, 2009, 2013) and in the focus groups activities (GATTI, 2012). The focus groups interlocutors constituted of three groups: Area Coordinators, supervisors and teaching initiation scholarships. The categories were defined a priori from the Programme's objectives and emerging categories identified from the analysis process. After both documentary and interlocutors analysis, it was possible to identify that PIBID inserts the following factors in the university-school relationship: the Recognition of the Profession; Innovative Program and Dialogues of Knowledge. For the recognition of the profession mainly because it is an initial and continuing education program; it approximates theory and practice; upgrades the role of the teacher at school and motivates methodological innovations. This Innovative Program promotes the role of co-educational school and it also approximates knowledge of the school reality and promotes the continuous training. The third emerging category university-school relationship promotes dialogs of knowledge; bringing together theory and practice; it allows information exchange and opens new perspectives for teacher training. Finally, it is possible to realize that besides being a new program, PIBID has promoted visible changes through the actions carried out by all subprojects in partnerships between universities and schools, restoring and giving new meanings to the pedagogical practices.


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A discussão sobre a questão da efectividade da ajuda externa já dura há décadas. Se por um lado estão estudos que consideram que a ajuda externa tem um impacto positivo no crescimento económico, por outro estão aqueles que concluíram que os fluxos de ajuda apenas contribuem para aumentar a corrupção, a pobreza e perpetuar maus governos. Este trabalho de investigação discute a questão da efectividade das ajudas externas no caso concreto de Cabo Verde. O país passou recentemente a beneficiar de um novo programa de ajudas externas, o Millennium Challenge Account, pelo que é pertinente perceber se os fluxos de ajudas externas, em geral, e do programa MCA, em particular, têm dado resultados positivos para o país. Para a análise empírica, foram analisados os relatórios anuais do Banco de Cabo Verde e outras fontes complementares, e os dados usados são referentes a 23 anos. A conclusão da análise econométrica sugere que a ajuda externa se tem repercutido de forma positiva no crescimento económico de Cabo Verde, apesar da variável Assistência Oficial ao Desenvolvimento não ter apresentado significância estatística. Os fluxos privados são contudo fortemente positivos e significativos. O impacto do programa MCA também se revelou positivo para o crescimento económico do país, reforçando a ideia de que quando a ajuda é direccionada para sectores que dinamizam o crescimento da economia, o seu impacto no mesmo é positivo. ABSTRACT; The debate about the question of foreign aid effectiveness goes back decades. While on one side, there are researchers that conclude that foreign aid have a positive impact on economic growth, on the other side, there are those who conclude that the flows of aid only contribute to promote corruption, poverty and perpetuate bad governments. This work investigates the question of foreign aid effectiveness in the economic growth rates of Cape Verde. Since Cape Verde became recently a beneficiary of the new program of foreign aid, the Millennium Challenge Account, it would be interesting to understand if the flows of foreign aid and the MCA have given positive results in the case of Cape Verde. To reach these goals, the annual reports of the Central Bank of Cape Verde, together with other sources, have been analysed and the data refers to 23 years. The results of the econometric analyses suggest that foreign aid has had a positive impact on economic growth in Cape Verde. Even though the Official Development Assistance did not present statistically significant coefficient, the Private Flows seem to be largely positive and significant. The impact of the MCA program also revealed a positive impact on the economic growth of the Cape Verdean's islands, and it reinforces the idea that when the flow of aid is directed at those sectors that promote economic growth, its impact on the economy is largely positive and significant.


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As paisagens rurais portuguesas construídas e mantidas ao longo dos tempos por sistemas agrícolas tradicionais, estão hoje ameaçadas por motivos tão diversos como o envelhecimento da população, o abandono rural, a intensificação, a homogeneização dos sistemas de produção e a perda de competitividade. Mas apesar destes problemas, estas paisagens agrícolas, suportam ainda várias funções não produtivas, nomeadamente, constituem, um importante suporte de biodiversidade, pelo que a sua manutenção é importante para a conservação destes habitats e espécies. Eventualmente novas formas de gestão destas paisagens devem ser criadas, nomeadamente com base na combinação de várias funções numa perspectiva de multifuncionalidade, através de uma adaptação e integração de políticas públicas. Estando actualmente em discussão o novo programa de Desenvolvimento Rural e a definição das futuras Medidas Agro-Ambientais, e a gestão e o financiamento da Rede Natura 2000, estamos portanto num momento crítico para decisões futuras, que terão forçosamente que interligar, a agricultura, o ambiente e desenvolvimento das zonas rurais portuguesas. Com o intuito de melhor compreender estas problemáticas, em particular, as transformações em curso na paisagem rural, o papel das Medidas Agro-Ambientais e apresentar possíveis soluções, foi efectuado este estudo de caso no concelho de Marvão, concelho típico das áreas marginais agrícolas do interior sul de Portugal. ABSTRACT; The Portuguese rural landscapes built up and kept throughout the times by traditional agricultural systems, are today threatened by so diverse reasons as the ageing of the population, the agricultural abandonment, the intensification, the homogenization of the production systems and the loss of competitiveness. But despite these problems. These agricultural landscapes still support a multitude of non-commodity functions, and particularly they still constitute an important support of biodiversity and thus their maintenance is important for the conservation of these habitats and species. Probably new management forms must be created based on the combination of various functions and the adaptation and integration of public policies. Being currently in discussion the new program of Rural Development and the definition of the future Agri-Environmental Measures, and the management and the financing of the Natura 2000 Network, we are therefore at a critical moment for future decisions that will forcibly have to establish connections, between the agriculture, the environment and the development of the portuguese agricultural areas. With the intention of better understanding these problems and questions, , the transformations taking place in Portuguese peripheric rural areas, and in particular role of the Agri-Environmental Measures, and also for presenting possible solutions, a case study was analyzed in municipality of Marvão, characteristic of the agricultural marginal areas of the interior Southern Portugal.


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The scope and coverage of the Brazilian Immunization Program can be compared with those in developed countries because it provides a large number of vaccines and has a considerable coverage. The increasing complexity of the program brings challenges regarding its development, high coverage levels, access equality, and safety. The Immunization Information System, with nominal data, is an innovative tool that can more accurately monitor these indicators and allows the evaluation of the impact of new vaccination strategies. The main difficulties for such a system are in its implementation process, training of professionals, mastering its use, its constant maintenance needs and ensuring the information contained remain confidential. Therefore, encouraging the development of this tool should be part of public health policies and should also be involved in the three spheres of government as well as the public and private vaccination services.