985 resultados para neuronal differentiation


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The cortical development requires a precise process of proliferation, migration, survival and differentiation of newly formed neurons to finally achieve the development of a functional network. Different kinases, such as PKA, CaMKII, MAPK and PI3K, phosphorylate the transcription factors CREB, and thus activate it, inducing CREB-dependent gene expression. In order to identify the involvement of such signaling pathways mediated by CREB over neuronal differentiation and survival, in vitro experiments of cell culture were conducted using pharmacological kinase inhibitors and genetic techniques to express different forms of CREB (A-CREB and CREB-FY) in cortical neurons. Inhibition of PKA and CaMKII decreased the length of neuronal processes (neurites); whereas inhibition of MAPK did not affect the length, but increased the number of neurites. Blockade of PI3K do not appear to alter neuronal morphology, nor the soma size changed with the kinase blockades. CREB activation (CREB-FY) along with MAPK and PI3K blockades presented a negative side effect over neuritic growth and the expression of A-CREB leaded to a significant decrease in neuronal survival after 60h in vitro and mimicked some of the effects on neuronal morphology observed with PKA and CaMKII blockade. In summary the signaling through CREB influences the morphology of cortical neurons, particularly when phosphorylated by PKA, and CREB signaling is also important for survival of immature neurons prior to the establishment of fully functional synaptic contacts. Our data contribute to understanding the role of CREB signaling, activated by different routes, on survival and neuronal differentiation and may be valuable in the development of regenerative strategies in different neurological diseases


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There has been tremendous progress in understanding neural stem cell (NSC) biology, with genetic and cell biological methods identifying sequential gene expression and molecular interactions guiding NSC specification into distinct neuronal and glial populations during development. Data has emerged on the possible exploitation of NSC-based strategies to repair adult diseased brain. However, despite increased information on lineage specific transcription factors, cell-cycle regulators and epigenetic factors involved in the fate and plasticity of NSCs, understanding of extracellular cues driving the behavior of embryonic and adult NSCs is still very limited. Knowledge of factors regulating brain development is crucial in understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms of brain dysfunction. Since injury-activated repair mechanisms in adult brain often recapitulate ontogenetic events, the identification of these players will also reveal novel regenerative strategies. Here, we highlight the purinergic system as a key emerging player in the endogenous control of NSCs. Purinergic signalling molecules (ATP, UTP and adenosine) act with growth factors in regulating the synchronized proliferation, migration, differentiation and death of NSCs during brain and spinal cord development. At early stages of development, transient and time-specific release of ATP is critical for initiating eye formation; once anatomical CNS structures are defined, purinergic molecules participate in calcium-dependent neuron-glia communication controlling NSC behaviour. When development is complete, some purinergic mechanisms are silenced, but can be re-activated in adult brain after injury, suggesting a role in regeneration and self-repair. Targeting the purinergic system to develop new strategies for neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases will be also discussed.


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Background: Repulsive guidance molecules (RGM) are high-affinity ligands for the Netrin receptor Neogenin, and they are crucial for nervous system development including neural tube closure; neuronal and neural crest cell differentiation and axon guidance. Recent studies implicated RGM molecules in bone morphogenetic protein signaling, which regulates a variety of developmental processes. Moreover, a role for RGMc in iron metabolism has been established. This suggests that RGM molecules may play important roles in non-neural tissues. Results: To explore which tissues and processed may be regulated by RGM molecules, we systematically investigated the expression of RGMa and RGMb, the only RGM molecules currently known for avians, in the chicken embryo. Conclusions: Our study suggests so far unknown roles of RGM molecules in notochord, somite and skeletal muscle development. Developmental Dynamics, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Background: Kinins, with bradykinin and des-Arg(9)-bradykinin being the most important ones, are pro-inflammatory peptides released after tissue injury including stroke. Although the actions of bradykinin are in general well characterized; it remains controversial whether the effects of bradykinin are beneficial or not. Kinin-B2 receptor activation participates in various physiological processes including hypotension, neurotransmission and neuronal differentiation. The bradykinin metabolite des-Arg(9)-bradykinin as well as Lys-des-Arg(9)-bradykinin activates the kinin-B1 receptor known to be expressed under inflammatory conditions. We have investigated the effects of kinin-B1 and B2 receptor activation on N-methyl-Daspartate (NMDA)-induced excitotoxicity measured as decreased capacity to produce synaptically evoked population spikes in the CA1 area of rat hippocampal slices. Principal Findings: Bradykinin at 10 nM and 1 mu M concentrations triggered a neuroprotective cascade via kinin-B2 receptor activation which conferred protection against NMDA-induced excitotoxicity. Recovery of population spikes induced by 10 nM bradykinin was completely abolished when the peptide was co-applied with the selective kinin-B2 receptor antagonist HOE-140. Kinin-B2 receptor activation promoted survival of hippocampal neurons via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, while MEK/MAPK signaling was not involved in protection against NMDA-evoked excitotoxic effects. However, 100 nM Lys-des-Arg(9)-bradykinin, a potent kinin-B1 receptor agonist, reversed bradykinin-induced population spike recovery. The inhibition of population spikes recovery was reversed by PD98059,showing that MEK/MAPK was involved in the induction of apoptosis mediated by the B1 receptor. Conclusions: Bradykinin exerted protection against NMDA-induced excitotoxicity which is reversed in the presence of a kinin-B1 receptor agonist. As bradykinin is converted to the kinin-B1 receptor metabolite des-Arg(9)-bradykinin by carboxypeptidases, present in different areas including in brain, our results provide a mechanism for the neuroprotective effect in vitro despite of the deleterious effect observed in vivo.


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Embryonic carcinoma cells are widely used models for studying the mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation occurring during early embryogenesis. We have now investigated how down-regulation of P2X2 and P2X7 receptor expression by RNA interference (RNAi) affects neural differentiation and phenotype specification of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. Wild-type P19 embryonal carcinoma cells or cells stably expressing shRNAs targeting P2X2 or P2X7 receptor expression were induced to differentiate into neurons and glial cells in the presence of retinoic acid. Silencing of P2X2 receptor expression along differentiation promoted cell proliferation and an increase in the percentage of cells expressing glial-specific GFAP, while the presence of beta-3 tubulin-positive cells diminished at the same time. Proliferation induction in the presence of stable anti-P2X2 receptor RNAi points at a mechanism where glial proliferation is favored over growth arrest of progenitor cells which would allow neuronal maturation. Differently from the P2X2 receptor, inhibition of P2X7 receptor expression during neural differentiation of P19 cells resulted in a decrease in cell proliferation and GFAP expression, suggesting the need of functional P2X7 receptors for the progress of gliogenesis. The results obtained in this study indicate the importance of purinergic signaling for cell fate determination during neural differentiation, with P2X2 and P2X7 receptors promoting neurogenesis and gliogenesis, respectively. The shRNAs down-regulating P2X2 or P2X7 receptor gene expression, developed during this work, present useful tools for studying mechanisms of neural differentiation in other stem cell models. (C) 2012 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The control of gene expression by miRNAs has been widely investigated in different species and cell types. Following a probabilistic rather than a deterministic regimen, the action of these short nucleotide sequences on specific genes depends on intracellular concentration,which in turn reflects the balance between biosynthesis and degradation. Recent studies have described the involvement of XRN2, an exoribonuclease, in miRNA degradation and PAPD4, an atypical poly(A) polymerase, in miRNA stability. Herein, we examined the expression of XRN2 and PAPD4 in developing and adult rat hippocampi. Combining bioinformatics and real-time PCR,we demonstrated that XRN2 and PAPD4 expression is regulated by the uncorrelated action of transcription factors, resulting in distinct gene expression profiles during development. Analyses of nuclei position and nestin labeling revealed that both proteins progressively accumulated during neuronal differentiation, and that they are weakly expressed in immature neurons and absent in glial and endothelial cells. Despite the differences in subcellular localization, both genes were concurrently identified within identical neuronal subpopulations, including specific inhibitory interneurons. Thus, we cope with a singular circumstance in biology: an almost complete intersected expression of functional-opposed genes, reinforcing that their antagonistically driven actions on miRNAs “make sense” if simultaneously present at the same cells. Considering that the transcriptome in the nervous system is finely tuned to physiological processes, it was remarkable that miRNA stability-related genes were oncurrently identified in neurons that play essential roles in cognitive functions such as memory and learning. In summary, this study reveals a possible new mechanism for the control of miRNA expression.


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The biological complexity of NGF action is achieved by binding two distinct Neurotrophin receptors, TrkA and p75NTR. While several reports have provided lines of evidence on the interaction between TrkA and p75NTR at the plasma membrane, much fewer data are available on the consequence of such an interaction in terms of intracellular signaling. In this study, we have focused on how p75NTR may affect TrkA downstream signaling with respect to neuronal differentiation. Here, we have shown that cooperation between p75NTR and TrkA results in an increased NGF-mediated TrkA autophosphorylation, leads to a sustained activation of ERK1/2 and accelerates neurite outgrowth. Interestingly, neurite outgrowth is concomitant with a selective enhancement of the AP-1 activity and the transcriptional activation of genes such as GAP-43 and p21(CIP/WAF), known to be involved in the differentiation process. Collectively, our results unveil a functional link between the specific expression profile of neurotrophin receptors in neuronal cells and the NGF-mediated regulation of the differentiation process possibly through a persistent ERKs activation and the selective control of the AP-1 activity. In our studies we discuss the functional role of the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR and TrkA in a ligand-dependent signal transduction. It is known that p75NTR is also involved in the mediation of cell death ligand dependent. Here we show for the first time that the membrane receptor p75NTR, upon binding to b- Amyloid (Ab) peptide, is able to transduce a cytotoxic signal through a mechanism very similar to the one adopted by Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 (TNFR1), when activated by TNFa. We define that in neuroblastoma cell line Ab cytotoxicity signals through a pathway depending on p75NTR death domain (DD), mostly through some specific conserved residues. We identified that TRADD is the first interactor recruiting to the membrane and activates JNK and NF-kB transcription factors. Since Ab is defined as the most important aetiologic element associated with the Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), characterization of the mechanism involved in the mediation of the neurodegeneration can suggest also new therapeutic approaches.


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The repressor element 1-silencing transcription factor (REST) was first identified as a protein that binds to a 21-bp DNA sequence element (known as repressor element 1 (RE1)) resulting in transcriptional repression of the neural-specific genes [Chong et al., 1995; Schoenherr and Anderson, 1995]. The original proposed role for REST was that of a factor responsible for restricting neuronal gene expression to the nervous system by silencing expression of these genes in non-neuronal cells. Although it was initially thought to repress neuronal genes in non-neuronal cells, the role of REST is complex and tissue dependent. In this study I investigated any role played by REST in the induction and patterning of differentiation of SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells exposed to IGF-I. and phorbol 12- myristate 13-acetate (PMA) To down-regulate REST expression we developed an antisense (AS) strategy based on the use of phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (ODNs). In order to evaluate REST mRNA levels, we developed a real-time PCR technique and REST protein levels were evaluated by western blotting. Results showed that nuclear REST is increased in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells cultured in SFM and exposed to IGF-I for 2-days and it then declines in 5-day-treated cells concomitant with a progressive neurite extension. Also the phorbol ester PMA was able to increase nuclear REST levels after 3-days treatment concomitant to neuronal differentiation of neuroblastoma cells, whereas, at later stages, it is down-regulated. Supporting these data, the exposure to PKC inhibitors (GF10923X and Gö6976) and PMA (16nM) reverted the effects observed with PMA alone. REST levels were related to morphological differentiation, expression of growth coneassociated protein 43 (GAP-43; a gene not regulated by REST) and of synapsin I and βIII tubulin (genes regulated by REST), proteins involved in the early stage of neuronal development. We observed that differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells by IGF-I and PMA was accompanied by a significant increase of these neuronal markers, an effect that was concomitant with REST decrease. In order to relate the decreased REST expression with a progressive neurite extension, I investigated any possible involvement of the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS), a multienzymatic pathway which degrades polyubiquinated soluble cytoplasmic proteins [Pickart and Cohen, 2004]. For this purpose, SH-SY5Y cells are concomitantly exposed to PMA and the proteasome inhibitor MG132. In SH-SY5Y exposed to PMA and MG 132, we observed an inverse pattern of expression of synapsin I and β- tubulin III, two neuronal differentiation markers regulated by REST. Their cytoplasmic levels are reduced when compared to cells exposed to PMA alone, as a consequence of the increase of REST expression by proteasome inhibitor. The majority of proteasome substrates identified to date are marked for degradation by polyubiquitinylation; however, exceptions to this principle, are well documented [Hoyt and Coffino, 2004]. Interestingly, REST degradation seems to be completely ubiquitin-independent. The expression pattern of REST could be consistent with the theory that, during early neuronal differentiation induced by IGF-I and PKC, it may help to repress the expression of several genes not yet required by the differentiation program and then it declines later. Interestingly, the observation that REST expression is progressively reduced in parallel with cell proliferation seems to indicate that the role of this transcription factor could also be related to cell survival or to counteract apotosis events [Lawinger et al., 2000] although, as shown by AS-ODN experiments, it does not seem to be directly involved in cell proliferation. Therefore, the decline of REST expression is a comparatively later event during maturation of neuroroblasts in vitro. Thus, we propose that REST is regulated by growth factors, like IGF-I, and PKC activators in a time-dependent manner: it is elevated during early steps of neural induction and could contribute to down-regulate genes not yet required by the differentiation program while it declines later for the acquisition of neural phenotypes, concomitantly with a progressive neurite extension. This later decline is regulated by the proteasome system activation in an ubiquitin-indipendent way and adds more evidences to the hypothesis that REST down-regulation contributes to differentiation and arrest of proliferation of neuroblastoma cells. Finally, the glycosylation pattern of the REST protein was analysed, moving from the observation that the molecular weight calculated on REST sequence is about 116 kDa but using western blotting this transcription factor appears to have distinct apparent molecular weight (see Table 1.1): this difference could be explained by post-translational modifications of the proteins, like glycosylation. In fact recently, several studies underlined the importance of O-glycosylation in modulating transcriptional silencing, protein phosphorylation, protein degradation by proteasome and protein–protein interactions [Julenius et al., 2005; Zachara and Hart, 2006]. Deglycosilating analysis showed that REST protein in SH-SY5Y and HEK293 cells is Oglycosylated and not N-glycosylated. Moreover, using several combination of deglycosilating enzymes it is possible to hypothesize the presence of Gal-β(1-3)-GalNAc residues on the endogenous REST, while β(1-4)-linked galactose residues may be present on recombinant REST protein expressed in HEK293 cells. However, the O-glycosylation process produces an immense multiplicity of chemical structures and monosaccharides must be sequentially hydrolyzed by a series of exoglycosidase. Further experiments are needed to characterize all the post-translational modification of the transcription factor REST.


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P19 is a mouse-derived embryonal carcinoma cell line capable of differentiation toward ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal lineages and could thus be differentiated into neurons. Different culture conditions were tested to optimise and increase the efficiency of neuronal differentiation since the population of P19-derived neurons was reported to be heterogeneous with respect to the morphology and neurotransmitters they synthesise. P19-derived neurons were cultured on microelectrode arrays as cell aggregates and as dissociated cells. Improved neuronal maturation was shown by the presence of microtubule associated protein 2, neurofilament and synaptophysin formation when initiation of neuronal differentiation was prolonged. High initial cell density cultures and coating of surfaces with polyethylenimine-laminin further improved neuronal maturation of differentiated P19 cells. Increased spontaneous activities of the P19-derived neurons were correspondingly recorded. Two to three hours recordings were performed between 17 and 25 days when extracellular signals were stabilised. It was found that P19-derived neurons developed network properties as partially synchronised network activities. P19-derived neurons appeared to give inhomogenous response to the 2 major neurotransmitters, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. The P19-derived neuronal networks obtained from optimised protocol in this thesis were predominantly GABAergic. The reproducible long term extracellular recordings performed showed that neurons derived from P19 embryonal carcinoma cells could be applied as a model for cell based biosensor in corporation with microelectrode arrays.


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Neurale Stammzellen sind im adulten Säugerhirn in der Subventrikulären Zone (SVZ) der Lateralventrikel und dem Hippokampus lokalisiert. In der SVZ entstandene neurale Zellen migrieren entlang eines von Astrozyten umgebenen Pfades, dem Rostralmigratorischen Strom (RMS), zum Olfaktorischen Bulbus (OB), wo sie zu olfaktorischen Interneuronen differenzieren. Vaskuläre Wachstumsfaktoren, wie VEGF-A beeinflussen die adulte Neurogenese. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt erstmalig detailliert die spezifische Expression des VEGF-Rezeptor-1 (VEGFR-1) in den Regionen olfaktorischer und hippokampaler Neurogenese des adulten ZNS. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass VEGFR-1 im adulten Hirn hauptsächlich in GFAP-positiven Zellen in der SVZ, dem RMS, dem OB, dem Corpus callosum und dem Hippokampus exprimiert ist. In vivo-Analysen transgener Mäuse (Flt-1TK-/-), denen die Signaltransduktionsdomäne des VEGFR-1 fehlt, demonstrieren hier erstmals eine Rolle des VEGFR-1 in adulter Neurogenese. Flt-1TK-/- weisen eine erhöhte Proliferation neuronaler Vorläuferzellen der SVZ auf. Im RMS ist jedoch 6 Tage nach BrdU-Administration die Anzahl markierter Zellen im Vergleich zum Wildtyp (wt) um 47,97% reduziert, ohne dass es zu einer Akkumulation in der SVZ kommt. Zusammen mit der in Kulturversuchen stark erhöhten Migrationsgeschwindigkeit von Neuroblasten der Flt-1TK-/- und einer verminderten Abwanderung von Zellen aus dem RMS ins Corpus callosum der Flt-1Tk-/-, weist dies auf eine gesteigerte Migration zum OB hin. Tatsächlich war der OB der Flt-1TK-/-, vor allem die Plexiform- und Periglomerulärzellschicht (PGL), signifikant vergrößert. Im OB der transgenen Tiere migrieren zudem signifikant mehr BrdU-markierte Zellen in die PGL. Dort differenzieren signifikant mehr Neurone als im wt. Subtypisierungen zeigen, zudem eine erhöhte Differenzierung in dopaminerge Interneurone in der PGL der Flt-1TK-/-. Im Gehirn Flt-1TK-/- war die Konzentration von VEGF-A erhöht. Intrazerebroventrikuläre Infusion von VEGF-A in wt-Tiere erbrachte den eindeutigen Nachweis, dass die Erhöhung der VEGF-A-Konzentration im Gehirn der Flt-1TK-/- ursächlich für die in diesen Tieren beobachtete Reduktion der BrdU-positiven Zellen im RMS ist. Dies ist gleichzeitig der erste Nachweis einer Wirkung von VEGF-A auf Neuroblasten im RMS in vivo unter physiologischen Bedingungen. Die erhöhte VEGF-A-Konzentration könnte auch den anderen hier dargelegten Effekten zugrunde liegen. VEGFR-1 ist somit ein regulatorischer Faktor für die adulte olfaktorische Neurogenese und spielt eine potentielle Rolle in der Differenzierung dopaminerger Interneurone.


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The enzyme tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) belongs to the ectophosphatase family. It is present in large amounts in bone in which it plays a role in mineralization but little is known about its function in other tissues. Arguments are accumulating for its involvement in the brain, in particular in view of the neurological symptoms accompanying human TNAP deficiencies. We have previously shown, by histochemistry, alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in monkey brain vessels and parenchyma in which AP exhibits specific patterns. Here, we clearly attribute this activity to TNAP expression rather than to other APs in primates (human and marmoset) and in rodents (rat and mouse). We have not found any brain-specific transcripts but our data demonstrate that neuronal and endothelial cells exclusively express the bone TNAP transcript in all species tested, except in mouse neurons in which liver TNAP transcripts have also been detected. Moreover, we highlight the developmental regulation of TNAP expression; this also acts during neuronal differentiation. Our study should help to characterize the regulation of the expression of this ectophosphatase in various cell types of the central nervous system.


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STUDY OF REST AS A NEGATIVE REGULATOR OF P16INK4A Monica Gireud, B.S. Thesis Advisor: Vidya Gopalakrishnan, Ph.D. The RE1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) is a negative regulator of neuronal differentiation. It is expressed ubiquitously in early embryos, but downregulated in neural progenitors concomitant with onset of neuronal differentiation in these cells. REST has been widely studied as a negative regulator of neuronal differentiation genes. Our recent work identified a novel role for REST in control of cell proliferation. However, the underlying molecular mechanism(s) are not known and is a focus of the current thesis project. Here, we provide evidence that REST signaling controls the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p16Ink4a, a negative regulator of the cell cycle and passage through G1. We determined that REST expression in the proliferating granule progenitors of the cerebellum and its lack of expression in the differentiated neurons is reciprocally correlated with that of p16Ink4a. Decline in REST levels in differentiating primary and neural stem cells immortalized with v-myc (NSC-M) granule progenitors in vitro was also associated with upregulation of p16Ink4a expression. Conversely, constitutive human REST transgene expression in NSC-M cells (NSC-MRs) blocked p16Ink4 upregulation, even under neuronal differentiation conditions. However, the lack of a consensus REST DNA binding RE1 element in the regulatory regions of p16Ink4a locus suggested an indirect regulation of p16Ink4a by REST. Based on work from other groups that showed repression of p16Ink4a transcription by the polycomb protein Bmi-1, and its negative regulation by microRNA-203 (miR-203) and our identification of a RE1 element in the downstream regulatory region of miR-203, we asked if the p16Ink4a expression was controlled by REST through a series of negative regulatory events involving miR-203 and Bmi-1. We observed that Bmi1 -expression mirrored that of REST and inversely correlated with that of miR-203 in the postnatal cerebellum and in vitro differentiated granule and NSC-M progenitors. In contrast, forced REST transgene expression in NSC-MR cells abrogated the decrease in Bmi-1 levels and elevation in miR-203 expression. Significant REST binding to the miR-203 RE1 element was also observed in NSC-M cells, indicating that REST had the potential to directly regulate miR-203 expression. In conclusion, our studies suggest a role for REST in control of cell cycle transit in neural progenitors through negative regulation of p16Ink4a. Further validation of these results in REST knockout mice is needed, and is ongoing.


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Several natural products derived from entomopathogenic fungi have been shown to initiate neuronal differentiation in the rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cell line. After the successful completion of the total synthesis program, the reduction of structural complexity while retaining biological activity was targeted. In this study, farinosone C served as a lead structure and inspired the preparation of small molecules with reduced complexity, of which several were able to induce neurite outgrowth. This allowed for the elaboration of a detailed structure-activity relationship. Investigations on the mode of action utilizing a computational similarity ensemble approach suggested the involvement of the endocannabinoid system as potential target for our analogs and also led to the discovery of four potent new endocannabinoid transport inhibitors.


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The RE-1 silencing transcription factor (REST) is an important regulator of normal nervous system development. It negatively regulates neuronal lineage specification in neural progenitors by binding to its consensus RE-1 element(s) located in the regulatory region of its target neuronal differentiation genes. The developmentally coordinated down-regulation of REST mRNA and protein in neural progenitors triggers terminal neurogenesis. REST is overexpressed in pediatric neural tumors such as medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma and is associated with poor neuronal differentiation. High REST protein correlate with poor prognosis for patients with medulloblastoma, however similar studies have not been done with neuroblastoma patients. Mechanism(s) underlying elevated REST levels medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma are unclear, and is the focus of this thesis project. We discovered that transcriptional and post-translational mechanisms govern REST mis-regulation in medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma. In medulloblastoma, REST transcript is aberrantly elevated in a subset of patient samples. Using loss of function and gain of function experiments, we provide evidence that the Hairy Enhancer of Split (HES1) protein represses REST transcription in medulloblastoma cell lines, modulates the expression of neuronal differentiation genes, and alters the survival potential of these cells in vitro. We also show that REST directly represses its own expression in an auto-regulatory feedback loop. Interestingly, our studies identified a novel interaction between REST and HES1. We also observed their co-occupancy at the RE-1 sites, thereby suggesting potential for co-regulation of REST expression. Our pharmacological studies in neuroblastoma using retinoic acid revealed that REST levels are controlled by transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms. Post-transcriptional mechanisms are mediated by modulation of E3 ligase or REST, SCFβ-TRCP, and contribute to resistance of some cells to retinoic acid treatment.


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Histone acetylation is thought to have a role in transcription. To gain insight into the role of histone acetylation in retinoid-dependent transcription, we studied the effects of trichostatin A (TSA), a specific inhibitor of histone deacetylase, on P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. We show that coaddition of TSA and retinoic acid (RA) markedly enhances neuronal differentiation in these cells, although TSA alone does not induce differentiation but causes extensive apoptosis. Consistent with the cooperative effect of TSA and RA, coaddition of the two agents synergistically enhanced transcription from stably integrated RA-responsive promoters. The transcriptional synergy by TSA and RA required the RA-responsive element and a functional retinoid X receptor (RXR)/retinoic acid receptor (RAR) heterodimer, both obligatory for RA-dependent transcription. Furthermore, TSA led to promoter activation by an RXR-selective ligand that was otherwise inactive in transcription. In addition, TSA enhanced transcription from a minimum basal promoter, independently of the RA-responsive element. Finally, we show that TSA alone or in combination with RA increases in vivo endonuclease sensitivity within the RA-responsive promoter, suggesting that TSA treatment might alter a local chromatin environment to enhance RXR/RAR heterodimer action. Thus, these results indicate that histone acetylation influences activity of the heterodimer, which is in line with the observed interaction between the RXR/RAR heterodimer and a histone acetylase presented elsewhere.