889 resultados para multinational company
Ce mémoire analyse la mobilisation multiniveaux de la section locale 9490 d'Alma du syndicat des Métallos lors de son conflit de travail avec Rio Tinto Alcan à l'hiver 2012. Lors de la négociation pour le renouvellement de la convention collective, le syndicat, affilié à la FTQ, est mis en lock-out par Rio Tinto Alcan, une entreprise multinationale anglo-australienne. Rio Tinto achète Alcan, une entreprise multinationale canadienne, au milieu des années 2000 et souhaite rentabiliser son investissement. Le Syndicat tient à maintenir ses acquis et les emplois de qualité dans la région et à ne pas céder devant ce nouvel employeur. Le syndicat des Métallos est affilié au syndicat international United SteelWorkers. Ensemble, ils mettront sur pied une campagne stratégique internationale afin de faire contrepoids aux énormes ressources de l'employeur. Cette étude analyse le déploiement d'un syndicat international lors d'un conflit de travail au niveau local avec une entreprise multinationale et identifie les impacts de la campagne sur les relations de travail.
El presente estudio de caso documenta los planes y actividades relacionadas con el tema de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial que la multinacional colombiana Crepes & Waffles implementa en sus operaciones. El documento contiene una investigación que incluye antecedentes, análisis del sector, temas estadísticos y una entrevista.
Com a crescente importância da vida laboral torna-se necessário o estudo de variáveis que aprimorem o trabalho individual e das empresas. Adotando um design experimental, com a manipulação de quatro orientações culturais e com uma amostra de 150 trabalhadores de uma empresa multinacional, este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto da cultura organizacional no bem-estar (afetivo e cognitivo) laboral, o impacto do ajustamento pessoa-organização no bem-estar do trabalhador e a forma como a relação entre a cultura organizacional e o bem-estar é moderada pelo ajustamento pessoa-organização. Os resultados revelaram que quanto mais elevados os níveis de ajustamento pessoa-organização, maior o conforto, entusiasmo, bem-estar geral e satisfação. Quanto à cultura organizacional, embora não se tenham verificado efeitos de interação significativos, as culturas de apoio e inovação revelam níveis superiores de conforto, entusiasmo, bem-estar afetivo geral, e satisfação laboral dos indivíduos, ao contrário das culturas de regras e objetivos; Culture and Well-Being at Work: the role of person - organization fit in an experimental study Abstract: With the growing importance of working life it is necessary to study the variables to improve individual work and business. Adopting an experimental design, handling four cultural orientations and a sample of 150 employees of a multinational company, this study was designed in order to explore the impact of organizational culture on well-being (affective and cognitive) labor, the impact of person-organization fit in the worker's well-being and how the relationship between organizational culture and well-being is moderated by person-organization fit. The results revealed that the higher the adjustment levels of person-organization, the greater comfort, enthusiasm, general well-being and satisfaction will be. As for the organizational culture, although there were not verified significant interaction effects, cultures of support and innovation promote comfort, enthusiasm, general emotional well-being and job satisfaction of individuals, unlike the cultures of rules and objectives.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the environmental disclosure initiatives of Niko Resources Ltd – a Canada-based multinational oil and gas company – following the two major environmental blowouts at a gas field in Bangladesh in 2005. As part of the examination, the authors particularly focus on whether Niko's disclosure strategy was associated with public concern pertaining to the blowouts. Design/methodology/approach – The authors reviewed news articles about Niko's environmental incidents in Bangladesh and Niko's communication media, including annual reports, press releases and stand-alone social responsibility report over the period 2004-2007, to understand whether news media attention as proxy for public concern has an impact on Niko's disclosure practices in relation to the affected local community in Bangladesh. Findings – The findings show that Niko did not provide any non-financial environmental information within its annual reports and press releases as a part of its responsibility to the local community which was affected by the blowouts, but it did produce a stand-alone report to address the issue. However, financial environmental disclosures, such as the environmental contingent liability disclosure, were adequately provided through annual reports to meet the regulatory requirements concerning environmental persecutions. The findings also suggest that Niko's non-financial disclosure within a stand-alone report was associated with the public pressures as measured by negative media coverage towards the Niko blowouts. Research limitations/implications – This paper concludes that the motive for Niko's non-financial environmental disclosure, via a stand-alone report, reflected survival considerations: the company's reaction did not suggest any real attempt to hold broader accountability for its activities in a developing country.
This article identifies and compares the determinants of CEO compensation to median employee earnings with those of the Corporate Gini Index (CGI). Using a multinational retail company, the article posits that the CGI is an advantageous corporate alternative pay inequality measure that concerns CEO pay multiples to median employee earnings, which regulators should consider using and disclosing in proxy statements. Although CGI and the official measure of multiples of CEO pay to median employee earnings share some of the challenges, the advantages of CGI as an alternative measure are greater. Our findings suggest that the CGI is a much better measure of corporate income inequality bringing clear benefits at both micro and macro levels of intervention.
Customer evolution and changes in consumers, determine the fact that the quality of the interface between marketing and sales may represent a true competitive advantage for the firm. Building on multidimensional theoretical and empirical models developed in Europe and on social network analysis, the organizational interface between the marketing and sales departments of a multinational high-growth company with operations in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay is studied. Both, attitudinal and social network measures of information exchange are used to make operational the nature and quality of the interface and its impact on performance. Results show the existence of a positive relationship of formalization, joint planning, teamwork, trust and information transfer on interface quality, as well as a positive relationship between interface quality and business performance. We conclude that efficient design and organizational management of the exchange network are essential for the successful performance of consumer goods companies that seek to develop distinctive capabilities to adapt to markets that experience vertiginous changes
Purpose We address gender and management in contemporary globalization by focusing on the ways in which male top managers in a multinational corporation (MNC) construct their identities in interviews with researchers. Design/methodology/approach Our qualitative analysis is based on interviews with virtually all top managers in the Nordic financial services company Nordea (53 men and two women). Findings We specify how becoming international induces a particular masculine identity for the top managers. In becoming international, however, their national identification persists. The unstability of the MNC as a political constellation leaves room for questioning the transnational identity offered. Originality/value Our findings suggest that in the global world of business, national identity can also be interpreted as something positive and productive, contrary to how it has been previously treated in feminist and men’s studies literature.
This book is designed to help the reader understand the rationale of multinational corporations. Each of the nine central chapters focuses on the question of how a centrally directed multinational corporation (called a geocentric) can earn more profit than an identical corporation which lacks central direction (called a polycentric). Although some central direction is usually good, too much can be bad: Other multinationals (called ethnocentric) straitjacket their subsidiaries into acting in ways appropriate only in the headquarters' nation.
Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on ollut selvittää miten kansallinen ja organisaatiokulttuuri, niihin liittyvät normit ja arvot edesauttavat tai vaikeuttavat luottamuksen kehittymistä monikulttuurisissa tiimeissä maailmanlaajuisessa organisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen avulla haluttiin myös selvittää miten luottamus kehittyy hajautetuissa monikansallisissa tiimeissä WorldCom Internationalissa. Empiirinen tutkimusmenetelmä perustuu kvalitatiivisiin teemahaastatteluihin, jotka tehtiin WorldComin työntekijöille. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettei yhteisten sosiaalisten normien merkitys luottamuksen syntymiselle ole niin merkittävä, koska WorldComin yhtenäiset toimintatavat sekä hallitseva amerikkalaisen emoyhtiön "kotikulttuuri" muodostavat yhtenäiset toimintalinjat tiimeissä. Tietokonevälitteisen kommunikoinnin jatkuva käyttö on edesauttanut työntekijöiden ns. sosiaalisen älyn kehittymistä, sillä henkilökohtaisen tapaamisen puuttuminen kehittää vastaavasti taitoja aistia ja tulkita sähköpostien tai puhelinneuvotteluiden aikana välittyviä vastapuolen "näkymättömiä" vihjeitä.
Tutkielman tarkoitus on kehittää monikansallisille yrityksille tuottavan markkinaälyn malli, jonka avulla yritykset pystyvät käsittelemään muuttuvasta ja globalisoituvasta markkinaympäristöstä aiheutuvaa epävarmuutta. Malli koostuu pääosin kolmesta käsitteestä: markkinainformaation prosessoinnista, markkinasuuntautuneisuudesta ja organisationaalisesta oppimisesta. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, kuinka näiden samanaikainen soveltaminen johtaa synergiaetuihin. Lähdeaineistona käytettiin alan kirjallisuutta. Lisäksi haastateltiin neljää johtajaa monikansallisista yrityksistä. Käytännössä markkinaälyn soveltamisen haasteet liittyvät lähinnä markkinainformaation prosessoinnin asenteellisiin ja psykologisiin aspekteihin. Ihmisten tulisi ymmärtää, että koko yritys hyötyy heidän halukkuudestaan tiedon tuottamiseen ja jakamiseen. Lisäksi tietoa itsessään voimavarana tulisi kunnioittaa
Purpose – The HRM literature provides various typologies of the HR managers’ roles in organizations. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the roles and required competencies of HR managers in Slovenian multinational companies change when these companies enter the international arena. Design/methodology/approach – The authors explored the total population of 25 Slovenian multinational companies (MNCs) operating in Serbia. In these companies the authors conducted interviews with 16 expatriates working in branches in Serbia, sent questionnaires to the CEOs, and conducted a survey of 50 HR managers and interviews with 15 of them. The authors used a triangulation approach and analyzed the results by multivariate methods and content analysis. Findings – The authors found that the complexity of HR managers’ roles, and expectations of their competencies, increases with an increasing level of internationalization of companies. Orientation to people and conflict resolution are seen as elementary competencies needed in all stages of internationalization. The key competence is seen to be strategic thinking that, according to CEOs and expatriates, goes hand in hand with cultural sensitivity, openness to change and a comprehensive understanding of the international environment and business processes. Practical implications – These results can potentially be used for assessing the HRM roles and competencies in different stages of company internationalization, especially MNCs operating in the ex-communist states of Europe, and will help HR managers to support expatriates, CEOs and other employees working in branches abroad more efficiently. Originality/value – This study contributes to the review and evaluation of the quite limited research on HR managers’ roles and competencies in MNCs. It focuses on MNCs and outward internationalization in the Central and Eastern European region. It contributes to studies of the HR managers’ roles and competencies and is the first study to establish a set of roles and competencies for HR managers in Slovenian MNCs.
This paper investigates the impact of outward foreign direct investment (FDI) by Italian multinationals on their total employment and skill composition. Specifically, by comparing data on 108 Italian manufacturing firms that became multinational (for the first time) in the period 1998–2004 with a counterfactual group of 2500 national firms that remained national in the same period, we provide descriptive and econometric evidence that the internationalisation of production activities did not reduce domestic employment in the parent companies neither for investments in developed or developing countries. As far as the skill composition is concerned, results reveal that only firms investing in Central and Eastern European countries experience some skill upgrading relative to firms that remained national.
The focus of this study is on questioning whether the traditional theories of internationalization are adequate to explain the international expansion of multinationals from emerging countries. Looking forward on this issue, we investigate the internationalization strategies adopted by JBS, a Brazilian multinational of the beef industry. The results show that the company adopted two of the five generic strategies specific to the context of emerging countries suggested by Ramamurti and Singh (2009): global consolidator and vertical integrator. Moreover, when analyzing the internationalization of the company under study, the speed of the process is highlighted when compared to traditional multinationals. It is concluded that the main mode of entry that allowed the international expansion was the acquisition and that this strategy has advantages to the company, such as access to strategic resources and rapid growth, possibly overcoming the liability of foreignness, the opportunity to compete globally and the diversification of segments that generate synergies to the company's activities.
"June 21, 1973." -- Cover
Hearings held March 1973-Sept. 1976.