999 resultados para migraciones internacionales
Directora: Ángeles Mateo del Pino. Programa de doctorado: Estudios lingüísticos y literarios en sus contextos socioculturales (DELLCOS)
[ES]Presentación de un informe sobre el debate social reflejado en los medios de comunicación españoles sobre el nuevo fenómeno de la emigración de jóvenes españoles al extranjero y su relación con la crisis económica internacional.
[ES]El objeto de estudio del presente trabajo es la emigración canaria al continente africano durante el siglo XX (1940-1980). El marco cronológico escogido, viene determinado por ser el periodo de mayor movimiento poblacional hacia África desde Canarias, junto a la emigración hacia América.
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o desenvolvimento da missão adventista na cidade de São Paulo em busca de um modelo missiológico para centros urbanos. São Paulo, uma das maiores metrópoles do mundo tem uma formação cultural plural, não apenas pelas forças atuantes da modernização, secularização, globalização e pós-modernidade. A composição da população da cidade possui uma gênese étnica plural. Além da matriz autóctone indígena, do colonizador branco europeu e dos escravos africanos, desde o início do século XIX chegaram outros imigrantes, europeus e asiáticos. Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, o Brasil foi o país que mais recebeu imigrantes em todo o mundo. Estima-se que nos anos de 1920, apenas um terço da população na cidade de São Paulo fosse de brasileiros, o restante era composto por imigrantes. A inserção do adventismo em São Paulo se deu por missionários imigrantes que trabalharam primeiro com outros imigrantes antes de evangelizar e desenvolver a missão adventista com os brasileiros nacionais. De alguma forma, esse início deixou marcas na missão adventista paulistana. São Paulo é hoje a cidade com o maior número total de adventistas no mundo e a única com Igrejas Adventistas étnicas que atendem cinco grupos étnicos distintos: japoneses, coreanos, judeus, árabes e bolivianos/peruanos. Esta pesquisa busca investigar a formação de uma sensibilidade cultural no adventismo paulistano que lhe permitiu dialogar com a pluralidade cultural da metrópole paulistana.
En los últimos treinta años el turismo ligado al alojamiento en viviendas privadas ha desembocado en tipos de movilidad residencial muy complejos. En la ciudadanía de las sociedades europeas más avanzadas ha brotado una nostalgia por paisajes y modos de vida difíciles de hallar en sus entornos habituales, lo que ha contribuido al surgimiento de nuevas formas de turismo y al incremento de las migraciones por motivos residenciales. Es el caso de los retirados europeos que se trasladan a las costas de España, Francia, Italia o Grecia en busca de un imaginado «estilo de vida mediterráneo». Las causas y las consecuencias de este fenómeno han suscitado el interés de la comunidad académica, y no únicamente en relación a los desplazamientos de norte europeos al Mediterráneo. Por eso, en este libro se ha intentado una perspectiva internacional que, junto al caso paradigmático de España, ofrezca un panorama de las dinámicas presentes en países tan dispares como Suecia, Grecia, Italia, Portugal, México, Perú, Brasil, India, Emiratos Árabes y Kenia. En este intento hemos tenido el privilegio de contar con la colaboración de algunos de los más acreditados investigadores que, desde diferentes disciplinas, han abordado las interrelaciones que se establecen entre los procesos de urbanización y las formas de turismo vinculadas a la construcción de viviendas destinadas a un uso no principal, las migraciones internacionales de jubilados o los nuevos estilos de vida transnacionales.
This article analyses the motivations for return migration among the Ecuadorians and Bolivians who, after living in Spain, returned to their countries of origin during the economic crisis that started in 2008. From the analysis of 22 interviews in-depth which took place in Ecuador and 38 in Bolivia to women, men and young people from migrant families, this decision-making process is shown to be embedded into a gendered dynamics of relationships. Particular detail is given to affective and economic elements that had an influence on the decision to return, as well as to the strategies deployed to project their readjustment back in origin. Males and females occupy differential positions within the family, work and social circle, their expectations being built in a gendered manner. Despite the fact migration has brought women greater economic power within the family group, their reintegration upon return redefines their role as main managers in the household and the dynamics that allow their social reproduction. Men, for their part, aspire to refresh their role as providers in spite of their frail labour position upon return. Social mobility for females is passed on through generations by a strong investment on education for their daughters and sons, while for males this mobility revolves around setting up family businesses and around their demonstrative abilities.
This text deals with transnational strategies of social mobility in Ecuadorian migrant households in Spain. We apply the capital accumulation model (Moser, 2009) for this purpose. The main target of this article is, beyond thinking in terms of capital stock and accumulation, the analysis in depth of the dynamics of the different types of capital, that is to say, how they interact with each other in the framework of the social mobility strategies of the migrants and their families. We are bringing into light the way some households adopt investing decisions in capitals that don't translate into any addition or earnings in all cases, on the contrary, concentrating all their efforts on the accumulation of a certain asset they may, in some cases, lead to a loss of another. We will concentrate our analysis primarily on the dynamics between the physical and financial capital and the social and emotional capital, showing the tensions produced between these two types of assets. At the same time, we will highlight how migrants negotiate their family strategies of social mobility in the transnational area. Our study is based in empirical material obtained from qualitative fieldwork (in-depth interviews) with families of migrants in the urban district of Turubamba Bajo -(south of Quito) and in Madrid. A series of households were selected where interviews were carried out in the country of origin as well as in the context of immigration, with different family members, analysing the transnational social and economic strategies of families of migrant members. Family members of migrants established in Spain were interviewed in Quito, as well as key informants in the district (school teachers, nursery members of the staff, etc.). The research was framed within the projects "Impact of migration on the development: gender and transnationalism", Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2007/63179) (Laura Oso, dir. 2007-2010),"Gender, transnationalism and intergenerational strategies of social mobility", Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FEM2011/26210) (Laura Oso, dir. 201-1-2015) and “Gender, Crossed Mobilities and Transnational Dynamics”, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FEM2015-67164).
Research on the relationship between reproductive work and women´s life trajectories including the experience of labour migration has mainly focused on the case of relatively young mothers who leave behind, or later re-join, their children. While it is true that most women migrate at a younger age, there are a significant number of cases of men and women who move abroad for labour purposes at a more advanced stage, undertaking a late-career migration. This is still an under-estimated and under-researched sub-field that uncovers a varied range of issues, including the global organization of reproductive work and the employment of migrant women as domestic workers late in their lives. By pooling the findings of two qualitative studies, this article focuses on Peruvian and Ukrainian women who seek employment in Spain and Italy when they are well into their forties, or older. A commonality the two groups of women share is that, independently of their level of education and professional experience, more often than not they end up as domestic and care workers. The article initially discusses the reasons for late-career female migration, taking into consideration the structural and personal determinants that have affected Peruvian and Ukrainian women’s careers in their countries of origin and settlement. After this, the focus is set on the characteristics of domestic employment at later life, on the impact on their current lives, including the transnational family organization, and on future labour and retirement prospects. Apart from an evaluation of objective working and living conditions, we discuss women’s personal impressions of being domestic workers in the context of their occupational experiences and family commitments. In this regard, women report varying levels of personal and professional satisfaction, as well as different patterns of continuity-discontinuity in their work and family lives, and of optimism towards the future. Divergences could be, to some extent, explained by the effect of migrants´ transnational social practices and policies of states.
This paper presents the "state of the art" and some of the main issues discussed in relation to the topic of transnational migration and reproductive work in southern Europe. We start doing a genealogy of the complex theoretical development leading to the consolidation of the research program, linking consideration of gender with transnational migration and transformation of work and ways of survival, thus making the production aspects as reproductive, in a context of globalization. The analysis of the process of multiscale reconfiguration of social reproduction and care, with particular attention to its present global dimension is presented, pointing to the turning point of this line of research that would have taken place with the beginning of this century, with the rise notions such as "global care chains" (Hochschild, 2001), or "care drain" (Ehrenreich and Hochschild, 2013). Also, the role of this new agency, now composed in many cases women who migrate to other countries or continents, precisely to address these reproductive activities, is recognized. Finally, reference is made to some of the new conceptual and theoretical developments in this area.
Los usos y las formas de identificación intra y extra grupo a través de los medios de comunicación son aspectos escasamente explorados en los estudios sobre las identidades en ciudades de tipo intermedias del centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar y discutir los modos en que se visibilizan y construyen las representaciones y manifestaciones de los inmigrantes y descendientes bolivianos, específicamente en la red social Facebook y en la prensa gráfica local de las ciudades de Olavarría y Azul. Se pretende contribuir a la comprensión de la manera en que se producen los diversos discursos y saberes de estos grupos, así como identificar a estos medios de comunicación como instrumentos que posibilitan intervenir desde otros espacios de reconocimiento y legitimidad.
[ES]Hace un recorrido por los medios de comunicación, redes sociales, reuniones científicas, informes, dossiers, monografías y publicaciones más recientes que tratan de la emigración de jóvenes españoles durante la reciente crisis económica desde 2008.
[ES]Se describe como las fronteras entendidas como barreras infranqueables están siendo reforzadas de modo creciente en diferentes partes del mundo en una época que quiere pasar como globalizado.
El presente estudio de corte descriptivo hace una revisión teórica de 68 artículos de 11 países de Latinoamérica con el fin de dar a conocer el panorama organizacional con relación a la cultura organizacional y el liderazgo en la región y cómo este ha ido evolucionando en el tiempo. La metodología utilizada se enfocó en un conteo de frecuencias usando el modelo de liderazgo y cultura organizacional de Bass y Avolio (Bass, 1999) permitiendo ordenar en tres estilos de liderazgo la información encontrada en la revisión teórica, y a su vez cada uno de los liderazgos con sus creencias, éstas tomadas como variables de la cultura organizacional. Finalmente se encontraron diferentes tipos de tendencias a nivel de los tipos de liderazgo implementados en las organizaciones y la cultura organizacional que se adopta. Se plantea la necesidad de profundizar más y de forma empírica en la temática planteada para que se conozcan las transformaciones que se han dado en el contexto organizacional y el impacto sea mayor en un futuro cercano.
La cercanía geográfica y los vínculos históricos existentes entre Francia y África mantienen hasta la actualidad unas relaciones enmarcadas en un escenario de cooperación entre ambos. Sin embargo, el creciente número de migrantes de 1999 a 2013 desde las antiguas excolonias francesas, Malí y Senegal, llevó a Francia a impulsar una serie de herramientas para el codesarrollo, es decir, un conjunto de estrategias para que el migrante fuera un vector de desarrollo no solo para Francia sino para sus países de orígen. En ese sentido, este artículo pretende evaluar el codesarrollo como una herramienta discursiva de la política exterior francesa –a través del método de análisis del discurso de Teun van Dijk– en la cual ha prevalecido el poscolonialismo como una ideología que refleja una relación poder-conocimiento.