835 resultados para meccanica_quantistica rappresentazioni_o_pictures evoluzione_temporale schrodinger heisenberg dirac
Consider the massless Dirac operator on a 3-torus equipped with Euclidean metric and standard spin structure. It is known that the eigenvalues can be calculated explicitly: the spectrum is symmetric about zero and zero itself is a double eigenvalue. The aim of the paper is to develop a perturbation theory for the eigenvalue with smallest modulus with respect to perturbations of the metric. Here the application of perturbation techniques is hindered by the fact that eigenvalues of the massless Dirac operator have even multiplicity, which is a consequence of this operator commuting with the antilinear operator of charge conjugation (a peculiar feature of dimension 3). We derive an asymptotic formula for the eigenvalue with smallest modulus for arbitrary perturbations of the metric and present two particular families of Riemannian metrics for which the eigenvalue with smallest modulus can be evaluated explicitly. We also establish a relation between our asymptotic formula and the eta invariant.
We study the spectrum of a one-dimensional Dirac operator pencil, with a coupling constant in front of the potential considered as the spectral parameter. Motivated by recent investigations of graphene waveguides, we focus on the values of the coupling constant for which the kernel of the Dirac operator contains a square integrable function. In physics literature such a function is called a confined zero mode. Several results on the asymptotic distribution of coupling constants giving rise to zero modes are obtained. In particular, we show that this distribution depends in a subtle way on the sign variation and the presence of gaps in the potential. Surprisingly, it also depends on the arithmetic properties of certain quantities determined by the potential. We further observe that variable sign potentials may produce complex eigenvalues of the operator pencil. Some examples and numerical calculations illustrating these phenomena are presented.
This paper proves the multiplicity of positive solutions for the following class of quasilinear problems: {-epsilon(p)Delta(p)u+(lambda A(x) + 1)vertical bar u vertical bar(p-2)u = f(u), R(N) u(x)>0 in R(N), where Delta(p) is the p-Laplacian operator, N > p >= 2, lambda and epsilon are positive parameters, A is a nonnegative continuous function and f is a continuous function with subcritical growth. Here, we use variational methods to get multiplicity of positive solutions involving the Lusternick-Schnirelman category of intA(-1)(0) for all sufficiently large lambda and small epsilon.
In this paper we establish the existence of standing wave solutions for quasilinear Schrodinger equations involving critical growth. By using a change of variables, the quasilinear equations are reduced to semilinear one. whose associated functionals are well defined in the usual Sobolev space and satisfy the geometric conditions of the mountain pass theorem. Using this fact, we obtain a Cerami sequence converging weakly to a solution v. In the proof that v is nontrivial, the main tool is the concentration-compactness principle due to P.L. Lions together with some classical arguments used by H. Brezis and L. Nirenberg (1983) in [9]. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper we prove an existence result for local and global isometric immersions of semi-Riemannian surfaces into the three dimensional Heisenberg group endowed with a homogeneous left-invariant Lorentzian metric. As a corollary, we prove a rigidity result for such immersions.
We prove the existence of ground state solutions for a stationary Schrodinger-Poisson equation in R(3). The proof is based on the mountain pass theorem and it does not require the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this Letter we deal with a nonlinear Schrodinger equation with chaotic, random, and nonperiodic cubic nonlinearity. Our goal is to study the soliton evolution, with the strength of the nonlinearity perturbed in the space and time coordinates and to check its robustness under these conditions. Here we show that the chaotic perturbation is more effective in destroying the soliton behavior, when compared with random or nonperiodic perturbation. For a real system, the perturbation can be related to, e.g., impurities in crystalline structures, or coupling to a thermal reservoir which, on the average, enhances the nonlinearity. We also discuss the relevance of such random perturbations to the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates and their collective excitations and transport. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Results of systematic tunable-frequency ESR studies of the spin dynamics in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)(2) (known as DTN), a gapped S = 1 chain system with easy-plane anisotropy dominating over the exchange coupling (large-D chain), are presented. We have obtained direct evidence for two-magnon bound states, predicted for S = 1 large-D spin chains in the fully spin-polarized (FSP) phase. The frequency-field dependence of the corresponding excitations was calculated using the set of parameters obtained earlier [S.A. Zvyagin, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 047205]. Very good agreement between the calculations and the experiment was obtained. It is argued that the observation of transitions from the ground to two-magnon bound states might indicate a more complex picture of magnetic interactions in DTN, involving a finite in-plane anisotropy. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We consider the energy levels of a hydrogen-like atom in the framework of theta-modified, due to space noncommutativity, Dirac equation with Coulomb field. It is shown that on the noncommutative (NC) space the degeneracy of the levels 2S(1/2), 2P(1/2) and 2P(3/2) is lifted completely, such that new transition channels are allowed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ground-state energies for anti ferromagnetic Heisenberg models with exchange anisotropy are estimated by means of a local-spin approximation made in the context of the density functional theory. Correlation energy is obtained using the non-linear spin-wave theory for homogeneous systems from which the spin functional is built. Although applicable to chains of any size, the results are shown for small number of sites, to exhibit finite-size effects and allow comparison with exact-numerical data from direct diagonalization of small chains. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper is concerned with the existence and nonlinear stability of periodic travelling-wave solutions for a nonlinear Schrodinger-type system arising in nonlinear optics. We show the existence of smooth curves of periodic solutions depending on the dnoidal-type functions. We prove stability results by perturbations having the same minimal wavelength, and instability behaviour by perturbations of two or more times the minima period. We also establish global well posedness for our system by using Bourgain`s approach.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
For redundant second-class constraints the Dirac brackets cannot be defined and new brackets must be introduced. We prove here that the Jacobi identity for the new brackets must hold on the surface of the second-class constraints. In order to illustrate our proof we work out explicitly the cases of a fractional spin particle in 2 + 1 dimensions and the original Brink-Schwarz massless superparticle in D = 10 dimensions in a Lorentz-covariant constraints separation.
Dirac-like monopoles are studied in three-dimensional Abelian Maxwell and Maxwell-Chern-Simons models. Their scalar nature is highlighted and discussed through a dimensional reduction of four-dimensional electrodynamics with electric and magnetic sources. Some general properties and similarities whether considered in Minkowski or Euclidean space are mentioned. However, by virtue of the structure of the space-time in which they are studied, a number of differences among them occur. Furthermore, we pay attention to some consequences of these objects when they act upon the usual particles. Among other subjects, special attention is given to the study of a Lorentz-violating nonminimal coupling between neutral fermions and the field generated by a monopole alone. In addition, an analogue of the Aharonov-Casher effect is discussed in this framework.