874 resultados para make-or-buy –päätökset maintenance


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In order to better understand the specificity of training adaptations, we compared the effects of two different anaerobic training regimes on various types of soccer-related exercise performances. During the last 3 weeks of the competitive season, thirteen young male professional soccer players (age 18.5±1 yr, height 179.5±6.5 cm, body mass 74.3±6.5 kg) reduced the training volume by ~20% and replaced their habitual fitness conditioning work with either speed endurance production (SEP; n = 6) or speed endurance maintenance (SEM; n = 7) training, three times per wk. SEP training consisted of 6-8 reps of 20-s all-out running bouts followed by 2 min of passive recovery, whereas SEM training was characterized by 6-8 x 20-s all-out efforts interspersed with 40 s of passive recovery. SEP training reduced (p<0.01) the total time in a repeated sprint ability test (RSAt) by 2.5%. SEM training improved the 200-m sprint performance (from 26.59±0.70 to 26.02±0.62 s, p<0.01) and had a likely beneficial impact on the percentage decrement score of the RSA test (from 4.07±1.28 to 3.55±1.01%) but induced a very likely impairment in RSAt (from 83.81±2.37 to 84.65±2.27 s). The distance covered in the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery test level 2 was 10.1% (p<0.001) and 3.8% (p<0.05) higher after SEP and SEM training, respectively, with possibly greater improvements following SEP compared to SEM. No differences were observed in the 20- and 40-m sprint performances. In conclusion, these two training strategies target different determinants of soccer-related physical performance. SEP improved repeated sprint and high-intensity intermittent exercise performance, whereas SEM increased muscles' ability to maximize fatigue tolerance and maintain speed development during both repeated all-out and continuous short-duration maximal exercises. These results provide new insight into the precise nature of a stimulus necessary to improve specific types of athletic performance in trained young soccer players.


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Ouabain, an endogenous digitalis compound, has been detected in nanomolar concentrations in the plasma of several mammals and is associated with the development of hypertension. In addition, plasma ouabain is increased in several hypertension models, and the acute or chronic administration of ouabain increases blood pressure in rodents. These results suggest a possible association between ouabain and the genesis or development and maintenance of arterial hypertension. One explanation for this association is that ouabain binds to the α-subunit of the Na+ pump, inhibiting its activity. Inhibition of this pump increases intracellular Na+, which reduces the activity of the sarcolemmal Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and thereby reduces Ca2+ extrusion. Consequently, intracellular Ca2+ increases and is taken up by the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which, upon activation, releases more calcium and increases the vascular smooth muscle tone. In fact, acute treatment with ouabain enhances the vascular reactivity to vasopressor agents, increases the release of norepinephrine from the perivascular adrenergic nerve endings and promotes increases in the activity of endothelial angiotensin-converting enzyme and the local synthesis of angiotensin II in the tail vascular bed. Additionally, the hypertension induced by ouabain has been associated with central mechanisms that increase sympathetic tone, subsequent to the activation of the cerebral renin-angiotensin system. Thus, the association with peripheral mechanisms and central mechanisms, mainly involving the renin-angiotensin system, may contribute to the acute effects of ouabain-induced elevation of arterial blood pressure.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lauseen aspektin ilmaisemista suomen kielessä. Aspektia käsitellään merkityskategoriana, joka osoittaa lauseen kuvaaman asiaintilan ajallisen keston, ja perustavanlaatuisena aspektuaalisena erontekona pidetään rajattuuden ja rajaamattomuuden vastakohtaisuutta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, millä perusteella lauseet saavat joko rajatun tai rajaamattoman aspektitulkinnan ja miten konteksti vaikuttaa tähän tulkintaan. Lauseen kontekstina käsitellään kielellistä kontekstia eli tekstiä. Työ on aineistopohjainen tutkimus kirjoitetusta nykysuomesta, ja tarkastelun kohteena on sanomalehtiteksteistä koottu lauseaineisto. Lauseiden pääverbit ovat olla, tehdä ja tulla. Aineistosta on mahdollista esittää sekä kvalitatiivisia että kvantitatiivisia huomioita. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen ja metodologisen taustan muodostavat eräiden kognitiivisen kielitieteen suuntausten kuvauskäsitteet ja -metodit sekä fennistinen aspektin kuvaamisen perinne. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kahta fennistiikassa esitettyä tapaa määritellä lauseen aspektimerkitys ja osoitetaan, että ne ovat toisiaan täydentäviä. Molemmat lähestymistavat huomioon ottamalla on siis mahdollista kuvata lauseen aspektimerkityksen määräytyminen täsmällisemmin kuin vain yhteen kuvaustapaan keskittymällä. Lisäksi osoitetaan, että keskeisinä aspektin ilmaisemisen keinoina pidetyt keston ja toistuvuuden adverbiaalit jäävät aineistossa marginaalisiksi. Ajankohdan adverbiaaleja puolestaan käsitellään aiemmasta tutkimuksesta poiketen rajattuina tarkastelunäkökulmina kuvattuun asiaintilaan, ja ne toimivat tässä tehtävässä liittyessään aspektiltaan rajaamattomiin lauseisiin. Lisäksi tutkimus osoittaa, että aspektin ilmaisemisen kerroksellisuutta voidaan aspektin ilmaisemiseen osallistuvien lauseenjäsenten kerrostumisen ohella tarkastella lausekokonaisuuden eri semanttisten tasojen kerrostumisena. Lausetta laajemman kontekstin vaikutusta aspektitulkintaan ei ole aiemmin tutkittu suomen kielessä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että aspektiltaan monitulkintaisten lauseiden konteksti voi selventää tulkinnan tai mahdollistaa samanaikaisesti vaihtoehtoiset tulkinnat. Lisäksi erilaisten lauseenulkoisten rajan ilmausten avulla on mahdollista osoittaa lauseen aspektin rajattuutta siinä tapauksessa, että lause muutoin ymmärrettäisiin aspektiltaan rajaamattomaksi.


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Antecedentes: Los laboratorios estudiantiles ofrecen riesgos para los estudiantes, la normatividad específica vigente no es de carácter obligatorio y en Bogotá aproximadamente hay 387 laboratorios. Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de seguridad referente a salud, higiene y seguridad industrial en las prácticas que se desarrollan en los laboratorios de pregrado de Ingeniería en universidades de Bogotá. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo con un muestreo estratificado por conglomerado en ocho (8) universidades de la ciudad de Bogotá, con una confiabilidad del 95% y una precisión absoluta del 6% para una proporción máxima esperada; para evaluar los laboratorios se utilizó el Cuestionario de seguridad para laboratorios de secundaria (NTP 921) del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene del Trabajo de España Resultados: Se evaluaron 166 laboratorios de 8 universidades de Bogotá, 65 de los laboratorios evaluados presentaron un riesgo bajo de los aspectos evaluados. Los aspectos con un porcentaje mayor o igual al 80% de cumplimiento de condiciones fueron aspectos generales del laboratorio, trabajo de los alumnos, manipulación de material, manipulación del producto, protección contra Incendios, eliminación de residuos, seguridad eléctrica y formación. Los ítems con un porcentaje menor del 60% de cumplimiento son los siguientes: sistemas de alarma contra incendios o emergencias; mantenimiento preventivo de la red eléctrica del laboratorio, capacitaciones anuales sobre seguridad en los laboratorios. aspectos generales del laboratorio, trabajo de los alumnos, manipulación de material, manipulación del producto, protección contra Incendios, eliminación de residuos, seguridad eléctrica y formación. Se realizó una prueba de asociación entre el tipo de laboratorio y cada ítem de las condiciones de seguridad del laboratorio. Los laboratorios que cumplen con un mayor número de condiciones de seguridad fueron los laboratorios químicos, el aspecto que obtuvo un porcentaje bajo de cumplimiento fue protección personal (40%); los aspectos que se cumplieron son aspectos generales del laboratorio, trabajo de los alumnos, manipulación de material, manipulación del producto, protección contra Incendios, eliminación de residuos, seguridad eléctrica y formación.


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Antes de la expedición de la Ley 100 de 1993, el ISS prestaba los servicios de salud a los asalariados del sector privado en un monopolio que no le exigía ningún esfuerzo. El déficit acumulado por la falta de los aportes de la nación previstos en la Ley 90 de 1946 y los cambios en su naturaleza jurídica no le permitieron asumir el reto de la libre competencia de los actores dentro del sistema, por lo que su gestión fue cuestionada por los organismos de control y por varios fallos judiciales adversos que profundizaron su crisis financiera, sumado a los altos costos laborales por los beneficios de la convención colectiva de trabajo, cuyos mayores beneficiarios eran los servidores de las clínicas y CAA, llevando a la formulación del Documento Conpes 3219 del 31 de 2003 denominado “PLAN DE MODERNIZACIÓN DEL INSTITUTO DE SEGUROS SOCIALES - SALUD”, cuyo resultado fue la expedición del Decreto 1750 de junio 26 de 2003, que ordenó la escisión de la vicepresidencia prestadora de servicios de salud, clínicas y centros de atención ambulatoria (CAA) y la creación de siete empresas sociales del Estado. La escisión produjo cambios significativos en materia laboral para los servidores que hasta esa fecha laboraban en calidad de trabajadores oficiales del Instituto ya que fueron incorporados automáticamente a las plantas de personal de las nuevas empresas en calidad de empleados públicos, con excepción de los que desempeñaban cargos directivos o funciones de mantenimiento de la planta física hospitalaria y servicios generales, considerados trabajadores oficiales; cuyo régimen salarial y prestacional es el estipulado para los empleados públicos de la rama ejecutiva del orden nacional (artículos 16 y 18), lo que condujo al aparente desconocimiento de los derechos adquiridos por estos servidores en materia de negociación colectiva. El Decreto 1750 de 2003 fue demandado por vulnerar el ordenamiento superior y, en sentencias de control de constitucionalidad y desde la teoría de los derechos adquiridos, la Corte Constitucional estimó que el artículo 18 era restrictivo por hacer referencia solo a los derechos adquiridos en materia prestacional sin contemplar los relativos a materia salarial y los contenidos en convenciones colectivas de trabajo. Al existir entre el Instituto de Seguros Sociales y sus trabajadores una convención colectiva de trabajo vigente, de conformidad con las Sentencias C-314 de 2004 y C 349 de 2004, la Corte Constitucional indicó que dicha convención debía aplicarse a los servidores de las nuevas entidades por el tiempo de su vigencia.


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This research report was commissioned by the DETR and examines valuation issues relating to leasehold enfanchisement and lease extension - the right for flat owners to collectively purchase the freehold or buy a longer lease. The two factors examined examined in detail are the yield to be applied when capitalising the ground rent and the relative value of leases with a relatively short period left to run as against the value of the freehold or a new long lease, which determines the level of 'marriage level'. The research report will be of interest to all those involved in the valuation of residential leasehold property and those with an interest in legislative proposals for leasehold reform.


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Global warming has attracted attention from all over the world and led to the concern about carbon emission. Kyoto Protocol, as the first major international regulatory emission trading scheme, was introduced in 1997 and outlined the strategies for reducing carbon emission (Ratnatunga et al., 2011). As the increased interest in carbon reduction the Protocol came into force in 2005, currently there are already 191 nations ratifying the Protocol(UNFCCC, 2012). Under the cap-and-trade schemes, each company has its carbon emission target. When company’s carbon emission exceeds the target the company will either face fines or buy emission allowance from other companies. Thus unlike most of the other social and environmental issues carbon emission could trigger cost for companies in introducing low-emission equipment and systems and also emission allowance cost when they emit more than their targets. Despite the importance of carbon emission to companies, carbon emission reporting is still operating under unregulated environment and companies are only required to disclose when it is material either in value or in substances (Miller, 2005, Deegan and Rankin, 1997). Even though there is still an increase in the volume of carbon emission disclosures in company’s financial reports and stand-alone social and environmental reports to show their concern of the environment and also their social responsibility (Peters and Romi, 2009), the motivations behind corporate carbon emission disclosures and whether carbon disclosures have impact on corporate environmental reputation and financial performance have not yet to explore. The problems with carbon emission lie on both the financial side and non-financial side of corporate governance. On one hand corporate needs to spend money in reducing carbon emission or paying penalties when they emit more than allowed. On the other hand as the public are more interested in environmental issues than before carbon emission could also impact on the image of corporate regarding to its environmental performance. The importance of carbon emission issue are beginning to be recognized by companies from different industries as one of the critical issues in supply chain management (Lee, 2011) and 80% of companies analysed are facing carbon risks resulting from emissions in the companies’ supply chain as shown in a study conducted by the Investor Responsibility Research Centre Institute for Corporate Responsibility (IRRCI) and over 80% of the companies analysed found that the majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission are from electricity and other direct suppliers (Trucost, 2009). The review of extant literature shows the increased importance of carbon emission issues and the gap in the study of carbon reporting and disclosures and also the study which links corporate environmental reputation and corporate financial performance with carbon reporting (Lohmann, 2009a, Ratnatunga and Balachandran, 2009, Bebbington and Larrinaga-Gonzalez, 2008). This study would focus on investigating the current status of UK carbon emission disclosures, the determinant factors of corporate carbon disclosure, and the relationship between carbon emission disclosures and corporate environmental reputation and financial performance of UK listed companies from 2004-2012 and explore the explanatory power of classical disclosure theories.


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A class full of students learning electric are shown in an electrical classroom at the New York Trade School. In the upper left-hand corner of the room a sign reminding the students to think about safety can be seen. It reads, "Beware of Live Wires: Students are warned not to make, or disconnect hookups, without first opening the switch that controls the flow of current. Observe Safety First at All Times." Black and white photograph.


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The final objective of this work will be to develop a study collating the theses defended for the historian Paul Kennedy and sociologist Domenico De Masi, presenting the ma in factors that influence in the process of migration of the jobs for the developed countries or in its maintenance in the countries in development, verifying if it has signals of flexibility in such process as reply to the fast technological development andl or the expansion of the "creative leisure". The present work has for purpose to search not them last and projected taxes of growth of work, but yes the factors that appear less in the threshold of related centuries XX and XXI to the human work and a possible route of migration of the existing jobs in the developed countries for the nations richest of the planet what it would lead, for consequence, to a still bigger inequality it enters the poor nations richest and, leading to a social collapse caused by the aggravation of the inequality in this distribution of income between the peoples.


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In consensual (proportional) highly fragmented multiparty settings, political parties have two historical choices to make or pathways to follow: i) playing a majoritarian role by offering credible candidates to the head of the executive; or ii) playing the median legislator game. Each of those choices will have important consequences not only for the party system but also for the government. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role played by median legislator parties on coalition management strategies of presidents in a comparative perspective. We analyze in depth the Brazilian case where the Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (PMDB) has basically functioned as the median legislator party in Congress by avoiding the approval of extreme policies, both on the left and on the right. Based on an expert survey in Latin America, we built an index of Pmdbismo and identified that there is a positive correlation between partisan fragmentation and median legislator parties. In addition, we investigate the effect of having a median legislator party in the governing coalition. We found that it is cheaper and less difficult for the government to manage the coalition having the median legislative party on board.


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The sequencing of the genome of Chromobacterium violaceum identified one single circular chromosome of 4.8 Mb, in which approximately 40% of the founded ORFs are classified as hypothetical conserved or hypothetical. Some genic regions of biotechnological and biological interest had been characterized, e. g., environmental detoxification and DNA repair genes, respectively. Given this fact, the aim of this work was to identify genes of C. violaceum related to stress response, as the ones involved with mechanisms of DNA repair and/or genomic integrity maintenance. For this, a genomic library of C. violaceum was built in Escherichia coli strain DH10B (RecA-), in which clones were tested to UVC resistance, resulting in five candidates clones. In the PLH6A clone were identified four ORFs (CV_3721 to 3724). Two ORFs, CV_3722 and CV_3724, were subcloned and a synergic complementation activity was observed. The occurrence of an operon was confirmed using cDNA from C. violaceum in a RT-PCR assay. Further, it was observed the induction of the operon after the treatment with UVC. Thus, this operon was related to the stress response in C. violaceum. The mutagenesis assay with rifampicin after the treatment with UVC light showed high frequency of mutagenicity for the ORF CV_3722 (Pol III δ subunit). In this way, we propose that the C. violaceum δ subunit can act in DH10B in the translesion synthesis using Pol IV in a RecA independent-manner pathway. In growth curve assays other four clones (PLE1G, PLE7B, PLE10B and PLE12H) were able to complement the function at the dose 5 J/m2 and in mutagenicity assays PLE7B, PLE10B and PLE12H showed frequencies of mutation with significant differences upon the control (DH10B), demonstrating that in some way they are involved with the stress response in C. violaceum. These clones appear to be interrelated, probably regulated by a messenger molecule (eg., nucleotide c-di-GMP) and/or global regulatory molecule (eg., σS subunit of RNA polymerase).The results obtained contribute for a better genetic knowledge of this specie and its response mechanisms to environmental stress.


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Introduction: The leukemias are the most common malignancy in children and adolescents. With the improvement in outcomes, there is a need to consider the morbidity to generate the protocols used in children under treatment. Aim: To evaluate pulmonary function in children with acute leukemia. Method: This study is an observational cross sectional. We evaluated 34 children distributed in groups A and B. Group A comprised 17 children with acute leukemia in the maintenance phase of chemotherapy treatment and group B with 17 healthy students from the public in the city of Natal / RN, matched for gender, age and height. The thoracic mobility was evaluated by thoracic expansion in the axillary and xiphoid levels. Spirometry was measured using a spirometer Microloop Viasys ® following the rules of the ATS and ERS. Maximal respiratory pressures were measured with digital manometer MVD300 (Globalmed ®). The maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) were measured from residual volume and total lung capacity, respectively. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 17.0 software assigning the significance level of 5%. Descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. T'student test was used to compare unpaired values found in group A with group B values, as well as with the reference values used. To compare the respiratory coefficients in the axillary level with the xiphoid in each group, we used paired testing t student. Results: Group A was significantly decreased thoracic mobility and MIP compared to group B, and MIP compared to baseline. There was no significant difference between spirometric data from both groups and the values of group A with the reference values Mallozi (1995). There was no significant difference between the MIP and MEP values and lower limits of reference proposed by Borja (2011). Conclusion: Children with acute leukemia, myeloid or lymphoid, during maintenance phase of chemotherapy treatment have reduced thoracic mobility and MIP. However, to date, completion of clinical treatment, the spirometric variables and the strength of the expiratory muscles appear to remain preserved in children between five and ten years


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Neurosurgeries are frequent in the routine of veterinary hospitals and, therefore, knowledge of the different anesthetic protocols to be used for each patient is necessary to prevent the morbity and mortality in the after and trans-surgical period. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the anesthetic protocols used in patients undergoing neurosurgeries; the results of those protocols; the rate of complications, and if those complications are related to the duration of the anesthesia time. We studied the anesthetical data of 52 dogs and two cats submitted to neurosurgery between January of 2003 and December of 2006, in the Veterinary Hospital of UEL. Findings showed that the main protocols used were propofol for induction and halothane or isofluorane for maintenance of the anesthesia. These protocols induced adequate anesthesia for the surgical procedure and did not occur complications during the anesthetic period in 37/54 (68,5%) of the cases. 7/19 (36.8%) of the complications observed occurred in patients submitted to anesthesia with halothane and 8/32 (25.2%) in patients with isofluorane. The complication most observed in this study was bradicardy, which occurred in 15/54 (27.8%) of the patients. Two deaths occurred in patients submitted to slot cervical. Good knowledge of the neurological disease and of surgical and anesthetic techniques are essential to prevent alterations in the central nervous system caused by the drugs, disease or association of these factors.


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Este trabalho consistiu na investigação geofísica da possível contaminação de um posto de combustíveis em Belém-PA, bem como no desenvolvimento de um simulador geofísico para fins educativos. A investigação consistiu no levantamento de 13 perfis com o método geofísico eletromagnético Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Os radargramas obtidos, conjuntamente com os dados pré-existentes de sondagens mecânicas, Volatile Organics Compounds (VOC) e Benzeno-Tolueno-Etil-benzeno-Xileno (BTEX), permitiram identificar zonas de baixa reflexão do sinal eletromagnético (zonas atenuadas) em áreas com predominância de areia, o que indicaria contaminação. Como as medidas de GPR foram repetidas no período chuvoso, foi possível observar a redução da atenuação em perfil rico em areia, indicando a lixiviação dos ácidos graxos oriundos da biodegradação dos hidrocarbonetos, bem como o aumento da atenuação provocada pela argila, devido a sua elevada porosidade, e também, possivelmente, pelo aumento da biodegradação dos hidrocarbonetos que ficam retidos na argila. Este resultado constitui o primeiro caso inserido no simulador geofísico, experimento que permite mostrar o uso de diferentes métodos geofísicos. O simulador possui duas telas computacionais, a debaixo para simulação do modelo de subsuperfície escolhido e, a tela de cima, para representação da resposta geofísica obtida com o auxílio de uma unidade ótica que percorre o perfil representado na tela debaixo. Trata-se de uma modelagem analógica com recursos computacionais ainda não reportada na literatura, que permitirá mostrar diversos casos investigados constantes em dissertações e teses. O simulador poderá ser deslocado para empresas, universidades e secretarias, que fazem ou podem fazer uso da Geofísica, além de praças, escolas, etc., contribuindo de forma incisiva para a difusão da Geofísica como ferramenta na gestão de áreas contaminadas bem como para chamar a atenção da população para diferentes tipos de problemas, de modo a instruí-la sobre os mesmos.