953 resultados para liquid chromatography with electrospray ion-tap mass spectrometry


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Turnera diffusa Willd. var. afrodisiaca (Ward) Urb. (syn. T. aphrodisiaca) belongs to the family of Turneraceae and is an aromatic plant growing wild in the subtropical regions of America and Africa. It is widely used in the traditional medicine as e.g. anti-cough, diuretic, and aphrodisiac agent. This work presents a 3 min chromatographic analysis using low-pressure (LP) gas chromatography (GC)-ion-trap (IT) mass spectrometry (MS). The combination of a deactivated 0.6 m x 0.10 mm i.d., restrictor with a wide-bore CP-Wax 52 capillary column (10 m x 0.53 mm i.d., 1 mum) reduces the analysis time by a factor of 3-7 in comparison to the use of a conventional narrow bore column. Chromatographic conditions have been optimized to achieve the fastest separation with the highest signal/noise ratio in MS detection. These results allow fast and reliable quality control of the essential oil to be achieved. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This purpose of this project was to investigate the collision-induced dissociation of dipeptides in negative ion electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, with a focus on the mechanism of the production of imidazole-type fragments not previously reported from the fragmentation of the dipeptides being studied. The majority of the dipeptides studied were alanine N-terminal or serine C-terminal dipeptides. All dipeptides were dissolved in 50:50 methanol:water, 3 mM ammonium formate. Collision-induced dissociation in the collision cell of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer was used to fragment [M-H]- precursor ions. Accurate mass measurements confirmed the molecular formula of the imidazole-type fragments. Further MS/MS studies were performed to provide information about the fragmentation mechanism for the formation of the imidazole-type fragments. The m/z values of intermediate ions in the formation of the imidazole-type fragments were confirmed through second-generation product ion scans and precursor ion scans. More sophisticated instrumentation will be required to further probe the structure of the intermediate ions.


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Amiton (O,O-diethyl-S-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]phosphorothiolate), otherwise known as VG, is listed in schedule 2 of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and has a structure closely related to VX (O-ethyl-S-(2-diisopropylamino)ethylmethylphosphonothiolate). Fragmentation of protonated VG in the gas phase was performed using electrospray ionisation ion trap mass spectrometry (ESI-ITMS) and revealed several characteristic product ions. Quantum chemical calculations provide the most probable structures for these ions as well as the likely unimolecular mechanisms by which they are formed. The decomposition pathways predicted by computation are consistent with deuterium-labeling studies. The combination of experimental and theoretical data suggests that the fragmentation pathways of VG and analogous organophosphorus nerve agents, such as VX and Russian VX, are predictable and thus ESI tandem mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for the verification of unknown compounds listed in the CWC. Copyright (c) 2006 Commonwealth of Australia. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS) are the most effective antioxidants currently available for polymer systems in post-production, in-service applications, yet the mechanism of their action is still not fully understood. Structural characterisation of HALS in polymer matrices, particularly the identification of structural modifications brought about by oxidative conditions, is critical to aid mechanistic understanding of the prophylactic effects of these molecules. In this work, electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) was applied to the analysis of a suite of commercially available 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-based HALS. Fragmentation mechanisms for the \[M + H](+) ions are proposed, which provide a rationale for the product ions observed in the MS/MS and MS(3) mass spectra of N-H, N-CH(3), N-C(O)CH(3) and N-OR containing HALS (where R is an alkyl substituent). A common product ion at m/z 123 was identified for the group of antioxidants containing N-H, N-CH3 or N-C(0)CH3 functionality, and this product ion was employed in precursor ion scans on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer to identify the HALS species present in a crude extract from of a polyester-based coil coating. Using MS/MS, two degradation products were unambiguously identified. This technique provides a simple and selective approach to monitoring HALS structures within complex matrices. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Since protein phosphorylation is a dominant mechanism of information transfer in cells, there is a great need for methods capable of accurately elucidating sites of phosphorylation. In recent years mass spectrometry has become an increasingly viable alternative to more traditional methods of phosphorylation analysis. The present study used immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC coupled with a linear ion trap mass spectrometer to analyze phosphorylated proteins in mouse liver. A total of 26 peptide sequences defining 26 sites of phosphorylation were determined. Although this number of identified phosphoproteins is not large, the approach is still of interest because a series of conservative criteria were adopted in data analysis. We note that, although the binding of non-phosphorylated peptides to the IMAC column was apparent, the improvements in high-speed scanning and quality of MS/MS spectra provided by the linear ion trap contributed to the phosphoprotein identification. Further analysis demonstrated that MS/MS/MS analysis was necessary to exclude the false-positive matches resulting from the MS/MS experiments, especially for multiphosphorylated peptides. The use of the linear ion trap considerably enabled exploitation of nanoflow-HPLC/MS/MS, and in addition MS/MS/MS has great potential in phosphoproteome research of relatively complex samples. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Norditerpenoid alkaloids in the processing of Radix aconiti lateralis preparata with Radix glycyrrhizae preparata was studied by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. A method of ESI-MS couple with internal standard was applied for semi quantitative analysis of norditerpenoid alkaloids before and after processing. The combined-decoction-to single-decoction-ratios of the relative abundance of toxic hypaconitine, mesaconitine and aconitine were 5. 67%, 4. 05% and 4. 88%, respectively. The chemical changes of processing can been comprehensive observed by ESI-MS/MS analysis. The scientific basis of reducing the toxicity of Radix aconiti lateralis preparata with Radix glycyrrhizae preparata was enlightened by compareing with the single-decotion, the combined-decoction and residue for the compatibility of Radix aconiti lateralis preparata and Radix glycyrrhizae preparata.


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High-resolution Sustained off resonance irradiation (SORI) CID was employed to distinguish four pairs of isomeric diglycosyl flavonoids in the negative mode using the electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FTICR MS). All of these isomers can be distinguished via MS/MS data. For these diglycosyl flavones and flavanones, the deprotonated alpha 1-->6 linkage diglycosyl flavonoids produce fewer fragments than the alpha 1-->2 linkage type compounds and the Retro-Diels-Alder (RDA) reaction in MS/MS only takes place when the aglycone is a flavanone and glycosylated with an alpha 1-->2 intersaccharide linkage disaccharide. The deprotonation sites after collisional activation are discussed according to the high mass accuracy and high-resolution data of tandem spectrometry. Some of these high-resolution SORI CID product ions from alpha 1-->2 linkage diglycosyl flavonoids involve multibond cleavages; the possible mechanism is discussed based on the computer modeling using Gaussian 03 program package at the B3LYP/6-31G level of theory. Unambiguous elementary composition data provides fragmentation information that has not been reported previously.


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The underivatized saponins from Tribulus terrestris and Panax ginseng have been investigated by electrospray ionization multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). In ESI-MS spectra, a predominant [M + Na](+) ion in positive mode and [M - H](-) ion in negative mode were observed for molecular mass information. Multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry of the molecular ions was used for detailed structural analysis. Fragment ions from glycoside cleavage can provide information on the mass of aglycone and the primary sequence and branching of oligosaccharide chains in terms of classes of monosaccharides. Fragment ions from cross-ring cleavages of sugar residues can give some information about the linkages between sugar residues. It was found that different alkali metal-cationized adducts with saponins have different degrees of fragmentation, which may originate from the different affinity of a saponin with each alkali metal in the gas phase. ESI-MSn has been proven to be an effective tool for rapid determination of native saponins in extract mixtures, thus avoiding tedious derivatization and separation steps.


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The non-covalent complexes between lappaconitine (LA) and beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD) have been detected and characterized by electrospray ionization combined with ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). The experimental results showed that only 1:1 non-covalent complex can be formed in different starting molar ratios of LA to beta-CD. Furthermore, the diagnostic fragmentation of the beta-CD-LA complex, with a significant contribution of covalent fragmentation of LA leaving the N-acetyl anthranoyl (AN) moiety inserted to beta-CD, provided the convincing evidence for the formation of non-covalent complex between LA and beta-CD and the cite of LA molecule included to cavity of beta-CD assigned to AN residue.


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The chemical components in the decoctions of Chinese herbal medicines are not always the same as those in the crude herbs because of the insolubility or instability of some compounds. In this work electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry was used to explore the ester-exchange reactions for aconitine-type diester-diterpenoid alkaloids occurring during the process of decocting aconite root. The aconitines were screened in a diverse range of samples, including crude aconite, decoction of crude aconite, residues from decoction of crude aconite, prepared aconite, decoction of prepared aconite, decoction of prepared aconite with added palmitic acid, and decoction of a mixture of mesaconitine and hypaconitine standards with liquorice root. It was found that diester-diterpenoid aconitines were converted into lipo-alkaloids as well as monoester alkaloids by the decoction of aconite.


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Direct-injection electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in combination with information-dependent data acquisition (IDA), using a triple-quadrupole/linear ion trap combination, allows high-throughput qualitative analysis of complex phospholipid species from child whole blood. In the IDA experiments, scans to detect specific head groups (precursor ion or neutral loss scans) were used as survey scans to detect phospholipid classes. An enhanced resolution scan was then used to confirm the mass assignments, and the enhanced product ion scan was implemented as a dependent scan to determine the composition of each phospholipid class. These survey and dependent scans were performed sequentially and repeated for the entire duration of analysis, thus providing the maximum information from a single injection. In this way, 50 different phospholipids belonging to the phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin classes were identified in child whole blood. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Nonenzymatic glycation of peptides and proteins by D-glucose has important implications in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, particularly in the development of diabetic complications. However, no effective high-throughput methods exist for identifying proteins containing this low-abundance posttranslational modification in bottom-up proteomic studies. In this report, phenylboronate affinity chromatography was used in a two-step enrichment scheme to selectively isolate first glycated proteins and then glycated, tryptic peptides from human serum glycated in vitro. Enriched peptides were subsequently analyzed by alternating electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) and collision induced dissociation ( CID) tandem mass spectrometry. ETD fragmentation mode permitted identification of a significantly higher number of glycated peptides (87.6% of all identified peptides) versus CID mode (17.0% of all identified peptides), when utilizing enrichment on first the protein and then the peptide level. This study illustrates that phenylboronate affinity chromatography coupled with LC-MS/MS and using ETD as the fragmentation mode is an efficient approach for analysis of glycated proteins and may have broad application in studies of diabetes mellitus.


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Cultures of cosmomycin D-producing Streptomyces olindensis ICB20 that were propagated for many generations underwent mutations that resulted in production of a range of related anthracyclines by the bacteria. The anthracyclines that retained the two trisaccharide chains of the parent compound were separated by HPLC. Exact mass determination of these compounds revealed that they differed from cosmomycin D (CosD) in that they contained one to three fewer oxygen atoms (loss of hydroxyl groups). Some of the anthracyclines that were separated by HPLC had the same mass. The location from which the hydroxyl groups had been lost relative to CosD (on the aglycone and/or on the sugar residues) was probed by collisionally-activated dissociation using an electrospray ionisation linear quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. The presence of anthracyclines with the same mass, but different structure, was confirmed using an electrospray ionisation travelling wave ion mobility mass spectrometer.