956 resultados para langue basque


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This project is a study of the Labour Market in the Basque Country. First of all, we have analysed the position of the Basque Country in the European Union employment situation by gender and age. Secondly, we have studied the educational level of the Basque Country from the European Union perspective. Thirdly, we have showed the importance of labour orientation in educational level, especially in higher education. Finally, the design of new employment policies to promote the creation of jobs and stability of the labour market depends on: new industries and university employment policies.


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[EN] This project aims to determine the factors which influence workers’ wages in the Basque Country, taking data from the INE (Spanish Statistical Office). In first place, I will decide which variables to choose and describe them. Then they will be used to build a wage model. At this point I will observe their behaviour according to their values and the possible differences between them. Once these variables are described, they will be used to develop an econometric model that will allow to see the different effects of the variables on the endogenous variable, in this case the gross annual wage. Finally, all the analysed data will be taken and examined to draw the final conclusions and see how workers’ age, training or gender affect their salary. [EN]


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[ES] En este artículo hago un estudio lingüístico del habla que presenta el texto que llamaré « de Estibaliz Sasiola », escrito probablemente a fines del siglo XVI. Estibaliz de Sasiola parece ser la autora o recopiladora de un texto breve, escrito en verso, que se encuentra hacia el final del manuscrito de Joan Perez de Lazarraga. En el estudio del texto que nos ocupa comparo el euskera que pudiéramos atribuir a Sasiola con el de la parte más importante del manuscrito, que identificaríamos con el habla de Lazarraga. De la comparación de un buen número de características en los dos textos, llego a la conclusión de que el euskera del texto de Sasiola es significativamente distinto del habla de la mayor parte del manuscrito de Lazarraga. En el epílogo a este artículo hago una breve reflexión sobre el posible origen del euskera del texto de Sasiola. Una primera respuesta defendería que ese texto pudiera provenir de otra zona de Álava distinta a la de Lazarraga ; seguramente de más al este. Sin embargo, creo que hay varios tipos de evidencia para primar la hipótesis de que tanto Estibaliz Sasiola como el texto que nos ocupa fueran originarios de la Gipuzkoa noroccidental, seguramente de la zona de Deba.


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Gehienetan arrunt bereizirik aztertzen diren bi espresio isil, argumentu isilak eta nz-mugimenduaren aztarnak (hots, kopia isilduak), modu bateratuan aztertzearen alde egiten dut lan honetan. Horretarako, bi kategoria hauen ezaugarriak batzen dituen fenomenoa aztertzen dut : hutsune bizkarroiak.Hutsune bizkarroien ezaugarri sintaktikoetatik hasirik, eta euskararen ikuspegitik begiraturik, kategoria isil hau berez izenordaina den baina nz-kopia moduan ezabatzen den osagai sintaktikoa dela proposatzen dut. Hau da, eratorpena argumentu soil izaerarekin hasten du, baina FFn kopia ezabaketarako baldintzak betetzen dituenez, hala bailitzan ezabatzen da. Horrek esplikatzen du zergatik batzen dituen izenordainen eta aldagaien ezaugarriak.Analisi honetan, izenordainak argumentu gisa ala nz-kopia gisa isil daitezen, ’berdintasun’ baldintza bakarraren mende dira. Horrek argumentu isiltze eta nz-mugimendu fenomenoaren elkargune bat existitzen dela erakusten duen heinean, funtsean fenomeno bakarraren bi aurpegi besterik ez direla iradokitzen dut. Bigarren atalak artikuluaren oinarrizko problematika azaltzen du : argumentu isilak eta nz-mugimendua Forma Fonetikoko (FF) isiltze batean oinarritzen baldin badira, orduan biak modu bateratuan aztertzea – funtsean, fenomeno bakarrera murriztea – desiragarria da kontzeptualki, eta izaera hibridoa duten hutsune bizkarroiek lagundu gaitzakete bide horretan. Hirugarren atalak hutsune bizkarroien fenomenoa aurkezten du xeheki : ezaugarri nagusiak eta literaturan proposatu izan diren azterbideak. Laugarren atalak, ondotik, euskararen ikuspegitik behatzen dio fenomeno sintaktiko honi : kategoria isil hau ikusezina dela erakutsiko dut, hizkuntza honetan argumentu isilek duten hedadura dela-eta. Bosgarren atalean, azkenik, lortu emaitzetatik abiaturik, hutsune bizkarroien analisi berri baten oinarriak garatzen ditut, A’-kateetan FFko ezabaketarako baldintza (disjuntibo) bat baino gehiago badela proposatuz. Horrek argumentu isilen eta nz-aztarnen analisi bateratuaren alde egiten duela erakusten dut. Seigarren atalak lanaren ondorioak laburbiltzen ditu.


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[EU]Lan honetan Ebaluatoia aurkezten da, eskala handiko ingelesa-euskara itzulpen automatikoko ebaluazio kanpaina, komunitate-elkarlanean oinarritua. Bost sistemaren itzulpen kalitatea konparatzea izan da kanpainaren helburua, zehazki, bi sistema estatistiko, erregeletan oinarritutako bat eta sistema hibrido bat (IXA taldean garatuak) eta Google Translate. Emaitzetan oinarrituta, sistemen sailkapen bat egin dugu, baita etorkizuneko ikerkuntza bideratuko duten zenbait analisi kualitatibo ere, hain zuzen, ebaluazio-bildumako azpi-multzoen analisia, iturburuko esaldien analisi estrukturala eta itzulpenen errore-analisia. Lanak analisi hauen hastapenak aurkezten ditu, etorkizunean zein motatako analisietan sakondu erakutsiko digutenak.


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[EN] In this article we explain the etymology of the surnames of Basque origin that some presidents of Latin American countries have or have had in the past. These family names were created in the language called Euskara, in the Basque Country (Europe), and then, when some of the people who bore them emigrated to America, they brought their surnames with them. Most of the family names studied here are either oiconymic or toponymic, but it must be kept in mind that the oiconymic ones are, very often, based on house-nicknames, that is, they are anthroponymic in the first place. As far as possible, we have related the surname, when its origin is oiconymic or toponymic, to its source, i.e. to the house or place where it was created.


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Two new species of the genus Zospeum Bourguignat, 1856 are described from caves in the Sierra de Aitzgorri (Gipuzkoa) and the Sierra Salvada (Burgos) in Northern Spain. The taxa Z. vasconicum sp. n. and Z. zaldivarae sp. n. have recently, without a formal name, been included in a molecular study of worldwide members of the Carychiidae. In the present paper, the shell morphology and variation of these species is described and illustrated.


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This article examines the socio-economic evolution of the social economy sector in the Basque Country during the 2008-2014 period of economic crisis. Data have been obtained within a framework of collaboration between university, Basque Government and private sector of the social economy. The results suggest that such entities have evolved better, both in terms of number of enterprises and employment, than the general economy of the Basque Country, while the context of public policies aimed at social economy has worsened over the years. However, in economic terms (measured through the Gross Value Added generated), they have not been able to cope with the crisis in equal conditions to the general economy. The main contribution of this research lies in that, unlike similar studies, it discusses the evolution of the whole sector of the social economy, taking as reference a broad period of the current economic crisis.


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This article deals with the translation of Patrick Beurard-Valdoye's texts and the inter-cultural dimension (German-French) of his work.


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Comparative research on violent conflict in the Basque Country and Ireland has yielded a sizable body of published academic work. Less well explored is the relationship between conflict transformation and cross-border cooperation in that specific comparative context. This paper provides a comparative examination of Third (not for profit) sector cross-border cooperation as conflict transformation in the Basque (France/Spain) and Irish (UK/Ireland) border regions. To what extent does cross-border cooperation contribute to peacebuilding in the two last violent ethnonationalist conflicts in Western Europe? The comparison is based on the premise that the EU played a different role in both cases. In the Irish case, the EU contributed to the institutionalization of a peace process that included cross-border cooperation between third sector organizations among the policy instruments contributing to conflict transformation. In the Basque case, the unilateral renunciation of violence by ETA (Euskadi eta Askatasuna) in 2010 did not generate the consistent involvement of the EU in a comparable institutional peace process. However, some third sector organizations used EU instruments for cross-border economic, social and cultural cooperation between France and Spain in order to reinforce their cross-border networks, which indirectly impacted on conflict transformation. The effectiveness of this cross-border cooperation for conflict transformation is assessed comparatively. To what extent does this increase in cross-border cooperation “from below” connect to wider institutional and social processes of conflict transformation in Ireland and the Basque Country? Crucially, does the strengthening of cross-border relations on shared issues mollify or sharpen existing identity cleavages? Also considered is the sustainability of such cooperation in these regions in light of the less favourable post-2004 EU funding environment, and the post-2008 economic and political turmoil affecting the relevant EU member states, especially Ireland and Spain.


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Ce mémoire aborde le traitement de l'erreur à l'oral entre apprenants dans une classe de français langue seconde de l'Université de Sherbrooke (Québec). Dans les classes de français langue seconde de cette institution, les étudiants travaillent la plupart du temps en équipes du fait que l'approche communicative est utilisée comme modèle pédagogique. L'objectif général de cette recherche a été d'explorer, à partir du moment où une erreur est produite, les relations entre les types de rétroactions utilisées par les apprenants dans le but de corriger leurs collègues et les réponses suivant ces rétroactions. Principalement, cette étude sur le traitement de l'erreur à l'oral dans un contexte de travail en équipe a révélé que la correction faite par un pair ne passe pas inaperçue et qu'elle est fréquemment suivie par une réparation immédiate de l'énoncé fautif initial ou encore, d'une tentative de correction.


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Cette étude qualitative a pour objectif de comprendre comment les interventions verbales des apprenantes et apprenants contribuent à la résolution effective des tâches linguistiques orales dans une classe d'anglais langue seconde selon la théorie Vygotskienne. La recherche a montré que les apprenantes et apprenants passent un temps considérable à discuter les énoncés ainsi que de la meilleure façon de résoudre les tâches linguistiques orales. Or, la recension des écrits a révélé que peu d'études ont tenté de comprendre ce que font les apprenantes et apprenants quand ils sont appelés à résoudre des tâches orales. Dans notre étude nous avons donc essayé de jeter la lumière sur ce phénomène. Les interactions verbales de 10 apprenantes et apprenants ont été enregistrées pendant la résolution de tâches linguistiques orales dans une classe d'anglais langue seconde de l'université de Sherbrooke. Pour analyser les données, nous avons utilisé des éléments de trois méthodes d'analyse, notamment la méthode microgénétique de Vygotsky, l'analyse interactionnelle et l'analyse des conversations. Les résultats ont révélé que les apprenantes et apprenants utilisent un nombre important de stratégies afin de mieux comprendre et résoudre les tâches linguistiques orales de façon efficace. Ils recourent notamment à leur langue maternelle, la répétition et la co-construction de phrases. La discussion de ces résultats a montré que la meilleure compréhension des stratégies utilisées par les apprenantes et apprenants ainsi que comment celle-ci [i.e. celles-ci] sont utilisées pourrait contribuer positivement à l'amélioration des techniques d'enseignement par tâches des langues secondes.