106 resultados para interstrand crosslinks
Maligne Melanome sind gegenüber Chemotherapeutika relativ resistent. Das methylierende Alkylanz Temozolomid sowie das chlorethylierende und DNA-Interstrand Crosslink (ICL) bildende Alkylanz Fotemustin kommen bei der Behandlung des malignen Melanoms als Mittel erster Wahl zum Einsatz. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte das erste Mal nachgewiesen werden, dass die zytotoxische Wirkung von Temozolomid und Fotemustin in Melanomzellen durch Apoptose vermittelt wird. Unter Verwendung klinisch relevanter Dosen der beiden Alkylantien konnte die Induktion von Apoptose durch vier unabhängige Methoden (Bestimmung der SubG1-Fraktion und der Apoptose- / Nekrose-Frequenz, Aktivierung der Effektorcaspasen-3 und -7 sowie Spaltung von PARP-1) nachgewiesen werden. Die Alkylierungen an der O6-Position des Guanins, welche durch beide Agenzien induziert werden, sind auch in Melanomzellen die wichtigsten Zytotoxizität-bewirkenden Läsionen in der DNA, und die O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) ist folglich ein herausragender Resistenzmarker. Eine der verwendeten Zelllinien (D05) exprimierte p53-Wildtypprotein. Diese Zelllinie war resistenter als alle anderen Zelllinien gegenüber Temozolomid und Fotemustin. Dies weist darauf hin, dass p53 nicht die Apoptoseinduktion in Melanomzellen verstärkt. Die Prozessierung des O6MeG erfolgt über die Mismatch-Reparatur (MMR) unter Generierung von DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSBs). Die Untersuchung der durch Temozolomid induzierten DSBs, nachgewiesen durch gammaH2AX-Induktion, korrelierte direkt mit der apoptotischen Antwort von Melanomzelllinien und DSBs können somit als eine entscheidende apoptoseauslösende Größe angesehen werden. Eine Resistenz gegenüber dem methylierenden Temozolomid in der Zelllinie MZ7 konnte auf einen Defekt in der MMR-Schadenserkennung auf der Ebene des MutSalpha-Komplexes zurückgeführt werden. Dieser Defekt hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Fotemustin-vermittelte Apoptoseinduktion. Neben MGMT konnte somit die MMR als Resistenzfaktor gegenüber methylierenden Agenzien in Melanomen identifiziert werden. Die Fotemustin-induzierte Apoptose wurde in Melanomzelllinien im Detail untersucht. Es konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass Fotemustin-bedingte ICLs in Zellen einen G2/M-Arrest im Behandlungszyklus induzieren. Wie anhand G1-arretierter Zellen nachgewiesen werden konnte, war das Durchlaufen der DNA-Replikation vor Erreichen des Arrests für die Induktion der Apoptose notwendig. Die Prozessierung von ICLs ist im Vergleich zu Methylierungen der DNA deutlich komplexer. Dies könnte erklären, warum in Melanomzellen die durch gammaH2AX-Induktion repräsentierten DSBs nicht mit der Sensitivität der einzelnen Zelllinien korreliert. Die Untersuchung unterschiedlich sensitiver Zelllinien zeigte ein vergleichbares Schadensniveau an ICLs und eine ebenso vergleichbare initiale Prozessierung derselben unter Generierung von DSBs. Die Prozessierung dieser sekundären Läsionen, welche anhand der Abnahme von gammaH2AX-Foci untersucht wurde, war hingegen in der sensitiveren Melanomzelllinie deutlich weniger effektiv. Es konnte weiterhin nachgewiesen werden, dass eine uneffektive Prozessierung der sekundären Läsionen einhergeht mit einer verstärkten und länger anhaltenden Aktivierung der in der DSB-Detektion beteiligten Kinase ATM und der Checkpoint Kinase 1. Es wäre daher denkbar, dass eine verstärkte Aktivität dieser Kinasen proapoptotische Signale vermittelt. Unterschiede in der Prozessierung der sekundären Läsionen könnten somit ein wichtiger Marker der ICL-induzierten Apoptose darstellen. Des weitern konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass nach Fotemustingabe die mitochondrial-vermittelte Apoptose einen effektiven Exekutionsweg in Melanomen darstellt. Während Cytochrom C-Freigabe, Bcl-2-Abnahme an den Mitochondrien, Bax-Rekrutierung und Caspase-9 Aktivität nachgewiesen werden konnten, wurden keine Hinweise auf eine Fas-Rezeptor-vermittelte Apoptose gefunden. Die Unfähigkeit, Rezeptor-vermittelte Apoptose zu unterlaufen, könnte die Bedeutungslosigkeit des p53-Gens in Melanomen begründen, da gerade dieser Weg in der Alkylantien-induzierten Apoptose in anderen Zellsystemen eine große Relevanz besitzt. Bei der Suche nach einem alternativen proapoptotischen Signalweg konnten Hinweise für die Beteiligung des Rb/E2F-1-Wegs, welcher über p73 agiert, in einer p53-mutierten Melanomzelllinie gefunden werden. Einen Einfluss der Proteine Survivin und XIAP als Resistenzfaktoren auf die Fotemustin-induzierte Apoptose wurde hingegen nicht nachgewiesen.
Das metastasierende maligne Melanom ist durch eine geringe p53-Mutations-Rate und eine hohe Resistenz gegenüber Chemotherapie mit alkylierenden Agenzien wie Fotemustin (FM) und Temozolomid (TMZ) gekennzeichnet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle von p53 in der Resistenz von malignen Melanomzellen gegenüber FM untersucht und Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber TMZ und FM aufgezeigt.rnAusgangspunkt war die Beobachtung, dass p53 Wildtyp (p53wt) Melanomzellen resistenter gegenüber FM sind als p53 mutierte (p53mt) Zellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass eine FM-Behandlung in p53wt Zellen eine Stabilisierung von p53 und eine Induktion des p53-Zielproteins p21 bewirkte. Mithilfe einer p53wt Zelllinie, welche einen p53 Knockdown trägt, konnte gezeigt werden, dass p53 für die geringe Apoptose-Rate nach FM-Behandlung verantwortlich ist. Eine Untersuchung der Interstrang-Crosslink (ICL)-Reparaturkapazität zeigte, dass p53mt Zellen im Gegensatz zu p53wt Zellen nicht in der Lage sind, FM-induzierte ICL zu reparieren. Dies ging mit einer im Vergleich zu p53wt Zellen starken DNA-Schadensantwort einher. Die Gene für die Proteine DDB2 und XPC wurden als durch FM regulierte DNA-Reparatur-Gene identifiziert, deren Induktion p53-abhängig und lang anhaltend (bis zu 144 h) erfolgt. Da XPC Knockdown-Zellen sensitiver als ihre Kontrollzellen gegenüber FM reagierten, konnte die biologische Relevanz von XPC bei der ICL-Reparatur bestätigt werden. Anhand von Xenograft-Tumoren wurde gezeigt, dass FM auch in situ eine Induktion von DDB2 und XPC auslöst. Die Beobachtung, dass DNA-Reparatur-Gene nach FM-Behandlung hochreguliert werden, liefert eine Erklärung für das schlechte Ansprechen von Melanomen auf eine Therapie mit ICL-induzierenden Chemotherapeutika.rnDes Weiteren befasste sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber den Chemotherapeutika TMZ und FM. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde Valproinsäure (VPA), ein in der Epilepsie-Therapie verwendetes Medikament und Histondesacetylase (HDAC)-Hemmer, bezüglich der chemosensitivierenden Wirkung untersucht. Zunächst konnte der in der Literatur häufig beschriebene stabilisierende Effekt von VPA auf „wildtypisches“ p53-Protein und destabilisierende Effekt auf mutiertes p53-Protein bestätigt werden. Zwei der vier untersuchten Zelllinien konnten mithilfe von VPA gegenüber TMZ sensitiviert werden, während nur eine der vier untersuchten Zelllinien gegenüber FM sensitiviert werden konnte. VPA begünstigt die Induktion von Apoptose, während der Effekt auf die Induktion von Nekrose nur gering ausfiel. Eine Wirkung von VPA auf die Aktivität des Resistenz-vermittelnden Enzyms O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) wurde nicht beobachtet. Zudem wurde ausgeschlossen, dass die Sensitivierung gegenüber TMZ und FM, welche S-Phase abhängige Gentoxine sind, auf einer VPA-induzierten Erhöhung der Proliferation beruht. Mithilfe einer Zelllinie, welche stabil dominant-negatives FADD (Fas-associated death domain) exprimiert, konnten keine Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung des extrinsischen Apoptose-Signalwegs an der VPA-vermittelten Sensitivierung gewonnen werden. Gleichzeitig wurde gezeigt, dass VPA keine Induktion der niedrig exprimierten Procaspase-8 verursachte. Mithilfe eines PCR-Arrays wurden transaktivierende und –reprimierende Effekte von VPA auf die Genexpression gezeigt, wobei das proapoptotische Protein BAX (Breakpoint cluster-2-associated x protein) als ein in der Sensitivierung involviertes Kandidatengen identifiziert wurde. Obwohl eine vollständige Aufklärung der dem Sensitivierungseffekt von VPA zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen nicht erbracht werden konnte, zeigen die in dieser Arbeit erlangten Beobachtungen einen vielversprechenden Weg zur Überwindung der Resistenz von Melanomzellen gegenüber DNA-alkylierenden Zytostatika auf.rn
Gels are elastic porous polymer networks that are accompanied by pronounced mechanical properties. Due to their biocompatibility, ‘responsive hydrogels’ (HG) have many biomedical applications ranging from biosensors and drug delivery to tissue engineering. They respond to external stimuli such as temperature and salt by changing their dimensions. Of paramount importance is the ability to engineer penetrability and diffusion of interacting molecules in the crowded HG environment, as this would enable one to optimize a specific functionality. Even though the conditions under which biomedical devices operate are rather complex, a bottom-up approach could reduce the complexity of mutually coupled parameters influencing tracer mobility. The present thesis focuses on the interaction-induced tracer diffusion in polymer solutions and their homologous gels, probed by means of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS). This is a single-molecule-sensitive technique having the advantage of optimal performance under ultralow tracer concentrations, typically employed in biosensors. Two different types of hydrogels have been investigated, a conventional one with broad polydispersity in the distance between crosslink points and a so-called ‘ideal’, with uniform mesh size distribution. The former is based on a thermoresponsive polymer, exhibiting phase separation in water at temperatures close to the human body temperature. The latter represents an optimal platform to study tracer diffusion. Mobilities of different tracers have been investigated in each network, varying in size, geometry and in terms of tracer-polymer attractive strength, as perturbed by different stimuli. The thesis constitutes a systematic effort towards elucidating the role of the strength and nature of different tracer-polymer interactions, on tracer mobilities; it outlines that interactions can still be very important even in the simplified case of dilute polymer solutions; it also demonstrates that the presence of permanent crosslinks exerts distinct tracer slowdown, depending on the tracer type and the nature of the tracer-polymer interactions, expressed differently by each tracer with regard to the selected stimulus. In aqueous polymer solutions, the tracer slowdown is found to be system-dependent and no universal trend seems to hold, in contrast to predictions from scaling theory for non-interacting nanoparticle mobility and empirical relations concerning the mesh size in polymer solutions. Complex tracer dynamics in polymer networks may be distinctly expressed by FCS, depending on the specific synergy among-at least some of - the following parameters: nature of interactions, external stimuli employed, tracer size and type, crosslink density and swelling ratio.
This dissertation describes the synthesis of surface attached hydrogel biomaterials, characterization of their properties, evaluation of structuring concepts and the investigation of these materials in the isolation of DNA from human whole blood. Photosensitive hydrogel precursor materials on the basis of hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) were synthesized by free radical polymerization. In order to obtain surface bound hydrogel films, the precursors were deposited on a suitable substrate and subsequently irradatiated with UV - light to accomplish the formation of crosslinks in the film and create surface attachment. The composition of the polymerization precursor materials was determined by comprehensive NMR and GPC studies, revealing the copolymerizationrnbehaviour of the used monomers - HEMA derivatives and the photocrosslinkerrnMABP - and their respective distribution in the hydrogel precursors. The degree of crosslinking of the hydrogels was characterized with UV/vis spectroscopy. Stress-strain measurements were conducted in order to investigate the mechanical properties of the biomaterials. Moreover, the swelling process and biomolecule adsorption properties of the hydrogels were investigated with SPR/OW spectroscopy. For this, the deposition and binding of the hydrogels on gold or SiO2 surfaces was facilitated with photocrosslinkable adhesion promotors. The produced hydrogels were mechanically rigid and stablernunder the conditions of PCR and blood lysis. Furthermore, strategies towards the increase of hydrogel surface structure and porosity with porosigens, 2D laser interference lithography and photocleavable blockcopolymers were investigated. At last, a combinatorial strategy was used for the determination of the usefulness of hydrogels for the isolation from DNA from blood. A series of functionalized hydrogel precursors were synthesized, transferred to the surface inside a PCR tube and subsequently screened in regard to DNA adsorption properties with Taqman quantitative PCR. This approach yielded a promising candidate for a functional PCR tube coating that would allow the entire DNA isolation procedure being carried out in a single reaction container.rnThereforce, the practical application of such macromolecular architectures can be envisioned to improve industrial DNA diagnostic processes.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of infliximab on bone resorption by osteoclast precursor cells (OCPs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and to compare the results with changes in disease activity. METHODS: Before and during 24 weeks of infliximab treatment peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 9 RA and 10 AS patients were seeded onto ivory wafers and adherent cells, including OCPs, were grown in medium promoting osteoclast differentiation. Bone resorption was evaluated morphometrically and correlated to disease activity. 19 healthy individuals were studied in parallel. In addition, biochemical bone markers were assessed in all patients at baseline and after 24 weeks. RESULTS: OCPs from RA patients showed a higher bone resorption at baseline when compared to AS patients. Blocking of TNFalpha with infliximab resulted in a strong reduction of bone resorption by OCPs in both cohorts and did occur faster in RA compared to AS patients. This inhibition coincided with reduction of clinical disease activity in both patient cohorts and with an increase of serum osteocalcin levels and a relative decrease of collagen crosslinks in RA compared to AS patients. CONCLUSION: These results provide an explanation on the cellular level for the anticatabolic effect of TNF neutralization on bone. The variation in the kinetics of bone resorption by the OCPs in patients with RA and AS suggests disease-specific differences in the type or in the preactivation of OCPs.
DNA mimics containing non-nucleosidic pyrene building blocks are described. The modified oligomers form stable hybrids, although a slight reduction in hybrid stability is observed in comparison to the unmodified DNA duplex. The nature of the interaction between the pyrene residues in single and double stranded oligomers is analyzed spectroscopically. Intra- and inter-strand stacking interactions of pyrenes are monitored by UV-absorbance as well as fluorescence spectroscopy. Excimer formation is observed in both single and double strands. In general, intrastrand excimers show fluorescence emission at shorter wavelengths (approx. 5-10 nm) than excimers formed by interstrand interactions. The existence of two different forms of excimers (intra- vs. interstrand) is also revealed in temperature dependent UV-absorbance spectra. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Experimental studies on epoxies report that the microstructure consists of highly crosslinked localized regions connected with a dispersed phase of low crosslink density. The various thermo-mechanical properties of epoxies might be affected by the crosslink distribution. But as experiments cannot report the exact number of crosslinked covalent bonds present in the structure, molecular dynamics is thus being used in this work to determine the influence of crosslink distribution on thermo-mechanical properties. Molecular dynamics and molecular mechanics simulations are used to establish wellequilibrated molecular models of EPON 862-DETDA epoxy system with a range of crosslink densities and various crosslink distributions. Crosslink distributions are being varied by forming differently crosslinked localized clusters and then by forming different number of crosslinks interconnecting the clusters. Simulations are subsequently used to predict the volume shrinkage, thermal expansion coefficients, and elastic properties of each of the crosslinked systems. The results indicate that elastic properties increase with increasing levels of overall crosslink density and the thermal expansion coefficient decreases with overall crosslink density, both above and below the glass transition temperature. Elastic moduli and coefficients of linear thermal expansion values were found to be different for systems with same overall crosslink density but having different crosslink distributions, thus indicating an effect of the epoxy nanostructure on physical properties. The values of thermo-mechanical properties for all the crosslinked systems are within the range of values reported in literature.
Phospholipids containing photolysable carhene precursors (beta-trifluoro-a-diazopropionoxy and m-diazirinophenoxy groups) in w-positions of sn-2 fatty acyl chains were prepared. Photolysis of their vesicles produced crosslinked products in 40-60 % yields. Crosslinking was mostly intermolecular and occurred bv carbene insertion into the C-H bonds of a second fatty acyl chain. Crosslinking products were characterized by (i) their gel permeation behavior, (ii) analysis of produets formed by base-catalyzed transesterification. (iii) degradation with phosphoiipases A2 and C, (iv) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and-(v) use of mixtures of phospholipids carrying thf' carhene precursors and a phospholipid containing radioactively labeled fatty acyl groups. Nitrenes generated from the aliphatic or aromatic azido groups in phospholipids were unsatisfactory for forming crosslinks by insertion in C-H bond
Sonicated vesicles of l-fatty acyl-2-w-(2-diazo-3.3,3-trifluoropropionoxy) fatty acyl sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholines were shown recently to form intermolecular crosslinks by insertion of the photogenerated carbene into a C-H bond of a neighboring hydrocarbon chain. We now report that photolysis of multilamellar dispersions gives a second series of products in which carbene insertion is accompanied by elimination of a molecule of hydrogen fluoride. The sites of crosslinking in the latter compounds have been studied by mass spectrometry using phospholipids with varying chain lengths of the fatty acyl groups carrying the carbene precursor. The patterns observed show that the point of maximum crosslinking is consistent with the recent conclusion that in phospholipids the sn-2 fatty acyl chain trails the sn-1 chain by 2-4 atoms.
We present a molecular modeling study based on ab initio and classical molecular dynamics calculations, for the investigation of the tridimensional structure and supramolecular assembly formation of heptapyrenotide oligomers in water solution. Our calculations show that free oligomers self-assemble in helical structures characterized by an inner core formed by π- stacked pyrene units, and external grooves formed by the linker moieties. The coiling of the linkers has high ordering, dominated by hydrogen-bond interactions among the phosphate and amide groups. Our models support a mechanism of longitudinal supramolecular oligomerization based on interstrand pyrene intercalation. Only a minimal number of pyrene units intercalate at one end, favoring formation of very extended longitudinal chains, as also detected by AFM experiment. Our results provide a structural explanation of the mechanism of chirality amplification in 1:1 mixtures of standard heptapyrenotides and modified oligomers with covalently linked deoxycytidine, based on selective molecular recognition and binding of the nucleotide to the groove of the left-wound helix.
It is unknown how receptor binding by the paramyxovirus attachment proteins (HN, H, or G) triggers the fusion (F) protein to fuse with the plasma membrane for cell entry. H-proteins of the morbillivirus genus consist of a stalk ectodomain supporting a cuboidal head; physiological oligomers consist of non-covalent dimer-of-dimers. We report here the successful engineering of intermolecular disulfide bonds within the central region (residues 91-115) of the morbillivirus H-stalk; a sub-domain that also encompasses the putative F-contacting section (residues 111-118). Remarkably, several intersubunit crosslinks abrogated membrane fusion, but bioactivity was restored under reducing conditions. This phenotype extended equally to H proteins derived from virulent and attenuated morbillivirus strains and was independent of the nature of the contacted receptor. Our data reveal that the morbillivirus H-stalk domain is composed of four tightly-packed subunits. Upon receptor binding, these subunits structurally rearrange, possibly inducing conformational changes within the central region of the stalk, which, in turn, promote fusion. Given that the fundamental architecture appears conserved among paramyxovirus attachment protein stalk domains, we predict that these motions may act as a universal paramyxovirus F-triggering mechanism.
INTRODUCTION The omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the immediate precursors to a number of important mediators of immunity, inflammation and bone function, with products of omega-6 generally thought to promote inflammation and favour bone resorption. Western diets generally provide a 10 to 20-fold deficit in omega-3 PUFAs compared with omega-6, and this is thought to have contributed to the marked rise in incidence of disorders of modern human societies, such as heart disease, colitis and perhaps osteoporosis. Many of our food production animals, fed on grains rich in omega-6, are also exposed to a dietary deficit in omega-3, with perhaps similar health consequences. Bone fragility due to osteoporotic changes in laying hens is a major economic and welfare problem, with our recent estimates of breakage rates indicating up to 95% of free range hens suffer breaks during lay. METHODS Free range hens housed in full scale commercial systems were provided diets supplemented with omega-3 alpha linolenic acid, and the skeletal benefits were investigated by comparison to standard diets rich in omega-6. RESULTS There was a significant 40-60% reduction in keel bone breakage rate, and a corresponding reduction in breakage severity in the omega-3 supplemented hens. There was significantly greater bone density and bone mineral content, alongside increases in total bone and trabecular volumes. The mechanical properties of the omega-3 supplemented hens were improved, with strength, energy to break and stiffness demonstrating significant increases. Alkaline phosphatase (an osteoblast marker) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (an osteoclast marker) both showed significant increases with the omega-3 diets, indicating enhanced bone turnover. This was corroborated by the significantly lower levels of the mature collagen crosslinks, hydroxylysyl pyridinoline, lysyl pyridinoline and histidinohydroxy-lysinonorleucine, with a corresponding significant shift in the mature:immature crosslink ratio. CONCLUSIONS The improved skeletal health in laying hens corresponds to as many as 68million fewer hens suffering keel fractures in the EU each year. The biomechanical and biochemical evidence suggests that increased bone turnover has enhanced the bone mechanical properties, and that this may suggest potential benefits for human osteoporosis.
Gossypol, a binaphthalene compound, possesses male infertility effects. However, its mechanism of action and effects on somatic cells are not yet understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of gossypol on mammalian cell growth and DNA replication, using tissue culture cells (HeLa) as an in vivo model.^ Gossypol inhibited DNA synthesis in HeLa cells at low doses, without affecting RNA or protein synthesis. This caused cells to accumulate in S phase without affecting cells in other phases of the cell cycle. The inhibition of DNA synthesis was both dose- and time-dependent. This irreversible block was associated with a decrease in HeLa plating efficiency. Gossypol did bind to DNA but did not measurably affect its ability to serve as a template for DNA polymerase $\alpha$, the major replicative enzyme. Only in the absence of serum could gossypol induce single-strand DNA breaks in HeLa cells; no DNA-DNA or DNA-protein crosslinks were formed.^ Gossypol exhibited dose-dependent inhibition of a number of eukaryotic and prokaryotic replicative DNA polymerases both in vitro and in vivo. This inhibition was kinetically non-competitive with respect to the DNA template and dNTP substrates. Both a filter binding assay and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used to study gossypol binding to DNA polymerase. Inhibition resulted from drug binding to two adjacent amino acid residues on the enzyme. Binding was found to be irreversible and mediated through either non-covalent interactions or by Schiff's base formation between the aldehyde groups of gossypol and the $\varepsilon$-NH$\sb2$ groups of amino acid residues on the polymerase. Structure-function studies using eleven gossypol derivatives revealed that both aldehyde and hydroxyl groups function independently to effect inhibition of DNA polymerase and DNA replication. The activities of DNA polymerase $\beta$ and ribonucleotide reductase were also inhibited by increasing gossypol concentrations.^ These studies demonstrate that the gossypol-mediated inhibition of DNA replication is due in part to inhibition of key replicative enzymes, such as DNA polymerase $\alpha$. The study of DNA polymerase may serve as a model for the interaction of enzymes with gossypol, a drug which may prove useful as a chemotherapeutic agent. ^
The carcinogenic activity of water-insoluble crystalline nickel sulfide requires phagocytosis and lysosome-mediated intracellular dissolution of the particles to yield Ni('2+). This study investigated the extent and nature of the DNA damage in Chinese hamster ovary cells treated with various nickel compounds using the technique of alkaline elution. Crystalline NiS and water-soluble NiCl(,2) induced single strand breaks that were repaired quickly and DNA-protein crosslinks that persisted up to 24 hr after exposure to nickel. The induction of single strand breaks was concentration dependent at both noncytotoxic and lethal amounts of nickel. The induction of DNA-protein crosslinks was concentration dependent but was absent at lethal amounts of nickel. The cytoplasmic and nuclear uptake of nickel was concentration dependent even at the toxic level of nickel. However, the induction of DNA-protein crosslinks by nickel required active cell cycling and occurred predominantly in mid-late S phase of the cell cycle, suggesting that the lethal amounts of nickel inhibited DNA-protein crosslinking by inhibiting active cell cycling. Since the DNA-protein crosslinking induced by nickel was resistant to DNA repair, the nature of this lesion was investigated using various methods of DNA isolation and chromatin fractionation in combination with SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. High molecular weight, non-histone chromosomal proteins and possibly histone 1 were preferentially crosslinked to DNA by nickel. The crosslinked proteins were concentrated in a magnesium-insoluble fraction of sonicated chromatin (5% of the total) that was similar to heterochromatin in solubility and protein composition. Alterations in DNA structure and function, brought about by the effect of nickel on protein-DNA interactions, may be related to the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds. ^
At birth, the mammalian lung is still immature. The alveoli are not yet formed and the interairspace walls contain two capillary layers which are separated by an interstitial core. After alveolarization (first 2 postnatal weeks in rats) the alveolar septa mature: their capillary layers merge, the amount of connective tissue decreases, and the mature lung parenchyma is formed (second and third week). During the first 3 wk of life the role of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) was studied in rat lung by immunostaining of cryostat and paraffin sections, by Northern and Western blotting, and by a quantitative determination of gamma-glutamyl-epsilon-lysine. While enzyme activity and intracellular tTG were already present before term, the enzyme product (gamma-glutamyl-epsilon-lysine-crosslink) and extracellular tTG appeared between postnatal days 10 and 19 in the lung parenchyma. In large blood vessels and large airways, which mature earlier than the parenchyma, both the enzyme product and extracellular tTG had already appeared at the end of the first postnatal week. We conclude that tTG is expressed and externalized into the extracellular matrix of lung shortly before maturation of an organ area. Because tTG covalently and irreversibly crosslinks extracellular matrix proteins, we hypothesize that it may prevent or delay further remodeling of basement membranes and may stabilize other extracellular components, such as microfibrils.