756 resultados para health food store
Elucidating the biological and biochemical roles of proteins, and subsequently determining their interacting partners, can be difficult and time consuming using in vitro and/or in vivo methods, and consequently the majority of newly sequenced proteins will have unknown structures and functions. However, in silico methods for predicting protein–ligand binding sites and protein biochemical functions offer an alternative practical solution. The characterisation of protein–ligand binding sites is essential for investigating new functional roles, which can impact the major biological research spheres of health, food, and energy security. In this review we discuss the role in silico methods play in 3D modelling of protein–ligand binding sites, along with their role in predicting biochemical functionality. In addition, we describe in detail some of the key alternative in silico prediction approaches that are available, as well as discussing the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP) and the Continuous Automated Model EvaluatiOn (CAMEO) projects, and their impact on developments in the field. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of protein function prediction methods for tackling 21st century problems.
Propolis is one of the hive products that has been used extensively in folk medicine, due to its several biological and pharmacological properties. Besides, propolis-containing products have been intensely marketed by the pharmaceutical industry and health-food stores. This work was carried out in order to investigate whether propolis treatment could revert the metabolic alterations of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Animals were kept in metabolic cages and diabetes was induced by a single dose of streptozotocin (35 mg/kg, IV). After a week, rats with glycemia higher than 230 mg/dL were divided into two groups and treated with ethanolic extract of propolis (10 and 90 mg/kg, PO) for seven days. Glycemia and free fatty acids were determined, as well as food and water intake, body weight and urine volume were registered weekly. Data showed no significant differences in the analyzed variables. Based on these results, one may conclude that propolis had no effects after diabetes establishment, in our conditions assays. Further assays with different concentrations of propolis and periods of administration should be carried out in order to evaluate its therapeutic potential in this disease.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV
Diagnóstico de situação das práticas de manejo sanitário em sistemas de produção de bovinos de corte
We interviewed 21 farmers in order to access which sanitary practices adopted in the production systems of beef cattle on farms located in São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rondonia. The survey was conducted through a qualitative approach to the collection of data obtained through questionnaire and personal interview with the landowners. We questioned the attitudes and sanitation procedures in these current production systems such as veterinary assistance, preventive health practices and disease surveillance, knowledge of health hazards for the safe production of food, animal feed, vaccine and immunizations, registration system, measures with newborns, products used in the environment and animals, grace period, employee training, destination of the dead animals, among others. Along with the data found that only 30% of properties had veterinary care, 67% said they meet the expiration dates of the products, although it was not mentioned on the products if there were any. In only 48% of properties were veterinarians who prescribed drugs to animals. Only two of the owners confirmed buying and using expired products in animals and only 48% have received some training on the property. In this setting, it is evident that farmers should be better prepared for insertion of its products in a highly demanding and competitive market. In this context, add value to the product depends mainly on the condition of sanitation of the herds.
The family is primarily responsible for shaping behavior in oral hygiene and nutrition of children, and cultural and psychosocial factors can influence this process. Thus, we carried out this study with the aim of presenting evidence from the literature on the subject. We reviewed the databases Bireme, Pubmed and Medline without restriction of year of publication. Used as descriptors "education," "care," "behavior," "oral health" and "food habits". We emphasize the responsibility of the family practices, values and beliefs of oral health and nutrition as well as the importance of shared care between family and professionals.
[EN] The study investigates the phenolic profile of exudates and extracts of several microalgae harvested in natural seawater in the presence and absence of Cu and Fe additions, at metal levels of environmental relevance. The experimental findings show changes in the concentrations and types of polyphenols as a function of the metal added and its spiked concentrations. The results shown might be useful to help explaining the dynamics of this important class of compounds in seawater and also encourage further studies aimed at using algae as a source of chemical principles to be used in the health, food and pharmaceutical industry.
The report examines the relationship between day care institutions, schools and so called “parents unfamiliar to education” as well as the relationship between the institutions. With in Danish public and professional discourse concepts like parents unfamiliar to education are usually referring to environments, parents or families with either no or just very restricted experience of education except for the basic school (folkeskole). The “grand old man” of Danish educational research, Prof. Em. Erik Jørgen Hansen, defines the concept as follows: Parents who are distant from or not familiar with education, are parents without tradition of education and by that fact they are not able to contribute constructively in order to back up their own children during their education. Many teachers and pedagogues are not used to that term; they rather prefer concepts like “socially exposed” or “socially disadvantaged” parents or social classes or strata. The report does not only focus on parents who are not capable to support the school achievements of their children, since a low level of education is usually connected with social disadvantage. Such parents are often not capable of understanding and meeting the demands from side of the school when sending their children to school. They lack the competencies or the necessary competence of action. For the moment being much attention is done from side of the Ministries of Education and Social Affairs (recently renamed Ministry of Welfare) in order to create equal possibilities for all children. Many kinds of expertise (directions, counsels, researchers, etc.) have been more than eager to promote recommendations aiming at achieving the ambitious goal: 2015 95% of all young people should complement a full education (classes 10.-12.). Research results are pointing out the importance of increased participation of parents. In other word the agenda is set for ‘parents’ education’. It seems necessary to underline that Danish welfare policy has been changing rather radical. The classic model was an understanding of welfare as social assurance and/or as social distribution – based on social solidarity. The modern model looks like welfare as social service and/or social investment. This means that citizens are changing role – from user and/or citizen to consumer and/or investor. The Danish state is in correspondence with decisions taken by the government investing in a national future shaped by global competition. The new models of welfare – “service” and “investment” – imply severe changes in hitherto known concepts of family life, relationship between parents and children etc. As an example the investment model points at a new implementation of the relationship between social rights and the rights of freedom. The service model has demonstrated that weakness that the access to qualified services in the field of health or education is becoming more and more dependent of the private purchasing power. The weakness of the investment model is that it represents a sort of “The Winner takes it all” – since a political majority is enabled to make agendas in societal fields former protected by the tripartite power and the rights of freedom of the citizens. The outcome of the Danish development seems to be an establishment of a political governed public service industry which on one side are capable of competing on market conditions and on the other are able being governed by contracts. This represents a new form of close linking of politics, economy and professional work. Attempts of controlling education, pedagogy and thereby the population are not a recent invention. In European history we could easily point at several such experiments. The real news is the linking between political priorities and exercise of public activities by economic incentives. By defining visible goals for the public servants, by introducing measurement of achievements and effects, and by implementing a new wage policy depending on achievements and/or effects a new system of accountability is manufactured. The consequences are already perceptible. The government decides to do some special interventions concerning parents, children or youngsters, the public servants on municipality level are instructed to carry out their services by following a manual, and the parents are no longer protected by privacy. Protection of privacy and minority is no longer a valuable argumentation to prevent further interventions in people’s life (health, food, school, etc.). The citizens are becoming objects of investment, also implying that people are investing in their own health, education, and family. This means that investments in changes of life style and development of competences go hand in hand. The below mentioned programmes are conditioned by this shift.
Originally domesticated in Ethiopia, tef is a wholegrain cereal that has become a lifestyle food alternative in the West. Its appeal is due to its gluten free qualities and its light and soft texture which can easily be combined with other cuisines. Tef products including flour, bread, cookies and the flattened bread injera can be found in organic/health food stores in Europe and the USA or can be purchased online. It is estimated that there are more than 90 restaurants in Europe providing Ethiopian cuisine, at the heart of which is injera.
É de extrema importância estudar a relação entre capacidade funcional e saúde bucal relacionado à qualidade vida, para auxiliar nos fatores intervenientes tanto no cuidado odontológico como em outras áreas de atenção à saúde do idoso, além de adequar planos de tratamento as reais necessidades de cada indivíduo, proporcionando melhor qualidade de vida. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a capacidade funcional e saúde bucal relacionada à qualidade de vida do idoso. Foram incluídos na pesquisa idosos acima de 65 anos que residem em área de cobertura da Estratégia Saúde da Família de Bauru. Foram investigadas, através de entrevistas, as variáveis capacidade funcional (Índice de Katz), saúde bucal relacionada à qualidade de vida (OHIP-14), condições socioeconômicas e comorbidades. Foram excluídos da pesquisa idosos que apresentavam alterações de compreensão e expressão da comunicação, Para a realização da análise estatística foi utilizado o Teste de Pearson ao nível de significância de 0,05 e a Regressão Linear Multivariada, ao nível de significância de p 0,01. Participaram da pesquisa 238 idosos com 65 anos ou mais, sendo que 56,3% tinham entre 65 e 74 anos e 43,7% tinham 75 anos ou mais, a média geral de idade foi 74,5 anos. Quanto ao sexo, 55,5% eram mulheres, houve predominância da raça branca (65,1%). Quanto a variável capacidade funcional, 8,8% apresentaram incapacidade funcional intermediária ou severa. Sobre os aspectos socioeconômicos, 61,3% dos idosos apresentaram renda mensal de até dois salários mínimos, 88,2% eram aposentados ou pensionistas, 68,9% tinham algum grau de escolaridade e 57,1% eram casados ou mantinham uma união estável. Quanto a saúde bucal relacionada à qualidade de vida, 20,6% dos entrevistados se sentiram desconfortáveis para mastigar alguns tipos de alimentos. A hipertensão arterial foi a comorbidade mais relatada pelos entrevistados (75,6%). As dimensões dificuldade para mastigar (0,21; p<0,05) e necessidade de parar as refeições (0,21; p<0,05) do instrumento OHIP-14 apresentaram correlação estatisticamente significante com o Índice de Katz. Através da análise multivariada, foi observado que quanto maior a incapacidade menos o idoso se preocupa com a saúde bucal. A alimentação é um aspecto importante da vida diária de qualquer pessoa, especialmente o idoso que apresenta doenças crônicas em maior quantidade e severidade conforme o envelhecimento acontece. Além disso, a incapacidade apresentou tendência de aumento com a idade, no entanto a literatura não permite concluir que o envelhecimento em si seja causa da incapacidade funcional. A maior limitação do estudo se relaciona ao próprio desenho epidemiológico, pois o estudo transversal não permite inferências de causalidade, no entanto a amplitude do grupo etário nesta pesquisa permite observar tendências sobre a capacidade funcional e a saúde bucal relacionada à qualidade de vida em idosos. A incapacidade funcional aumentou com a idade e apresentou tendência de maior impacto negativo na saúde bucal relacionada a qualidade de vida dificultando a realização de refeições.
Objetivo: Consensuar competencias profesionales de salud pública del/de la egresado/a en farmacia y los contenidos básicos que debe incluir la materia de salud pública según el criterio de un grupo docente de salud pública del grado en farmacia procedente de distintas universidades públicas y privadas de España. Métodos: 1ª Reunión del Foro de Profesorado Universitario de Salud Pública del Grado en Farmacia, que tuvo lugar en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid los días 19 y 20 de noviembre de 2013, en la que participaron 17 profesores/as. Los/las participantes disponían de sus propios programas docentes y de dos estudios previos sobre competencias profesionales en salud pública, para analizar las competencias y contenidos de salud pública del grado en farmacia. Se realizaron grupos de trabajo y se compartieron los resultados. Resultados: El mayor número de competencias fundamentales identificadas se corresponden con actividades de las funciones «Valorar las necesidades de salud de la población» y «Desarrollar políticas de salud». El programa final incluye contenidos básicos organizados en ocho bloques: Concepto de salud pública, Demografía sanitaria, Método epidemiológico, Medio ambiente y salud, Seguridad alimentaria, Epidemiología de los principales problemas de salud, Promoción y educación para la salud, y Planificación y gestión sanitaria. Conclusiones: La representación de prácticamente todas las facultades que imparten el grado en farmacia en España, y el consenso alcanzado en la descripción de competencias y contenidos, constituyen una base para unificar criterios que garanticen la mejora de la calidad docente y formativa.
Os suplementos alimentares para emagrecer são um apelo irresistível para quem procura uma forma de perder peso “sem sacrifícios” e “sem esforço”. Com efeito, estamos perante um mercado sazonal em expansão em que a menção “natural” parece tranquilizar os consumidores esquecendo que a eficácia e segurança destes produtos necessita ser avaliada. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo efetuar a caraterização dos consumidores de suplementos alimentares para emagrecer, da zona centro de Portugal, avaliar o seu grau de satisfação com os produtos e ainda o possível risco que envolve o consumo destes produtos sobretudo quando ingeridos concomitantemente com medicamentos. Recorreu-se a um questionário anónimo, confidencial e de preenchimento voluntário, distribuído em farmácias, parafarmácias e dietéticas e/ou ervanárias maioritariamente do concelho de Viseu e Figueira da Foz. A recolha dos dados decorreu entre os meses de abril e julho de 2014. E tinha como critérios de inclusão ser maior de 18 anos, ambos os sexos e saber ler e escrever. Acorreram 304 indivíduos. A análise dos dados foi feita recorrendo a testes estatísticos adequados a cada caso. O presente estudo ao caracterizar o perfil de consumidores de suplementos alimentares encontrou uma população, maioritariamente feminina (88,5%) com grau de instrução elevado, secundário e superior, nas faixas etária dos 25-44 anos (59,4%), casados ou em união de facto. Apresentavam excesso de peso e obesidade (54%), sem hábitos de prática de exercício físico e com alimentação desequilibrada. Estes preferem adquirir os suplementos alimentares para emagrecer nas farmácias embora a decisão de consumir estes produtos seja pessoal (32,7%). Para aconselhamento preferem o farmacêutico (17,6%) e apenas 4,2% recorrem ao médico. Revelaram ainda consumir estes produtos por um período de tempo limitado, entre 1-3 meses e estarem satisfeitos com os resultados obtidos após o consumo de suplementos alimentares (63,1%). Constituindo os efeitos secundários dos suplementos alimentares uma preocupação legítima verificamos que a maioria dos inquiridos (93,3%) não refere qualquer efeito indesejável, os restantes indivíduos que revelaram aparecimento de ações indesejáveis disseram ter-se dirigido ao farmacêutico para reportar a situação. As patologias com maior prevalência entre os consumidores foram doenças endócrinas, nutricionais e metabólicas, seguida das perturbações mentais e comportamentais e por fim as doenças cardiovasculares a que correspondem os principais grupos terapêuticos encontrados: psicofármacos, medicamentos usados em patologias do sistema endócrino e antihipertensores. Cerca de 25,8% dos inquiridos que consumiam suplementos alimentares para emagrecer utilizavam concomitantemente estes fármacos. A análise dos cinco suplementos alimentares para emagrecer maioritariamente consumidos pela amostra (57,8%) evidenciou a existência de possíveis interações com os grupos de fármacos mais utilizados. Os resultados obtidos mostram por um lado, a necessidade de esclarecer o conceito de que nem tudo o que é natural é inócuo e por outro lado, ressaltam a importância no ato de venda do aconselhamento individual, adaptado a cada consumidor (com ou sem medicação), por um profissional de saúde com conhecimentos no âmbito da gestão e fisiologia de peso corporal e conhecimento sólido sobre a eficácia e segurança destes suplementos.
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Mode of access: Internet.