154 resultados para grocery


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There is currently some debate about whether the energy expenditure of domestic tasks is sufficient to confer health benefits. The aim of this study was therefore to measure the energy cost of five activities commonly undertaken by mothers of young children. Seven women with at least one child younger than five years of age spent 15 minutes in each of the following activities: sitting quietly, vacuum cleaning, washing windows, walking at moderate pace (approx 5km/hour), walking with a stroller and grocery shopping in a super-market. Each of the six 'trials' was completed on the same day, in random order. A carefully calibrated portable gas analyser was used to measure oxygen uptake during each activity, and data were converted to units of energy expenditure (METS). Vacuum cleaning, washing windows and walking with and without a stroller were found to be 'moderate intensity activities' (3 to 6 METs), but supermarket shopping did not reach this criterion. The MET values for these activities were similar to those reported in the Compendium of Physical Activities (Ainsworth et al., 2000). However, the energy expenditures of walking, both with and without a stroller, were higher than those reported in the Compendium. The findings suggest that some of the tasks associated with domestic caring duties are conducted at an intensity which is sufficient to confer some health benefit. Such benefits will only accrue however if the daily duration of these activities is sufficient to meet current guidelines.


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People with a mental illness can have deficits in a range of areas, including food skills. Mothers who have a mental illness and have residential care of their children are particularly vulnerable to experiencing food insecurity. The food skills programme known as Food Cent$ is a new way of spending money on food using the 10-plan, so that people can learn to balance their diet and their food budget. Occupational therapists in a mental health rehabilitation service incorporated the use of Food Cent$ into a parenting programme for mothers with a mental illness. A pilot study was conducted to identify whether the Food Cent$ programme influenced behaviours and attitudes towards food and food selection and preparation and reduced grocery expenditure. The participants were six mothers with a mental illness who had children under 5 years of age in their care. A focus group was conducted to gain insight into the experiences of mothers who had attended the programme. Supermarket receipts were collected before and after the project to determine changes in dietary practices. The results indicated that attending Food Cent$ contributed to an improvement in dietary intake, food selection and preparation, and grocery expenditure. Further research is required into the effectiveness of this programme with other target groups likely to experience food insecurity.


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Order picking consists in retrieving products from storage locations to satisfy independent orders from multiple customers. It is generally recognized as one of the most significant activities in a warehouse (Koster et al, 2007). In fact, order picking accounts up to 50% (Frazelle, 2001) or even 80% (Van den Berg, 1999) of the total warehouse operating costs. The critical issue in today’s business environment is to simultaneously reduce the cost and increase the speed of order picking. In this paper, we address the order picking process in one of the Portuguese largest companies in the grocery business. This problem was proposed at the 92nd European Study Group with Industry (ESGI92). In this setting, each operator steers a trolley on the shop floor in order to select items for multiple customers. The objective is to improve their grocery e-commerce and bring it up to the level of the best international practices. In particular, the company wants to improve the routing tasks in order to decrease distances. For this purpose, a mathematical model for a faster open shop picking was developed. In this paper, we describe the problem, our proposed solution as well as some preliminary results and conclusions.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Continente Online (COL) is the market leader of online grocery retailing in Portugal. Aiming at sustaining this position, it has been focusing its promotional efforts in acquiring and retaining customers. This report intakes an extensive study on the impact of COL’s exclusive promotional efforts (free delivery offers and ten percent discounts on loyalty card) on customer acquisition and retention, as well as, a cost analysis on these offers. Two econometric models were developed and the results were interesting. It was concluded that free delivery offers have a significant impact both in terms of customer acquisition and retention, having also a lower cost in comparison with ten percent on loyalty card discounts.


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The aim of this study is to answer the research question "can customer service be revitalised through identification of a symbiotic relationship with social responsibility, linked by people-centricity?" The concept of customer service remains weak and there has been a lack of attention to the underlying purpose: "to serve". To strengthen the theory the humanistic nature of the concept should be revised. Fundamental to this argument is the question of who is a customer? To fully discover the scope of the concept requires a broader or more specifically a societal view. Herein the theme of social corporate responsibility is critical to the recognition of the customer service network (CSN). This suggestion in isolation is useful but structural. Another aspect must be identified to validate the "service" ethos. Through this reasoning the relational theme (RT) provides for a mechanism for this to be achieved. Therefore the theory of socially integrative customer service is based on broadening and deepening the customer service concept. This study is illustrated in the context of the grocery retail sector in the Republic of Ireland. Four case studies are presented, three based on company-wide and in-store research and a fourth is a cross-company study. Results across companies indicate acceptance of the research question and show evidence to validate SICS. There is scope to further develop SICS and to build on the CSN and the RT. Finally the concept of SICS provides for a diverse basis for further research. This theory does no purport to cause a paradigm shift but does add innovation to the body of knowledge. As is the hallmark of good theoretical development, the author has aimed to keep the philosophy simple.


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The invasive spotted-wing Drosophila (Diptera, Drosophilidae) has been found in the city of São Paulo (Brazil). Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931), the cherry fly or spotted-wing Drosophila, a pest species from the Oriental and southeastern Palaearctic regions belonging to the melanogaster group, invaded the Nearctic and western countries of the Palaearctic regions late last decade (2008) and, more recently (2013), the southern Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Early in 2014 it was reared from blueberries produced in São Joaquim, state of Santa Catarina, that were bought at a São Paulo city grocery store. Despite being a cold-adapted species, after having arrived to the southeastern state of São Paulo, this invasive fly will probably expand its territory to other Brazilian states and South American countries through trade of cultivated soft skin small fruits, such as blueberries and strawberries, as well as naturally through the use of small wild fruits as breeding sites.


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On August 3, 2009, a road safety audit was initiated for the intersection of IA 1 and County Road F-67 in Johnson County, Iowa. Due to the high volume of traffic accessing the cheese producing plant (Twin County Dairy, Inc.), a grocery store east of the intersection, and a large Amish community with horse-drawn wagons and carriages frequently sharing the roads with motorized vehicles, this intersection has developed a crash history that concerns the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, and local agencies. Considering this, Johnson County and the Iowa DOT requested that a road safety audit be conducted to address the safety concerns and recommend possible mitigation strategies.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää Venäjän ruoan vähittäiskaupan rakenne ja sen tuleva kehitys. Tällä hetkellä se on yksi maailman nopeimmin kasvavista markkinoista. Kasvun syynä on korkea öljyn hinta, jokaon kumuloitunut ihmisten palkkoihin. Kuitenkin vaikka tulot kasvavat, ruokaan käytetty osuus tuloista on pysynyt suhteellisen vakaana. Kulutus on siis siirtymässä laadukkaampiin ja arvokkaampiin tuotteisiin Modernien kauppojen osuus markkinoista on vielä pieni, koska Venäjän vähittäiskauppasektori on yhä hajaantunut perinteisiin kauppaformaatteihin kuten kioskeihin, toreille ja pieniin ruokakauppoihin. Kauppaketjut ovat kuitenkin tulossa merkittävämmiksi. Suurin markkina-alue vähittäiskauppiaille on Moskova, mutta tällä hetkellä ketjut laajentavat toimintojaan nopeasti myös muille Venäjän alueille. Parhaat kasvunäkymät ovat alueilla, vaikka Moskovan markkinat eivät olekaan kyllästyneet. Tärkein kasvua rajoittava tekijä Moskovassa on rakennustonttien ja kiinteistöjen saatavuus. Vähittäiskauppamarkkinat lähestyvät kyllästymispistettä, josta seuraa markkinoiden konsolidaatio. Tämä prosessi on jo alkanut, mutta kovin paljon yritysostoja ei ole vielätehty. Toistaiseksi kauppaketjut ovat tyytyneet muodostamaan alliansseja. Ketjut pyrkivät parantamaan asemaansa hintaneuvotteluissa muodostamalla osto-alliansseja, luomalla omia brändejä ja käyttämällä alueellista laajentumista lyömäaseena. Jotta ruoan tuottaja pääsisi myös alueellisille markkinoille, on sen ehkä suostuttava myymään tuotteitaan edullisempaan hintaan. Tavarantoimittajat ovat vahvassa asemassa silloin, kun heillä on toimiva jakeluverkko, kyky JIT-toimituksiin,kunnollinen dokumentaatiokäytäntö, vahva brändi ja edullinen hinta. Ns. listausmaksun suuruus voi määrittää tuottajan tuotteilleen saaman hyllytilan koon.


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsitteleekustannusten ja ajan analysointia elintarviketeollisuuden arvoverkostossa. Teoriaosuuden kantavia käsitteitä ovat arvoverkosto, Lean Management -ideologia, Value Stream Mapping ja Supply Chain Time and Cost Mapping. Tutkimus toteutetaan case - tutkimuksena, ja siinä on piirteitä niin kvalitatiivisesta kuin kvantitatiivisesta tutkimusasetelmasta. Teoriaosuuden lähteinä on käytetty tieteellisissä julkaisuissa ilmestyneitä journal -artikkeleita sekä alan kirjallisuutta. Tutkimus liittyy olennaisena osana Elintarviketeollisuuden Uudistuva Liiketoiminta -projektiin ja antaa tätä kautta kontekstin muille tutkimuksille sekä konkreettisenesimerkin kyseisestä arvoverkostosta. Empiirisen osan case-yrityksinä ovat Saarioinen Oy, Tuoretie Oy ja Ruokakesko Oy. Analyysin kohteena onLiha-Saarioisten valmistama karjalanpiirakka-tuoteryhmä. Konkreettisena tutkimustuloksena on karjalanpiirakan prosessikuvaus koko arvoketjun matkalta, kustannuskertymä, aikaperusteinen analyysi ja kustannus-aika-kuvaaja. Lisäksi arvoketjun matkalla tehdyistä haastatteluista on kerätty kehitysehdotuksia sekä samalla etsitty hukkatoimintoja. Tuloksista voi tehdä sen johtopäätöksen, että karjalanpiirakka on tyypillinen elintarvike, jonka kustannuksista suurin osa on raaka-aineita ja tuotannon työtä. Aikaa arvoketjussa kuluu eniten kaupan hyllyllä. Organisaatioidenyhteistyöllä aikaa ja sitä kautta kustannuksia olisi kuitenkin mahdollisuus vielä karsia.


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This research paper focuses on the Russian food retail sector and its structure and development. At the momentit is one of the fastest growing markets today with 12.1% growth last year (2004). The growth originates from high oil price, which has been accumulated to people's wages. They are growing nominally more than 20% annually. But even though the income increases, the share of food of all retailtrade has been fairly stable with only a slight decline. Thus, the consumption is shifting to products with more quality and value. The shareof modern retail outlets is low, as the Russian retail sector is still very dispersed to traditional retail outlets such as kiosks, open markets and small grocery stores. The store chains are, however, becoming more and more significant. The biggest market for retailers is Moscow but nowadays the chains are expanding rapidly into other regions. Even though the markets have not been saturated in Moscow, the best prospects for growth are in the regions. The most important factor restricting the growth in Moscowis the availability of real estate and land plots for stores. The market is moving forward to saturation, and a consolidation process will follow. In fact, it has already started but not many acquisitions have been made so far. To this point the domestic chains have settled to form only alliances. The foreign players will be very strong in the tightening competition in the future. The problem of domestic chains is that the stores are nonstandardized, which is not cost-efficient. The chains are trying to enhance their power in price negotiations by forming purchasing alliances, introducing private label goods and using the regional expansion as a striking weapon. In order to follow the growing chains to other regions the producer must sell its products to the chains at favorable terms. Suppliers are strong in negotiations when they have a functioning distribution network, ability to JIT deliveries, proper documentationpolicies, a strong brand, reliability in deliveries and a fair price. The size of the entry ticket, i.e. the listing fee may define the shelf space a producer gets in the stores.


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This research paper focuses on the Russian food retail sector and its structure and development. At the moment it is one of the fastest growing markets today. The growth originates from high oil price, which has been accumulated to people’s wages. But even though the income increases, the share of food of all retail trade has been fairly stable. Thus, the consumption is shifting to products with more quality and value. The share of modern retail outlets is low, as the Russian retail sector is still very dispersed to traditional retail outlets such as kiosks, open markets and small grocery stores. The store chains are, however, becoming more and more significant. The biggest market for retailers is Moscow but nowadays the chains are expanding rapidly into the other regions. Even though the markets have not been saturated in Moscow, the best prospects for growth are in the regions. The most important factor restricting the growth in Moscow is the availability of real estate and land plots for stores. The market is moving forward to saturation, and a consolidation process will follow. This process has already started but not many acquisitions have been made so far. To this point the domestic chains have settled to form alliances. The chains are trying to enhance their power in price negotiations by forming purchasing alliances, introducing private label goods and using the regional expansion as a striking weapon. In order to follow the growing chains to other regions the producer must sell its products to the chains at favorable terms. Suppliers are strong in negotiations when they have a functioning distribution network, ability to JIT-deliveries, proper documentation policies, a strong brand, reliability in deliveries and a fair price. The size of the entry ticket, i.e. the listing fee may define the shelf space a producer gets in the stores.


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Blackberries have now become a common fruit in marketing outlets, particularly in North America and the European Union. Blackberries have enjoyed expansion due to a combination of factors including improved cultivars, expanded marketing efforts and fruit availability, and an overall increase in berry consumption, especially as fresh fruit, in many areas of the world. It is estimated that cultivated blackberries are grown in excess of 25,000 ha worldwide. World production, and cultivation are commented.The rapid expansion of the blackberry industry has been remarkable. New, higher quality, cultivars, modified production practices and new production regions have all combined to make this crop one that consumers expect to be available fresh year-round in their grocery stores. As new cultivars are developed that combine the industry's need for high quality arrivals with increased flavors and expanded dates of harvest, the blackberry industry should expand further.


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Tutkielman konkreettisena tavoitteena oli rakentaa kauppaketjulle kysynnän hallinnan pohjalta malli, jonka avulla ketju voi parantaa asiakaslähtöisyyttään ja samalla tehostaa toimintaansa. Tutkielman teoriaosassa muodostetun viitekehyksen pitävyyttä kokeiltiin TOKMANNI-ketjun makeistuoteryhmään. Tutkielman teoriaosassa seurattiin päivittäistavarakauppaan suunnatun ECR-toiminnan teoreettista viitekehystä, josta saatiin tietoa kirjallisuudesta, konsulttiraporteista sekä artikkeleista. Empiirinen osa toteutettiin kvantitatiivisilla kohdeyrityksen tuottamilla dokumenteilla, joita täydennettiin kvalitatiivisilla haastattelututkimuksilla. Tutkielman pohjalta ketjun makeistuoteryhmään rakennettiin uudelleen määritelty ja yhtenäinen valikoima sekä esillepano. Valikoiman selkiyttämisellä ja yhtenäistämisellä parannettiin tuoteryhmän hallittavuutta sekä helpotettiin henkilökunnan työskentelyä tilaustoiminnassa, esillepanossa ja kampanjoinnissa. Lisäksi tuoteryhmän selkiytymisen ja kulutuskysynnän mukaisen valikoiman nähtiin parantavan myös tuoteryhmän kannattavuutta ja asiakaslähtöisyyttä siisteinä, selkeinä hyllyinä sekä kulutuskysynnän mukaisena valikoimana. Teoreettinen malli tuntui toimivan myös käytännössä.


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Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia tuote-ja tilaustietojen hallinnan malleja tukkukaupan toimitusketjussa on käytössä. Kaupan alan tilaus-toimitusketju on hyvin tietointensiivinen prosessi, ja siksi kiinnostava tiedon hallinnan näkökulmasta. Työssä perehdytään kolmen Suomessa toimivan caseyrityksen käytäntöihin päivittäistavara- kaupan, lääketukkukaupan ja sähkötarviketukkukaupan alalta. Toimitusketjun keskipisteenä on tässä työssä tukkukaupan organisaatio. Tiedon välitystä tarkastellaan tukkukaupan organisaation ja sen asiakkaiden välillä (B2B) ja toisaalta tukkukaupan ja sen ensimmäisen tason päämiesten / tavarantoimittajien välillä. Tutkimuksen keskeistä aineistoa ovat henkilökohtaiset haastattelut. Lisäksi tutkimuskysymyksiin etsittiin vastauksia myös alan kirjallisuudesta. Työ antaa yleiskuvaa tukkukaupan organisaatioiden tuote- ja tilaustietojen hallinnan nykytilasta ja kehityskohteista. Työ tarjoaa myös vertailupohjaa tuote- ja tilaustietojen hallinnan kehittämistä suunnitteleville muille organisaatioille. Kaikilla tarkastelluilla toimialoilla tuote- ja tilaustietojen hallintaa ohjaa pyrkimys kustannustehokkaaseen toimintatapaan. Tuotetietojen hallinnassa ensiarvoisen tärkeää on tuotetiedon nopea saatavuus, luotettavuus ja virheettömyys toimialasta riippumatta. Päivittäistavarakaupan tuotetietojen keskitettyä hallintaa voi perustellusti esittää malliksi myös muille kaupan aloille. Yhteistyökumppaneiden suuri määrä ja kasvavat tietovirrat korostavat transaktioiden prosessoinnin merkitystä toimitusketjussa.