993 resultados para fmoc-leucine


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The impact of leucine supplementation and resistance exercise (RE) on plasma lipid profile was evaluated in adult rats treated with dexamethasone, an experimental model of dyslipidemia. Total cholesterol did not differ among groups. Furthermore, leucine supplementation did not promote improvement in the plasma total cholesterol and LDL-c of the animals. However, plasma TG and VLDL-c were significantly decreased and HDL-c increased after 7 days of leucine supplementation combined with RE. In conclusion, leucine supplementation combined with RE, but not isolated, improved the plasma lipid profile of dexamethasone-induced dyslipidemic rats.


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Dexamethasone (DEXA) is a potent immunosupressant and anti-inflammatory agent whose main side effects are muscle atrophy and insulin resistance in skeletal muscles. In this context, leucine supplementation may represent a way to limit the DEXA side effects. In this study, we have investigated the effects of a low and a high dose of leucine supplementation (via a bolus) on glucose homeostasis, muscle mass and muscle strength in energy-restricted and DEXA-treated rats. Since the leucine response may also be linked to the administration of this amino acid, we performed a second set of experiments with leucine given in bolus (via gavage) versus leucine given via drinking water. Leucine supplementation was found to produce positive effects (e. g., reduced insulin levels) only when administrated in low dosage, both via the bolus or via drinking water. However, under DEXA treatment, leucine administration was found to significantly influence this response, since leucine supplementation via drinking water clearly induced a diabetic state, whereas the same effect was not observed when supplied via the gavage.


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The purpose of present review is to describe the effect of leucine supplementation on skeletal muscle proteolysis suppression in both in vivo and in vitro studies. Most studies, using in vitro methodology, incubated skeletal muscles with leucine with different doses and the results suggests that there is a dose-dependent effect. The same responses can be observed in in vivo studies. Importantly, the leucine effects on skeletal muscle protein synthesis are not always connected to the inhibition of skeletal muscle proteolysis. As a matter of fact, high doses of leucine incubation can promote suppression of muscle proteolysis without additional effects on protein synthesis, and low leucine doses improve skeletal muscle protein ynthesis but have no effect on skeletal muscle proteolysis. These research findings may have an important clinical relevancy, because muscle loss in atrophic states would be reversed by specific leucine supplementation doses. Additionally, it has been clearly demonstrated that leucine administration suppresses skeletal muscle proteolysis in various catabolic states. Thus, if protein metabolism changes during different atrophic conditions, it is not surprising that the leucine dose-effect relationship must also change, according to atrophy or pathological state and catabolism magnitude. In conclusion, leucine has a potential role on attenuate skeletal muscle proteolysis. Future studies will help to sharpen the leucine efficacy on skeletal muscle protein degradation during several atrophic states.


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In the present study we have compared the effects of leucine supplementation and its metabolite β-hydroxy-β-methyl butyrate (HMB) on the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the PI3K/Akt pathway during two distinct atrophic conditions, hindlimb immobilization and dexamethasone treatment. Leucine supplementation was able to minimize the reduction in rat soleus mass driven by immobilization. On the other hand, leucine supplementation was unable to provide protection against soleus mass loss in dexamethasone treated rats. Interestingly, HMB supplementation was unable to provide protection against mass loss in all treatments. While solely fiber type I cross sectional area (CSA) was protected in immobilized soleus of leucine-supplemented rats, none of the fiber types were protected by leucine supplementation in rats under dexamethasone treatment. In addition and in line with muscle mass results, HMB treatment did not attenuate CSA decrease in all fiber types against either immobilization or dexamethasone treatment. While leucine supplementation was able to minimize increased expression of both Mafbx/Atrogin and MuRF1 in immobilized rats, leucine was only able to minimize Mafbx/Atrogin in dexamethasone treated rats. In contrast, HMB was unable to restrain the increase in those atrogenes in immobilized rats, but in dexamethasone treated rats, HMB minimized increased expression of Mafbx/Atrogin. The amount of ubiquitinated proteins, as expected, was increased in immobilized and dexamethasone treated rats and only leucine was able to block this increase in immobilized rats but not in dexamethasone treated rats. Leucine supplementation maintained soleus tetanic peak force in immobilized rats at normal level. On the other hand, HMB treatment failed to maintain tetanic peak force regardless of treatment. The present data suggested that the anti-atrophic effects of leucine are not mediated by its metabolite HMB.


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Leucine activates the intracellular mammalian target of the rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, and hypothalamic mTOR signaling regulates food intake. Although central infusion of leucine reduces food intake, it is still uncertain whether oral leucine supplementation is able to affect the hypothalamic circuits that control energy balance. We observed increased phosphorylation of p70s6k in the mouse hypothalamus after an acute oral gavage of leucine. We then assessed whether acute oral gavage of leucine induces the activation of neurons in several hypothalamic nuclei and in the brainstem. Leucine did not induce the expression of Fos in hypothalamic nuclei, but it increased the number of Fos-immunoreactive neurons in the area postrema. In addition, oral gavage of leucine acutely increased the 24 h food intake of mice. Nonetheless, chronic leucine supplementation in the drinking water did not change the food intake and the weight gain of ob/ob mice and of wild-type mice consuming a low- or a high-fat diet. We assessed the hypothalamic gene expression and observed that leucine supplementation increased the expression of enzymes (BCAT1, BCAT2 and BCKDK) that metabolize branched-chain amino acids. Despite these effects, leucine supplementation did not induce an anorectic pattern of gene expression in the hypothalamus. In conclusion, our data show that the brain is able to sense oral leucine intake. However, the food intake is not modified by chronic oral leucine supplementation. These results question the possible efficacy of leucine supplementation as an appetite suppressant to treat obesity


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Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) is a key mediator of inflammatory responses and innate immunity and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The oligomerization of MIF, more specifically trimer formation, is essential for its keto-enol tautomerase activity and probably mediates several of its interactions and biological activities, including its binding to its receptor CD74 and activation of certain signaling pathways. Therefore, understanding the molecular factors governing the oligomerization of MIF and the role of quaternary structure in modulating its structural stability and multifunctional properties is crucial for understanding the function of MIF in health and disease. Herein, we describe highly conserved intersubunit interactions involving the hydrophobic packing of the side chain of Leu46 onto the β-strand β3 of one monomer within a hydrophobic pocket from the adjacent monomer constituted by residues Arg11, Val14, Phe18, Leu19, Val39, His40, Val41, Val42, and Pro43. To elucidate the structural significance of these intersubunit interactions and their relative contribution to MIF’s trimerization, structural stability and catalytic activity, we generated three point mutations where Leu46 was replaced by glycine (L46G), alanine (L46A) and phenylalanine (L46F), and their structural properties, stability, oligomerization state, and catalytic activity were characterized using a battery of biophysical methods and X-ray crystallography. Our findings provide new insights into the role of the Leu46 hydrophobic pocket in stabilizing the conformational state of MIF in solution. Disrupting the Leu46 hydrophobic interaction perturbs the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein but has no effect on its oligomerization state.


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Aerosols are known to have important effects on climate, the atmosphere, and human health. The extent of those effects is unknown and largely depend on the interaction of aerosols with water in the atmosphere. Ambient aerosols are complex mixtures of both inorganic and organic compounds. The cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activities, hygroscopic behavior and particle morphology of a monocarboxylic amino acid (leucine) and a dicarboxylic amino acid (glutamic acid) were investigated. Activation diameters at various supersaturation conditions were experimentally determined and compared with Köhler theoretical values. The theory accounts for both surface tension and the limited solubility of organic compounds. It was discovered that glutamic acid aerosols readily took on water both when relative humidity was less than 100% and when the supersaturation condition was reached, while leucine did not show any water activation at those conditions. Moreover, the study also suggests that Köhler theory describes CCN activity of organic compounds well when only surface tension of the compound is taken into account and complete solubility is assumed. Single parameter ¿ was also computed using both CCN data and hygroscopic growth factor (GF). The results of ¿ range from 0.17 to 0.53 using CCN data and 0.09 to 0.2 using GFs. Finally, the study suggests that during the water-evaporation/particle-nucleation process, crystallization from solution droplets takes place at different locations: for glutamic acid at the particles¿ center and leucine at the particles¿ boundary.


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Annexin-1 (ANXA1) is a mediator of the anti-inflammatory actions of endogenous and exogenous glucocorticoids (GC). The mechanism of ANXA1 effects on cytokine production in macrophages is unknown and is here investigated in vivo and in vitro. In response to LPS administration, ANXA1(-/-) mice exhibited significantly increased serum IL-6 and TNF compared with wild-type (WT) controls. Similarly, LPS-induced IL-6 and TNF were significantly greater in ANXA1(-/-) than in WT peritoneal macrophages in vitro. In addition, deficiency of ANXA1 was associated with impairment of the inhibitory effects of dexamethasone (DEX) on LPS-induced IL-6 and TNF in macrophages. Increased LPS-induced cytokine expression in the absence of ANXA1 was accompanied by significantly increased LPS-induced activation of ERK and JNK MAPK and was abrogated by inhibition of either of these pathways. No differences in GC effects on MAPK or MAPK phosphatase 1 were observed in ANXA1(-/-) cells. In contrast, GC-induced expression of the regulatory protein GILZ was significantly reduced in ANXA1(-/-) cells by silencing of ANXA1 in WT cells and in macrophages of ANXA1(-/-) mice in vivo. GC-induced GILZ expression and GC inhibition of NF-kappaB activation were restored by expression of ANXA1 in ANXA1(-/-) cells, and GILZ overexpression in ANXA1(-/-) macrophages reduced ERK MAPK phosphorylation and restored sensitivity of cytokine expression and NF-kappaB activation to GC. These data confirm ANXA1 as a key inhibitor of macrophage cytokine expression and identify GILZ as a previously unrecognized mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effects of ANXA1.


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Paramyxovirus cell entry is controlled by the concerted action of two viral envelope glycoproteins, the fusion (F) and the receptor-binding (H) proteins, which together with a cell surface receptor mediate plasma membrane fusion activity. The paramyxovirus F protein belongs to class I viral fusion proteins which typically contain two heptad repeat regions (HR). Particular to paramyxovirus F proteins is a long intervening sequence (IS) located between both HR domains. To investigate the role of the IS domain in regulating fusogenicity, we mutated in the canine distemper virus (CDV) F protein IS domain a highly conserved leucine residue (L372) previously reported to cause a hyperfusogenic phenotype. Beside one F mutant, which elicited significant defects in processing, transport competence, and fusogenicity, all remaining mutants were characterized by enhanced fusion activity despite normal or slightly impaired processing and cell surface targeting. Using anti-CDV-F monoclonal antibodies, modified conformational F states were detected in F mutants compared to the parental protein. Despite these structural differences, coimmunoprecipitation assays did not reveal any drastic modulation in F/H avidity of interaction. However, we found that F mutants had significantly enhanced fusogenicity at low temperature only, suggesting that they folded into conformations requiring less energy to activate fusion. Together, these data provide strong biochemical and functional evidence that the conserved leucine 372 at the base of the HRA coiled-coil of F(wt) controls the stabilization of the prefusogenic state, restraining the conformational switch and thereby preventing extensive cell-cell fusion activity.


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Pentatricopeptide repeat domain protein 1 (PTCD1) is a novel human protein that was recently shown to decrease the levels of mitochondrial leucine tRNAs. The physiological role of this regulation, however, remains unclear. Here we show that amino acid starvation by leucine deprivation significantly increased the mRNA steady-state levels of PTCD1 in human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cells. Amino acid starvation also increased the mitochondrially encoded leucine tRNA (tRNA(Leu(CUN))) and the mRNA for the mitochondrial leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LARS2). Despite increased PTCD1 mRNA steady-state levels, amino acid starvation decreased PTCD1 on the protein level. Decreasing PTCD1 protein concentration increases the stability of the mitochondrial leucine tRNAs, tRNA(Leu(CUN)) and tRNA(Leu(UUR)) as could be shown by RNAi experiments against PTCD1. Therefore, it is likely that decreased PTCD1 protein contributes to the increased tRNA(Leu(CUN)) levels in amino acid-starved cells. The stabilisation of the mitochondrial leucine tRNAs and the upregulation of the mitochondrial leucyl-tRNA synthetase LARS2 might play a role in adaptation of mitochondria to amino acid starvation.


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Decorin, a dermatan/chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, is ubiquitously distributed in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of mammals. Decorin belongs to the small leucine rich proteoglycan (SLRP) family, a proteoglycan family characterized by a core protein dominated by Leucine Rich Repeat motifs. The decorin core protein appears to mediate the binding of decorin to ECM molecules, such as collagens and fibronectin. It is believed that the interactions of decorin with these ECM molecules contribute to the regulation of ECM assembly, cell adhesions, and cell proliferation. These basic biological processes play critical roles during embryonic development and wound healing and are altered in pathological conditions such as fibrosis and tumorgenesis. ^ In this dissertation, we discover that decorin core protein can bind to Zn2+ ions with high affinity. Zinc is an essential trace element in mammals. Zn2+ ions play a catalytic role in the activation of many enzymes and a structural role in the stabilization of protein conformation. By examining purified recombinant decorin and its core protein fragments for Zn2+ binding activity using Zn2+-chelating column chromatography and Zn2+-equilibrium dialysis approaches, we have located the Zn2+ binding domain to the N-terminal sequence of the decorin core protein. The decorin N-terminal domain appears to contain two Zn2+ binding sites with similar high binding affinity. The sequence of the decorin N-terminal domain does not resemble any other reported zinc-binding motifs and, therefore, represents a novel Zn 2+ binding motif. By investigating the influence of Zn2+ ions on decorin binding interactions, we found a novel Zn2+ dependent interaction with fibrinogen, the major plasma protein in blood clots. Furthermore, a recombinant peptide (MD4) consisting of a 41 amino acid sequence of mouse decorin N-terminal domain can prolong thrombin induced fibrinogen/fibrin clot formation. This suggests that in the presence of Zn2+ the decorin N-terminal domain has an anticoagulation activity. The changed Zn2+-binding activities of the truncated MD4 peptides and site-directed mutagenesis generated mutant peptides revealed that the functional MD4 peptide might contain both a structural zinc-binding site in the cysteine cluster region and a catalytic zinc site that could be created by the flanking sequences of the cysteine cluster region. A model of a loop-like structure for MD4 peptide is proposed. ^


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The small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycans (or SLRPs) are a group of extracellular proteins (ECM) that belong to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) superfamily of proteins. The LRR is a protein folding motif composed of 20–30 amino acids with leucines in conserved positions. LRR-containing proteins are present in a broad spectrum of organisms and possess diverse cellular functions and localization. In mammals, the SLRPs are abundant in connective tissues, such as bones, cartilage, tendons, skin, and blood vessels. We have discovered a new member of the class I small leucine rich repeat proteoglycan (SLRP) family which is distinct from the other class I SLRPs since it possesses a unique stretch of aspartate residues at its N-terminus. For this reason, we called the molecule asporin. The deduced amino acid sequence is about 50% identical (and 70% similar) to decorin and biglycan. However, asporin does not contain a serine/glycine dipeptide sequence required for the assembly of O-linked glycosaminoglycans and is probably not a proteoglycan. The tissue expression of asporin partially overlaps with the expression of decorin and biglycan. During mouse embryonic development, asporin mRNA expression was detected primarily in the skeleton and other specialized connective tissues; very little asporin message was detected in the major parenchymal organs. The mouse asporin gene structure is similar to that of biglycan and decorin with 8 exons. The asporin gene is localized to human chromosome 9q22-9g21.3 where asporin is part of a SLRP gene cluster that includes ECM2, osteoadherin, and osteoglycin. This gene cluster of four LRR-encoding genes is embedded in a 238 kilobase intron of another novel gene named Tes9orf that is expressed primarily in the testes of the adult mouse. The SLRP genes are not present in Drosophila or C. elegans , but reside in three separate gene clusters in the puffer fish, mice and humans. Targeted disruption of individual mouse SLRP genes display minor connective tissue defects such as skin fragility, tendon laxity, minor growth plate defects, and mild osteoporosis. However, double and triple knockouts of SLRP genes exacerbate these phenotypes. Both the double epiphycan/biglycan and the triple PRELP/fibromodulin/biglycan knockout mice exhibit premature osteoarthritis. ^


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Cell growth and differentiation are complex and well-organized processes in which cells respond to stimuli from the environment by carrying out genetic programs. Transcription factors with helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif play critical roles in controlling the expression of genes involved in lineage commitment, cell fate determination, proliferation and tumorigenesis. This study has examined the roles of GCIP (CCNDBP1) in cell differentiation and tumorigenesis. GCIP is a recently identified HLH-leucine zipper protein without a basic region like the Id family of proteins. However, GCIP shares little sequence homology with the Id proteins and has domains with high acidic amino acids and leucine-rich regions following the HLH domain like c-Myc. Here we firstly demonstrate that GCIP is a transcription regulator related to muscle differentiation program. Overexpression of GCIP in C2C12 cells not only promotes myotube formation but also upregulates myogenic differentiation biomarkers, including MHC and myogenein. On the other hand, our finding also suggests that GCIP is a potential tumor suppressor related to cell cycle control. Expression of GCIP was significantly down-regulated in colon tumors as compared to normal colon tissues. Overexpression of GCIP in SW480 colon cancer cell line resulted in a significant inhibition on tumor cell colony formation on soft agar assays while silencing of GCIP expression by siRNA can promote cell proliferation and colony formation. In addition, results from transgenic mice specifically expressing GCIP in liver also support the idea that GCIP is involved in the early stage of hepatocarcinogenesis and decreased susceptibility to chemical hepatocarcinogenesis. ^