967 resultados para finite integral transform technique


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33; Secondary 35S10, 86A05


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Иван Христов Димовски, Юлиан Цанков Цанков - Построени са директни операционни смятания за функции u(x, y, t), непрекъснати в област от вида D = [0, a] × [0, b] × [0, ∞). Наред с класическата дюамелова конволюция, построението използва и две некласически конволюции за операторите ∂2x и ∂2y. Тези три едномерни конволюции се комбинират в една тримерна конволюция u ∗ v в C(D). Вместо подхода на Я. Микусински, основаващ се на конволюционни частни, се развива алтернативен подход с използване на мултипликаторните частни на конволюционната алгебра (C(D), ∗).


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Иван Хр. Димовски, Юлиан Ц. Цанков - Предложен е метод за намиране на явни решения на клас двумерни уравнения на топлопроводността с нелокални условия по пространствените променливи. Методът е основан на директно тримерно операционно смятане. Класическата дюамелова конволюция е комбинирана с две некласически конволюции за операторите ∂xx и ∂yy в една тримерна конволюция. Съответното операционно смятане използва мултипликаторни частни. Мултипликаторните частни позволяват да се продължи принципът на Дюамел за пространствените променливи и да се намерят явни решения на разглежданите гранични задачи. Общите разглеждания са приложени в случая на гранични условия от типа на Йонкин. Намерени са експлицитни решения в затворен вид.


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The problem of extracting pore size distributions from characterization data is solved here with particular reference to adsorption. The technique developed is based on a finite element collocation discretization of the adsorption integral, with fitting of the isotherm data by least squares using regularization. A rapid and simple technique for ensuring non-negativity of the solutions is also developed which modifies the original solution having some negativity. The technique yields stable and converged solutions, and is implemented in a package RIDFEC. The package is demonstrated to be robust, yielding results which are less sensitive to experimental error than conventional methods, with fitting errors matching the known data error. It is shown that the choice of relative or absolute error norm in the least-squares analysis is best based on the kind of error in the data. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we consider the numerical solution of a large eigenvalue problem resulting from a finite rank discretization of an integral operator. We are interested in computing a few eigenpairs, with an iterative method, so a matrix representation that allows for fast matrix-vector products is required. Hierarchical matrices are appropriate for this setting, and also provide cheap LU decompositions required in the spectral transformation technique. We illustrate the use of freely available software tools to address the problem, in particular SLEPc for the eigensolvers and HLib for the construction of H-matrices. The numerical tests are performed using an astrophysics application. Results show the benefits of the data-sparse representation compared to standard storage schemes, in terms of computational cost as well as memory requirements.


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A hierarchical matrix is an efficient data-sparse representation of a matrix, especially useful for large dimensional problems. It consists of low-rank subblocks leading to low memory requirements as well as inexpensive computational costs. In this work, we discuss the use of the hierarchical matrix technique in the numerical solution of a large scale eigenvalue problem arising from a finite rank discretization of an integral operator. The operator is of convolution type, it is defined through the first exponential-integral function and, hence, it is weakly singular. We develop analytical expressions for the approximate degenerate kernels and deduce error upper bounds for these approximations. Some computational results illustrating the efficiency and robustness of the approach are presented.


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The highway departments of the states which use integral abutments in bridge design were contacted in order to study the extent of integral abutment use in skewed bridges and to survey the different guidelines used for analysis and design of integral abutments in skewed bridges. The variation in design assumptions and pile orientations among the various states in their approach to the use of integral abutments on skewed bridges is discussed. The problems associated with the treatment of the approach slab, backfill, and pile cap, and the reason for using different pile orientations are summarized in the report. An algorithm based on a state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element procedure previously developed by the authors was modified and used to study the influence of different factors on behavior of piles in integral abutment bridges. An idealized integral abutment was introduced by assuming that the pile is rigidly cast into the pile cap and that the approach slab offers no resistance to lateral thermal expansion. Passive soil and shear resistance of the cap are neglected in design. A 40-foot H pile (HP 10 X 42) in six typical Iowa soils was analyzed for fully restrained pile head and pinned pile head. According to numerical results, the maximum safe length for fully restrained pile head is one-half the maximum safe length for pinned pile head. If the pile head is partially restrained, the maximum safe length will lie between the two limits. The numerical results from an investigation of the effect of predrilled oversized holes indicate that if the length of the predrilled oversized hole is at least 4 feet below the ground, the vertical load-carrying capacity of the H pile is only reduced by 10 percent for 4 inches of lateral displacement in very stiff clay. With no predrilled oversized hole, the pile failed before the 4-inch lateral displacement was reached. Thus, the maximum safe lengths for integral abutment bridges may be increased by predrilling. Four different typical Iowa layered soils were selected and used in this investigation. In certain situations, compacted soil (> 50 blow count in standard penetration tests) is used as fill on top of natural soil. The numerical results showed that the critical conditions will depend on the length of the compacted soil. If the length of the compacted soil exceeds 4 feet, the failure mechanism for the pile is similar to one in a layer of very stiff clay. That is, the vertical load-carrying capacity of the H pile will be greatly reduced as the specified lateral displacement increases.


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Depuis le séminaire H. Cartan de 1954-55, il est bien connu que l'on peut trouver des éléments de torsion arbitrairement grande dans l'homologie entière des espaces d'Eilenberg-MacLane K(G,n) où G est un groupe abélien non trivial et n>1. L'objectif majeur de ce travail est d'étendre ce résultat à des H-espaces possédant plus d'un groupe d'homotopie non trivial. Dans le but de contrôler précisément le résultat de H. Cartan, on commence par étudier la dualité entre l'homologie et la cohomologie des espaces d'Eilenberg-MacLane 2-locaux de type fini. On parvient ainsi à raffiner quelques résultats qui découlent des calculs de H. Cartan. Le résultat principal de ce travail peut être formulé comme suit. Soit X un H-espace ne possédant que deux groupes d'homotopie non triviaux, tous deux finis et de 2-torsion. Alors X n'admet pas d'exposant pour son groupe gradué d'homologie entière réduite. On construit une large classe d'espaces pour laquelle ce résultat n'est qu'une conséquence d'une caractéristique topologique, à savoir l'existence d'un rétract faible X K(G,n) pour un certain groupe abélien G et n>1. On généralise également notre résultat principal à des espaces plus compliqués en utilisant la suite spectrale d'Eilenberg-Moore ainsi que des méthodes analytiques faisant apparaître les nombres de Betti et leur comportement asymptotique. Finalement, on conjecture que les espaces qui ne possédent qu'un nombre fini de groupes d'homotopie non triviaux n'admettent pas d'exposant homologique. Ce travail contient par ailleurs la présentation de la « machine d'Eilenberg-MacLane », un programme C++ conçu pour calculer explicitement les groupes d'homologie entière des espaces d'Eilenberg-MacLane. <br/><br/>By the work of H. Cartan, it is well known that one can find elements of arbitrarilly high torsion in the integral (co)homology groups of an Eilenberg-MacLane space K(G,n), where G is a non-trivial abelian group and n>1. The main goal of this work is to extend this result to H-spaces having more than one non-trivial homotopy groups. In order to have an accurate hold on H. Cartan's result, we start by studying the duality between homology and cohomology of 2-local Eilenberg-MacLane spaces of finite type. This leads us to some improvements of H. Cartan's methods in this particular case. Our main result can be stated as follows. Let X be an H-space with two non-vanishing finite 2-torsion homotopy groups. Then X does not admit any exponent for its reduced integral graded (co)homology group. We construct a wide class of examples for which this result is a simple consequence of a topological feature, namely the existence of a weak retract X K(G,n) for some abelian group G and n>1. We also generalize our main result to more complicated stable two stage Postnikov systems, using the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence and analytic methods involving Betti numbers and their asymptotic behaviour. Finally, we investigate some guesses on the non-existence of homology exponents for finite Postnikov towers. We conjecture that Postnikov pieces do not admit any (co)homology exponent. This work also includes the presentation of the "Eilenberg-MacLane machine", a C++ program designed to compute explicitely all integral homology groups of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. <br/><br/>Il est toujours difficile pour un mathématicien de parler de son travail. La difficulté réside dans le fait que les objets qu'il étudie sont abstraits. On rencontre assez rarement un espace vectoriel, une catégorie abélienne ou une transformée de Laplace au coin de la rue ! Cependant, même si les objets mathématiques sont difficiles à cerner pour un non-mathématicien, les méthodes pour les étudier sont essentiellement les mêmes que celles utilisées dans les autres disciplines scientifiques. On décortique les objets complexes en composantes plus simples à étudier. On dresse la liste des propriétés des objets mathématiques, puis on les classe en formant des familles d'objets partageant un caractère commun. On cherche des façons différentes, mais équivalentes, de formuler un problème. Etc. Mon travail concerne le domaine mathématique de la topologie algébrique. Le but ultime de cette discipline est de parvenir à classifier tous les espaces topologiques en faisant usage de l'algèbre. Cette activité est comparable à celle d'un ornithologue (topologue) qui étudierait les oiseaux (les espaces topologiques) par exemple à l'aide de jumelles (l'algèbre). S'il voit un oiseau de petite taille, arboricole, chanteur et bâtisseur de nids, pourvu de pattes à quatre doigts, dont trois en avant et un, muni d'une forte griffe, en arrière, alors il en déduira à coup sûr que c'est un passereau. Il lui restera encore à déterminer si c'est un moineau, un merle ou un rossignol. Considérons ci-dessous quelques exemples d'espaces topologiques: a) un cube creux, b) une sphère et c) un tore creux (c.-à-d. une chambre à air). a) b) c) Si toute personne normalement constituée perçoit ici trois figures différentes, le topologue, lui, n'en voit que deux ! De son point de vue, le cube et la sphère ne sont pas différents puisque ils sont homéomorphes: on peut transformer l'un en l'autre de façon continue (il suffirait de souffler dans le cube pour obtenir la sphère). Par contre, la sphère et le tore ne sont pas homéomorphes: triturez la sphère de toutes les façons (sans la déchirer), jamais vous n'obtiendrez le tore. Il existe un infinité d'espaces topologiques et, contrairement à ce que l'on serait naïvement tenté de croire, déterminer si deux d'entre eux sont homéomorphes est très difficile en général. Pour essayer de résoudre ce problème, les topologues ont eu l'idée de faire intervenir l'algèbre dans leurs raisonnements. Ce fut la naissance de la théorie de l'homotopie. Il s'agit, suivant une recette bien particulière, d'associer à tout espace topologique une infinité de ce que les algébristes appellent des groupes. Les groupes ainsi obtenus sont appelés groupes d'homotopie de l'espace topologique. Les mathématiciens ont commencé par montrer que deux espaces topologiques qui sont homéomorphes (par exemple le cube et la sphère) ont les même groupes d'homotopie. On parle alors d'invariants (les groupes d'homotopie sont bien invariants relativement à des espaces topologiques qui sont homéomorphes). Par conséquent, deux espaces topologiques qui n'ont pas les mêmes groupes d'homotopie ne peuvent en aucun cas être homéomorphes. C'est là un excellent moyen de classer les espaces topologiques (pensez à l'ornithologue qui observe les pattes des oiseaux pour déterminer s'il a affaire à un passereau ou non). Mon travail porte sur les espaces topologiques qui n'ont qu'un nombre fini de groupes d'homotopie non nuls. De tels espaces sont appelés des tours de Postnikov finies. On y étudie leurs groupes de cohomologie entière, une autre famille d'invariants, à l'instar des groupes d'homotopie. On mesure d'une certaine manière la taille d'un groupe de cohomologie à l'aide de la notion d'exposant; ainsi, un groupe de cohomologie possédant un exposant est relativement petit. L'un des résultats principaux de ce travail porte sur une étude de la taille des groupes de cohomologie des tours de Postnikov finies. Il s'agit du théorème suivant: un H-espace topologique 1-connexe 2-local et de type fini qui ne possède qu'un ou deux groupes d'homotopie non nuls n'a pas d'exposant pour son groupe gradué de cohomologie entière réduite. S'il fallait interpréter qualitativement ce résultat, on pourrait dire que plus un espace est petit du point de vue de la cohomologie (c.-à-d. s'il possède un exposant cohomologique), plus il est intéressant du point de vue de l'homotopie (c.-à-d. il aura plus de deux groupes d'homotopie non nuls). Il ressort de mon travail que de tels espaces sont très intéressants dans le sens où ils peuvent avoir une infinité de groupes d'homotopie non nuls. Jean-Pierre Serre, médaillé Fields en 1954, a montré que toutes les sphères de dimension >1 ont une infinité de groupes d'homotopie non nuls. Des espaces avec un exposant cohomologique aux sphères, il n'y a qu'un pas à franchir...


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Signal processing methods based on the combined use of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and zero-crossing technique were applied to the simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of perindopril (PER) and indapamide (IND) in tablets. These signal processing methods do not require any priory separation step. Initially, various wavelet families were tested to identify the optimum signal processing giving the best recovery results. From this procedure, the Haar and Biorthogonal1.5 continuous wavelet transform (HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT, respectively) were found suitable for the analysis of the related compounds. After transformation of the absorbance vectors by using HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT, the CWT-coefficients were drawn as a graph versus wavelength and then the HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT spectra were obtained. Calibration graphs for PER and IND were obtained by measuring the CWT amplitudes at 231.1 and 291.0 nm in the HAAR-CWT spectra and at 228.5 and 246.8 nm in BIOR1.5-CWT spectra, respectively. In order to compare the performance of HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT approaches, derivative spectrophotometric (DS) method and HPLC as comparison methods, were applied to the PER-IND samples. In this DS method, first derivative absorbance values at 221.6 for PER and 282.7 nm for IND were used to obtain the calibration graphs. The validation of the CWT and DS signal processing methods was carried out by using the recovery study and standard addition technique. In the following step, these methods were successfully applied to the commercial tablets containing PER and IND compounds and good accuracy and precision were reported for the experimental results obtained by all proposed signal processing methods.


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We consider a class of boundary integral equations that arise in the study of strongly elliptic BVPs in unbounded domains of the form $D = \{(x, z)\in \mathbb{R}^{n+1} : x\in \mathbb{R}^n, z > f(x)\}$ where $f : \mathbb{R}^n \to\mathbb{R}$ is a sufficiently smooth bounded and continuous function. A number of specific problems of this type, for example acoustic scattering problems, problems involving elastic waves, and problems in potential theory, have been reformulated as second kind integral equations $u+Ku = v$ in the space $BC$ of bounded, continuous functions. Having recourse to the so-called limit operator method, we address two questions for the operator $A = I + K$ under consideration, with an emphasis on the function space setting $BC$. Firstly, under which conditions is $A$ a Fredholm operator, and, secondly, when is the finite section method applicable to $A$?


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We consider the numerical treatment of second kind integral equations on the real line of the form ∅(s) = ∫_(-∞)^(+∞)▒〖κ(s-t)z(t)ϕ(t)dt,s=R〗 (abbreviated ϕ= ψ+K_z ϕ) in which K ϵ L_1 (R), z ϵ L_∞ (R) and ψ ϵ BC(R), the space of bounded continuous functions on R, are assumed known and ϕ ϵ BC(R) is to be determined. We first derive sharp error estimates for the finite section approximation (reducing the range of integration to [-A, A]) via bounds on (1-K_z )^(-1)as an operator on spaces of weighted continuous functions. Numerical solution by a simple discrete collocation method on a uniform grid on R is then analysed: in the case when z is compactly supported this leads to a coefficient matrix which allows a rapid matrix-vector multiply via the FFT. To utilise this possibility we propose a modified two-grid iteration, a feature of which is that the coarse grid matrix is approximated by a banded matrix, and analyse convergence and computational cost. In cases where z is not compactly supported a combined finite section and two-grid algorithm can be applied and we extend the analysis to this case. As an application we consider acoustic scattering in the half-plane with a Robin or impedance boundary condition which we formulate as a boundary integral equation of the class studied. Our final result is that if z (related to the boundary impedance in the application) takes values in an appropriate compact subset Q of the complex plane, then the difference between ϕ(s)and its finite section approximation computed numerically using the iterative scheme proposed is ≤C_1 [kh log⁡〖(1⁄kh)+(1-Θ)^((-1)⁄2) (kA)^((-1)⁄2) 〗 ] in the interval [-ΘA,ΘA](Θ<1) for kh sufficiently small, where k is the wavenumber and h the grid spacing. Moreover this numerical approximation can be computed in ≤C_2 N log⁡N operations, where N = 2A/h is the number of degrees of freedom. The values of the constants C1 and C2 depend only on the set Q and not on the wavenumber k or the support of z.


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We consider the Dirichlet and Robin boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane, modelling time harmonic acoustic scattering of an incident field by, respectively, sound-soft and impedance infinite rough surfaces.Recently proposed novel boundary integral equation formulations of these problems are discussed. It is usual in practical computations to truncate the infinite rough surface, solving a boundary integral equation on a finite section of the boundary, of length 2A, say. In the case of surfaces of small amplitude and slope we prove the stability and convergence as A→∞ of this approximation procedure. For surfaces of arbitrarily large amplitude and/or surface slope we prove stability and convergence of a modified finite section procedure in which the truncated boundary is ‘flattened’ in finite neighbourhoods of its two endpoints. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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e consider integral equations on the half-line of the form and the finite section approximation to x obtained by replacing the infinite limit of integration by the finite limit β. We establish conditions under which, if the finite section method is stable for the original integral equation (i.e. exists and is uniformly bounded in the space of bounded continuous functions for all sufficiently large β), then it is stable also for a perturbed equation in which the kernel k is replaced by k + h. The class of perturbations allowed includes all compact and some non-compact perturbations of the integral operator. Using this result we study the stability and convergence of the finite section method in the space of continuous functions x for which ()()()=−∫∞dttxt,sk)s(x0()syβxβx()sxsp+1 is bounded. With the additional assumption that ()(tskt,sk−≤ where ()()(),qsomefor,sassOskandRLkq11>+∞→=∈− we show that the finite-section method is stable in the weighted space for ,qp≤≤0 provided it is stable on the space of bounded continuous functions. With these results we establish error bounds in weighted spaces for x - xβ and precise information on the asymptotic behaviour at infinity of x. We consider in particular the case when the integral operator is a perturbation of a Wiener-Hopf operator and illustrate this case with a Wiener-Hopf integral equation arising in acoustics.


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The authors describe a literature revision on assessing stresses in buccomaxillary prostheses photoelasticity, finite element technique, and extensometry. They describe the techniques and the importance for use of each method in buccomaxillary prostheses with implants and the need of accomplishing more studies in this scarce literary area.