927 resultados para films and coatings
Organic semiconductors have great promise in the field of electronics due to their low cost in term of fabrication on large areas and their versatility to new devices, for these reasons they are becoming a great chance in the actual technologic scenery. Some of the most important open issues related to these materials are the effects of surfaces and interfaces between semiconductor and metals, the changes caused by different deposition methods and temperature, the difficulty related to the charge transport modeling and finally a fast aging with time, bias, air and light, that can change the properties very easily. In order to find out some important features of organic semiconductors I fabricated Organic Field Effect Transistors (OFETs), using them as characterization tools. The focus of my research is to investigate the effects of ion implantation on organic semiconductors and on OFETs. Ion implantation is a technique widely used on inorganic semiconductors to modify their electrical properties through the controlled introduction of foreign atomic species in the semiconductor matrix. I pointed my attention on three major novel and interesting effects, that I observed for the first time following ion implantation of OFETs: 1) modification of the electrical conductivity; 2) introduction of stable charged species, electrically active with organic thin films; 3) stabilization of transport parameters (mobility and threshold voltage). I examined 3 different semiconductors: Pentacene, a small molecule constituted by 5 aromatic rings, Pentacene-TIPS, a more complex by-product of the first one, and finally an organic material called Pedot PSS, that belongs to the branch of the conductive polymers. My research started with the analysis of ion implantation of Pentacene films and Pentacene OFETs. Then, I studied totally inkjet printed OFETs made of Pentacene-TIPS or PEDOT-PSS, and the research will continue with the ion implantation on these promising organic devices.
Durch steigende Energiekosten und erhöhte CO2 Emission ist die Forschung an thermoelektrischen (TE) Materialien in den Fokus gerückt. Die Eignung eines Materials für die Verwendung in einem TE Modul ist verknüpft mit der Gütezahl ZT und entspricht α2σTκ-1 (Seebeck Koeffizient α, Leitfähigkeit σ, Temperatur T und thermische Leitfähigkeit κ). Ohne den Leistungsfaktor α2σ zu verändern, soll ZT durch Senkung der thermischen Leitfähigkeit mittels Nanostrukturierung angehoben werden.rnBis heute sind die TE Eigenschaften von den makroskopischen halb-Heusler Materialen TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn ausgiebig erforscht worden. Mit Hilfe von dc Magnetron-Sputterdeposition wurden nun erstmals halbleitende TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn Schichten hergestellt. Auf MgO (100) Substraten sind stark texturierte polykristalline Schichten bei Substrattemperaturen von 450°C abgeschieden worden. Senkrecht zur Oberfläche haben sich Korngrößen von 55 nm feststellen lassen. Diese haben Halbwertsbreiten bei Rockingkurven von unter 1° aufgewiesen. Strukturanalysen sind mit Hilfe von Röntgenbeugungsexperimenten (XRD) durchgeführt worden. Durch Wachstumsraten von 1 nms 1 konnten in kürzester Zeit Filmdicken von mehr als einem µm hergestellt werden. TiNiSn zeigte den höchsten Leistungsfaktor von 0.4 mWK 2m 1 (550 K). Zusätzlich wurde bei Raumtemperatur mit Hilfe der differentiellen 3ω Methode eine thermische Leitfähigkeit von 2.8 Wm 1K 1 bestimmt. Es ist bekannt, dass die thermische Leitfähigkeit mit der Variation von Massen abnimmt. Weil zudem angenommen wird, dass sie durch Grenzflächenstreuung von Phononen ebenfalls reduziert wird, wurden Übergitter hergestellt. Dabei wurden TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn nacheinander abgeschieden. Die sehr hohe Kristallqualität der Übergitter mit ihren scharfen Grenzflächen konnte durch Satellitenpeaks und Transmissionsmikroskopie (STEM) nachgewiesen werden. Für ein Übergitter mit einer Periodizität von 21 nm (TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn jeweils 10.5 nm) ist bei einer Temperatur von 550 K ein Leistungsfaktor von 0.77 mWK 2m 1 nachgewiesen worden (α = 80 µVK 1; σ = 8.2 µΩm). Ein Übergitter mit der Periodizität von 8 nm hat senkrecht zu den Grenzflächen eine thermische Leitfähigkeit von 1 Wm 1K 1 aufgewiesen. Damit hat sich die Reduzierung der thermischen Leitfähigkeit durch die halb-Heusler Übergitter bestätigt. Durch die isoelektronischen Eigenschaften von Titan, Zirkonium und Hafnium wird angenommen, dass die elektrische Bandstruktur und damit der Leistungsfaktor senkrecht zu den Grenzflächen nur schwach beeinflusst wird.rn
One dimensional magnetic photonic crystals (1D-MPC) are promising structures for integrated optical isolator applications. Rare earth substituted garnet thin films with proper Faraday rotation are required to fabricate planar 1D-MPCs. In this thesis, flat-top response 1D-MPC was proposed and spectral responses and Faraday rotation were modeled. Bismuth substituted iron garnet films were fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering and structures, compositions, birefringence and magnetooptical properties were studied. Double layer structures for single mode propagation were also fabricated by sputtering for the first time. Multilayer stacks with multiple defects (phase shift) composed of Ce-YIG and GGG quarter-wave plates were simulated by the transfer matrix method. The transmission and Faraday rotation characteristics were theoretically studied. It is found that flat-top response, with 100% transmission and near 45o rotation is achievable by adjusting the inter-defect spacing, for film structures as thin as 30 to 35 μm. This is better than 3-fold reduction in length compared to the best Ce-YIG films for comparable rotations, thus allows a considerable reduction in size in manufactured optical isolators. Transmission bands as wide as 7nm were predicted, which is considerable improvement over 2 defects structure. Effect of repetition number and ratio factor on transmission and Faraday rotation ripple factors for the case of 3 and 4 defects structure has been discussed. Diffraction across the structure corresponds to a longer optical path length. Thus the use of guided optics is required to minimize the insertion losses in integrated devices. This part is discussed in chapter 2 in this thesis. Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin films were prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. We investigated or measured the deposition parameters optimization, crystallinity, surface morphologies, composition, magnetic and magnetooptical properties. A very high crystalline quality garnet film with smooth surface has been heteroepitaxially grown on (111) GGG substrate for films less than 1μm. Dual layer structures with two distinct XRD peaks (within a single sputtered film) start to develop when films exceed this thickness. The development of dual layer structure was explained by compositional gradient across film thickness, rather than strain gradient proposed by other authors. Lower DC self bias or higher substrate temperature is found to help to delay the appearance of the 2nd layer. The deposited films show in-plane magnetization, which is advantageous for waveguide devices application. Propagation losses of fabricated waveguides can be decreased by annealing in an oxygen atmosphere from 25dB/cm to 10dB/cm. The Faraday rotation at λ=1.55μm were also measured for the waveguides. FR is small (10° for a 3mm long waveguide), due to the presence of linear birefringence. This part is covered in chapter 4. We also investigated the elimination of linear birefringence by thickness tuning method for our sputtered films. We examined the compressively and tensilely strained films and analyze the photoelastic response of the sputter deposited garnet films. It has been found that the net birefringence can be eliminated under planar compressive strain conditions by sputtering. Bi-layer GGG on garnet thin film yields a reduced birefringence. Temperature control during the sputter deposition of GGG cover layer is critical and strongly influences the magnetization and birefringence level in the waveguide. High temperature deposition lowers the magnetization and increases the linear birefringence in the garnet films. Double layer single mode structures fabricated by sputtering were also studied. The double layer, which shows an in-plane magnetization, has an increased RMS roughness upon upper layer deposition. The single mode characteristic was confirmed by prism coupler measurement. This part is discussed in chapter 5.
Magnetic iron garnets as well as magnetic photonic crystals are of great interests in magneto-optic applications such as isolators, current captors, circulators, TE-TM mode conversion, wavelength accordable filters, optical sensors and switches, all of which provide a promising platform for future integrated optical circuits. In the present work, two topics are studied based on magnetic iron garnet films. In the first part, the characteristics of the magnetization are investigated for ridge waveguides fabricated on (100) oriented iron garnet thin films. The magnetic response in magneto-optic waveguides patterned on epitaxial magnetic garnet films depends on the crystallographic orientation of the waveguides and the magnetic anisotropy of the material. These can be studied by polarization rotation hysteresis loops, which are related to the component of magnetization parallel to the light propagation direction and the linear birefringence. Polarization rotation hysteresis loops for low birefringence waveguides with different orientations are experimentally investigated. Asymmetric stepped curves are obtained from waveguides along, due to the large magnetocrystalline anisotropy in the plane. A model based on the free energy density is developed to demonstrate the motion of the magnetization and can be used in the design of magneto-optic devices. The second part of this thesis focuses on the design and fabrication of high-Q cavities in two-dimensional magneto-photonic crystal slabs. The device consists of a layer of silicon and a layer of iron garnet thin film. Triangular lattice elliptical air holes are patterned in the slab. The fundamental TM band gap overlaps with the first-order TE band gap from 0374~0.431(a/λ) showing that both TE and TM polarization light can be confined in the photonic crystals. A nanocavity is designed to obtain both TE and TM defect modes in the band gaps. Additional work is needed to overlap the TE and TM defect modes and obtain a high-Q cavity so as to develop miniaturized Faraday rotators.
InN layers: MBE growth issues Growth of InN-based thin films: InN/InGaN QWS on GaN Growth of InN-based nanorods ● Self Self-assembled assembled InN InN nanorods nanorods onon different different substrates substrates ● Self-assembled InGaN nanorods ● Broad- Broad-emission emission nanostructures ● Self Self--assembled assembled InGaN InGaN--based based Qdisks Qdisks ● Selective area growth (SAG) of InGaN Qdisks
We demonstrate that in situ optical surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy can be used to monitor hybridization kinetics for unlabeled DNA in tethered monolayer nucleic acid films on gold in the presence of an applied electrostatic field. The dc field can enhance or retard hybridization and can also denature surface-immobilized DNA duplexes. Discrimination between matched and mismatched hybrids is achieved by simple adjustment of the electrode potential. Although the electric field at the interface is extremely large, the tethered single-stranded DNA thiol probes remain bound and can be reused for subsequent hybridization reactions without loss of efficiency. Only capacitive charging currents are drawn; redox reactions are avoided by maintaining the gold electrode potential within the ideally polarizable region. Because of potential-induced changes in the shape of the surface plasmon resonance curve, we account for the full curve rather than simply the shift in the resonance minimum.
A French biologist who moved in Surrealist circles, Jean Painlevé began making films about underwater creatures in 1927, and by 1982 had created over two hundred films on a broad range of natural, scientific, and political subjects. His underwater films remain the most ethereal and poetic works in his oeuvre, and he specifically used cinema to capture the mystery and wonder of nature.
The purpose of this research program is to investigate the photoelectronic properties of zinc phosphide (Zn₃P₂ in single crystal form, in thin-film form, and in heterojunctions in which Zn₃P₂ forms one of the elements. This research will be directed toward understanding the role of crystalline defects and impurities in Zn₃P₂, the nature of the electronic charge transport in single crystal and thin-film material, and the properties of photovoltaic heterojunctions involving Zn₃P₂. The scope of the program extends from basic investigations of materials properties on single crystals to the preparation and characterization of all-thin-film heterojunction divices. One of the principal motivations behind this research program is the realization that Zn₃P₂ is a relatively uninvestigated yet ideal component for photovoltaic heterojunction use in solar energy conversion. The proposed program will concentrate on the basic materials problems involved with Zn₃P₂, providing the kind of information needed for other more developmental programs directed toward actual practical cells.
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