70 resultados para entsyymi-inhibitio


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Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aihe on ajankohtainen Suomessa ja muualla maailmassa. Sikainfluenssa on sikojen tarttuva hengitystiesairaus, jonka aiheuttaja on herkästi kärsäkontaktissa leviävä influenssa A – virus. Siat sairastuvat usein yllättäen ja samanaikaisesti. Sikainfluenssa voi olla oireeton tai vähäoireinen, mikä hankaloittaa taudin havaitsemista. Sikainfluenssa aiheuttaa sikatiloille tuotantotappioita ja sioille hyvinvointiongelmia. Sikainfluenssa on maailmalla yleinen sikojen hengitystiesairaus. Suomi oli sikainfluenssasta vapaa maa vuoteen 2007 saakka ja vuonna 2009 noin kolmasosa suomalaisista sikaloista oli seropositiivisia sikainfluenssan suhteen. Influenssa A – viruksia esiintyy yleisesti eläimillä ja ihmisillä. Influenssa A – virusten kantajia luonnossa ovat vesilinnut, jotka levittävät influenssaviruksia ulosteissaan. Influenssa A – virukset pystyvät muuntumaan uusiksi alatyypeiksi ja sikaa pidetään eläinlajina, jossa influenssa A – virukset muuntuvat lajista toiseen tarttuviksi. Sikainfluenssa on zoonoosi. Sikainfluenssaviruksia on useita eri alatyyppejä. Maailmalla esiintyvien sikainfluenssavirusten alkuperä ja ominaisuudet vaihtelevat maantieteellisen sijainnin mukaan. Euroopassa, Pohjois-Amerikassa ja Aasiassa nykyään esiintyvät sikainfluenssavirukset ovat kehittyessään eriytyneet geneettisesti ja antigeenisesti toisistaan. Sikapopulaatioissa kiertää yleensä useita eri sikainfluenssavirustyyppejä yhtä aikaa. Tärkeimpiä ja useimmiten eristettyjä sikainfluenssavirusten alatyyppejä ovat H1N1, H1N2 ja H3N2. Sikainfluenssan diagnosointi on tärkeää, jotta virusten leviämistä voidaan ehkäistä ja tautitilanne pysyy ajantasaisena. Sikainfluenssa diagnosoidaan osoittamalla sikainfluenssavirus 1-3 vuorokautta kliinisten oireiden alkamisen jälkeen otetuista virusnäytteistä tai virusvasta-aineet serologisin testein pariseeruminäytteistä. Viruksen osoitusmenetelmät (viruseristys ja RT-PCR) ovat luotettavia ja niillä sikainfluenssavirukset voidaan tyypittää. Serologisten testien (hemagglutinaation inhibitio ja ELISA) luotettavuudessa on puutteita ja etenkin ELISA-testien luotettavuus perustuu tietoon sikapopulaatiossa liikkuvien sikainfluenssavirusten alatyypeistä. Sikainfluenssan jatkuva ja tehokas tautiseuranta on oleellista, jotta serologiset testit saadaan optimoitua. Alueellisesti sikainfluenssan esiintyvyyttä lisäävät suuri sikatiheys, tilojen lyhyet välimatkat, eläinkuljetukset sekä sikojen kontaktit ulkopuolisiin henkilöihin ja tavaroihin. Sikalan bioturvallisuus on tärkein tekijä estettäessä sikainfluenssavirusten pääsy sikalaan. Sikainfluenssan vastustaminen on tärkeää, koska se on osa sikojen hengitystiesairauskompleksia sekä predisponoiva tekijä muiden sikapatogeenien aiheuttamille hengitystiesairauksille. Sikainfluenssan vastustuksessa voidaan suurilla sikatiloilla käyttää apuna kahta tai kolmea virustyyppiä sisältäviä rokotteita, jotka vähentävät sikainfluenssan kliinisiä oireita ja viruksen eritystä ympäristöön.


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Use of adverse drug combinations, abuse of medicinal drugs and substance abuse are considerable social problems that are difficult to study. Prescription database studies might fail to incorporate factors like use of over-the-counter drugs and patient compliance, and spontaneous reporting databases suffer from underreporting. Substance abuse and smoking studies might be impeded by poor participation activity and reliability. The Forensic Toxicology Unit at the University of Helsinki is the only laboratory in Finland that performs forensic toxicology related to cause-of-death investigations comprising the analysis of over 6000 medico-legal cases yearly. The analysis repertoire covers most commonly used drugs and drugs of abuse, and the ensuing database contains also background information and information extracted from the final death certificate. In this thesis, the data stored in this comprehensive post-mortem toxicology database was combined with additional metabolite and genotype analyses that were performed to complete the profile of selected cases. The incidence of drug combinations possessing serious adverse drug interactions was generally low (0.71%), but it was notable for the two individually studied drugs, a common anticoagulant warfarin (33%) and a new generation antidepressant venlafaxine (46%). Serotonin toxicity and adverse cardiovascular effects were the most prominent possible adverse outcomes. However, the specific role of the suspected adverse drug combinations was rarely recognized in the death certificates. The frequency of bleeds was observed to be elevated when paracetamol and warfarin were used concomitantly. Pharmacogenetic factors did not play a major role in fatalities related to venlafaxine, but the presence of interacting drugs was more common in cases showing high venlafaxine concentrations. Nicotine findings in deceased young adults were roughly three times more prevalent than the smoking frequency estimation of living population. Contrary to previous studies, no difference in the proportion of suicides was observed between nicotine users and non-nicotine users. However, findings of abused substances, including abused prescription drugs, were more common in the nicotine users group than in the non-nicotine users group. The results of the thesis are important for forensic and clinical medicine, as well as for public health. The possibility of drug interactions and pharmacogenetic issues should be taken into account in cause-of-death investigations, especially in unclear cases, medical malpractice suspicions and cases where toxicological findings are scarce. Post-mortem toxicological epidemiology is a new field of research that can help to reveal problems in drug use and prescription practises.


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Foreign compounds, such as drugs are metabolised in the body in numerous reactions. Metabolic reactions are divided into phase I (functionalisation) and phase II (conjugation) reactions. Uridine diphosphoglucuronosyltransferase enzymes (UGTs) are important catalysts of phase II metabolic system. They catalyse the transfer of glucuronic acid to small lipophilic molecules and convert them to hydrophilic and polar glucuronides that are readily excreted from the body. Liver is the main site of drug metabolism. Many drugs are racemic mixtures of two enantiomers. Glucuronidation of a racemic compound yields a pair of diastereomeric glucuronides. Stereoisomers are interesting substrates in glucuronidation studies since some UGTs display stereoselectivity. Diastereomeric glucuronides of O-desmethyltramadol (M1) and entacapone were selected as model compounds in this work. The investigations of the thesis deal with enzymatic glucuronidation and the development of analytical methods for drug metabolites, particularly diastereomeric glucuronides. The glucuronides were analysed from complex biological matrices, such as urine or from in vitro incubation matrices. Various pretreatment techniques were needed to purify, concentrate and isolate the analytes of interest. Analyses were carried out by liquid chromatography (LC) with ultraviolet (UV) or mass spectrometric (MS) detection or with capillary electromigration techniques. Commercial glucuronide standards were not available for the studies. Enzyme-assisted synthesis with rat liver microsomes was therefore used to produce M1 glucuronides as reference compounds. The glucuronides were isolated by LC/UV and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)/MS, while tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were employed in structural characterisation. The glucuronides were identified as phenolic O-glucuronides of M1. To identify the active UGT enzymes in (±)-M1 glucuronidation recombinant human UGTs and human tissue microsomes were incubated with (±)-M1. The study revealed that several UGTs can catalyse (±)-M1 glucuronidation. Glucuronidation in human liver microsomes like in rat liver microsomes is stereoselective. The results of the studies showed that UGT2B7, most probably, is the main UGT responsible for (±)-M1 glucuronidation in human liver. Large variation in stereoselectivity of UGTs toward (±)-M1 enantiomers was observed. Formation of M1 glucuronides was monitored with a fast and selective UPLC/MS method. Capillary electromigration techniques are known for their high resolution power. A method that relied on capillary electrophoresis (CE) with UV detection was developed for the separation of tramadol and its free and glucuronidated metabolites. The suitability of the method to identify tramadol metabolites in an authentic urine samples was tested. Unaltered tramadol and four of its main metabolites were detected in the electropherogram. A micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) /UV method was developed for the separation of the glucuronides of entacapone in human urine. The validated method was tested in the analysis of urine samples of patients. The glucuronides of entacapone could be quantified after oral entacapone dosing.


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Bile acids are important steroid-derived molecules essential for fat absorption in the small intestine. They are produced in the liver and secreted into the bile. Bile acids are transported by bile flow to the small intestine, where they aid the digestion of lipids. Most bile acids are reabsorbed in the small intestine and return to the liver through the portal vein. The whole recycling process is referred to as the enterohepatic circulation, during which only a small amount of bile acids are removed from the body via faeces. The enterohepatic circulation of bile acids involves the delicate coordination of a number of bile acid transporters expressed in the liver and the small intestine. Organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1), encoded by the solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1B1 (SLCO1B1) gene, mediates the sodium independent hepatocellular uptake of bile acids. Two common SNPs in the SLCO1B1 gene are well known to affect the transport activity of OATP1B1. Moreover, bile acid synthesis is an important elimination route for cholesterol. Cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) is the rate-limiting enzyme of bile acid production. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effects of SLCO1B1 polymorphism on the fasting plasma levels of individual endogenous bile acids and a bile acid synthesis marker, and the pharmacokinetics of exogenously administered ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). Furthermore, the effects of CYP7A1 genetic polymorphism and gender on the fasting plasma concentrations of individual endogenous bile acids and the bile acid synthesis marker were evaluated. Firstly, a high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) method for the determination of bile acids was developed (Study I). A retrospective study examined the effects of SLCO1B1 genetic polymorphism on the fasting plasma concentrations of individual bile acids and a bile acid synthesis marker in 65 healthy subjects (Study II). In another retrospective study with 143 healthy individuals, the effects of CYP7A1 genetic polymorphism and gender as well as SLCO1B1 polymorphism on the fasting plasma levels of individual bile acids and the bile acid synthesis marker were investigated (Study III). The effects of SLCO1B1 polymorphism on the pharmacokinetics of exogenously administered UDCA were evaluated in a prospective genotype panel study including 27 healthy volunteers (Study IV). A robust, sensitive and simple HPLC-MS/MS method was developed for the simultaneous determination of 16 individual bile acids in human plasma. The method validation parameters for all the analytes met the requirements of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) bioanalytical guidelines. This HPLC-MS/MS method was applied in Studies II-IV. In Study II, the fasting plasma concentrations of several bile acids and the bile acid synthesis marker seemed to be affected by SLCO1B1 genetic polymorphism, but these findings were not replicated in Study III with a larger sample size. Moreover, SLCO1B1 polymorphism had no effect on the pharmacokinetic parameters of exogenously administered UDCA. Furthermore, no consistent association was observed between CYP7A1 genetic polymorphism and the fasting plasma concentrations of individual bile acids or the bile acid synthesis marker. In contrast, gender had a major effect on the fasting plasma concentrations of several bile acids and also total bile acids. In conclusion, gender, but not SLCO1B1 or CYP7A1 polymorphisms, has a major effect on the fasting plasma concentrations of individual bile acids. Moreover, the common genetic polymorphism of CYP7A1 is unlikely to influence the activity of CYP7A1 under normal physiological conditions. OATP1B1 does not play an important role in the in vivo disposition of exogenously administered UDCA.


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Drug-drug interactions may cause serious, even fatal clinical consequences. Therefore, it is important to examine the interaction potential of new chemical entities early in drug development. Mechanism-based inhibition is a pharmacokinetic interaction type, which causes irreversible loss of enzyme activity and can therefore lead to unusually profound and long-lasting consequences. The in vitro in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) of drug-drug interactions caused by mechanism-based inhibition is challenging. Consequently, many of these interactions have remained unrecognised for many years. The concomitant use of the fibrate-class lipid-lowering agent gemfibrozil increases the concentrations of some drugs and their effects markedly. Even fatal cases of rhabdomyolysis occurred in patients administering gemfibrozil and cerivastatin concomitantly. One of the main mechanisms behind this effect is the mechanism-based inhibition of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C8 enzyme by a glucuronide metabolite of gemfibrozil leading to increased cerivastatin concentrations. Although the clinical use of gemfibrozil has clearly decreased during recent years, gemfibrozil is still needed in some special cases. To enable safe use of gemfibrozil concomitantly with other drugs, information concerning the time and dose relationships of CYP2C8 inhibition by gemfibrozil should be known. This work was carried out as four in vivo clinical drug-drug interaction studies to examine the time and dose relationships of the mechanism-based inhibitory effect of gemfibrozil on CYP2C8. The oral antidiabetic drug repaglinide was used as a probe drug for measuring CYP2C8 activity in healthy volunteers. In this work, mechanism-based inhibition of the CYP2C8 enzyme by gemfibrozil was found to occur rapidly in humans. The inhibitory effect developed to its maximum already when repaglinide was given 1-3 h after gemfibrozil intake. In addition, the inhibition was shown to abate slowly. A full recovery of CYP2C8 activity, as measured by repaglinide metabolism, was achieved 96 h after cessation of gemfibrozil treatment. The dose-dependency of the mechanism-based inhibition of CYP2C8 by gemfibrozil was shown for the first time in this work. CYP2C8 activity was halved by a single 30 mg dose of gemfibrozil or by twice daily administration of less than 30 mg of gemfibrozil. Furthermore, CYP2C8 activity was decreased over 90% by a single dose of 900 mg gemfibrozil or twice daily dosing of approximately 100 mg gemfibrozil. In addition, with the application of physiological models to the data obtained in the dose-dependency studies, the major role of mechanism-based inhibition of CYP2C8 in the interaction between gemfibrozil and repaglinide was confirmed. The results of this work enhance the proper use of gemfibrozil and the safety of patients. The information related to time-dependency of CYP2C8 inhibition by gemfibrozil may also give new insights in order to improve the IVIVE of the drug-drug interactions of new chemical entities. The information obtained by this work may be utilised also in the design of clinical drug-drug interaction studies in the future.


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N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidaasi (NAGaasi) on glykosidaaseihin kuuluva, solujen lysosomeissa esiintyvä entsyymi, jota vapautuu maitoon utaretulehduksen aikana vaurioituneista utareen epiteelisoluista, neutrofiileistä ja makrofageista. NAGaasientsyymiaktiivisuuden on useissa tutkimuksissa havaittu korreloivan utareen tulehdustilan ja maidon soluluvun (SCC) kanssa ja sitä on ehdotettu käytettäväksi utareen epiteelisolutuhon mittaamiseen yksinään tai yhdistettynä SCC:n määritykseen. Koska saostuminen ei häiritse NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden mittausta maidosta, entsyymiaktiivisuus ei muutu maitoa säilytettäessä ja entsyymin mittaaminen on melko yksinkertaista ja nopeaa, menetelmä vaikuttaisi sopivan hyvin seulontatestiksi piileville utaretulehduksille. NAGaasin käyttö on toistaiseksi rajoittunut tutkimuskäyttöön. Sen hyödyntämistä vaikeuttaa se, että terveille lehmille eri tutkimuksissa määritetyissä NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvoissa on suurta vaihtelua. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus maidossa on useiden tutkimusten mukaan korkeampi silloin, kun tulehduksen on aiheuttanut jokin merkittävä patogeeni kuin silloin, kun tulehduksen taustalla on vähäpätöinen patogeeni. Lypsykauden vaiheen on havaittu vaikuttavan maidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuteen siten, että aktiivisuudet ovat korkeampia heti poikimisen jälkeen ja lypsykauden lopulla. On myös havaittu, että normaalimaidossa NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus on hieman korkeampi loppumaidossa kuin alkumaidossa. Poikimakerran vaikutuksista NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuteen on ristiriitaisia tutkimustuloksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli määrittää NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvot terveen sekä utaretulehdusta sairastavan lypsylehmän maidossa, sekä selvittää tulehduksen voimakkuuden, aiheuttajapatogeenin, poikimakerran ja lypsykauden vaiheen vaikutusta kyseisen entsyymin aktiivisuuteen maidossa. Tutkimusaineistossa oli mukana kaikkiaan 838 vuosina 2000–2010 otettua maitonäytettä 62 eri lypsykarjatilalta Suomesta ja Virosta. Normaalimaidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvot määritettiin yhdeksältä suomalaiselta lypsykarjatilalta kerätyistä 196 maitonäytteestä, jotka täyttivät asettamamme normaalimaidon kriteerit. Normaalimaidon kriteerit olivat seuraavat: SCC < 100 000, lehmällä ei ole utaretulehduksen oireita, poikimisesta on kulunut aikaa yli 30 vuorokautta ja edellisestä lypsystä yli 6 tuntia. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus mitattiin modifioidulla Mattilan menetelmällä (Mattila 1985) vakioiduissa olosuhteissa. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen Stata Intercooler tilasto-ohjelman versiota 11.0 (Stata Corporation, Texas, USA). Maidon NAGaasientsyymiaktiivisuuteen terveessä neljänneksessä vaikuttavia tekijöitä tutkittiin lineaarisella sekamallilla, jossa sekoittavana tekijänä oli tila. SCC:n ja NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden korrelaatiota arvioitiin terveillä lehmillä, piilevää utaretulehdusta sairastaneilla lehmillä ja koko aineistossa. Korrelaatiot laskettiin Pearsonin korrelaatiokertoimella. Tilastollisesti merkitsevänä raja-arvona kaikissa analyyseissä pidettiin p < 0.05. Normaalimaidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvoiksi lehmillä, joilla poikimisesta oli kulunut yli 30 vrk, saatiin 0,09–1,04 pmol/min/μl maitoa. Verrattuna normaalimaidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuksien keskiarvoon (0,56) ja piilevää utaretulehdusta sairastaneiden lehmien NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuksien keskiarvoon (2,49), kliinistä utaretulehdusta sairastavien lehmien maidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus oli keskimäärin selvästi korkeampi (16,65). Keskiarvoissa oli selvä ero paikallisoireisten (12,24) ja yleisoireisten (17,74) lehmien välillä. Terveiden neljännesten maitonäytteistä määritetyn NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden ja SCC:n välillä ei havaittu korrelaatiota. Piilevässä utaretulehduksessa havaittiin positiivinen korrelaatio (0,74) maidon NAGaasientsyymiaktiivisuuden ja SCC:n välillä. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuteen vaikuttivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi SCC, poikimisesta kulunut aika ja poikimakerta. Eri patogeeniryhmien osalta havaitsimme, että neljänneksissä, joista eristettiin vähäpätöinen patogeeni, NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus oli selvästi matalampi kuin neljänneksissä, joista eristettiin merkittävä patogeeni. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden keskiarvoksi vähäpätöisille patogeeneille (KNS, koryneformi) saatiin 2,82 ja merkittäville patogeeneille (S. aureus, Str. uberis, Str, agalactiae, Str. dysgalactiae, E.coli) 16,87.


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Tämän tutkimuksen kirjallisuusosan tavoitteena oli selvittää perinteisen kastikepohjan valmistukseen ja valmistuksen kokonaisvaltaiseen onnistumiseen vaikuttavia seikkoja. Lisäksi käsiteltiin kastikepohjan valmistukseen liittyviä ympäristö- ja energia-asioita, kuten eläinperäisten sivutuotteiden kierrätysmahdollisuuksia. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkimuksen keskeinen lähtökohta oli pyrkiä löytämään ratkaisu ylipainekeittomenetelmään liittyvään kastikepohjan liemiaineksen sameutumisongelmaan. Tutkimuksessa haluttiin löytää syyt sameuden muodostumiseen luiden painekeitossa (max. 1,5 bar). Näin pyrittiin selvittämään keinot sameuden syntymisen estämiseen tai tuotteesta poistamiseen. Ratkaisua etsittiin sekä keittoaika-paine-kombinaatiosta että proteolyyttisen entsyymivalmisteen käytöstä. Tavoitteena oli ulkonäöltään kirkas ja kuiva-ainepitoisuudeltaan mahdollisimman korkea naudanmakuinen demi-glace-kastikepohjaliemi. Liemiaineksista tarkasteltiin kuiva-aine-, kokonaisproteiini- ja sidekudosproteiinipitoisuuksia, pH-arvoja sekä sameutta, ja vertailtiin näitä tuloksia käytettyihin valmistusmenetelmiin ja -olosuhteisiin. Lisäksi otettiin selvää lämmöntalteenoton parantamis-mahdollisuuksista. Tutkimuksessa valmistetun kastikepohjaliemen kuiva-aine koostui pääasiassa proteiineista. Liemen valmistuksessa suuremmalla paineella päästiin hieman nopeammin samoihin kuiva-ainepitoisuuksiin kuin matalammalla paineella. Samoin tapahtui entsyymiä käytettäessä kuin käyttämättä jätettäessä. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella korkeaa kuiva-ainepitoisuutta tavoiteltaessa kastikepohjaliemen valmistuksessa on valittava korkean sidekudosproteiinin tai sameuden väliltä. Ylipainekeitolla luista saatiin irti lähes pelkästään sidekudosproteiinia, koska luita kuumennettaessa vain kollageeni liukeni veteen muiden proteiinien saostuessa. Lämmöntalteenottojärjestelmien rakentaminen pieneen elintarviketeollisuusyritykseen voi olla kannattamatonta, koska investointikustannuksia ei välttämättä pystytä maksamaan takaisin. Energiatehokkuuden parantaminen pienessä elintarviketeollisuusyrityksessä on haastavaa, mutta kuitenkin mahdollista ammattilaisten tekemien tarkkojen laskelmien ja arviointien avulla.


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The prefrontal cortex (PFC), located in the anterior region of the frontal lobe, is considered to have several key roles in higher cognitive and executive functions. In general, the PFC can be seen as a coordinator of thought and action allowing subjects to behave in a goal-directed manner. Due to its anatomical connections with a variety of cortical and subcortical structures, several neurotransmitters, including dopamine, are involved in the regulation of PFC activity. In general, the majority of released dopamine is cleared by the dopamine transporter (DAT). In the PFC however, the number of presynaptic DAT is diminished, emphasizing the relative importance of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) in dopamine metabolism. As a result, the role of COMT in the etiology of psychotic disorders is under constant debate. The present study investigated the role of COMT in prefrontal cortical dopamine metabolism by different neurochemical methods in COMT knockout (COMT-KO) mice. Pharmacological tools to inhibit other dopamine clearing mechanisms were also used for a more comprehensive and collective picture. In addition, this study investigated how a lack of the soluble (S-) COMT isoform affects the total COMT activity as well as the pharmacokinetics of orally administered L-dopa using mutant mice expressing only the membrane-bound (MB-) COMT isoform. Also the role of COMT in striatal and accumbal dopamine turnover during Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) challenge was studied. We found markedly increased basal dopamine concentrations in the PFC, but not the striatum or nucleus accumbens (NAcc), of mice lacking COMT. Pharmacological inhibition of the noradrenaline transporter (NET) and monoamine oxidase (MAO) elevated prefrontal cortical dopamine levels several-fold, whereas inhibition of DAT did not. The lack of COMT doubled the dopamine raising effects of NET and MAO inhibition. No compensatory expression of either DAT or NET was found in the COMT-KO mice. The lack of S-COMT decreased the total COMT activity by 50-70 % and modified dopamine transmission and the pharmacokinetics of exogenous Ldopa in a sex and tissue specific manner. Finally, we found that subsequent tolcapone and THC increased dopamine levels in the NAcc, but not in the striatum. Conclusively, this study presents neurochemical evidence for the important role of COMT in the PFC and shows that COMT is responsible for about half of prefrontal cortical dopamine metabolism. This study also highlights the previously underestimated proportional role of MB-COMT and supports the clinical evidence of a gene x environment interaction between COMT and cannabis.


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Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) plays a major role in maintaining cellular signaling homeostasis in human cells by reversibly affecting the phosphorylation of a variety of proteins. Protein phosphatase methylesterase-1 (PME-1) negatively regulates PP2A activity by reversible demethylation and active site binding. Thus far, it is known that overexpression of PME-1 in human gliomas contributes to ERK pathway signaling, cell proliferation, and malignant progression. Whether PME-1-mediated PP2A inhibition promotes therapy resistance in gliomas is unknown. Specific PP2A targets regulated by PME-1 in cancers also remain elusive. Additionally, whether oncogenic function of PME-1 can be generalized to various human cancers needs to be investigated. This study demonstrated that PME-1 expression promotes kinase inhibitor resistance in glioblastoma (GBM). PME-1 silencing sensitized GBM cells to a group of clinically used indolocarbazole multikinase inhibitors (MKIs). To facilitate the quantitative evaluation of MKIs by cancer-cell specific colony formation assay, Image-J software-plugin ‘ColonyArea’ was developed. PME-1-silencing was found to reactivate specific PP2A complexes and affect PP2A-target histone deacetylase HDAC4 activity. The HDAC4 inhibition induced synthetic lethality with MKIs similar to PME-1 depletion. However, synthetic lethality by both approaches required co-expression of a pro-apoptotic protein BAD. In gliomas, PME-1 and HDAC4 expression was associated with malignant progression. Using tumor PME-1, HDAC4 and BAD expression based stratification signatures this study defined patient subgroups that are likely to respond to MKI alone or in combination with HDAC4 inhibitor therapies. In contrast to the oncogenic role of PME-1 in certain cancer types, this study established that colorectal cancer (CRC) patients with high tumor PME-1 expression display favorable prognosis. Interestingly, PME-1 regulated survival signaling did not operate in CRC cells. Summarily, this study potentiates the candidacy of PME-1 as a therapy target in gliomas, but argues against generalization of these findings to other cancers, especially CRC.


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Soil-dwelling Streptomyces bacteria are known for their ability to produce biologically active compounds such as antimicrobial, immunosuppressant, antifungal and anticancer drugs. S. nogalater is the producer of nogalamycin, a potential anticancer drug exhibiting high cytotoxicity and activity against human topoisomerases I and II. Nogalamycin is an anthracycline polyketide comprising a four-ring aromatic backbone,a neutral deoxy sugar at C7, and an amino sugar attached via an O–C bond at C1 and a C–C bond between C2 and C5´´. This kind of attachment of the amino sugar is unusual thus making the structure of the compound highly interesting. The sugar is also associated with the biological activity of nogalamycin, as it facilitates binding to DNA. Furthermore, the sugar moieties of anthracyclines are often crucial for their biological activity. Together the interesting attachment of the amino sugar and the general reliance of polyketides on the sugar moieties for bioactivity have made the study of the biosynthesis of nogalamycin attractive. The sugar moieties are typically attached by glycosyltransferases, which use two substrates: the donor and the acceptor. The literature review of the thesis is focused on the glycosylation of polyketides and the possibilities to alter their glycosylation patterns. My own thesis work revolves around the biosynthesis of nogalamycin. We have elucidated the individual steps that lead to its rather unique structure. We reconstructed the whole biosynthetic pathway in the heterologous host S. albus using a cosmid and a plasmid. In the process, we were able to isolate new compounds when the cosmid, which contains the majority of the nogalamycin gene cluster, was expressed alone in the heterologous host. The new compounds included true intermediates of the pathway as well as metabolites, which were most likely altered by the endogenous enzymes of the host. The biological activity of the most interesting new products was tested against human topoisomerases I and II, and they were found to exhibit such activities. The heterologous expression system facilitated the generation of mutants with inactivated biosynthetic genes. In that process, we were able to identify the functions of the glycosyltransferases SnogE and SnogD, solve the structure of SnogD, discover a novel C1-hydroxylase system comprising SnoaW and SnoaL2, and establish that the two homologous non-heme α-ketoglutarate and Fe2+ dependent enzymes SnoK and SnoN catalyze atypical reactions on the pathway. We demonstrated that SnoK was responsible for the formation of the additional C–C bond, whereas SnoN is an epimerase. A combination of in vivo and in vitro techniques was utilized to unravel the details of these enzymes. Protein crystallography gave us an important means to understand the mechanisms. Furthermore, the solved structures serve as platforms for future rational design of the enzymes.