990 resultados para cross-coupling reaction
Els aminoàcids biarílics es troben en una àmplia varietat de pèptids naturals amb important activitat biològica. Concretament, les arilhistidines formen part de les aciculitines, pèptids amb activitat citotòxica i antifúngica, La reacció de Suzuki-Miyaura és el mètode més versàtil per obtenir biarils assimètrics, encara que, fins el moment, no s'havia aplicat per a l'arilació de l'imidazole de la histidina. L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi fou demostrar que es podia arilar l'imidazole de la histidina en fase sòlida mitjançant una reacció de Suzuki-Miyaura. En primer lloc, es sintetitzaren 4(5)-metil-5(4)-fenilimidazole i 4(5)-metil-5(4)-(2-metoxifenil)imidazole a través de l'acoblament creuat entre un N-benzilbromoimidazole i el corresponent àcid arilborònic. Posteriorment, s'arilaren 5-bromohistidines utilitzant diversos àcids arilborònics mitjançant una reacció de Suzuki-Miyaura assistida per irradiació micrones, tant en dissolució com en fase sòlida. I finalment, mitjançant aquesta metodología, es sintetitzaren pèptids antimicrobians contenint 5-arilhistidines actius contra bacteris gram-negatius responsables d'importants malalties en plantes com el foc bacterià.
The palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of methyl (Z)-2,3-bis(tributylstannyl)butenoate with aryl iodides is regioselective, leading to 2-aryl-3-stannylated products; this selectivity is the opposite to that observed in the reaction between halides and 3,4-bis(stannyl)furan-2(5H)-one. Since the resulting butenoates can be converted into the corresponding furanones, the method provides useful flexibility in the preparation of functionalized butenoates and furanones.
The first application of lipases as catalysts to obtain optically active boron-containing amines and amides is described. We studied several reaction conditions to achieve the kinetic resolution of boron-containing amines via enantioselective acylation mediated by Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B). Excellent enantioselectivity (E>200) and high enantiomeric excess (up to >99%) of both the remaining amines and amides were obtained. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The first application of enzymes as catalysts to obtain optically pure boron compounds is described. The kinetic resolution of boron-containing chiral alcohols via enantioselective transesterification catalyzed by lipases was studied. Aromatic, allylic, and aliphatic secondary alcohols containing a boronate ester or boronic acid group were resolved by lipase from Candida antartica (CALB), and excellent E values (E > 200) and high enantiomeric excesses (up to >99%) of both remaining substrates and acetylated product were obtained.
The kinetic resolution of chiral beta-borylated carboxylic esters via lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis and transesterification reactions was studied. The enantioselective hydrolysis catalyzed by CAL-B furnished the beta-borylated carboxylic acid with reasonable enantiomeric excess (62% ee), while both methyl and ethyl beta-borylated carboxylic esters were recovered with excellent ee (>99%). Meanwhile, the transesterification reaction of beta-borylated carboxylic esters and several alcohols, catalyzed by CAL-B, only indicated a high selectivity when ethanol and methyl-(beta-pinacolylboronate)-butanoate were used as substrates, which gave ethyl-(beta-pinacolylboronate)-butanoate with >99% ee. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The enantioselective carbon-boron bond oxidation of several chiral boron-containing compounds by Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases was evaluated. PAMO and M446G PAMO conveniently oxidized 1-phenylethyl boronate into the corresponding 1-(phenyl)ethanol (ee = 82-91%). Cyclopropyl boronic esters were also oxidized but with no enantioselectivity. beta-Boryl carboxylic esters were not oxidized by any BVMOs. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und den Eigenschaftsuntersuchungen von Oligo(phenylenethinylen)en (OPEs) und Oligo(thienylenethinylen)en (OTEs) mit terminaler Donor-Akzeptor-Substitution. Die Darstellung der Oligomerenreihen erfolgt über ein „Baukastensystem“ bestehend aus Start,- Synthese, - und dem jeweiligen Endbaustein. Die zentrale Synthesereaktion zum Aufbau der Push-Pull-Systeme ist eine moderne und effektive Pd-katalysierte Reaktion, die Sonogashira-Hagihara-Kupplung. Für die dialkylaminosubstituierten OPE-Systeme konnten die Cyano,- Formyl,- Nitro –und Dicyanovinylgruppe als Akzeptoren eingeführt werden. In der dodecylsulfanylsubstituierten OTE-Serie wurde als Akzeptor die Nitrogruppe verwendet, während in der methoxysubstituierten OTE-Reihe die Formyl,- Nitro –und Dicyanovinylgruppe als Akzeptoren eingeführt wurde. Alle Reihen konnten mittels 1H-, 13C-, IR-, MS- und UV/Vis-Spektroskopie vollständig charakterisiert werden. Die Lage des langwelligen Absorptionsmaximums zeigt eine starke Abhängigkeit von der Donor- und Akzeptorstärke der Substituenten sowie von der Länge des konjugierten Pie-Systems. Für beide Pie-Systeme ergibt sich bei hinreichend starker Donor- und Akzeptorsubstitution eine ungewöhnliche hypsochrome Verschiebung der langwelligen Absorptionsmaxima. Mit Hilfe der semiempirischen Quantenmechanik wird ein Modell vorgestellt, das die ungewöhnlichen spektroskopischen Eigenschaften der OPEs und OTEs erklären und vorhersagen kann. Mittels elektrooptischer Absorptionsmessungen ( EOAM ), EFISHG-Messungen sowie der Frequenzverdreifachungsspektroskopie ( THG ) werden die NLO-Eigenschaften in Abhängigkeit von der Konjugationslänge der nitrosubstituierten OPE-Serie bestimmt.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ausgehend von auxiliargebundenen Piperidinderivaten, unterschiedliche chirale bi- und tricyclische Verbindungen darzustellen. Dazu wurde das 2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-pivaloyl--D-galactosylamin durch Kondensation mit Aldehyden in die entsprechenden Galactosylaldimine überführt, die in einer Lewissäure-katalysierten hochdiastereoselektiven Tandem-Mannich-Michael-Reaktionssequenz mit Danishefsky-Dien zu 2-substituierten Dehydropiperidinonen umgesetzt wurden. Die auf diese Weise zugänglichen chiralen Heterocyclen wurden diastereoselektiv in trans-konfigurierte 5-Bromverbindungen überführt. In einer Thiazolsynthese nach Hantzsch konnten die -Bromketone mit ambidenten Nukleophilen, wie Thiobenzamiden und unsymmetrischen Thioharnstoffderivaten, in niedrigen Ausbeuten zu bicyclischen Tetrahydro-thiazolo[5,4-c]pyridinen umgesetzt werden. Weitere bicyclische Heterocyclen mit einem Tetrahydro-thieno[2,3-c]pyridin-System konnten durch eine Gewald-Cyclisierung an 2-substituierten N-Galactosyl-piperidinonen erhalten werden. Durch Palladium-katalysierte Kreuzkupplungen an heterocyclischen Enoltriflaten, die ausgehend von den N-Galactosyl-dehydropiperidinonen synthetisiert wurden, gelang die Einführung von Aryl-, Alkinyl- und Alkenylsubstituenten in 4-Position des Piperidinringes. Zur Freisetzung der 2,4-disubstituierten Dehydropiperidinen wurde die N-glycosidische Bindung im sauren Milieu gespalten. Verbindungen mit einer exocyclischen Doppelbindung wurden einer Diels-Alder-Reaktion mit N-Phenylmaleinimid zum Aufbau von Isochinolinderivaten eingesetzt. Des Weiteren gelang die Synthese von 2-benzylsubstituierten N-Galactosyl-dehydropiperidinonen, wobei ortho-halogensubstituierte Phenylacetaldehyde eingesetzt wurden. Die in hohen Diastereomerenüberschüssen gebildeten Dehydropiperidinone wurden in die entsprechenden Enoltriflate überführt und einer Domino-Suzuki-Heck-Reaktion unterworfen. In dieser Kaskadenreaktion konnten tricyclische diastereomerenreine Benzomorphanderivate synthetisiert werden.
Synthese und photophysikalische Eigenschaften funktionalisierter 1-Oligoalkinylamide Torsten Schweikert Zusammenfassung der Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades „Doktor der Naturwissenschaften“ Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit bestand aus der Synthese verschiedener 1-Oligoalkinylamide und deren Funktionalisierung mit endständigen Akzeptoreinheiten, um einen Zugang zu konjugierten Donor-Akzeptor-substituierten Acetylenchromophoren zu realisieren, welche die Aminogruppe direkt am Acetylenkohlenstoff tragen. In einer kupfer(I)-katalysierten Cadiot-Chodkiewicz-Reaktion konnten terminale 1-Alkinylamide 1 mit verschiedenen substituierten 1-Bromalkinen 2 zu den 1-Oligoalkinylamiden 3 umgesetzt werden. Die Reaktion zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Toleranz gegenüber verschiedenen funktionellen Gruppen aus und lieferte die 1-Oligoalkinylamide 3 in Ausbeuten von 34 bis 99 %. NR1EWGNR2R1EWGR2Br5 Mol-% CuI30 Mol-% NH2OH·H2O2.0 Äquiv. n-BuNH2MeOH0 °C - 40 °C, 0.5 - 2 h34 - 99 %1.5 Äquiv. 213R1: Phenyl, 2-Iodphenyl, Benzyl, AlkylR2: Alkyl, Hydroxyalkyl, O-Tetrahydropyranyloxyalkyl, Methylester, 4-Nitrophenyl, 4-Cyanophenyl, 4-Dimesitylborylphenylnn Mittels UV/Vis-Spektroskopie sind die verschiedenen Donor-Akzeptor-substituierten Chromophore auf ihre photophysikalischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht worden. Dabei zeigten sich verschiedene Effekte bei Variation der Donor- und Akzeptorgruppen sowie bei Verlängerung der Acetylenbrücke auf die Lage der Charge-Transfer-Bande. Die Solvatochromie der Absorptionsbanden zeigte das Vorhandensein eines permanenten Dipolmoments der Verbindungen. Die elektrooptische Absorptionsmessung konnte schließlich Informationen über die Größe der Dipolmomente im Grundzustand und im angeregten Franck-Condon-Zustand liefern. Die elektrischen Dipolmomente der Verbindungen im Grundzustand in 1,4-Dioxan und Cyclohexan liegen im Bereich von (9.4 – 12.2)10-30 Cm. Nach optischer Anregung erhöhen sich die Dipolmomente um (25.0 – 92.3)10-30 Cm, wobei die Änderung des Dipolmoments bei optischer Anregung ein Maximum für die 1-Diinylamide durchläuft und bei drei konjugierten Acetylenbindungen stark abnimmt. Die synthetisierten 1-Diinylamide fanden ferner Anwendung in der Synthese von funktionalisierten 3-Alkinylindolen, wobei mittels einer palladiumkatalysierten Heteroanellierungssequenz in 2-Position am Indol ein Schwefel- oder Stickstoffnucleophil eingeführt werden konnte.
Through a cross-coupling reaction, aryl phosphonates are produced in high yields when the corresponding aryl bromides are reacted with a gold phosphorylating agent in the presence of a palladium catalyst and an appropriate ligand. To the best of our knowledge, this transformation is the first example involving the transfer of a phosphonate functional group from a gold complex to palladium that has been reported. Throughout the investigation, three gold phosphorylating agents were screened for activity towards the phosphorylation of aryl bromides. Aryl bromides with electrondonating and electron-withdrawing groups were successfully employed in the crosscoupling reactions. All cross-coupling reactions were carried out in THF at room temperature (25ºC) or in a microwave reactor (CEM Discover) at 60ºC for 30 or 60 minutes. The effects of changing reaction parameters such as time, temperature, catalyst and free ligand loading have been investigated. All aryl bromide substrates tested in the cross-coupling reactions produced phosphorylated products.
Novel functionalized bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT–TTF) derivatives 4 and 5 have been synthesized in good yields from cyano precursor via a cross-coupling reaction. Their redox potentials have been studied by cyclic voltammetry in a dichloromethane solution; this indicated that they are slightly weaker electron donors than BEDT–TTF. Compound 4 has been studied by X–ray crystallography; this revealed that, in the crystal, the molecules were held together by some unconventional C–H···N and C–H···S hydrogen bonds.
The antiviral or anticancer activities of C-5 modified pyrimidine nucleoside analogues validate the need for the development of their syntheses. In the first half of this dissertation, I explore the Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of allylphenylgermanes with aryl halides in the presence of SbF 5/TBAF to give various biaryls by transferring multiple phenyl groups, which has also been applied to the 5-halo pyrimidine nucleosides for the synthesis of 5-aryl derivatives. To avoid the use of organometallic reagents, I developed Pd-catalyzed direct arylation of 5-halo pyrimidine nucleosides. It was discovered that 5-aryl pyrimidine nucleosides could be synthesized by Pd-catalyzed direct arylation of N3-free 5-halo uracil and uracil nucleosides with simple arenes or heteroaromatics in the presence of TBAF within 1 h. Both N3-protected and N3-free uracil and uracil nucleosides could undergo base-promoted Pd-catalyzed direct arylation, but only with electron rich heteroaromatics. ^ In the second half of this dissertation, 5-acetylenic uracil and uracil nucleosides have been employed to investigate the hydrogermylation, hydrosulfonylation as well as hydroazidation for the synthesis of various functionalized 5-vinyl pyrimidine nucleosides. Hydrogermylation of 5-alkynyl uracil analogues with trialkylgermane or tris(trimethylsilyl)germane hydride gave the corresponding vinyl trialkylgermane, or tris(trimethylsilyl)germane uracil derivatives. During the hydrogermylation with triphenylgermane, besides the vinyl triphenylgermane uracil derivatives, 5-[2-(triphenylgermyl)acetyl]uracil was also isolated and characterized and the origin of the acetyl oxygen was clarified. Tris(trimethylsilyl)germane uracil derivatives were coupled to aryl halides but with decent yield. Iron-mediated regio- and stereoselective hydrosulfonylation of the 5-ethynyl pyrimidine analogues with sulfonyl chloride or sulfonyl hydrazine to give 5-(1-halo-2-tosyl)vinyluracil nucleoside derivatives has been developed. Nucleophilic substitution of the 5-(β-halovinyl)sulfonyl nucleosides with various nucleophiles have been performed to give highly functionalized 5-vinyl pyrimidine nucleosides via the addition-elimination mechanism. The 5-(β-keto)sulfonyluracil derivative has also been synthesized via the aerobic difunctionalization of 5-ethynyluracil analogue with sulfinic acid in the presence of catalytic amount of pyridine. Silver catalyzed hydroazidation of protected 2'-deoxy-5-ethynyluridine with TMSN3 in the presence of catalytic amount of water to give 5-(α-azidovinyl)uracil nucleoside derivatives was developed. Strain promoted Click reaction of the 5-(α-azidovinyl)uracil with cyclooctyne provide the corresponding fully conjugated triazole product.^
The antiviral or anticancer activities of C-5 modified pyrimidine nucleoside analogues validate the need for the development of their syntheses. In the first half of this dissertation, I explore the Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of allylphenylgermanes with aryl halides in the presence of SbF5/TBAF to give various biaryls by transferring multiple phenyl groups, which has also been applied to the 5-halo pyrimidine nucleosides for the synthesis of 5-aryl derivatives. To avoid the use of organometallic reagents, I developed Pd-catalyzed direct arylation of 5-halo pyrimidine nucleosides. It was discovered that 5-aryl pyrimidine nucleosides could be synthesized by Pd-catalyzed direct arylation of N3-free 5-halo uracil and uracil nucleosides with simple arenes or heteroaromatics in the presence of TBAF within 1 h. Both N3-protected and N3-free uracil and uracil nucleosides could undergo base-promoted Pd-catalyzed direct arylation, but only with electron rich heteroaromatics. In the second half of this dissertation, 5-acetylenic uracil and uracil nucleosides have been employed to investigate the hydrogermylation, hydrosulfonylation as well as hydroazidation for the synthesis of various functionalized 5-vinyl pyrimidine nucleosides. Hydrogermylation of 5-alkynyl uracil analogues with trialkylgermane or tris(trimethylsilyl)germane hydride gave the corresponding vinyl trialkylgermane, or tris(trimethylsilyl)germane uracil derivatives. During the hydrogermylation with triphenylgermane, besides the vinyl triphenylgermane uracil derivatives, 5-[2-(triphenylgermyl)acetyl]uracil was also isolated and characterized and the origin of the acetyl oxygen was clarified. Tris(trimethylsilyl)germane uracil derivatives were coupled to aryl halides but with decent yield. Iron-mediated regio- and stereoselective hydrosulfonylation of the 5-ethynyl pyrimidine analogues with sulfonyl chloride or sulfonyl hydrazine to give 5-(1-halo-2-tosyl)vinyluracil nucleoside derivatives has been developed. Nucleophilic substitution of the 5-(β-halovinyl)sulfonyl nucleosides with various nucleophiles have been performed to give highly functionalized 5-vinyl pyrimidine nucleosides via the addition-elimination mechanism. The 5-(β-keto)sulfonyluracil derivative has also been synthesized via the aerobic difunctionalization of 5-ethynyluracil analogue with sulfinic acid in the presence of catalytic amount of pyridine. Silver catalyzed hydroazidation of protected 2'-deoxy-5-ethynyluridine with TMSN3 in the presence of catalytic amount of water to give 5-(α-azidovinyl)uracil nucleoside derivatives was developed. Strain promoted Click reaction of the 5-(α-azidovinyl)uracil with cyclooctyne provide the corresponding fully conjugated triazole product.
Palladium nanoparticles have been immobilized into an amino-functionalized metal-organic framework (MOF), MIL-101Cr-NH2, to form Pd@MIL-101Cr-NH2. Four materials with different loadings of palladium have been prepared (denoted as 4-, 8-, 12-, and 16wt%Pd@MIL-101Cr-NH2). The effects of catalyst loading and the size and distribution of the Pd nanoparticles on the catalytic performance have been studied. The catalysts were characterized by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), N-2-sorption isotherms, elemental analysis, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). To better characterize the palladium nanoparticles and their distribution in MIL-101Cr-NH2, electron tomography was employed to reconstruct the 3D volume of 8wt%Pd@MIL-101Cr-NH2 particles. The pair distribution functions (PDFs) of the samples were extracted from total scattering experiments using high-energy X-rays (60keV). The catalytic activity of the four MOF materials with different loadings of palladium nanoparticles was studied in the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction. The best catalytic performance was obtained with the MOF that contained 8wt% palladium nanoparticles. The metallic palladium nanoparticles were homogeneously distributed, with an average size of 2.6nm. Excellent yields were obtained for a wide scope of substrates under remarkably mild conditions (water, aerobic conditions, room temperature, catalyst loading as low as 0.15mol%). The material can be recycled at least 10times without alteration of its catalytic properties.