983 resultados para blood loss
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic enucleation for neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors has become a feasible technique, with a reported incidence of pancreatic fistula ranging from 13 to 29 %.1 (-) 3 This report describes the first successful case of laparoscopic pancreatic enucleation with resection of the main pancreatic duct followed by end-to-end anastomosis. METHODS: A 41-year-old woman was admitted to the authors' hospital for repeated syncope. Hypoglycemia also was noted. A contrast-enhanced computed tomography examination showed a highly enhanced tumor measuring 22 mm in diameter on the ventral side of the pancreatic body adjacent to the main pancreatic duct. The patient's blood insulin level was elevated, and her diagnosis was determined to be pancreatic insulinoma. Laparoscopic pancreatic enucleation was performed. Approximately 2 cm of the main pancreatic duct was segmentally resected, and a short stent (Silicone tube: Silastic, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI) was inserted. The direct anastomosis of the main pancreatic duct was performed using four separate sutures with an absorbable monofilament (6-0 PDS). RESULTS: The operation time was 166 min, and the estimated blood loss was 100 mL. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged from hospital on postoperative day 7. The pathologic findings showed a well-differentiated insulinoma and a negative surgical margin. A computed tomography examination performed 1 month after the operation showed a successful anastomosis with a patent main pancreatic duct. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic segmental resection of the main pancreatic duct and end-to-end anastomosis can be performed safely with the insertion of a short stent. This technique also can be used for a central pancreatectomy.
Background: Colonoscopy is usually proposed for the evaluation of lower gastrointestinal blood loss (hematochezia) or iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Clinical practice guidelines support this approach but formal evidence is lacking. Real clinical scenarios made available on the web would be of great help in decision-making in clinical practice as to whether colonoscopy is appropriate for a given patient. Method: A multidisciplinary multinational expert panel (EPAGE II) developed appropriateness criteria based on best published evidence (systematic reviews, clinical trials, guidelines) and experts' judgement. Using the explicit RAND Appropriateness Method (3 round of experts' votes and a panel meeting) 102 clinical scenarios were judged inappropriate, uncertain, appropriate, or necessary. Results: In IDA, colonoscopy was appropriate in patients >50 years and necessary in the presence of lower abdominal symptoms. In both men and women aged <50 years, colonoscopy was appropriate if prior sigmoidoscopy and/or gastroscopy did not explain the IDA, and necessary if lower gastrointestinal symptoms were present. In women <50 years with a potential gynecological cause, additional lower gastrointestinal symptoms rendered colonoscopy appropriate. In patients >50 years with hematochezia, colonoscopy was always appropriate and mostly necessary, except if a prior colonoscopy was normal within the previous 5 years. Under age 50 years, the presence of any risk factor for colorectal cancer (CRC) and no previous normal colonoscopy (within the last 5 years) made this procedure appropriate and necessary. Conclusion: Colonoscopy is appropriate and even necessary for many indications related to iron deficiency anemia or hematochezia, in particular in patients aged >50 years. The main factors influencing appropriateness are age, results of prior investigations (sigmoidoscopy, gastroscopy, previous colonoscopy), CRC risk and sex. EPAGE II appropriateness criteria are available on www.epage.ch
From August 91 to December 94, 20 external fixators were used for severely injured patients (avg. ISS 25.2). The fractures were essentially open book with or without lateral compression and vertical lesions. The indication for fixation was treatment of shock and stabilization in 8 cases, stabilization alone in 9 cases, and in 3 cases as complementary fixation after internal fixation of posterior lesions. The fixation of the pelvis was effective on the amount of blood loss. One acetabulum fracture required surgery, two patients had internal fixation for loss of reduction and two others for late pubic and posterior pain. The clinical results are good; they are more related to the severity of the initial lesion than to the mode of fixation or the quality of the reduction. No superficial sepsis or osteitis was observed in relation to the pins.
Fibrin glue products and collagen patches are frequently used as a sealing product, preventing surgical side bleedings. This is especially true in the field of cardiovascular surgery, where increasing numbers of patients are being operated with antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy. The aim of this report was, in an in vitro hemodynamic setting, to examine the sealant properties of the TachoSil (Nycomed Pharma, Linz, Austria) patch. Burst pressure and normal force of 15 TachoSil sealed defects were measured. This was determined in a closed hydraulic system. Mean burst pressure load for a 5-mm defect was 69+/-11.4 mmHg; for a 7-mm defect was 63+/-16 mmHg; and, 62+/-16 mmHg for the defect with a diameter of 10 mm (P>0.05). The mean calculated normal force was as follows: 0.91+/-0.15 N for the 5 mm defect, 6.5+/-1.6 N for the 7 mm, and 8.1+/-0.75 N for the 10 mm defect. The TachoSil patch has the capability to seal small defects. However, at the larger defects the seal character was significantly reduced. These results suggest that the device may be a good alternative for hemostasis for small defects. The capacity to curtail or stop hemorrhage at the larger defects is unlikely.
OBJECTIVES: Long occlusions in calcified crural arteries are a major cause of endovascular technical failure in patients with critical limb ischaemia. Therefore, distal bypasses are mainly performed in patients with heavily calcified arteries and with consequently delicate clamping. A new reverse thermosensitive polymer (RTP) is an alternative option to occlude target vessels. The aim of the study is to report our technical experience with RTP and to assess its safety and efficiency to temporarily occlude small calcified arteries during anastomosis time. METHODS: Between July 2010 and December 2011, we used RTP to occlude crural arteries in 20 consecutive patients with 20 venous distal bypasses. We recorded several operative parameters, such as volume of injected RTP, duration of occlusion and anastomotic time. Quality of occlusion was subjectively evaluated. Routine on-table angiography was performed to search for plug emboli. Primary patency, limb salvage and survival rates were reported at 6 months. RESULTS: In all patients, crural artery occlusion was achieved with the RTP without the use of an adjunct occlusion device. Mean volume of RTP used was 0.3 ml proximally and 0.25 ml distally. Mean duration of occlusion was 14.4 ± 4.5 min, while completion of the distal anastomosis lasted 13.4 ± 4.3 min. Quality of occlusion was judged as excellent in eight cases and good in 12 cases. Residual plugs were observed in two patients and removed with an embolectomy catheter, before we amended the technique for dissolution of RTP. At 6 months, primary patency rate was 75% but limb salvage rate was 87.5%. The 30-day mortality rate was 10%. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that RTP is safe when properly dissolved and effective to occlude small calcified arteries for completion of distal anastomosis.
PURPOSE: (1) To assess the outcomes of minimally invasive simple prostatectomy (MISP) for the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia in men with large prostates and (2) to compare them with open simple prostatectomy (OSP). METHODS: A systematic review of outcomes of MISP for benign prostatic hyperplasia with meta-analysis was conducted. The article selection process was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. RESULTS: Twenty-seven observational studies with 764 patients were analyzed. The mean prostate volume was 113.5 ml (95 % CI 106-121). The mean increase in Qmax was 14.3 ml/s (95 % CI 13.1-15.6), and the mean improvement in IPSS was 17.2 (95 % CI 15.2-19.2). Mean duration of operation was 141 min (95 % CI 124-159), and the mean intraoperative blood loss was 284 ml (95 % CI 243-325). One hundred and four patients (13.6 %) developed a surgical complication. In comparative studies, length of hospital stay (WMD -1.6 days, p = 0.02), length of catheter use (WMD -1.3 days, p = 0.04) and estimated blood loss (WMD -187 ml, p = 0.015) were significantly lower in the MISP group, while the duration of operation was longer than in OSP (WMD 37.8 min, p < 0.0001). There were no differences in improvements in Qmax, IPSS and perioperative complications between both procedures. The small study sizes, publication bias, lack of systematic complication reporting and short follow-up are limitations. CONCLUSIONS: MISP seems an effective and safe treatment option. It provides similar improvements in Qmax and IPSS as OSP. Despite taking longer, it results in less blood loss and shorter hospital stay. Prospective randomized studies comparing OSP, MISP and laser enucleation are needed to define the standard surgical treatment for large prostates.
Objectifs La chirurgie pancréatique reste associée à une morbidité postopératoire importante. Les efforts sont concentrés la plupart du temps sur la diminution de cette morbidité, mais la détection précoce de patients à risque de complications pourrait être une autre stratégie valable. Un score simple de prédiction des complications après duodénopancréatectomie céphalique a récemment été publié par Braga et al. La présente étude a pour but de valider ce score et de discuter de ses possibles implications cliniques. Méthodes De 2000 à 2015, 245 patients ont bénéficié d'une duodénopancréatectomie céphalique dans notre service. Les complications postopératoires ont été recensées selon la classification de Dindo et Clavien. Le score de Braga se base sur quatre paramètres : le score ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists), la texture du pancréas, le diamètre du canal de Wirsung (canal pancréatique principal) et les pertes sanguines intra-opératoires. Un score de risque global de 0 à 15 peut être calculé pour chaque patient. La puissance de discrimination du score a été calculée en utilisant une courbe ROC (receiver operating characteristic). Résultats Des complications majeures sont apparues chez 31% des patients, alors que 17% des patients ont eu des complications majeures dans l'article de Braga. La texture du pancréas et les pertes sanguines étaient statistiquement significativement corrélées à une morbidité accrue. Les aires sous la courbe étaient respectivement de 0.95 et 0.99 pour les scores classés en quatre catégories de risques (de 0 à 3, 4 à 7, 8 à 11 et 12 à 15) et pour les scores individuels (de 0 à 15). Conclusions Le score de Braga permet donc une bonne discrimination entre les complications mineures et majeures. Notre étude de validation suggère que ce score peut être utilisé comme un outil pronostique de complications majeures après duodénopancréatectomie céphalique. Les implications cliniques, c'est-à-dire si les stratégies de prise en charge postopératoire doivent être adaptées en fonction du risque individuel du patient, restent cependant à élucider. -- Objectives Pancreatic surgery remains associated with important morbidity. Efforts are most commonly concentrated on decreasing postoperative morbidity, but early detection of patients at risk could be another valuable strategy. A simple prognostic score has recently been published. This study aimed to validate this score and discuss possible clinical implications. Methods From 2000 to 2012, 245 patients underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy. Complications were graded according to the Dindo-Clavien classification. The Braga score is based on American Society of Anesthesiologists score, pancreatic texture, Wirsung duct diameter, and blood loss. An overall risk score (from 0 to 15) can be calculated for each patient. Score discriminant power was calculated using a receiver operating characteristic curve. Results Major complications occurred in 31% of patients compared to 17% in Braga's data. Pancreatic texture and blood loss were independently statistically significant for increased morbidity. The areas under curve were 0.95 and 0.99 for 4-risk categories and for individual scores, respectively. Conclusions The Braga score discriminates well between minor and major complications. Our validation suggests that it can be used as prognostic tool for major complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy. The clinical implications, i.e., whether postoperative treatment strategies should be adapted according to the patient's individual risk, remain to be elucidated.
OBJECTIVES: Transapical transcatheter valve procedures are performed through a left minithoracotomy and require apical sutures to seal the apical access site. The use of large-calibre devices compromises any attempt to fully perform the procedure with a thoracoscopic approach or percutaneously. We report our preliminary experience in animals with a new sutureless self-expandable apical occluder, engineered to perform transapical access site closure in a minimally invasive setting with large-size introducer sheaths. METHODS: The apical occluder with extendable waist was implanted in six young pigs during an acute animal study. Under general anaesthesia, animals (mean weight: 62 ± 8 kg) received full heparinization (heparin: 100 UI/kg; activated clotting time above 250 s). Through a median sternotomy, a 21-Fr Certitude? introducer sheath (outer diameter: 25 Fr) was placed over the wire into the cardiac apex. The delivery catheter carrying the constrained apical plug was inserted into the sheath and deployed under fluoroscopic control, whereas the Certitude? was retrieved. After protamine infusion, we observed and recorded the 1-h bleeding with standard haemodynamic parameters. Animals were sacrificed, and hearts analysed. RESULTS: Six apical closure devices were successfully introduced and deployed in six pig hearts through large-size apical sheaths at first attempt. In all animals, the plugs guaranteed immediate apical sealing and traces of blood were collected in the pericardium during the 1-h observational period (mean of 16 ± 3.4 ml of blood loss per animal). Haemodynamic parameters remained stable during the entire study period and no plug dislodgement was detected with normal systemic blood pressure (mean arterial mean blood pressure: 65 ± 7 mmHg). Post-mortem analysis confirmed the full deployment and good fixation of all plugs, without macroscopic damages to the surrounding myocardium. CONCLUSIONS: This sutureless self-expandable apical occluder is a simple device capable of sealing large-size apical access sites (20-35 Fr) in an acute animal study. This approach is a step further towards less invasive transapical valve procedures in the clinical setting, and further animal tests will be performed to confirm the long-term efficacy and safety of this device.
BACKGROUND: To study the 'metabolic profile' of different surgical procedures and correlate it with pertinent surgical details and postoperative complications. METHODS: We conducted a prospective pilot study of 70 patients, ten for each of the seven following groups: (1) laparoscopic cholecystectomy, (2) incisional hernia repair, (3) laparoscopic and (4) open colon surgery, (5) upper gastrointestinal, (6) hepatic, and (7) pancreatic resections. Biochemical assessment included white blood cell count (WBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), glucose, triglycerides (TG), albumin (Alb), and pre-albumin (Pre-Alb), from the day before surgery until 5 days thereafter. Biological markers were compared for major versus minor surgery groups, which were defined on a clinical basis. Univariable analysis was used to identify risk factors for postoperative complications and p < 0.05 was the significance threshold. RESULTS: Common findings in all surgery groups were the acute inflammatory response (↑: WBC, CRP, ↓: TG, Alb, pre-Alb). Using cut-off values of 240 min operative (OR) time and 300 ml estimated blood loss (EBL), laparoscopic cholecystectomy, incisional hernia repair, and laparoscopic colectomy could be distinguished from open colectomy, upper gastrointestinal, liver, and pancreas resections. In a biochemical level, increased CRP and reduced postoperative Alb levels were highly discriminative of all types of 'major surgery.' Significant risk factors for postoperative complications were age, male gender, malignancy, longer OR time, higher blood loss, high CRP, and low Alb levels. CONCLUSIONS: Biochemically, CRP and Alb levels can help quantify the magnitude of the surgical trauma, which is correlated with adverse outcomes.
OBJECTIVES: Pancreatic surgery remains associated with important morbidity. Efforts are most commonly concentrated on decreasing postoperative morbidity, but early detection of patients at risk could be another valuable strategy. A simple prognostic score has recently been published. This study aimed to validate this score and discuss possible clinical implications. METHODS: From 2000 to 2012, 245 patients underwent a pancreaticoduodenectomy. Complications were graded according to the Dindo-Clavien Classification. The Braga score is based on American Society of Anesthesiologists score, pancreatic texture, Wirsung duct diameter, and blood loss. An overall risk score (0-15) can be calculated for each patient. Score discriminant power was calculated using a receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTS: Major complications occurred in 31% of patients compared with 17% in Braga's data. Pancreatic texture and blood loss were independently statistically significant for increased morbidity. Areas under the curve were 0.95 and 0.99 for 4-risk categories and for individual scores, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The Braga score discriminates well between minor and major complications. Our validation suggests that it can be used as a prognostic tool for major complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy. The clinical implications, that is, whether postoperative treatment strategies should be adapted according to the patient's individual risk, remain to be elucidated.
AIMS: To investigate and quantify the clinical benefits of early versus delayed application of Thomas splints in patients with isolated femur shaft fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Level IV retrospective clinical and radiological analysis of patients presenting from January to December 2012 at a Level 1 Trauma Unit. All skeletally mature patients with isolated femur shaft fractures independently of their mechanism of injury were included. Exclusion criteria were: ipsilateral fracture of the lower limb, neck and supracondylar femur fractures, periprosthetic and incomplete fractures. Their clinical records were analysed for blood transfusion requirements, pulmonary complications, surgery time, duration of hospital stay and analgesic requirements. RESULTS: A total of 106 patients met our inclusion criteria. There were 74 males and 32 females. Fifty seven (54%) patients were in the 'early splinted' group and 49 patients (46%) were in the 'delayed splinted' group (P>0.05). The need for blood transfusion was significantly reduced in the 'early splinted' group (P=0.04). There was a significantly higher rate of pulmonary complications in the 'delayed splinted' group (P=0.008). All other parameters were similar between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The early application of Thomas splints for isolated femur fractures in non-polytraumatised patients has a clinically and statistically significant benefit of reducing the need for blood transfusions and the incidence of pulmonary complications.
During transapical transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TA-TAVR), the apical closure remains a challenge for the surgeon, having the risk for ventricular tear and massive bleeding. Apical closure devices are already under clinical evaluation, but only a few can lead to a full percutaneous TA-TAVR. We describe the successful use of a 9-mm myocardial occluder (ventricular septal defect occluder) that was used to seal the apex after a standard TA-TAVR (using the Sapien XT 23-mm transcatheter valve and the Ascendra + delivery system). The placement of the nonmodified myocardial occluder was performed through the Ascendra + delivery system, with a very small amount of blood loss and an acceptable sealing of the apical tear. This approach is feasible and represents a further step toward true-percutaneous transapical heart valve procedures. Modified apical occluders are under evaluation in animal models.
Cesarean section (CS) is now the most common major surgical procedure performed on women worldwide. A quarter of deliveries in Spain are performed by cesarean section. With the increasing rates of the operation, there is the need to use evidence-based techniques to optimize outcomes and minimize complications. The goal of this study is to employ a well-designed randomized controlled trial to evaluate the intraoperative blood loss of two surgical techniques for cesarean section, the Pelosi-type and the modified Misgav-Ladach. The trial will take place in Hospital Universitari de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta From 2014 to 2015, 512 pregnant women undergoing delivery by their first lower segment cesarean section in this center will be selected through a consecutive nonprobability sampling. We will collect the main obstetrical characteristics, intraoperative outcomes, short-term outcomes for the baby and postoperative outcomes. We will evaluate the intraoperative blood loss by comparing the changes in hemoglobin levels, pre and postoperatively. Patients will be followed during the postoperative period and in a two-week postoperative appointment. We will analyze the continuous variables, such as the differences in hemoglobin levels, using an unpaired two-sided Student’s t-test, while for the categorical variables Fischer’s exact test will be used
With the improvement of laparoscopic techniques, endoscopic liver surgery has become feasible. While laparoscopic wedge liver resection are performed more frequently, laparoscopic (anatomical or nonanatomical) liver resection are still at an early stage of development and are somewhat controversial. We reporte laparoscopic hepatic resection without use of sophisticated laparoscopic instruments. A 47-year-old woman underwent radical mastectomy for adenocarcinoma in 1995. 1n the postoperative follow-up presented, a lesion in the left hepatic lobe and, after laparoscopic approach, left lateral segmentectomy was performed. The hepatic resection elapsed without complications. The surgical time was 4 hours and the blood loss was minimal, without transfusion being necessary.The abdominal drain was removed in 24 hours and the patient was discharged in the second postoperative day. Compared to the classic approach by laparotomy, this method was less traumatic, required a shorter hospital stay, and followed by faster recovery.
Hemosuccus pancreaticus is a unusual syndrome manifested by hemorrhage into the pancreatic duct and by blood loss through the ampulla of Vater: It may be caused by tumors, arteriovenous malformation, pancreatic lithiasis, aneurism rupture from adjacent vessels, or erosion of pancreatic and peripancreatic vessels due to chronic pancreatitis. The authors describe a case of massive and recurrent gastrointestinal upper hemorrhage in a 26-year-old man without known risk factors for pancreatitis. This man underwent urgent surgery due to gastrointestinal bleeding during the ínvestigation. During the procedure, blood was found in the intestinal lumen and a tumor in the head of pancreas with two centimeters of diameter: A gastroduodenopancreatectomy was performed. Histological study showed chronic pancreatitis with a fistula from the pancreatic vessels to the Wirsung duct. The patient was discharged without postoperative complications and after months, remains assymptomatic.